pathfinder kingmaker pounce

Thought I need to represent this one as the other kineticist is designed more for comfortable late-game play on hard than anything. I'll check in with the author (no guarantees on a response). Doesn’t rely on perfect strike at all as you don’t care much about weapon dice. I chose early levels. You should start shifting the moment you get leopard. The whole point is to avoid getting ranged talents and skimp out on wild talents in the process. Can be human to fit in Skill focus: Persuasion at the cost of effectively 2 AB. Monk robes, AC gear, Stat Gear. Doesn't do anything spectacular, but should be a smooth run. If you're having trouble with selecting Cleaving Finish: "Level 9 beast is a bit buggy, but if you try do deselect first feat, then select second feat two hand weapon-> cleave (without selecting intimidating), some how it gave me an option to select cleaving finish on the first feat." Fire only with elemental / fire. Full blown Rogue due to interesting interaction with Vivisectionist. There you have it. Oversized bastard +5 (Varn DLC, Choose power), Ovinrbaane, Oak’s pelt, +8belt, +8Bracers, Gyronna, Manticore boots (or Opportunist’s Boots and barkskin from someone), Ring of ultimate protection+any gloves (or butterly gloves and+5AC ring), Any hat +6, Cloak of Shadows. Is there a reason for keeping wisdom at 8 or can I switch it out with 8 STR for additional carry weight early game? Extra attack per round goes a long way. ✝Can go for 5/19/14/13/8/18 or 5/19/14/14/7/18 for more min-maxing. Bites from different sources should not stack, but they do in this one. Pretty much needs a decent scimitar (which a plenty) and a mithral armor to function. True Strike is THE spell for Vital Strike feats. In case of any god that favors unarmed they give improved unarmed instead. Games. Has to rely on another alchemist or wands for shield before 14-15. [CHEX %PARSER=2.13 %FLOATED=19991204 %GENERATED=DR/ALL … In general in this phase of our life we are a lot more concerned with our AC than anything. Shambling mound is ok in a pinch. Scale weapon dice with legendary+lead blades. The Draconic bloodline with fire as resistance and bonus are meant. The way to deal with it would be to go with the party of 3, maybe 4. Proper druid centered on shape-shifting and tripping enemies. Travel domain is mechanically the best. It uses Charisma for spellcasting, not Intelligence like a standard Magus. Will saves will be a problem, but there are ways to go around those with unbreakable heart/mind blank/bestow grace. However you dont recommend taking that feat, by any of your other builds listed? As for Golarion itself, I do, and a few of the other players do. I'd take it for solo or if I didn't have a bard with dirge. And of course, external spells like Animal Growth and Enlarge Person only serve to wildly spike up her efficacy. Melee AC calculation assuming +6 mid-to-late gear:10(base)+7(cha)+5(dex)+2(Monk levels)+4(Barkskin/ammy)+4(ring)+3(wings)+4(Fighting defensively)+4(Shield Spell)+5(monk robes)+5(Bracers+5)=54AC - decent for a 2-hander. ✝Can be swapped for Precise Strike for more damage from all the elements you have on your attacks by now, but I feel pushing main theme is better.✝✝Those can also be swapped for Precise Strike and Coordinated Maneuvers. Don't remember if you get one in the starting kit. AC from Bloodline, Free wings @lvl16, AC from Spells, AB through Arcane Weapon. Heighten all your CC spells. We’re mostly a tanky boy with a pet for now. you get sneak attack and mutagen so better defense offense and damage output for a single level loss of spell progression. Damage is not too shabby either. Shatter and arcane accuracy will take care of things. Not a lot of skill points, but only thing you really need on main character (MC) is persuasion. It seems you put the spell priority list from Saint Vivisectionist on the Noble Assassin as well. Totally is not your healer. You need to make sure to select the "Eldritch Scion" archetype for Magus. Yes, totally. Crits on 15-20 for around 150 damage. Sai are nice once you've got tears+steelwind, but are lackluster before that. Was it originally a CHA caster and an update made it broken? Nothing spectacular yet. I picked Bastard Swords just to spite Amiri in her uselessness(comparatively). Can hit bosses due to Smite. In tough fights don’t hesitate and chug Enlarge Person potion or toss a spell on him. I am trying to do Aldori Duelist but this stats are impossible to reach this stats. I am not using any mods. you get enough saves from items and priest can give you cha saves anyway. UMD is nice for shield wands, if you don’t have Alchemist in the party. When EK10 crits he can use 1 spell as a swift action. Has some DR so won’t drop dead unless focused. This is a little hidden and not so easy to find. It also gives fast access to Uncanny Dodge. Improved Crit is skipped in favor of Shatter. Monk - Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff // Dodge, Fighter - Combat Reflexes // Intimidating Prowess, Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Quarterstaff // Improved Critical: Quarterstaff. Otherwise buy one in your capital. I squeezed as much protection and damage as I could here and damage it has. I am running this build on one of mercenaries so I will go for dodge on lvl9 and toughness on level 10 what allows me to go for Stalwart Defender on lvl 12 (lvl 20 will be fighter)... FYI, a lot of InEffect's builds/comments are rather spurious and based on theorycrafting exercises, not actual game tested or based on experience. Strong all game long. If you finish the prologue in 30 days - you will get enchanted dueling sword as a reward. There is no way for monk to contend with that. 5/18/14/12/9/19 if not. Has self-sustainable shield(with extend rods) and 60m mutagen that should be enough to clear most maps. The build evolves and changes as you play it, but the highlight is that it never lags. Metamagic Rods, Sorcerer - Spell Focus: Evocation, Greater Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Specialization, Sorcerer - Weapon focus: Touch/bite/claw✝✝✝, Sorcerer - Shatter Defenses // Blind Fight✝, Burning Hands, Shield, Mage Armor✝, Vanish, Enlarge Person, True Strike, Burning Arc, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Sense Vitals, Web✝✝, Fireball, Displacement. It's just due to how itemization works. Whats the point of Precise Strike at level 4? 2xArcane protector in A2(one at the bandit camp at the bridge and the other on Bartho. Respec at the tavern and get Perception to 3 before level 6 (consider it another main skill). Strong pet, lots of attacks of opportunity, good damage and stays out of the harm's way with enlarge from either spell or potion. Recommended to turn off shared exp and go with a party of 3 or you will never reach lvl20 and that's kinda nice for this one. Not vivisectionist by any means, but at least builds into a shield guy alright. Pick dragon type according to enemy resistances. Never mind. If you are ever stuck, druid comes with a lot of cheese. Aldori Swords are pretty mediocre and it would be totally insane if we could get our hands on a longsword instead, but we compensate with huge str bonuses and some sneak dice. If you decided to go melee, you will need to add Geniekind, Firebrand, and Sense Vitals to your regular buff routine. That means we Will fall a bit behind on DPS. I mean that's fine if you don't care about bringing Amiri to anything in the second half of the game anyway, but I don't see why you would throw the pet away like this when you can simply not go Ranger. Honestly I dont think either builds are that great, I would keep Amiri a barbarian and go with the greater beast totem tree so you can pounce (full attack) on a raging charge. I’m stuck on one thing regarding the Dex Scion build: how to get the Draconic bloodline. Even after resting, zone transition and removing her from the party. It won’t have enough AB to use it.For you - either check AC of your enemies to decide or turn it off forever as well. Kukris are more damage faster. Yeah, Im kinda confused about the dex scion bloodline wording there. Everything is controlled for a good long while. You can take things like Vital strike and improved vital strike for those moments you cant charge pounce. She is lvl 11 at the moment. 10Base+2Perfection+3Arcane Protector+5Deflection+1Dodge+8Bracers+8Dex+9Cha+5Barkskin+6Frightful+6Legendary+4Smilodon+2Foresight-1Size=68A C. +4Crane=72AC. That pretty much covers it. Good AC throughout the game. But I fancy about a kinetic knight build. I don't know if you can take the rogue's finesse training for a weapon you're not proficient with, but accomplished sneak attacker wasn't showing up as a selectable feat for me (or, if it did, it was way down at the bottom of the list under the "thumbs down" options and I didn't see it). Now why I settled on this one is because real way you stack damage in this game is sneak attack and elemental dice(See: Elven Arcane Warrior or What about Dragons!?). Jaethal is the closest thing to it, her alignment won't allow for monk, but it would work ok-ish, but not really. Slayer build > level 9 cannot take shattered defenses as the pre requsites is 1.weapon focus 2.dazzling display and 3. bab 6. the Tripping Balls build lists Asmodeus and Trickery Domain, I don't see either as options. aldori investigator is missing the spells that you get from valchemist. We gain our first form roughly at the same time we get to A2 and start finding arcane protectors(and as our lame AB finally catches up to us). Spells: Remove fear, Cure Light wounds, Vanish, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Sense Vitals. Could also be dispel or true sight. I always could see it to some extent, but for years on … Very simple and abusive build fit for unfair. ✝Not really important, but a bit of a buffer is handy. Dex Scion is amazing too. I used it myself not long ago and had little to no trouble though, so unless they changed something in recent patches, I'm not sure what the issue is. I opted for wings to help the AC ramp. Mobility and Athletics are a good choice due to no armor. That's Ok, thanks for the reply at least. Quicken spells serve dual purpose. The rest broadly falls into Barbarian hunter who assumed responsibility and some such. The harsh reality is you are 2 levels behind a wizard in spell progression (just 1 behind Wiz/AT, though). In all honesty Monks are not a good class. a question for that kinetist build? All builds on this page have been generously provided with permission by, Question about the sorc DD build. Will be easy with Shatter. I see that the dragon sorceror has kinda the same stuff and that can come to 70. Spilled some awesome sauce on saint. Doesn't need to stack Dex to hit stuff. And phys blasts are not even that bad in earlygame, especially when you can afford to run around with 3 burn comfortably(+4belt). Most of these builds do require some metagame knowledge for them to really click into place. Out of all our elements water was the easiest to shift to 15. Overkill, but we needed the crane feats for the earlygame anyhow. Build has been replaced with a better one that lists deity and domain. Those have no saves against damage and do pretty decent damage. Has quite a lot of attacks. I would keep Amiri a barbarian and go with the greater beast totem tree so you can pounce (full attack) on a raging charge. I tried to follow the Freebooter route but as i'm level 4 now, i don't understand whta "CT>Crane Style" is. It can be used to detect if the target is evil or not, so you won’t waste Smites✝✝+4 Sacred Str and +2 Sacred AC. I got confused as in the list only "Mage" was writen... Can you help me with the bloodline too? ✝Doesn't matter much which infusion we take here. Vivisectionist is taken for the extra 2d6 sneak attack and mutagen. Found some mistakes and had some questions over the last couple months. You can just go heavy mithral sorc. ✝*Get Accomplished if you didn't find +4 item yet. We don’t want her to be running after the enemies when raged. There are potions for it(and we started with monk to get you some at the start). There are some good longswords late, but it might be a bit of a suffer.✝✝Can just go for 2 more magus levels. Has 2/3 bites per round(all of which auto-trip), has good AB, 60m mutagen, self-sustainable shield, Wings(on a tiefling! Animate dead and bloodline spells will do fine as fodder summons. ✝Keep at least one at all times. Damage is nowhere near what some other classes can pull off. Things are not free in life, though. Nervermind. AB from Cha through Arcane Accuracy, Damage with Arcane Weapon additional properties. Could've used armor instead of Monk goodies, but there is no point in it. And we kinda have to have it as bite forces you into 2ft distance. Crane feats you technically could live without altogether, but early/mid-game AC ramp is important too. When you make Amiri an Inquisitor, you fail to mention which god to take, and which domain. Lead blades wands are nice too. Grr. +4Shield infusion=80 melee AC, 76 Ranged AC. Haste, Resist Energy (Communal), Dispel Magic✝, Dragon’s Breath, Dimension Door, Animate Dead, Protection from Energy (Communal), Beast Shape III✝✝✝, Fire Snake, Geniekind, Angelic Aspect, Dragonkind I✝, Transformation, Sirocco, Heroism (Greater), Dragonkind II✝, Wave of Exhaustion, Firebrand, Legendary Proportions, Dragonkind III✝, Seamantle, Frightful Aspect, Vanish (Quicken), Burning Arc (Quicken), Mirror Image (Quicken), Sense Vitals (Quicken) Fireball (Quicken), Haste (Quicken), Displacement (Quicken), Dragon’s Breath (Quicken), Dimension Door (Quicken), Fire Snake (Quicken) Sirocco (Heightened) - lvl7.8.9. Looks nice), lvl14 pet(buffed by our team feats). Seize the Moment can't be replaced so easily - you decide. There's Elemental (fire) option but I assume for Dex Scion you'd want Draconic. You'd also need to get Jubi asap and take infusion first order of business on him, cause shield spell will do you some good. To the tanky part. Thug is there to Frighten enemies, add more sneak dice, evasion and uncanny dodge in one neat package. Primarily an unfair build where you can’t afford to wait for good things and AC doesn’t matter as much - you either have tons of it or none. Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Persuasion (Max), Trickery, Athletics 1, Stealth 1, Some UMD, whatever else you fancy. Wonder if you still use this. Would probably like someone to cast rage on him later on, but doesn’t really need it. For the "Noble Assassin" build, it's impossible to take "Double Debilitation" at leve 17. I figured it out. Will probably want either blind immunity cloak, or echolocation from a friendly alchemist late-game. Falcions are nice too. Use metamagic rods extensively. Has decent persuasion, so if you want to go for lvl 20 through Per checks - he can do it. AC Bracers, AC items, elemental damage to attacks/natural attacks: alkali gloves and winter wolfs cloak for example. Contents. You also have Pounce with a smilodon form, and more than enough AC to take a charge, so you won’t waste time running around. Thanks. Think I forgot to mention that with shatter defenses your melee attacks will almost always all hit. 3 of those at max BAB. (Nuker Sorcerer), +Stat Items. Alternative would be anything with Travel or Plant Domain. Cha=24+8 (hat) +2 (ring) +2 (amulet) +4 (cognatogen) +2 (Elixir) = 42 (+16)Level 9 Heightened Sirocco DC=10 (base) +9 (spell level) +4 (foci) +16 (Cha) +1 (Ring) +3 (Rod) = 43DCSneak dice: 7d6+5d6 (Sense Vitals) = 12d6. About the Slayer build - why the INT and WIS, and CHA at 7? dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. Varn DLC's Oversized Bastard Sword is no longer obtainable, patched long long time ago. Song Went the way of dodo due to archaeologist sub, so won't stem on many toes. True strikes will help you land the 1st hit if that will become a problem. Will step on Reggies toes, so there's that. Hello! Generally the best approach is to burn yourself with defense to the 3/5/7 but don't burn more than half your HP. This build has been generously provided with permission by Roahin and is current to December 1, 2018. Aldori Provides some extra Feats, AC and AB. Note Rod of flaming vengeance activation is just a regular Maximize rod. Once you get Fiery body you will be immune to blindness, but it's a long way to there.✝✝You can shift monk however you like even lvl 1 is not bad. Remove fear, Cure Light wounds, Vanish, Mirror Image, Sense Vitals, Glitterdust. Good option for a blind run. Scimitars are a viable alternative. You can borrow one from tartuccio and force him to use cantrips instead. how do you actually apply it though? Beast Lord (Second row melee damage dealer), Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough and Guide, Trickery (max), Perception (max), Mobility 3. Delay Poison Communal from a friendly cleric or alchemist will go a long way. Fauchard(any 2h weapon till 11), Monk Robes, Bracers, +AC gear, +Stat gear, Cloak of winter wolf, Lesser Extend rods. 2 points left to bring the weapon to +5. Fire-breathing bears. cheers. Its very low feat requirement as the only real necessary feat you need is power attack. ✝If you have Varnhold DLC. You will lose a tiny bit of AB, but will safely chop away with reach. Can be done better on musetouched Aasimar. Looking through the feat I realized it has to be slashing graze that does it. ✝Or power attack+dreadful carnage. Dazzling is taken so he doesn't just stand there after initial control spells are fired. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. Only reason we really picked up the weapon focus is access to dazzling/dreadful/shatter. Meanwhile you will probably want to use monk weapons. Is not mandatory, but is nice to have. You will have enough spells from leveling to grab everything you really need, but it’s nice to accelerate the process. followed your Aldori Duelist path - did not get Swordlord option at lvl 6... commentpls. Not exactly RP-friendly, mostly due to the race and alignment shift. Aasimar is still numerically superior and doesn't need to turn on Fighting Defensively to get his bonuses. But the build suggested here is a weird mix between doing that and then shafting her animal companion by starting to go Ranger at level 8. This is a power attack build. Don’t think you can squeeze much more out of the class. With the assistance of buffs and outflank you will hit reasonably well. I tried pretty hard to make it work on plate armor pally, but monk AC is just too much to compete with. Anyway, shouldn't affect the overall build too much, but you won't be adding DEX to damage until after the giant sycamore, most likely. Über uns Mit wallstreet:online,, und bö sind wir Marktführer im Bereich Finanzinformationen. Your controller with some damage attached for late-game. Some Persuasion and/or CMD bonuses would be welcome. If I come across anything you are able to fix I'll let you know. Well, it would work if take dual-talent; however, that will take away extra feat and unable to get 3rd feat at level 1 so something needs to be fixed, either less feat or starting attributes changed to correct values. Hi, I would like to go build like duelist but not dex rapiers. Keep a staff on you just in case. Turn off spellstrike when you don't use touch spells(which is going to be pretty much always past midgame) to get 1.5 damage mod. Turn on Fighting Defensively at lvl 4 and never turn it off again. Generally it means we just got a lot better at actually killing things. Use keen enchant instead. So, with the Sacred huntmaster build all I could pick at level 9 was standard cleave and not cleaving finish. Same can be said about persuasion foci. ✝You can dump Wis to 5 and get 16 con or cha, but it’s not absolutely needed. Can reach 70AC with buffs. Kineticist - Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot // Fire / Extra Range, Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Fire > Dreadful Carnage, Kineticist - Skill Focus: Persuasion // Fire’s Fury, Kineticist - Shatter Defences // Earth > Trip, Kineticist - Fury’s Fall // Earth > Greater Trip, Kineticist - Agile Maneuvers // Enduring Earth, Kineticist - Persuasive // Elemental Whispers - Centipede✝✝, Kineticist - Blind Fight // Expanded Defence > Flesh of Stone, Kineticist - Toughness // Fire > Iron Will, Kineticist - Cloud // Metakinesis: Empowered, Monk robes, fauchard(Mastery), stat items, AC items, Monk robe, cloak of winter wolf, opportunist’s boots, Alchemist - Combat Expertise(+2 int item) // Feral Mutagen, Alchemist - Trip // Combat Trick > Outflank, Alchemist - Crane Wing // Combat trick > Combat Reflexes, Sword Saint - Dazzling Display // Chosen Weapon: Fauchard, Alchemist - Combat Trick > Shatter Defenses, True strike, Shield, Restoration (Lesser), Stat spells, Haste, Displacement, Heroism, Echolocation, Greater invis. Use crossbows till you find Agile Pick under the Old Sycamore. The rest hardly matters. Most enemies will never hit you unless you are paralyzed or otherwise denied dex/dodge bonus to armor. Your damage will be more than fine as well. Also, why are you using a Feyspeaker Shifter? Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options|Tips Options|Tips Good Mercys to take: Fatigued, Exhausted, Blinded, Paralyzed. What I do not understand is how can he cast spells? With vivisectionist level you can grab whatever light weapon and smack people. Important Alchemist Spells: Shield, Lesser Restoration. dazzling display is so incredibly slow. Or estoc for blinding light.✝✝Or Blind Fight. Use glaive till enlarge person spell from someone in your team is long enough to not be annoying. Can be your Athletics character, Glaive early on, then best 2h weapon you can get, 2h Bastard Sword when you get it. Will deal about 50 damage per hit, 7 hits per round(assuming haste). For the noble assassin, I think you have to swap when you take the 3rd rogue level and the first Paladin level (3 & 4). It gets significantly better later as we’d be able to finally cast in the shapeshift at 13 and as such can cast magic fangs on ourselves. But it still stacks on top of Deadly earth for double the damage. At level 6 we finally get to do what we were meant to: Keep things permanently tripped with bowling infusion. It'll be fine. Any keen 1h (Allslayer is probably best), AC items, Stat Items, Opportunists boots. Take valerie sorc build and done, expecpt you can fit in crane wing without much problems as you won't have to waste 2 feats on toughness/exotics and just use vanquisher instead. Scorching ray is only any good from lvl8 for you. ✝Pick him the moment you shift to LG✝✝Pick whatever god you fancy. Booter with enough stuff to do with single actions. Has a pet to carry his stuff. +Stat Items, Inner Demon Rings, Opportunist’s Boots, Barbarian - Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword // Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Barbarian - Power Attack // Damage Reduction, Barbarian - Intimidating Prowess // Damage Reduction, Barbarian - Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Fighter - Extra Rage Power: Damage Reduction // Cleaving Finish, Knowledge: Arcana 5, Mobility 3, Persuasion✝. Level 9 for beast master ain’t working for me sadly if there’s any fixes please update the guide because I truly enjoyed her with a pet companion. Turn off fighting defensively while in beast form. I chose Kama because only decent Sai I found was agile. Also would what? Very abusive build. The game is about as trustworthy as your average ex. Has rage of his own to compensate for AB loss a bit. Gather power+bowling+magma eruption is both damage and control - slightly burning yourself for it is not that bad of a price to pay. Is it possible to be like a half-tank? You get at least some of it back. crit is skipped to save feats. Automatic dazzle from level 14 and he’s good at it too. 8 attacks/4 at max BAB with extra attack ki power. Every bit of AB counts there. There is just no real way to stack both AC and Damage on monk. Found it. It doesn't even appear in the list of unavailable talents. We could've started with fire and all would be almost gucci, but unless we took precise shot we'd be stuck wasting half out time gathering and running. Wolf is not amazing, but it’s better than sitting around. Has CC effects for every save, Attack the lowest. However, if you select a domain it seems that you cannot take a pet an the build says to take a leopard. Question about the first build, wouldnt a single level of vivisectionist be worth the loss of another magus level? Draconic (fire) doesnt exist at least in the current stage of the game. Eagle Soul auto-confirms crits and divine bond will take care of keen for you. I built the blind run scion: Made level 2 and can't cast anything because INT is too low for level 1 spells. Likes having alchemist in the team for shield infusion, but wands/bracers will do as well. Sneak attacks works on ray spells no problem. Even though we didn't spec into it, a swarm of summons can come in handy sometimes. Solid front-liner. Your pet has Outflank for your melee team-mates. Hi nice guide. General plan when you get there is as such: decide if you want to murder them in melee or with spells/breath weapon. You will want someone to cast heroism(greater one later on) and haste on you to fix your AB.

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