when god shakes things up

An idol is what we give our strength to or draw our strength from. Remember, God shakes us so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain. Shaking Happening. READ through Mal. Transformation! Mondays are dedicated to the reading of the Hebrew Prophets. 2. I love this… the Lord Stired up… and stired up… and stirred up…. Thank God that His mercy has kept us in the game and that He has held us together. God always judges the nations and every generation, shaking the things that are so that the things which cannot shaken may alone remain. So let’s take courage when things get shaken up. As humans we don’t like change. The late Carl E. Bates, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, used to tell a story about a man who had suffered significant losses after the Civil War and took a long journey by carriage to a distant city. The enemy wants to get you distracted and try … But sometimes, in order for that change to happen – God has to shake things up. And we will never be the same! GOD IS SHAKING THINGS UP! I am turning in the etch-a-sketch this morning for a spoon…. God is in on the shaking, clearing out spiritual dust and dirt so that the Holy Spirit can come into our hearts—God’s favorite temple! It can be painful. God is going to give us a wake-up call. As Christians we really shouldn’t want to be the same! The firm grip of Providence is always shaking things up, but behind every shaking are the hands of a loving God working a work in eternity. There are three things we can learn from this story to encourage us in our troubles: 1. Things are shaking all around, but don’t be afraid. We may not like it, but in the end, we’re going to realize and thank God, for that wake-up call. When God enters a person’s life, He changes the way a person thinks, and lives, and treats others, and thinks of themselves. I do not think there is any doubt that we are presently in one of those shaking times, and have been for several years. Haggai 2:3-9. God is getting us ready for the promotions that are coming at Rosh Hashanah on September 21–22 (the Jewish New Year). This is God’s process, not only with the nations, but with us. God does shake and God does move and it doesn't mean that we’re immune from that. And so, we give God the praise and glory. But change is what God is all about! We have entered into one of those perilous times when all that we would normally have counted as strong and steady is being shaken and overthrown. Thank you for watching Metro Church of Christ (Indianapolis) online worship service for February 14, 2021. So, in Luke 15, God is shaking up the world of the Pharisee and the Scribe and they are grumbling because of it. In the Gospel this Sunday (Matthew 26-27) we can see the Passion of Our Lord start to unfold! Satan sometimes asks God for permission to shake us, just like he did Peter. God shakes up the earth, shakes up the people. God allows hardships for divine purposes. And when God sprinkles in the promise of his presence, look out… Just one more thing is needed. Our faith is increased through each trial, and we learn to trust God’s faithfulness and accept His mercy. Every one of us is subject constantly to that shaking of God.What men yearn for is security. God always shakes the world. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire' - … His shaking will expose any hidden idols in our lives.

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