reverse speech analysis

However, the reversal is … Reverse speech is another form of human communication that is automatically generated by the brain as we speak. Alan Sugar Reverse Speech Analysis; Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett; Mark Zuckerberg Reverse Speech Analysis; Steve Jobs Reverse Speech Analysis; Oprah Winfrey Reversal Analysis; Orlando Terrorist Shooting June 12, 2016; Sean Hannity Reversals; Newt Gingrich Reversals May 2016; Paul Ryan Reversals May 2016; Bill Gates Reversal Analysis Please note that tons of #TargetedIndividuals INCLUDING ME are reporting induced heart attack/stroke symptoms coming from vibrations from radiation weapons whose vibrations travel through the air like a bass guitar at a rock concert feels hitting your body, but with no sound, that are INDUCING THESE SYMPTOMS. 11PM - REVERSE SPEECH In a brand new segment to be heard the second Sunday of every month, Richard welcomes the discoverer of Reverse Speech who will discuss how he discovered reverse speech and how it can be used to uncover deceitfulness. The courses are only available in English at this time, but we need both English speakers AND people who speak AND write FLUENTLY in both English and other languages. R4: Does Xi (Shi) reservoir muck the ocean? [Brackets are around the exact forward speech where the reversal was found] followed by time indicators and the interpretation. Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot of Cosmic Disclosure, The Return of Gonzales Reverse Speech Analysis of Cosmic Disclosure Season 6, Episode 2, Return of Gonzales— I have NOT gotten through the entire episode yet. Reversals in this section are from Face The Nation’s Margaret Brennan interviewing Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. F1: I think that it’s true that alot [is still unknown. @Deptof…, Human Nonconsensual Experimentation Subjects Need Your Help. David even found the code word from Desert Storm back in the 80s that Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld and that bunch kept saying that was showing up in their Reverse Speech about 3 months BEFORE they told the public about Desert Storm. The MORE Congruence, the LESS DARKNESS! Please grab you a free RS app I talked about at the top of this page, or get you a good Reverse Speech professional who can analyze it for you! R5: Warfare will kill and an ace through court seal. Book A Free Consultation Your personal invitation to experience the wonders of Reverse Speech sessions… For over 30-years David Oates has researched and practiced Reverse Speech and Metaphor Restructuring, helping 1,000’s of people, from all walks of life break-free from the outdated unconscious programming that currently controls their lives, dictate their actions and hold them back from living the life they desire. Oates claims that it therefore has applications … These speech reversals are received and understood on a subtle, unconscious level during normal conversation. However, only the forward speech can … Here is an interview I did on The Goldfish Report that will help you to learn what Reverse Speech is. There’s no evidence the new coronavirus is airborne. Coming soon, we hope to have practitioners fluent in Italian, Russian, and Dutch as well. Did the S.A.R.S. *****I’m a Reverse Speech Analyst trained by David Oates and nearly done with my Practitioner level certification for Reverse Speech. Step 3: Problem Solving – You’ll discuss with Frank the reasons for any negative reversals, and discuss solutions to solving them together. It’s Only A Metaphor | The Story of Reverse Speech. World-renowned HIV researcher Frank Plummer dies. Here are some that I have found. Thread by @Tifvision: 1. until i have things 100% figured out, you’ll see this page when you search “ultrasonic reverse speech analysis.” SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE Posted on April 5, 2016 April 5, 2016 Leave a comment on ULTRASONIC REVERSE SPEECH ANALYSIS Home Hobbyist Page: Tif’s Reverse Speech Links for Reverse Speech Certification = Roughly Equivalent to Around One Year of FULL TIME Intensive US College Courses, David Oates’ Biography, It’s Only A Metaphor. #Irony… 2. ALSO, I’M SENDING OUT A GREAT BIG HUG AND THANK YOU TO ALL OUR LOYAL MILITARY AND GOOD PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT AND DEFENSE HELPING TO SHUT THIS DOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD! What’s The #Hivenet? Very interesting Reverse Speech Analysis. He will play several audio clips from newsmakers and then will play the reversals to reveal whether these speakers were being truthful or not. Please 2019-nCov was reported to sha…, Harvard chemistry chief’s arrest over China links shocks researchers. We start speaking in reverse at the age of about 4 months old. RS appears to come from the same place as our dreams and body language. Research The Georgia Guidestones population reduction number goal in order to see the kind of odds you’ll have to overcome in order to live through this only to be neuro-enslaved by those idiots, unless you. Reverse Speech analysis reveals exactly what you and others really think and feel, no matter what is said aloud. Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK) for Windows v.3.5 SPTK is a suite of speech signal processing tools for UNIXenvironments, e.g., LPC analysis, PARCOR analysis, LSP analysis,PARCOR synthesis filter, LSP synthesis filter, vectorquantization techniques, and other extended versions of them. Welp, l. ookie here at the article below. It occurs backwards in speech and can be heard if … Might this be an agenda of some sort to herd support from people in a particular direction? and other people that I’m force-hooked to that this transhumanist group is trying to hook ALL humans up to in order to control us better. Tactical OGDW (+)Orgone maker, Licensed Ultrasonic Reverse Speech Analyst/Certified Dark Speech Decoder & puppeteer @ the Extreme Reality Puppet Show. Reverse Speech analysis of Donald Trump's Inauguration - If true, one would not be surprised to find that humans naturally speak forward and backward at the same time from different levels of consciousness in order to both communicate and provide guidance and/or information to ourselves and others in a beautiful display of our true multidimensional nature that reflects how we ACTUALLY exist unbeknownst to us before. It’s probably according to some [initial outcome of the research.]. Analysis of Reverse Speech Feature Tom Byrne and Matthew Normand Skeptical Inquirer Volume 24.2, March / April 2000 Advocates of reverse speech propose that it is a direct path to the unconscious mind. Research The Georgia Guidestones population reduction number goal in order to see the kind of odds you’ll have to overcome in order to live through this only to be neuro-enslaved by those idiots, unless you START PUSHING BACK ON THIS TOGETHER GLOBALLY. One other way this is done is within the context of Reverse Speech. I’d much prefer it if you defense industry folks would put up some resistance against this coup on humanity and burn down that global Stasi network you make up before the transhumanist nut balls you’re taking money from kill ALL of us to include YOU AND YOURS. 25 Tracks 1135912 Views. Jung said that we would not exist without these metaphors. Interesting if it's true. Search for: Recent Posts. My audio segment starts at 54 minutes into the video. 23. skeptical analysis of reverse speech Many skeptics worldwide have dismissed the idea of reverse speech therapy all together. REVERSE SPEECH ANALYSIS, speech pathologist, listed under "Speech Pathologists" category, is located at PO BOX 2331 WRIGHTWOOD CA, 92397 and can be reached by 7602493946 phone number. ReverseSpeech Pro Version 2.6. I’m a #TargetedIndiviual, and I get stuff in from the Internet A.I. Here is my April 7, 2017 show including Reverse Speech basics, how to find them on your own, reversals on Steve Pieczenik, John Kerry revealing cabal info in his Antarctica speech, the death of Max Spiers, and Cabal World leaders fake crying to get public support to allow weaponized migrants into their countries along with regular migration. I’d much prefer it if you defense industry folks would put up some resistance against this coup on humanity and burn down that global Stasi network you make up before the transhumanist nut balls you’re taking money from kill ALL of us to include YOU AND YOURS. Opistophthalmus sp. Hearing the detail is important. The name could possibly also be Shi, or Shi Zhengli, PhD, director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) lab in China. Ultimate Duke Nukem Soundboard. COMMENTS RECOMMENDED SOUNDBOARDS. The Military World Games had military athletes just before the outbreak from many nations gathering in Wuhan, China, also the location also for a level 4 biolab. This is the ultimate Duke … *****I’m a Reverse Speech Analyst trained by David Oates and nearly done with my Practitioner level certification for Reverse Speech. 13 Tracks 920269 Views. “What Is Reverse Speech & Where Does It Come From?”. 31, No. This lady’s Reverse Speech is pretty disturbing. Menu and widgets. F6: [Lee sent a group message (late Dec. 2019) saying that a] test result from a patient quarantined at the hospital where he worked, showed a patient had a corona virus. Multiple Realities, Reverse Speech Analysis. Click The Shield Below–, NEW: @AmbCuiTiankai dismisses #coronavirus conspiracy theories pushed by @SenTomCotton that it's being used as biological warfare as "absolutely crazy." Type in a search term, choose your category and then press the button to Many are wondering if this is a virus killing people or the #5G roll-out in China, and I’d just like to add that this may not be an either or situation if it’s similar to what is being done to me as a nonconsensual experimentation victim and survivor. The courses are only available in English at this time, but we need both English speakers AND people who speak AND write FLUENTLY, #Coronavirus Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot,,,,,,,,, Nashville Recreational Vehicle Bombing Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, & Biden’s Granddaughters Endorse Him to Run for POTUS and Connected RS Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Charles Hall Tall Whites Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Obama Lamenting Flynn Getting Off Scott Free Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot. ... all donators will receive a personalised natal chat and astrological analysis by me, and answers to any more questions you may have, Thanks for your support for this page and … Interpretations are MY BEST OPINIONS about what is being said having been consciously immersed in our involuntary, truth-only communication system (much like body language in that way) that we develop at about four months of age. Reverse Words The letters of the string are first split into individual array components, then the handy "String.reverse()" method is used, then we join the elements back up into a string, resulting in the same characters, but i a reverse or backwards direction. 1:34. It comes from what is programmed into our subconscious and also comes from higher self, and above. This new coronavirus has resulted in thousands of cases of lethal disease in China, with additional patients being identified in a rapidly growing number internationally. Reverse Speech Professional – Audio Analysis Software (v4.0) $ 99.95. The link bel…, Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov, A novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) was identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December of 2019. Documentation– As soon as I found what may or may not be the source and method of transmission of the #CoronaVirus for this RSA, a second round of harassment commenced. Also, Frank Plummer’s (former scientific director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab, Canada) “heart attack” after he had experimental brain surgery. (2000). This seems to indicate the spread of a harvesting of some kind. Dog Sounds. So, if you don’t mind hard work and you have good focus, and are good at audio tasks, and hearing audio patterns, PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP! These perceptions are typical in Reverse Speech. The first step towards reaching healing, personal growth and self potentialization is self-awareness, Reverse Speech Analysis is that first step. It will also reveal the truth regardless of whether the lie is to others or to the self. If you are lying in your forward statements, your reverse speech is revealing the truth. One of the best Pathologists, Healthcare business at Wrightwood, Wrightwood CA, 92397. start your search. In the process of gathering up a crop in some way, there is an added bonus of a harvest snack of some sort connected to scientists in another country. 1. ULTRASONIC REVERSE SPEECH ANALYSIS. WATCH –>, — Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) February 9, 2020. Tony Robbins Reversal Analysis - Reverse Speech By cataloging and categorizing his discoveries, incorporating his religious background as a reference point, and deriving from the theorems of Metaphors and Archetypes by the early 20th century psychiatrist Carl Jung, he began to formulate the theory of reverse speech. I don’t know if y’all remember that case or not, but here it is: So, you can see that it will get right to the truth of what is going on with individual people…. It sounds to me like they are testing something having to do with synthetic biology. DW recalls how entire cities emptied and business and consumer demand plummeted. The Demon-Haunted Sentence: A Skeptical Analysis of Reverse Speech. It is really important that a mudhole gets stomped in what those insane idiots are trying to do guys. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred." Reverse Speech analysis reveals exactly what you and others really think and feel, no matter what is said aloud. The forward speech will play. So this is a motive for people who want to make money, think there are too many people, and don’t care how the outcome is reached. This reversal is reported to be from a woman inside Wuhan pleading for freedom. The forward speech will play. Please note that tons of #TargetedIndividuals INCLUDING ME are reporting induced heart attack/stroke symptoms coming from vibrations from radiation weapons whose vibrations travel through the air like a bass guitar at a rock concert feels hitting your body, but with no sound, that are INDUCING THESE SYMPTOMS. reverse speech can describe unconscious subjects such as personality patterns and behavioral agenda, it can reveal hidden memory and experiences, and it can also describe the state of the physical body. This language of truth we speak appears to be in reverse due to our timeless, true multidimensional nature, and tells us about what is in our own subconscious programming, includes information from our collective unconscious, and information from our higher aspect, or The Universe, Higher Self, God, whatever you feel comfortable calling that. So, when we do a Reverse Speech session, we find out by talking forward about the things we are concerned about and how they feel and what we think is going on, then we analyze them in reverse to find out what metaphors are being given to us about those things that are troubling to us. On Feb. 11, 2010, these messages came to me through the #Hivenet having to do with what was coming in our future on the Corona Virus. REVERSE SPEECH RADIO is bringing you some of the most amazing original series, such as "w/GUEST," "TRN (The Real News,)" "Can You Handle The Truth," "Crime & Trauma Report," and of course who can forget "Paranormal Express." Tif’s Links for 1. Personal Documentation- I’m a #TargetedIndividual, and right after I documented R4 in this RSA on February 14. Add to cart. They asked him where he hid the weapon, and the suspect claimed to be innocent, but in reverse, he said the weapon was in the basement, and that is right where the police found it. 32 Views Share Embed In Explosive Topics. This reversal indicates again that information connected to the coronavirus that caused the outbreak was concealed and was likely known about PRIOR to December 2019. The new deadly coronavirus in China has revived memories of the 2002-3 SARS pandemic, which killed hundreds and walloped Asian economies. All rights reserved. Connected to that in some way is a type of warfare that will kill that is also connected to an ace, which may be the ACE II enzyme talked about in the article below that a high percentage of Asians carry. Under 1 hour. Information connected to ACE appears to have been sealed through a court of some kind as well. An autobiographical account of one man’s life. Here is the confession in reverse of the guy who claimed he was innocent of killing Natalie Holloway. I’m posting these by request of a Facebook Reader on my FB page who is concerned the smear … Multiple Realities, Reverse Speech Analysis. If the harvest is of humans, it would be considered a genocide. Evidence from smooth time-varying cointegration analysis. Video- Reverse Speech in Children- The fascinating, spine tingling truth about the things we say (or don’t) as revealed through the fascinating phenomenon of Reverse Speech. Unlike posts, which are displayed on … We’ll keep listening… Wonder what on Earth is going on there? Reverse Speech is called the ‘Seventh Sense’ as well as the ‘Ultimate Lie Detector’. Corey Feldman has been vilified. This is the first I've heard of in depth reverse speech analysis, aside from claims in the 70's - 80's about playing Beatles records backwards & hearing 'satanic messages.' Reverse Speech Professional – Audio Analysis Software (v4.0) $ 99.95. Written Format. Note: Some of our older example files use Real Audio format (.ram & .ra) so you will need a copy of the RealAudio Player (now called RealTimes) to listen to those examples. Reverse Speech is called the ‘Seventh Sense’ as well as the ‘Ultimate Lie Detector’. and its here now! Reverse Speech analysis of Donald Trump's Inauguration - Interpretations are, Reversals in this section are from Face The Nation’s Margaret Brennan interviewing. Furthermore, this reverse speech serves as a direct subconscious commentary on the forward speech communication. Something Big The Australian Liberal Party in a Bad Position? epidemic weaken the integration of Asian stock markets? We need waaaaaay more people to get certified. 20 Tracks 1357672 Views. Targeted Individuals Brains Linked to Mixed Reality Quantum Computer Sentient World Simulation- Approx 16 mins–. It’s possible to mis-hear and misinterpret Reverse Speech so discernment and choosing a very good Reverse Speech person, or learning to do it correctly yourself, is very important so that hearing and interpretation of Reverse Speech is as accurate as possible. As revealed reversed HERE by Ultrasonic Reverse Speech Analysis AKA Dark Speech Decoder Channel AKA Johnny Dark Speak Channel is that IN REVERSE it has been REVEALED REPEATEDLY that the FLAT EARTH is being PUSHED as an INNER-ESOTERIC CODE SIGNALING this COMING BIG BEN (33) CLOCK-TOWER DESTRUCTION EVENT! You may also be looking for a translator which flips your text upside down. The reversal is commenting on Dr. Lee being on the phone with CNN. Reverse Speech Analysis Reverse Speech samples Reverse Speech clips Reverse Speech sounds Reverse Speech Here are some of the sample clips of the new and emerging field of Reverse Speech. ", RS on #CorinaVirus looks real-, — Tiffany Fontenot (@Tifvision) February 17, 2020. If reverse speech has a powerful influence on language processing, as D. J. Oates (1991) has claimed, then one should be able to measure a reliable priming effect from reversed messages. Profile and Credentials . Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja: Vol. He has endured a campaign of hate and ridicule. you won’t BELIEVE your eyes when you SEE the person speak a Speech Reversal! It’s hard work but is VERY rewarding!!!! Or, you can use ANY other device that records and will play both forward and backward, to check my work if you like! There is bickering connected to Christians that is also connected to stirring up people about the Corona virus. The post Reverse Speech Analysis From The Dispatch Conversation for Honolulu and Maui Scanner Audio Hawaii response to the ballistic missile alert appeared first on LOVE IN ACTION NOW. work to help shut all this down by researching, sharing info, using your gifts, passions, and connections. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! CT- We still don’t know yet. Princess Diana Reverse Speech – interview with voice coach 1992; Pope Francis UN speech – Reverse Speech discussion; A comment on Byrne and Normand – The Demon-Haunted Sentence: A Skeptical Analysis of Reverse Speech; Patsy Ramsey John Ramsey speech … Duking it Out for Control of Earth Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, WV Gov Justice Wants to Use SLAVE Chips on Humans Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Trump on #5G & The Wall Compared To #SerialBrain2 Decodes, Part 1 Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Geordie Rose on the D-Wave and AI Robots Say the Darndest Things Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Elizabeth Warren Claims She Deserves To Be “The Alien” When Speaking About the Office of POTUS & More Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Amy Gutmann, Obama Bioethics Leader Fox Guarding Hen House Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Celine Dion Then and Now Plus Gender-Neutral Clothing Line Reverse Speech Analysis By Tiffany Fontenot, Trump Serves Big Macs, Pelosi-HRC #Resistance, and RS on Ivanka as 1st Female President Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, The Google Creepy Line, Kids, Non-Consensual Experimentation, and UFO’s Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Trump, Rashida Rant, Migration, The Wall, & Deep State Players Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Reverse Speech Analysis of Gina Maria Colvin Hill- More Reversals Indicating She Is a Civilian Target of the Global Criminal Cartel Civilian Targeting Program by Tiffany Fontenot, #ObamaNationAbomination Hotdogs & Ketchup- Coded CULT Language Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot. There is a Donate Button on the Column to the Right on this Page . This business profile is not yet claimed, and if you are the owner, claim your business profile for free. R2: Sad bad, you’ve got a snack-with-harvest-is-nice. YOU CAN DO IT! Regardless of other factors, her RS will tell what is true. REVERSE SPEECH RADIO is bringing you some of the most amazing original series, such as "w/GUEST," "TRN (The Real News,)" "Can You Handle The Truth," "Crime & Trauma Report," and of course who can forget "Paranormal Express." If hearing audio patterns and detail is not your forte, follow along reading the reversal from the transcript AS you listen to it to help hear it because not all people are able to hear these patterns. --David John Oates (a.k.a. Reverse Speech Analysis of Gina Maria Colvin Hill- More Reversals Indicating She Is a Civilian Target of the Global Criminal Cartel Civilian Targeting Program by Tiffany Fontenot #ObamaNationAbomination Hotdogs & Ketchup- Coded CULT Language Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot Love y’all! I sent General Flynn’s intake DM the following information concerning this reversal. Byrne and Normand. 12 Tracks 641422 Views. This genocidal coup is against HUMAN BEINGS. The first batches of orgone I ever m… Also, Frank Plummer’s (former scientific director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab, Canada) “heart attack” after he had experimental brain surgery. - hissing scorpion - Tanzania - hissing. Odds Going Down for Completion of Sacrificial Feast Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot of Our Still Small Voice Inc. Celebs Respond to Corona Virus Montage Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot, Matthew McConaughey’s Green Light Quarantine Pep Talk & Deep State vs. Countering A.I. Here are some that I have found. 1 hr. It appears to spread by larger droplets, direct contact and contaminated surfaces or objects. The reversal accuses Kate McCann of beating Madeleine and killing her. Reverse Speech Analysis by Tiffany Fontenot of Bill Ryan Accusations of Corey Goode — Stillness in the Storm May 13, 2017 Brian Robert Hyland 1 Comment (TIffany Fontenot) Read each reversal in the transcript then you can listen to … For over ten years, he have been working with a wide array of clients helping them tap into the divine powers of their own Soul using Reverse Speech Theory and a revolutionary technique called metaphor restructuring to alter or change an individuals behavior. Reverse Speech comes from the same place our dreams come from. A friend got what's in grey 2-16-20 from her ret. Take care and keep chins UP! Add to … 1. Share Reverse Speech Analysis Celebrities: Related Boards: Funny Animal Sounds. Ok, now for the therapeutic use of Reverse Speech… If you know about Swiss Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, he discovered that our dreams are metaphors and that one of the ways we create our reality is to use these metaphors that have been passed down to us historically and individually. He analyzed a police interrogation with a suspect. We can hear Reverse Speech phenomena by recording the forward, more overt, conscious speech, then play the recording backward in order to be able to hear the more covert, unconscious reverse speech that comments on what is being said forward. William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton June 2015, President Obama Miscellaneous Reversals October 2014, President Obama Reversals On Ebola Outbreak October 2014, President Barrack Obama Reversals On ISIS October 2014, Senator John McCain Reversals October 2014, Reversals From The Beheading of James Foley, Reversals on President Obama Talking About Syria, Edward Snowden, Former NSA Security Contractor, Sarah Palin at a Tea Party Rally – April 2011, Barack Obama at Disabled Veterans Conference, Obama Address to the Nation on BP Oil Spill, Press Conference with British PM Gordon Brown July 2009, Democratic Debate between Obama and Clinton, Stunning Obama Drug and Gay Sex Reversals, Second Interview with Larry Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Program, Dick Cheney on Larry King Live August 2007, George Bush Press Conference on Iraq – July 12, 2007, Press Conference with Bush and Blair – July 28, 2006, Al Gore on Martin Luther King Anniversary, Reversals on Apollo Astronauts Moon Conspiracy, Princess Diana Talking About Failed Marriage. Sometimes they reveal an attitude that is incongruent with the forward lyrics. Under 1 Hour. Mystery ensues, hey? You may also be looking for a translator which flips your text upside down. The letters of the string are first split into individual array components, then the handy "String.reverse()" method is used, then we join the elements back up into a string, resulting in the same characters, but i a reverse or backwards direction. REVERSE SPEECH RADIO is hosted, written and produced by David John Oates and Christian D. Cadieux. are innocent people being experimented on for NONCONSENSUAL brain research (and other non concensual research) who are being TORTURED LITERALLY TO DEATH. The embedded messages found in music are always fascinating. My Second Radio Show with My Reverse Speech Teacher, David Oates from Friday, April 7, 2017. F = 0:01:26 to 0:01:34, R = 0:01:32 to 0:01:34. The authors make claims that can lead readers to believe that David Oates is a shyster, fraudently profiteering from his claims. “Therefore, stockholders and policy makers should be concerned about the influence of catastrophic epidemic diseases on the financial integration of stock market in Asia.”, Here’s another possible senario concerning sabotage.

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