twelve sky 2 skill guide

For 100-112, You grind on Serpent knights. learn only atack multi hit skill. Twelve Sky was a free-to-play, martial arts-based MMORPG from Alt1 and Aeria Games. They have a chance of dropping unique and rare skills. Skill guide Build for 12Sky2 Guides on GameXploits. If your going to AoE, max your AoE skill. When you hit 16, your stats should like the the pic below. Continue to buy Chi Pills M tho! Once you get use to it, grind on more. Welcome to visit Goldicq! When you hit level 19, you can either wait for a war or just grind to level 20. Once you reach level 10, go to the herbalist and grab some pills. You are going to wanna stay on Dreadlords until level 45. As you grind, max out AOE first. Now level the level 30 skill up to level 22, and buy only (M) chi pills, they both take up to 252 chi. Go to the cave on the very left of map. PvP yaparken tek skıll kullanıyorsun boss ve taş keserken diğer 2 skıllı kullanıyorsun.Koca oyunda totalde 165 level kasıyorsun ama kullandığın sadece 3 skıll :D Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kuralsiz111 -- 20 Şubat 2017; 13:7:30 > You should now get your lvl 30 skills as soon as you can. Gratz you’re level 7 o.o You should have 6 skill points and use them to get your basic skills. You should run into a Disloyal Madien or Exiled Vagabond. Been busy lately sorry D; This guide is basically a info on getting to g1-4 quick and other bits of info you […] Twelve Sky (12 Sky OB Guide Eklendi.) TwelveSky 2 Classic. twelvesky2 gold in game for your character.12sky2 Gold) 40+ you would pump str/vit about evenly. If you would prefer to use the Area of Effect attack skill, pick the Offence weapon because it does the most damage of all the weapons. So if you want to grind on these guys, Make sure your Defense is up high (by enchanting armor). The effects of this cash item stacks with Phoenix Tears and Druid's Pill. I've been playing since MAYN's CBT, and no, your gonna use 6th for pvp between m1-m33, your gonna use 7th for bosses, your gonna use lvl 30 skills from lvl 1-m1, and your gonna use 9th and 10th from g1-g12 r12 If you are a fan of Wuxia, you will definitely LOVE TwelveSky2! I stopped at 50 because exp was getting slow and I could get better exp somewhere else They drop 55 rares and rare skills, which is good. Two choices for this path, one use a renesance sutra (clears all skills) and get the defense skills. 420; Doubles your Pet EXP and Character EXP Gain for 70 Minutes, up to a maximum duration of 300 Minutes. Kill These guys til level 7. The rest max out, (except the other offensive skills.) at lvl 20+ learn runing skill but do not put points in to it. You can get pretty good stuff from these guys but the only bad thing is that you have to gather them, they are not aggro. Try and get 85 power weap, armor and ring. Power Weapons are…. Twelve Sky 2 Classic. TwelveSky 2 is a remake or some say a sequel for TwelveSky both developed by Gigassoft or now known as Alt1. Then you can AoE with your build, and the M hp elixers will make this easy. Its important for pvp later on. When you win you get 10% and 100k. Killing 5 weak mobs that give 1% is faster. grind on these til level 90. Amalgate SP . Your str should remain around 76ish, you can put it a bit higher tho. (Adept1 - above). Centered on the reemergence of a new faction, players must fight for the honor of their brothers or turn their backs in their hour of need. What is TwelveSky 2? Heavenly Paradise Update. Duplicate this setup and vary the skills on your alternate skill bars for PvP, PvE, 12sky2 Gold and buffs. Achieving maximum efficiency is what power levelling is all about. If you need more hp from pills, go and buy HP pills L. When you ever you get in town, go grab the Stun/anti-stun skill and the jump skill, max them in any order. They are NOT agro so you have to pull them yourself. Bloodstained Shop Update. Twelve Sky 2 Marble Guide by wassupjock1 …and ranged weapons-in-general-guide. The biggest problem of Twelve Sky 2 is not with the game’s lacking aesthetics, animations, or even with the combat.Twelve Sky 2’s major flaw resides in the fact that it has absolutely nothing going for it outside of grinding. like below ;3 Oh and your stats should look like below also. At level 90-100 pump your stat points in str. Do all quests, if you want to, skip the battle quests. List of the Skill and uses.. And? Remember put about 10 on chi enough to cast you are skill.Twelve Sky2 Gold and then you should be in a .. You have an option to grind on another mob. When i hit level 19 war popped up and luckily i was level 19 with 90% so if i won war i would be level 20. (Premium Members Only) Popular Sections SWTOR Cheats Guild Wars 2 Cheats Guild Wars 2 Hacks Guild Wars 2 Bots Diablo 3 Cheats Guild Wars 2 Mods: The mobs i chose to grind on are below. When you hit lvl 65 start grinding on those Kickmaster maidens. Its extremely slow compared to 5th multi skill. 1st. I was lucky enough to find a unique spear lvl 16 so i used that instead of the common one at the blacksmith. Level 30-39:CONGRATZ! Charged Fist ¦ Single hit ¦ Level D1 10th. These are going be hard levels since your pill usage is going be limited, unless you get lucky, and you can't kill mini bosses or AoE. 1.1 Gameplay: 1.2 Graphics: 1.3 System Requirements: 300px|leftTwelve Sky 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). 8th. They aren’t friendly so KILL THEM! A few dungeon instances, hourly battlefields and a solid fighting system really can’t save the game from being a somewhat lesser version of Min … 2.BEGINING. Berserkers are in the middle. Rebirth System: R7 - R12. If you have trouble finding the quest NPCs, press H and you’ll be able to see where each person is at. After this max your stunning move. Only thing bad about these guys is that they hurt like poo. By Flesh♥ A simple guide explaining the basics of the game for new and returning players ... Garudas Prayer, 6th and 7th skills as well as 55 rares, you will grind on them till 65 and hopefully get a skill or 2. Stat Build: Same old Same old.Skill Build: If you have lots of money and can afford L chi pills, max your level 30 multi. First of all the level 1 skills. Level 65-90 Keep grinding in the cave til about level 80. There is an option here, try and find more apes or start getting use to the aoe grind. I’m using jin because I never made one before lol. Your hp should be high enough to aoe them fine. Then, by simply changing you skill bar, you can access any of your skills while keeping pills constantly at the ready. Skip the second Mob in the cave. Twelve Sky 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by ALT1.. Set in Ancient China, players are thrown into an age old conflict between three warring Clans. Later do just like it's wrote in this Guide. You’ll see Unholy Escort leaders. Get five-star point, then level your multi-attack. Pick up common rings and neckys! This is the most efficient setup and allows you to replace essential hp pills quickly. If you can find the Level 30 Multi and Single hit skill (also called 4th and 5th skill), make sure to grab them. The lists includes the monster's name, its level and the item it drops. Skills you should be trying to find, level 30 Multi/single hit (aka 4th and 5th) and the level 60 (6th skill) single hit for your power weapon. This guide CAN work with each faction, except nangin of course lol. They do a double hit so spam those pills! not really much i can say about the guide. You can either get really luck and find good skills to sell/use or be unlucky (like me lol) and get only 2 rares. Once you get a power weapon 45 rare, enchant it with any enchant materials you find. Flow Slash ¦ Multi hit ¦ Level 1 3rd. ... On the right of your skill bar, keep 1 stack of chi pills and to the left of that, 4-6 stacks of hp pills. You get some money and % too for losing so if you are in need of cash, jump on in war even if you are going to lose. (And why everyone underrates them) So lets start off with an explanation. You should start getting (M) HP elixers, and when you have 500 chi and money get L chi PILLS. at about lvl 15 u should have 10 vit to survive minibosses and do good in wars. Heaven … Sıcak Fırsatlarda Bugün En Çok Tıklanan Bağlantılar Gizle . Stat Build: 3 Str: 2 Vit againSkill Build: Your multi skill should be maxed out, start leveing your buff. At start of the game You need some dex to kill mobs. Alot of people in this forum and in game underestimate the power of … Kill these mean Apes til you reach level 10. You gather a lot and they have the double hit attack which can result to death so be sure to spam the pills if needed. Your email address will not be published. After, max out your 1-hit damage increasing skill. Now press C and you’ll see your stat window. Use this guide to get to Master Level 1 (level 113) quickly! These are mini-bosses, they give around 10-14% per kill. Make your str 220-250 before you start adding points in vit again. Stat Build : 3 Str: 2 VitSkill Build: You should just max out every skill at the trainer except you chi recovery (keep at 1), your hp/chi chi helpers. Alter Slash ¦ Single hit ¦ Level 1 2nd. You have an option to kill Frozen Maidens or Evil SwordMaidens. Aoe, Multi , Speed buff, Dmg Buff and Run skill. For experienced gamers, MMORPG. Now level the level 30 skill up to level 22, 112 is one of the hardest levels (to a lot of people). This guide is made and owned by: Monata The creation of that guide took me 2 weeks because I tryed every compilation and these are better from others. Continue to max your multi-attack. So if your tight on money, this is perfect. I’m using jin because I never made one before lol. A really powerful area attack. For now, put all 5 in str to raise your dmg up so you can kill the begining mobs quickly. You want 7k when you hit 90. Place attack skills and the run skill on the left of your skill bar and buff skills in the middle. These guys have the best exp for 112.. they have good drops also. So you want to play Twelve Sky2 or simply want another char? You are going to want to choose the power weapon. Twelve Sky 2 Beat all 5 Stages of Labby Guide, Top Eleven How To Win Against Any Formation Guide, War Thunder Ground Forces Comprehensive Guide. You have an option of AoE grinding the Vagabond of killing Disloyal Maidens, which are the next mini boss for low levels. Killer Wave ¦ Area attack ¦ Level 80(?) Or stick with your offesive weapon. unless you have extra money, and you have all your pills. The quest should be the same as below. Reason why you should stay is to farm up on 45 rares. When you hit lvl 80, you will see exp starts to get slower and slower. ... Level 30-39 in Twelve Sky2 Gold08.19. When you first make your character on ts2, you’ll see that there is 3 factions and 3 weapons to choose from. Go find a good spot with dreadlords in it. I just hear about this "Twelve sky 3" that they said it's gonna be "The Final Sky"link : And use a reduction sutra to erase the level 1 skill. Valentine's Day Contest. Do follow the quests til you reach level 2. The worst Grind on Reanimated Soldiers til 100. Use this guide to get to Master Level 1 (level 113) quickly! When you hit 112, you are going to notice your exp dropped hardcore. *I did NOT reroll jin. Stat Points: Continue with the 3 Str: 2 Vit, and somewhere in between pump in 6 Vit extra. Then finally Demonic Harvesters. You can enchant at the blacksmith. TwelveSky 2 is an adrenaline-pumping MMO Role Play Game. At 112, you have a choice of grinding on 3 mobs. Set in Ancient China, players are thrown into an age old conflict between three warring Clans. :3 You want to put Chi and HP pills M. They are 1 silver each so a 1 stack of 99 would cost… 99 silver. They are good to sell at the NPCs for pill money. Spinning Dragon ¦ Area attack ¦ Level 1 Winter Events. Focus on getting your str back up to 76. Twelve Sky 2 Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. I AoE, which is the area of effect move, these mobs til level 13. Your stats should be similar to mine. I stopped at 43 because there wasn’t many good spots left. Just head out the front gate and say hi! for Level 16-20 pump your stat points in vit! ONLY get if you have elite kat (which gives bonus to it.). This system is uniquely democratic so you can find the best Twelve Sky Guide for … - lvl 5: 5 str - lvl 6: 5 DEX! Twelve sky News & Events & Guides. Guanyin Skill Guide v1.0" by SouLkT92 with Credits to gamengame & 12sky.paran (korean) General Skills Heavenly Serenity: 1 Skillpoint to learn / 20 max | 20sec / 10sec. Use the Gate Master til you find this map, its the same for all factions. You’re stats should be similar to mine. These guys can drop elite gear so its worth grinding on them.. even til master level. Just kill the enemy faction. At low lvls You can have problem … This can be tricky. KEEP putting it in vit til level 13. !!!!REMEMBER!!!! I chose to AoE grind the vagabonds because i couldn’t find much Maidens. Stat Build: 3 Str : 2 VitSkill Build: Max out your stun resistance, and if you got extra points get the jump skill, dont level it though. TwelveSky was like an … Fantastic work and great info..nothing more needs to be said. ____________________________________________________________________________ Level 29-43/45. You are going to want to stay on the bucket Soldiers til 29 or 30. He drops good stuff for you to sell so you can get some HP and Chi Pills. The mobs you grind on in the cave look like… ___________________________________________________________________________, Oh my, You are almost Master level! They are useful later on. 1.2 Inventory and Skill Bar 1.3 Partying 1.4 Boss Hunting 1.5 Stat Build 1.6 Weapon Type 1.7 Skill Selection Reviewing Key Points. Twelve Sky 2 God Level Guide by KonnoV g5-12 just grind on spear demons still lol. Get the level 30 multi skill. from 43-5x (up to you when you wanna stop) you want to grind on Rose Assassins. use the gate master to find this map, then head to the cave to the right of the map… Demonic Harvesters should be the first Mobs in that cave ____________________________________________________________________________, Congratz, you are master level!!!! Fujin: Katana Jin: Spear Guan: Blade This is your best weapon for grinding and pvp. When you press H, it should look like below, When you reach the guard captain in the quest line he should push your exp and you’ll be level 2. yay! 2/21/10. Here is entrance to cave (Its in all faction’s Second map so it should be hard to find for Guans and Fujins), Your AoE Should be maxed by late 20s… Once its maxed, start point skill points in your DMG buff(can be found in support tab). Not enough ratings Starting Player Guide. ALL the mobs are agro so that helps for the AoE Skill. ___________________________________________________________________________ Level 20-29, This is where the grinding begins! :], Where find the demonic Harvesters…. Twelve Sky 2 Classic Black Desert Online RF Online Rumble Fighter Nine Dragons Awaken Twelve Sky 2 Classic NEWS GAME GUIDE FORUMS SUPPORT Bonus Rates Weekend 3x EXP, 3x Drop, and +1 CP! Once its 76, keep pumping it in vit. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2020. Start trying to find you R45 weapon. Community Hub. Mercenaries spawn at the end of the map so be sure to not die because its a long walk back. Now you have to option to join Nangin ;] are you willing to fight beside your faction or betray them and wear a hat ;o, Another m1 that i made. Chi and Dex are useless, believe me. Unless you want better drops. The less … As soon as you get your str to 150, PUMP in vit. ____________________________________________________________________________. Released in Korea around 2008, TS2 have spread west … They should cost around 20-150k(dragon skills), now continue your build, Do all quests. Dental Implants; Flexible Removable Complete Dentures The level 10-19 war is Team Deathmatch really. Inventory And Skill Bar In 12sky2. The bosses should only give a low 2-5% per kill now. Press H if you need to find out the name. This is the first low level mini boss. About the Dental Clinics; Meet the Doctors; Services . Once you reach level 13, head down to the Blacksmith and Tailor to get the level 13 gear. It should be like kill one Kolbod. Flip to the right page with all the skills. You are going to head the cave in the second map. What i did is bought 2 columns of HP tabs and 1 columns of Chi tabs. Note only mods may post here but you can reply to topics. (to make up for first 3 lvls)Skill Build: If you got lucky you'll have lots of money and be able to buy pills to recharge your chi. You SHOULD be fine using HP pills L but if you don’t want to go for constant repilling, using HP tabs S or M. They are expensive so don’t go broke buying them. Suggest you kill the highest possible MOB, because it gives more exp and takes less time to kill. Head over back to the Tailor and blacksmith and grab yourself the lvl 16 set. Vit is the key to survive the grinding in the cave in the second map when you reach level 20. So ti would be 16vit and 31str. Twelve Sky 2 is produced by ALT1 formerly known as Gigassoft and published around the world by various game publishing companies. Your first rare wep. By now you should have a good feel of the mini-bosses and wars. I was lucky enough to find lvl 45 gloves, ring boots and armor while i was grinding there. Alright now that you have your basic skills, head over out the front gate again and find yourself a Great White Ape. ... Twelve Sky 2 Classic > Guides > Flesh♥'s Guides . Just try and find similar mobs and the cave layouts are all the same. Do all quests. Accept the quest that the guard captain gives you. You can't really learn them on level 1 because you don't have the skill points, but there's not really a level needed for these. Skill guide Build, 12Sky2 Guides, Twelve Sky 2 Guides go outside and meet your first Kolbod. You want to run to that cave and grind there. Level 50-59:Don't buy the r55 wep. Also! It should look like below. Head out of the cave and head to the end of the 4th map. I stopped at 29 because i ran out of pills xD Make sure to pick up Uniques, mainly spear, armor, ring, necky, gloves and boots. Stat Build: 3 Str: 2 Vit, you should b able to tank bosses fairly easily by now.Skill Build: Get your multi lvl 22, then continue to max your buff. Part … You are going to grind at Mercenaries til level 20. Use the web item mall and relog to get your ap item, should be in the bank, *Rare Skills you need to be finding (or buy) o.o Heaven’s Shield – Gives 50% extra HP Heaven’s Blow -Increase chance of deadly blow Guarda Prayer – gives 50% more luck Thunder Hale (6th kat skill, fujin) Falling Sky (6th spear skill, Jin) Fire Burst (6th Blade skill, Guan Do not get 7th multi skill. Skill that should be maxed are: DMG buff, Attack Speed buff, AoE and Run. Stats! Explore an imaginative world, filled with Martial Arts and Adventure, as you delve into the intricate tapestry of Ancient China. Maximum Efficiency Overview. ____________________________________________________________________________ Level 5x-65 When you get around 50-55, go to the 4th map. Serpent Knights are easy to kill and good for farming… but its low exp rate. TwelveSky 2 is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. -----When you reach Deity Level, you can learn two more skills.. 9th. ONLY focus on Str and Vit. took me about 3 and a half hours because i d/c and was looking around for gears a lot >_<, why i dint get quest i go to guard captain tuo and i cant see the “!” symbol. If you go over 60% in enchanting, there is a risk of the item being broken. When you start, you’ll notice some old guy telling you that he has quest for you. Sale: Winter Premium Box. There should be a cave there also. You want 150str before you start adding it up in vit again. These mobs drop 85 rares! If you hit 7k before, like i did, start getting your str up to 200. at 90 ____________________________________________________________________________ Level 90-100 Nothing really much to say, by now you should be some what familiar with the game and don’t really need my help. ANY WEAPON: - lvl 2: 5 str - lvl 3: 5 str - lvl 4: 5 DEX! If not keep it at level 22, and max your buff, then start maxing your clan buff. If you don’t have enough to support yourself, kill some more apes to get your money up. twelve sky 2 skill drop guide Download twelve sky 2 skill drop guide Twelve Sky 2 Warlord Rare and Elite Guide Twelve Sky 2 Beat all 5 Stages of Labby Guide Twelve Sky 2 Upgrading Rares Guide Twelve Sky 2 How to Farm Elites Guide The Luck-Based Mission is a bane to many gamers because if luck is not with you, you ll lose. The elite skill for the Marble is the wargod. Level 11-19:These levels should be easier, now you should see a type of monster which will stick out from the rest, and are insanely stronger. Welcome! Guys I will be uploading a vid of NEW max lvls (15 more lvls after A33), new skills and new pets very soon ! You are going to grind there til 90. As soon as you got your level 13 gear head out to the front gate keep going out. Set in ancient China, Twelve Sky put players in the middle of … You want to have around 430ish Vit and 300ish str by the time you hit m1. The herbalist is in town so no pic needed. Congrats, you were smart enough to pick a server and make a character! Twelve Sky 2 Master Level Quickly Guide by KonnoV. *I did NOT reroll jin. Level 40-49:Yay! This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. When you max all those head to the skill trainer and get the charge skill. Level 60-69:Get the r65 weapon, try to upgrade it to 60%, sell your r45 one. Grind on These til lvl 16 The monsters should look like below. (make sure to find a lvl 5-7 spear while you grind on here). Keep pumping your stat points into vit. I will update whenever i get motivation to. These are extremely rare. Mon to Sat | 10 am to 8 pm | Call:+91-9810198926, Email: About . All monsters drop pets and all 100+ monsters drop any Elites and don't work by the means of drop rate. Twelve Sky 2 Master Level Quickly Guide by KonnoV. Start buying HP pills L, you probably wont survive grinding on the kicking girlies. Levels 0-10:Pick the offensive weapon. Thank you! I forgot to take a pic after i took the stats but I just put 10 more in vit and 5 in str. You should kill these.Do all quests. 12sky2 News & Events & Guides. ____________________________________________________________________________ Level 4x-5x Head down to your 3rd map. lvl 20-29 Pump all your new stat points to vit. There are probably many MMORPGs in the computer gaming world, but let me tell you about TwelveSky 2. Levels 20-29:Congratz your almost ready for your lvl 30 skills. So you want to play Twelve Sky2 or simply want another char? Then go 3 Str: 2 VitSkill Build: Get your running skill, don't level it up. 1 What is Twelve Sky 2? *This guide is if you are trying to HARDCORE GRIND, not casual :3, *If you ever find yourself too broke to do anything and can’t do war. First 10 lvls put all to str. I got GP from them while i was grinding this character. Hill or High Water 5k Run / 1 Mile Fun Walk Hill or High Water 5k Run / 1 Mile Fun Walk you should try to spend your money on enchanting it to 60%, this will help greatly. Keep buying HP/Chi Pills M, you should be able to survive fine. This quest is important because you need to finish that and be level 10 to talk in faction chat. Buy some AP and help benefit you and this awesome company called aeriagames. Put all points in multihit skill only! Get in team if can. If you can survive this, you can survive grinding to M33 (level 145). Stat Points: For first 3 levels put all Str. This is a list of all the monsters in the game. Now what? Start off only aoeing 3-4. from 50-65 pump your stat points all in str, you have enough hp to survive that cave with adding points in vit. work in progress. Just try to level up. 12Sky2 - Twelve Sky 2 - Guides / Secrets / Tricks that are confirmed to be working. Stat Build: SameSkill Build: Max your lvl 30 multi now, then your weapon buff, then finally max your clan buff. " In slow leveling and no PvP dex can be an option, but this games is all about PvP and vit is so much more than dex in PvP. Optional items:Defensive weapon (HS,DB or LB)Renesance Sutra Reduction Sutra. This guide CAN work with each faction, except nangin of course lol. All Games > Free to Play Games > TwelveSky 2 Classic.

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