the hazard communication standard includes

OSHA proposes adding a note to Table B.11.1. This proposed change would provide more clarity on the definition and classification of oxidizing gases and lead to more accurate classification and improved communication. A.0.2.1 There is no requirement for testing chemicals. Larger employers were estimated to have greater familiarization costs for the 2012 HCS final rule because they have more managers. For example, “Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection” could read “wear eye protection”. In addition to directly enhancing worker protections through improved hazard communication, updating the HCS (based on the GHS) will also improve the availability of important information to support larger efforts to address workplace hazards. The ERG report concluded that sizes and pressures of compressed gas cylinders far exceed those of hand-held containers typically used for aerosol products (ERG, 2015, Document ID 0009). OSHA also proposes to add a new paragraph (g), providing that when specific chemical data or information is not available, SDS preparers must indicate if alternative information is used and the method used to derive the information (e.g., where the preparer is using information from a class of chemicals rather than the exact chemical in question and using structure activity relationships (SAR) to derive the toxicological information). The agency has preliminarily determined that the proposed revisions will enhance the effectiveness of the HCS by ensuring employees are appropriately apprised of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed, thus reducing the incidence of chemical-related occupational illnesses and injuries. For example, in the GHS Rev. code. The health professional, and the employer or contractor of the services of the health professional (i.e. 7 (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060), OSHA is not proposing to add the conditional statement that appears in C.4.14 because, by definition, desensitized explosives are phlegmatized to suppress their explosive properties, and therefore the “Keep wetted with. In addition, the manufacturer, importer, and distributor shall clearly note in sections 7 and 9 of the SDS if an alternate calculation was used for storage purposes. Note: Neither a Series 1 type (a) propagation of detonation test nor a Series 2 type (a) test of sensitivity to detonative shock is necessary if the exothermic decomposition energy of organic materials is less than 800 J/g. A. When classifying an untested mixture based on the hazards of its ingredients, cut-off values/concentration limits for the classified ingredients of the mixture are used for several hazard classes. This methodology was modeled after an approach used by the Environmental Protection Agency. 7 (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060; UN GHS, 2012, Document ID 0152; UN GHS, 2012, Document ID 0153). The CPDA comments included a summary of cost estimates associated with relabeling non-pesticide agricultural chemical products in distribution. In addition, OSHA stated in the 2012 FEA that “[i]t is conceivable that actual benefits might be somewhat lower, but because the GHS is expected to result, in some situations, in more timely and appropriate treatment of exposed workers, OSHA expects that actual benefits may be larger, perhaps several times larger.” (77 FR 17621). [26] Stakeholders are also able to provide comments on these proposals in writing via OSHA's docket for International/Globally Harmonized System (GHS) (Docket No. OSHA proposes to add a definition for immediate outer package to mean the first packaging enclosing the container of hazardous chemical. . Distributor means a business, other than a chemical manufacturer or importer, which supplies hazardous chemicals to other distributors or to employers. Exposure to hazardous chemicals is one of the most serious threats to the health of employees in oil and gas industries. Any gas which may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more than air does. In particular, it specifies for each hazard, and for each class within the hazard, what signal word, pictogram, and hazard statement should be used. 7, in Chapter, provides additional guidance on the classification of flammable gases, including the new hazard categories of pyrophoric gases, chemically unstable gases, and 1B flammable gases (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060). The language OSHA is proposing to add at the end of that sentence (“under normal conditions of use and foreseeable emergencies”) simply reiterates the scope language currently in paragraph (b)(2) and OSHA's longstanding position that hazard classification must cover the normal conditions of use and foreseeable emergencies. For a composite aerosol formulation, the chemical heat of combustion is the summation of the weighted heats of combustion for the individual components, as follows: ΔHc = chemical heat of combustion (kJ/g); wi% = mass fraction of component i in the product; ΔHc(i) = specific heat of combustion (kJ/g) of component i in the product; The chemical heats of combustion shall be found in literature, calculated or determined by tests (See ASTM D240-02; ISO 13943, Sections 86.1 to 86.3; and NFPA 30B (incorporated by reference; See § 1910.6)). Finally, OSHA realized that a note regarding cross-classification of aerosols was inadvertently omitted from appendix B.6 (flammable liquids). The development of these test methods led to updates in Chapter 3.2 on skin corrosion/irritation that incorporated new in vitro test methods, and computational and in silico techniques, to classify chemicals for this category of hazard (UN GHS, 2018, Document ID 0242). Thus, if a substance is unclassified because specific target organ toxicity observed was considered not relevant or significant to humans, if subsequent human incident data become available showing a specific target organ toxic effect, the substance shall be classified. OSHA discusses some changes in general terms and indicates where those changes occur. 7 definition of a chemically unstable gas, i.e., a flammable gas that is able to react explosively even in the absence of air or oxygen (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060), in paragraph B.2.1. (b) Narcotic effects observed in animal studies may include lethargy, lack of coordination righting reflex, narcosis, and ataxia. 63. OSHA notes that the statements OSHA is proposing to add to the prevention column for Tables C.4.22 (pyrophoric liquids) and C.4.23 (pyrophoric solids) regarding handling and storing contents under inert gas were included in the GHS Rev. Studies evaluating the effectiveness of precautionary statements and pictograms used in the GHS have led to their evolution and continued revisions (Fagotto, 2003, Document ID 0125; Ta, 2010, Document ID 0115; Ta, 2011, Document ID 0194; Chan, 2017, Document ID 0017). 655(b)(7). To make inquiries, or to request other information, contact Ms. Seleda Perryman, Directorate of Standards and Guidance, telephone (202) 693-2222. Gas means a substance which—at 122 °F (50 °C) has a vapor pressure greater than 43.51 PSI (300 kPa) (absolute); or Start Printed Page 9725is completely gaseous at 68 °F (20 °C) at a standard pressure of 14.69 PSI (101.3 kPa). Notwithstanding the existence of a trade secret claim, a chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer shall, upon request, disclose to the Assistant Secretary any information which this section requires the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer to make available. 7 (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060; UN GHS, 2012, Document ID 0152; UN GHS, 2012, Document ID 0153).Start Printed Page 9718. Flash point ≥23 °C (73.4 °F) and ≤60 °C (140 °F). For pyrophoric liquids (C.4.22) and solids (C.4.23), OSHA proposes to delete a precautionary statement that says “Store contents under . See, e.g., However, OSHA has also identified specific updates found in the GHS Rev. If the price elasticity of demand is zero, and all costs can be passed to customers in the form of higher prices, the immediate impact of the rule would be observed in the form of increased industry revenues. Although chemical manufacturers and importers are permitted to use concentration ranges rather than an exact percentage on the Start Printed Page 9701SDS when there is batch-to-batch variability in the production of a mixture or for a group of substantially similar mixtures with similar chemical composition, OSHA does not currently allow trade secret status for a concentration range (see 77 FR 17731). For example, NAICS 211130—Natural Gas Extraction is categorized as a basic chemicals manufacturer, or Code 20 in the SCTG commodity coding system. This proposed revision would not materially change the information that is presented on the label, and is consistent with the GHS Rev. A.7.1.4 Adverse effects on or via lactation are also included in reproductive toxicity, but for classification purposes, such effects are treated separately (See A.7.2.1). Under Regulatory Alternative (1) (elimination of changes related to labeling of very small containers), cost impacts total $1.3 million (4.8 percent of baseline cost savings), resulting in a reduction of estimated annualized net cost savings to a total of $25.5 million. In the GHS Rev. A. In exceptional cases, conclusive data may demonstrate that the hazard of an ingredient will not be evident (i.e., it does not present a health risk) when present at a level above the specified cut-off value/concentration limit(s). OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) specifies how to communicate information about the hazards and how to take protective measures. A weighting factor of 10 is used for skin corrosive and serious eye damaging ingredients when they are present at a concentration below the concentration limit for classification with Category 1, but are at a concentration that will contribute to the classification of the mixture as serious eye damaging/eye irritant. OSHA is proposing to follow the GHS Rev. 7 (UN GHS, 2017, Document ID 0060) states that the criteria is met if the article [“item” in the HCS] “predominantly” contains extremely insensitive detonating chemicals.

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