elvui guide 2020

Added new style filter trigger "Casting Non-Interruptible". Friend datatext can now show friends who are playing multiple games and show each character that is on WoW with the ability to invite or whisper each toon via right click menu. Nameplate width is now bound to it's clickable width. Hopefully, Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly corrected the error which caused the Auras trying to attach to themselves on Unitframes (for real this time). Module initialization and skin registration is now handled by xpcall providing better debug stacks for us to investigate and fix problems. Smoothed the Top Aura Status Bars when they are active. Added Alternative Power bar option to Raid and Raid40. Datatext bar offset for non-thin border theme corrected. Allowed Test Nameplate to be movable via drag. Attempted fix for two Toolkit errors (cause by nameplate and bankframe code) and AceConfigDialog restricted regions error. Fixed spam errors when trying to change Talents when you have non selected yet. (#826), Fixed Health Backdrop ClassBackdrop multiplier. The Bag Bar and Vendor Greys tabs are now again available if the All In One Bag is disabled. (This will flash on the inside of the slot, based on the slots border color.). Added a position option (Left or Right) for the Quest Icon on the Nameplates. Fixed an issue which caused the Blizzard Castbar to sometimes not be shown when the UnitFrame module was disabled and disable Blizzard Player Frame was unchecked. Fixed pet bar not displaying the spell textures correctly. Added Visual Aura Timer from Blazeflack. Alisia Watson-September 13, 2019. Adjusted Nameplate and Aurabars to hopefully better detect mind control, duels, and which the frame type should be. Improved workaround for vehicle issue on Antoran High Command (credit: ls-@GitHub). ElvUI_CustomTweaks is now depreciated and forced off. Fixed an issue which could result in Quest Icon not showing up on nameplates even if it was enabled. Fixed an error when entering combat while game is minimized. Adjusting the classbar position on nameplates while targeting something throws an error related to the new nameplate restriction (but works after retargeting). Various tweaks and fixes to skins and skinned: Recap button & Warboard frame. Added backdrop color option to Chat Panels. SetNamePlateSelfSize error was removed from the code. Added an option to play a sound if you select a unit and/or if you receive a battle resurrect. Sep 16, 2020 Addons, Guide, Healing. Stopped the Unitframes from updating when using Display Frames. Added a seperate Tooltip option to display the NPC ID. Fixed issue preventing the stance bar buttons to be keybound. Chat History now supports multiple chat windows and will display the chat history in the correct chat window according to chat settings. Nameplate Quest Icons now have the ability to show for multiple quests and have a few new options. Fixed the issue which was caused by trying to use chat editbox history to queue a slash command to be sent that was secure (such as /target). Fixed issue which would sometimes keep Player UnitFrame out of range. Fixed issue with display of total cast time on the player castbar when crafting multiple of the same item. Added Party Indicator option for Unitframes (Thanks @Caedis). Fixed General Dock Manager skin not applying correctly. Added option to change the position of the Keybind & Stack Text on the ActionBars. Blizzard Bags Skin: Show and skinned the bag icons. Fixed Nameplates in stacking mode on initial login. Fixed an issue that caused some unskinned Blizzard frames to get the edges torn off. We have done our best to make it a graceful transition, and as such you will be presented with a popup on your first log-in, where you can see what your old CVar value was, and choose to use this value. How to update ElvUI 2020 – In this post, I will show you how to update ElvUI. Fixed Actionbar spell highlight, if you mouseover your spells in the Spellbook. Priest. Added the ability to show Toy ID when Tooltips have the Spell ID setting enabled. Fixed issue with display of interruptable / non-interruptable colors on the unitframe castbars. Fixed Blizzard Castbar being disabled when Unitframe module was disabled. Also, Apply All Fonts will a work for these again. Fixed an error in init.lua: attempt to index local 'ACD'. Fixed a division by zero error in the Reputation DataBar. Added Interrupted Color for castbar on Unitframes. This will allow the textures to grow past the health border. Moved the Class Color Override setting for unitframes to the health tab. Added a toggle in General for Voice Overlay. Fixed Pet bar issue which sometimes could error about `pushed`. Aura Special Filters can now be localized. The path needs to match the table structure of the config exactly (in code, not as displayed ingame). Made sure the Alternative Power is only shown when it's supposed to be shown. Fixed black Objective Text, if Parchment Remover is enabled. Bag Bar: Fixed scaling and backdrop weirdness. ... ElvUI, in my experience is the best UI addon you can use since it allows you to fully customise your UI. Quest reward will show percent of level, also the EXP Bar will show Quest XP if enabled. Added option to use the Blizzard cleanup method instead of the ElvUI sorting. Attempted to fix a C-Stack error from `Core/Toolkit`. Added Honor Level to Honor bar text outputs. Updated skinning of the 'TodayFrame' in the calendar. Added possibility of hooking into style filter conditions. Don't allow certain DataTexts not be toggled in combat because of Blizzard restriction. Fixed Raid40 Visibility Restore button not applying instantly. Gender display option in tooltip had space on the wrong side. Added the Nzoth eye texture to the Alternative Power Bar, if its Sanity. Adjustments to the Quest Skin to try to keep the text and backgrounds showing properly (again). Each type of UnitFrame (Player, Target, Etc) has new options to disable these settings individually. Fixed rare error in nameplates regarding attempt to use a non-unit value as argument for UnitIsUnit API. Added color options for UnitFrame Power Predictions. Fixed the Classification indicator on nameplates. Removed requirement to hold down Shift in order to move the Interface Options frame. But still incase you faced issues while installing it then you can drop comments and we will solve those issues. Added an option to disable Buffs or Debuffs specifically for Top Auras. Added instance difficulty triggers to nameplate style filters. Fixed (hopefully) a Smart Aura Position setting issue which would cause the Buffs and Debuffs on Unitframes to cause a SetPoint error. Added a font outline option for chatbubbles. ELVUI August 1, 2020 4:14 PM Nick#1134 494 views 0 stars 0 comments. Fixed issue with Guild Bank which sometimes prevented icons from being desaturated during a search while swapping between bank tabs. Added option to display custom currencies in the main Currencies datatext tooltip. Skinned the "Unspent Talent Point" alert and positioned it near the top of the screen. Fixed the displaying of incorrect auras on Nameplates when StyleFilter "Name Only" ended (returning to normal nameplate). Copy From should update the config to match now. View Website Join Discord Latest Version 12.20 Classic Version . Fixed a skin error on the Petition Frame which hides a button. Fixed issue which made the Friendly Blizzard plates wider than they should be for some users. Changed Loot Frame mover to always be visible when movers are toggled. How to Delete All Messages in Discord. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Kayle.Find the best Kayle build guides for S11 Patch 11.4. Fixed the issue that sometimes caused unitframe absorb bars to appear for a second during initial login along the screen (they are now clipped like Cutaway). Fixed issue which caused Transparency setting to mess up the health on Unitframes with Vertical and/or Reverse Fill enabled. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Added trigger if the unit is Focused (or not). The options bottom buttons now use the language selected in the config, nice. copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved. [Nameplate] Name Only ending was preventing the Target Class Power from displaying correctly. Added a Show Bubbles option for Databars. Update instance ID from Deepwind Gorge. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Fixed Castbar Interruptible triggers. Changed the default value for "Unit Prefix Style" from Metric to English. portions of the Software. Fixed issue which caused the "Hide" action on nameplate style filters to incorrectly show hidden nameplates if "Hide" was disabled. ElvUI - Bags - unmark "Enable" This will disable ElvUI default bags and use ElvUI Adibags as default. Added possibility of setting alpha of the stack and duration text colors on RaidDebuff Indicator modules. [Actionbar] Fixed the pushed texture getting stuck on some buttons. Fixed a bug in the new Addon Manager skin (AddOn index must be in the range of 1 to 4). Demon Hunter Havoc Vengeance. Added Class Color option for Target Class Bar, Player Class Bar, and Nameplate Power Bars. Fixed a few issues with auto-invite relating to other realms and multiple friends from the same bnet account. Added Seafarer's Dubloon to the Currency Datatext. Added an option to hide the honor databar below max level. Fixed the Mend Pet spell ID for Aura indicator on Pet. Fixed issue which broke coloring of Runes. Fixed issue which prevented item buttons in bank from updating on first show. Added spacing option for classbar on unitframes. Added Beacon of Virtue to Buff Indicator filter. Even though Shadowlands was delayed, this version will contain the Mythic+ and Raid filter list for the expansion. If enabled the filter will only trigger when you are inside one of the specified maps or instances. Fixed black Quest Text if Parchment Remover is enabled. Threat tags have now leveled up there tag game. Added option to change castbar icon position on nameplates. Tweaked sorting in the Friends datatext so WoW is always on top. ElvUI now staggers the updates that happen when a profile is changed. General section of Units in Unitframe settings are less of a mess. Standard Query information. Added heal absorb display to the heal prediction module. Keep in mind that parts of the new nameplates are still being worked on. Added a Panel Snapping option, which allows you to toggle the snapping into panels. Fixed issue which prevented Datatext text being displayed on first game load in. Removed Nameplate Load Distance Options, until Blizzard decides if they will let us control it again in the future. Changed the Max Duration to 0 in the Aura Priority list. We decided to completely rewrite the DataBars, this includes rewriting the old threat into this new module. Fixed rare issue where UIScale had been stored as 0 and would cause the UI to explode. Auto-Disable ElvUI_EverySecondCounts as it is retired now. Limited the Nameplate Low Health Threshold to '80%'. If disabled it will allow it to match by spell name in addition to spell ID. [Unitframe] Fixed Castbar hold time not working correctly. Added option to use BattleTag instead of Real ID names in chat. Essences from the Character and Inspect Info will now display the Essence quality color instead of type color. Raid icons will now be displayed as text in the Copy Chat window so they can be copied correctly. Added skin for the CinematicFrameCloseDialog frame. Prevented the Update Popup from being shown while in combat. Added toggle option for datatext backdrop. We updated our backdrop code to behave nicely with the backdrop changes Blizzard implemented. Add shadow instead flash texture for StaticPopup buttons (Thanks @Bunny67). Reverted portrait facing and used a correct API to handle the X and Y Offsets. Allow left & right mouse button when using Keybind. Masque on Action Bars should once again trim correctly (when Keep Aspect Ratio is checked). This is a continuation of ElvUI Enhanced and a more liteweight version. (#134), Fixed DejaCharacterStats and Character Skin conflicts. (#839 - Credit: @Zucht), Added toggle option for the New Item Glow in your bags. :o, Improved the tooltip item level code, it should be far more accurate now! Prevent rare error in chat bubbles. (Thanks Kelebek for initial work!). Updated all used libraries to latest versions. Fixed an issue where a profile error about 'global' or 'private' not existing would happen from the Skin module. Added option to show an icon on an item in the bags if it's scrappable. Made sure Style Filters can handle alpha with flash action. (#372), Added quick search for spells in filters. Fixed pet type in tooltip for non-English clients. Fixed issue preventing you from inviting people on remote chat in Guild datatext. New Cooldown settings, they can be found in the Cooldowns category or by typing `/ec cooldown`. Added a Module Copy option. (#1372). Fixed another case when C-Stack errors could occur from the Toolkit. Fixed a compatibility issue with DejaCharacterStats addon. Added automatic handling of "Attach To" setting on unitframe auras. Changed the Aura Spacing options to use max 20. Boss and Arena frames were casting Stealth on some profiles. Added a separate "Border Color" option for UnitFrames. Sep 20, 2020 MooBundo. [Nameplate] Added Aura stack position option. Fixed rare error in nameplates when changing target. Added options for ActionBars Button / Bag Slot transparency. Added Phase Indicator for Target, Party and Raid frames (Thanks @ls-). Party Target settings were effecting Party settings, not the Party Target settings. Updated Communities, PVP & Tooltip skins. New option to Allow Profile Sharing (off by default) in profile section. Fixed issue that would allow quest grey items to be vendored via Vendor Grey Items. Fixed an issue on the Gossip Skin with our Close Button. Removed IconBorder texture on BagBar bag icons. Removed T-18 4 PC Bonus from the Druid Buff Indicator. Fixed the text info on Import and Export of a profile, it would stack the text at the bottom incorrectly before at first open. When you hover the NZoth eye on Character page, it will now show a highlight around the items with corruption stat. Updated the Raid Utility, with nice clean shiny fresh new updates. Added color options for Debuff Highlighting. (#421), Added Raid Icons for Party Targets, Tank & Assist UnitFrames. Added stealable border color on nameplate auras. Saved Instances will now be sorted by name then difficulty. [Nameplate] Option for Target xOffset for Stagger and made sure Stagger bar disables correctly when it should.

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