2 months missed period negative pregnancy test

i missed my period but i have taken two pregnancy tests and they have both come out negative. The most common cause of amenorrhea, or missed periods, is pregnancy. Wait for a week and then retake a pregnancy test. The last time I got my period was october 15th! I was reading the posts. Missed Period with Negative Pregnancy Test Result. I was 14 days late and I had a few negative home pregnancy tests and 2 negative blood test and then all of a sudden on day 15 I started bleeding. If you haven’t had your period for months, see your doctor to find out the cause. Why Haven’t I Started My Period? My period is now 4 days late, wasn't feeling good so took a test 2 days before due period, neg, took another test today and still negative! The biggest reason for getting a negative test result is miscalculating your period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days. The first month that I was on Lo Loestrin I got my period, but have not gotten my period since then. When you can do a pregnancy test. It was done since 2003. If you don't know when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. I recently switched to Lo Loestrin Fe after being on Loestrin Fe for a couple months. im now 11 days late this month and have gained 5 pound in less than two weeks. What does this mean? … If you're sexually active and you have not taken a pregnancy test, your GP may advise you to take one. Try to limit them to one a week for your sanity. Negative pregnancy test and missed period don’t always mean that you are pregnant. Stress affects our bodies in weird ways. If you have late period negative pregnancy test with no symptoms then indeed you are not pregnant. After each missed period, and the weeks in between, I have taken pregnancy tests (a total of 4). 2 months have gone by and I have taken at least 5 pregnancy tests and they all came up negative. After another month, a new home pregnancy test could finally have a positive result, and perhaps a few more to ensure that it's true. Late period, negative pregnancy test, when should I test again? So I tested again and still its negative. 3. With the lack of menstruation, you patiently wait until a week after your period is due, only to get a Big Fat Negative when you test. Negative Pregnancy Test, but No Period - Could I Still Be Pregnant? 2. We know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to conceive and your period comes late – but you’re not actually pregnant. Absolutely! Sometimes, hCG hormone increases very slowly which can give a fault result. Last month she did get a little stressed out due to friend problems and a term paper that was due and she had to do a large amount of work and we got … In this scenario, a woman could—unsurprisingly—not get her period, take a pregnancy test, and have it be negative, followed by another month without getting her period. If you haven’t had a period for months and you’re not pregnant, this could be due to an imbalance in your hormone levels, a side effect from medication, excessive exercise, or being severely over or underweight. If your periods are frequently irregular, talk to your provider about when they’d like you to call. I also happened to be ligated. Late period negative pregnancy test white discharge is a condition that gets potential moms worried sick when it occurs. She does not have any of the signs of pregnancy. You can carry out most pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period. Missed period, light bleeding and still it is a negative pregnancy test. Pregnancy is the most common reason for a missed period, but there are a number of other reasons this could happen. Home pregnancy tests aren't always perfectly accurate — especially if you take them too soon after your missed period. kemarek. See your GP if you're not pregnant – you've had a negative pregnancy test – and you've missed more than 3 periods in a row. And every time I go test it's negative! Despite claims of accuracy on the packaging, over-the-counter tests can often fail to detect hCG early in pregnancy. While hCG levels greater than 6.3 mIU/mL can indicate that you're pregnant as early as the time of your first missed period, many tests don't read as positive until urine hCG levels increase to 25 to 100 mIU/mL or higher. I have missed my period in May and now we ending of June. However, if you get a negative pregnancy test even after 10 days of missed period then pregnancy is unlikely. It is not uncommon for many factors to affect your menses - Pregnancy is not the only reason for a missed period. What is happening when my pregnancy test is negative, and I missed my period? We asked the experts when you should actually see a doctor. hi hun,in my 1st pregnancy i did 2 negative tests until i was 2 weeks late on my period and then got a positive!in my 2nd pregnancy i was 3 1/2 mths gone when i got a positive result!and in this pregnancy i was about 7 weeks gone when i got a positive result.Think it goes on how much hgv u have in ur system for the test to detect x . Dr. Shawn A. Tassone Medical Author; Jump to Article Section. missed periods for 2 months & negative pregnancy tests results. There are several reasons for a missed period, light bleeding and negative pregnancy test, such as the test results might be wrong, you took the test wrong, or you took the test too early. however i still experience some of the symtoms of pregnancy: nausea, cramps in my lower abdomen, frequent urination, dizziness & fatigue and loss of appetite. Confused.com, not sure if I'm reading into things as I want to be pregnant. I went off the mircette birth control pill in October and for two months I had periods that came about 6 weeks apart... before going off the pill and before I started the pill they were like clockwork every 28 days. For example, say that you tend to have a typical, 28-day menstrual cycle. It has been 2 months without a period. … The negative pregnancy test and missed period are signs that something is wrong. What could be going on? Dr. Gurmukh … As I said I'm 4 days late, not feeling 100%, nipples quite sensitive, weeing a lot and so hungry! Home pregnancy tests are quite sensitive, so there is no need to take a million tests. Exercise or weight fluctuations have a similar effect on period. Late period negative pregnancy test with spotting and cramping is also a sign that you can be pregnant. 8) Stopping birth control pills. Weight had shot up. Hello Dr, I'm two weeks late, expecting my period to begin on 23rd June. What should I do? 3. Ellerisa Hello...i haven't had my periods for two months now but all my results (hpt, blood test & lab urine tests) have come back negative. I never miss periods after giving birth in June got negative pregnancy test. my girlfriend has missed her period for about two months now..we recently took a pregnancy test last week and it came back negative. Apr 20, 2008 3:05PM. What now? Depending on when you took the test, you could get a false negative result. I am 21 yrs old and I haven't had a period since September 23rd. period was 1 week late last month. Sometimes, negative pregnancy test doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not pregnant. What should I do? Hi i hv being having this pinkish brown discharge with no periods for two months with a negative pregnancy test am I pregnant or not. OK, so you waited until you actually missed your period and the test still came up negative?. If you test a week after your missed period and get a negative result but still have all the pregnancy symptoms, you’re probably really confused. Remarried lat year October 2017. If home pregnancy tests keep turning up negative, you may want to consider getting a more accurate quantitative pregnancy blood test. My period is about 2 weeks late but still negative pregnancy test. 0. barnsey_-_ex-Pregnant_Lady. You should not just assume that all will be alright after a while. MIssed 2 periods, negative pregnancy tests?? It’s easy to jump to the conclusion a missed period means pregnancy, but sometimes your period is late for other reasons. I was wondering have anyone experience anything like this before. Eating disorders also affect regular menstrual cycle. She does not have morning sickness or anything. Test [ 3 Answers ] Hi I'm joelle and I'm 21 yrs old. Pregnancy tests are most reliable from the first day of your missed period. Wat is up! Wait for 3 – 4 days and take a test again. Even a test marketed as giving an early answer can give you a false negative if you test before your menstrual period is due. ↓ Why is This Pregnancy Test Negative? rukshana on June 20, 2018: Hi I'm 45 mother of 3. The second is that the user is not as educated as a medical technologist. ↓ It happens more often than you might think, so if this happens to you, try not to panic. Good day i have missed 2 periods have done 20 pregnancy test and an ultrasound a month ago but not pregnant i have cramps lower back pains and a milky white discharge with my first born i was 15 weeks before i found out i was pregnant the test could not pick it up at 2 months i am currently trying for baby number 2 for 6 months now but with my missed period i dont know what to … I missed my periods due to 3 days and light spotting is occur in one or 2 time and I do pregnancy test.The test is negative. Home pregnancy tests have two problems. Pregnancy tests will always be more accurate if you wait until your period is late before testing. The first is that most are not as accurate as a hospital test. ive missed 2 periods now, got some pregnancy symptoms (but is it all in my head- even the cheese and onion sandwich with SUGAR! hi, any advice would be great. 2. Changes in environment can affect ovulation and throw your cycle off rhythm. Teresa on December 29, 2018: response pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative too. My period is about 2 weeks late but still negative pregnancy test. Time to consider the time of day you peed on the stick. ↓ What Can You Do Next? It is not uncommon for a woman to get a negative test result, when she is indeed pregnant, even when testing after her period is due. When it says use the first specimen in the morning, many women do not do so. )but taken hpts 4 days late, 12 days late and 4 weeks late but still neg. The last one was on 23rd May, it came a week earlier to the previous period which began on 27th April. Please answer I was pregnant or not. What is happening when my pregnancy test is negative, and I missed my period? Stress . I feel very different in my body. Missed Period/ Negative pregnant. When you realize that you are in such a situation, the best course of action is to consult your doctor. No period after morning after pill - negative pregnancy test My period is 2 months late but home pregnancy test keep coming back negative is it eptopic pregnanc anyone been pregnant and still had negative home pregnancy test? I've taken 2 pregnancy tests, it's negative and I have no pregnancy symptoms except for on - off cramps. If indeed you are pregnant, you will need to start preparing as soon as possible for the unborn. If your period is one to two weeks late, and you still are getting negative pregnancy tests, a visit to your gynecologist for a pregnancy blood test is recommended. Just about 2 weeks ago I began to have pregnancy like symptoms like very tender breast, moodiness, feeling very tired etc. My issue is that I have NEVER missed my ..., and just feeling pregnant), and still have negative pregnancy...View answer You know to take a pregnancy test after a missed period, but what if it's negative? To start with, your menstrual cycle length can vary between cycles and, in fact, 46% of cycles can vary by seven days or more. 7) Travel or change in sleep pattern. I never been 14 days late and then started bleeding.

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