test e cycle before and after reddit

Pretty much only story i bothered to read from top to bottom @bodybuilding, nice thoughts, all tho im bored at work as well :D. just my own experience... it made going to the gym FUN. If you don't mind me asking. I'd be a lot closer to natural, and still in the realms of what is attainable naturally. This leads me to my personal experience with steroids. How did your PCT go? I believe they do nothing because it feels like a lot of people believe that you do one or two cycles and you'll be noticeably huge and jacked and then you have to try to live up to being this guy who 'has done steroids', when in reality you might have achieved 4 or 5 months of gains in 2 or 3 months. Steroids do a lot and its not possible without them, but time is still one of the biggest factors. Is the weight just distributed relatively evenly so you look like slightly larger but have the same physique shape? Strength gains were notable but not pronounced. I also think there's a lot of ways to fuck yourself up long-term/permanently so imo you can never do too much research. When in reality I'd offer this: Be a lil naive and assume moderately big, shredded guys maybe are genetic freaks and are a 1 in a billion occurrence. There's going to be a lot of ideas I have about the psychological aspects of why people care if someone lies about using steroids, why people use steroids, and why people might lie about using steroids. This lead me to genuinely believing that working hard and fixing diet would get me relatively close to what he was able to achieve, and believing this lead me to simply shut the fuck up and get to hard work. i started off weighing 175 and am already i am up about 9 lbs. Glad you are enjoying your experience, sounds pretty standard for most of it! The best I can hope for is maybe a couple more lbs muscle and a little less fat, I'm happy with that. Now that i have spoon fed you everything you could have learned for yourself in bout 15 minutes of searching you know what to do. Like I stated at the start of the OP, these were simply my own personal experiences, and I'm sure many people have had fantastic experiences with no negativity whilst using them. All in all it was a positive experience, bullet points below (good and bad), Weight went up over 25lbs, kept about 12. Bravo sir. At 300mg/wk, you'll see less sides like acne. Again I completely agree, diet and training are probably not even 80%, and again, I feel this is a big problem in the community. What I say may not scientifically be 100% true, but it is what I believe to be a good GENERAL rule from my own experiences. You lifts go down, you feel kinda like crap, you have a lot less confidence, the weight goes down on the scales, you feel like you make very slow progress, and you physically start shrinking as the bloat begins leaving your body. I know you are trying to get the point across that people here always need to know who is on steroids and don't know what is achieveable naturally, and that's true of some people. Lets keep in mind, hundreds of millions (if not billions) of people throughout the world use exogenous hormones every day for non-medically necessary purposes and are not vilified; They are called birth control pills. I don't care at all that someone is natty or not, and I fully understand all the PR reasons why someone wouldn't want to disclose being on gear. So, why do guys take steroids? Stares in public kinda big but all in all it was a successful cycle. So im on my first cycle, test e only at 600 mg per week in two shots, coming to the end of week 4. i can definitely feel that the stuff has kicked in, boners all day, oily skin, restless sleep, and i am just starting to feel it in the gym, but my question is how long before you started to notice the changes in your physique? Discussing sources will get you banned. 2min in got serious forearm pump that never let up. I mentioned it briefly but as I came of i was dealing with a few other personal issues and suffering pretty bad anxiety, so for a few weeks whilst doing pct I barely ate throughout the day as my stomach was too tight and nauseous, I was probably literally eating 1k cals a day if that, and I was also cutting on cycle and pretty harshly in time for a show in may, so I can only guess how much actual muscle I put on, and my guess is about 5 lbs maybe, but at the end of the day it doesn't really bother me, I wanted to try them, I know what its like, and if theres a next time, I might make different decisions. That is a pretty big over-simplification of a very diverse group of individuals who use gear for a wide range of reasons. Why The 8-Weeks Test Cycle and Not 6 or 12? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But, if I mention I've also done steroids and aren't 240 lbs shredded a lot people say "is that it? I'd definitely recommend blasting and cruising to others over cycling, coming off entirely really does suck, but is probably a bit of an evil necessity as well at the same time. While taking a test for a period longer than 8 weeks may yield more impressive results, you would cease this idea if safeness is your main concern. Definitely mirin'. If you run 300mg/wk for your first cycle, you'll see results. I believe them to actually be quite paradoxical actually, in that they both do nothing, and yet absolutely everything. Thanks for bringing it up and having the courage to post about your experience in general. I bloated quite a lot, particularly after starting HCG halfway through, and got a bit of nasty acne on neck and shoulders towards the end. Society seems fine with this, however, many men are not. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. I probably put on a few lbs of actual muscle, but of the 15-20 lbs heavier on cycle it was maybe 3-4 kept. Just finished my first 12 wk run with test e. Two weeks after my first injection went out riding a little motocross. We all know how big of a role they play in bodybuilding, so we assume everybody must be on them. To me, it sounds like your expectations were out of proportion to what is actually possible and you ended up a bit disappointed. It just so happens that society more readily accepts this use so long as we get to blow nuts in our women and not produce children. I think that this thread does, unintentionally, vilify steroids a bit. instead of asking about training, diet, what they changed, advice. Administration of Test Enanthate As a long ester testosterone, Test-Enanthate should be injected once per week at minimum; one injection per week will keep your blood levels high above their baseline. Is it going to kill you to do a … Other people have touched on it previously, but there is some serious psychological issues that people can and are getting into whilst being heavily involved in bodybuilding. In no way do I mean to vilify steroids, and if it came across as that then its probably my shortcomings as a writer lol. Press J to jump to the feed. So, like I mentioned in the title, I did 400mgs of test.e per week for 10 weeks, with nolvadex for my pct, no ai as I didn't experience the necessary side effects to warrant using it. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. I feel like telling people that you can get close to looking like someone on gear even if you're natural is a bit de-motivating and untrue. Lastly, I'd like to mention that a lot of people have probably heard what I'm going to write before, and that a lot of the time I'm probably repeating things that people generally believe to be true. And many guys are simply thinking that its because they don't want to try steroids that they aren't as big as that guy or can't lift as much, when in reality they probably just aren't working hard enough, and its a lot easier to blame something or someone than to look inside into the real reason why they feel insecure about themselves. As the days went on, arms, chest legs all were staying pumped like i just did a total body super-set. Clen - T3 Cutting Cycle for weight loss. I know personally I made the biggest gains (naturally at the time) when I was reading Arnolds' biography: Total Recall, and he majorly downplayed their role and it sounds like he didn't use them much. In your week 11 pic, pecs look nice and round. You have energy, your weight is constantly increasing, you get great strengths gains, and you feel extremely motivated since you know everything you do is giving you increased progress. I had high expectations for the first cycle as well. After 30 years old men's Test levels drop significantly. Ok, first of all you Will read ‘Kickstarter the cpurse with the dbol until the test e kicks in after 5 weeks, although as far as i researched its in your blood stream after 8 Hours lasting up to 10 days graduelle lowering. Possibly placebo. I just wanted to give a few of my ideas on why people seem to have such an issue in this sub with steroids, and by giving my own account of using them, how I was lead to those ideas. Mood was generally better. Whilst on cycle you feel great. Could you link it? That's cool dude. I think your doing fine. Just looking to see other people's results on their first run. You see, a LOT of people on this subreddit and in life simply list natural or not natural, but I feel like there is such a wide area of grey in between the two. My point here I guess is understanding where this whole natty vs not thing in the sub is coming from. I am a 6'2 23 y.o Male, currently weighing 209 lbs at around 12% bf. 1st test e cycle 10 (before and after pics) hello all, i am currently 2 1/2 weeks into my test e cycle. I've been lifting for around 3-4 years with time of in between due to injuries, fuck around-itis etc, but for the last 2 years or so I've put on around 30 lbs of pretty solid lean mass. Time is still the bigger factor. I definitely recommend anyone with any curiosity to go to r/steroids as its a fantastic sub and where I got a great deal of help and information. Wow great read! Ok, so you're dead set on a stack for a first cycle. It just becomes one huge circlejerk bashing the OP for having the courage to put himself out there. In no way am I trying to convince you to use, or not use, steroids in any way, shape, or form. Improved libido, confidence, sense of worth and overall quality of life. I'm not sure. when in reality 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 average cycles will only do what what you could have done anyway with a bit more time. No anger or anything. I do agree with a lot you said about how steroids can hurt your self esteem when you come off, but you seem to downplay their effectiveness. TEST/DBOL. I think that's a pretty fair statement to make, nobody wants to be mislead or lied to about whats possible. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. I am conscious though that a fair amount of that time was dropping weight and I was very reluctant to do a proper bulk. It's kind of a "the risk isn't worth it" thread. I must be doing great as a natural!" It comes from people who have put in 10 years of extremely hard work, literally changed their lives in the name of bodybuilding to the point of extreme athleticism, and aren't close to a young guy who is much fuller, ripped, and less bodyfat than them. Libido went up significantly and sex got really good, particularly in the first few weeks. This guy put on 15, I guess I suck shit" sort of thing. also, i kept the diet in check way better, and i probably "tried" harder in the gym too.. i was also hornier than ever! if this sub did that collectively, it would be a much nicer place. It was a great experience being bigger, stronger just from injecting yourself, but it sort of opens pandoras box to what else is possible, and suddenly you can get caught in this viscous cycle of never feeling like you are enough. I think that's where (some) people in this sub are. Also the pics don't really do me justice, I feel like I was a lot bigger than in the pic. Steroids help a lot whilst your on them, but when you come off you are still human and no different than all the other guys. Stares in public kinda big but all in all it was a successful cycle. Also the pics don't really do me justice, I feel like I was a lot bigger than in the pic. Happily discussing all things related to the safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. This can be, for a lot of guys, really hard to hear. My biggest gripe with this subreddit is that people have no regard for whats achievable naturally anymore. I'm about to start my first 12 week cycle and I'm planning on taking progress shots all along the way... Who knows, even .gif it up afterward. So far I've not had any regrets, but that's not to say I won't. Cycle: Test E 500/mg weekly for 10 weeks (250mg e3.5d) PCT: Clomid 75/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Before/End of Cycle/Current Physique Pics (See attached) On Cycle Important Notes I started this cycle at the end of August/beginning of September and … Crazy. I didn’t take any ai or serm and I didn’t really have any problems other than some minor bloat and my left nip felt kinda weird a few times but nothing serious. Yes with test e you wait 2 wks after last pin to begin pct. Higher oestrogen towards the end took a bit of a toll (wasn't able to finish quite a few times). This is close to the 'cookie cutter' beginner cycle of 500 mg per week, I used 400 as I obtained two 10 ml 200mg/ml vials of test so it lined up easier to do 400. You had a great aesthetic to start with, then just stacked some freaky mass on top. Again, this is only my person ideas why, and I got these ideas because I feel like I'm coming from a place where I could understand why someone would do these certain things. Which compounds did you use in this cycle? Whilst being on, you'd be an idiot to think steroids don't do a lot. In reality only the guys who are using a serious amount of gear all year round are going to be making the sort of gains that you can't achieve naturally, and its just as obvious that they aren't. But for those of us who have been going to the gym for years and years, gone through the different meal plans since we were late teens, fine tuned the diet, made huge natural gains, fine tuned the training, blasted out extreme workouts day in day out, it's hard to look at someone who is 3-5 years younger than us with 20 lbs more muscle and 5% less bodyfat and hear that he just put in harder work than us but is natural. I'm in my 30s, had been working hard for a few years and getting depressed at the very slow progress. Everybody is always talking or worrying about what is the 100% most efficient thing possible, but we're human, and nobody is ever going to reach that. I'd love to expand on them all but I dunno if I have enough time or the ability to word it properly lol. Of course, some of these transformations occurred with a little help from puberty and the spike in testosterone that occurs during this time. This gear user you mentioned, is his stuff still online? Just started my 2nd cycle 2 weeks ago and I'm already bigger now than I was at my peak from my first cycle. I was just thinking today (myron disappeared on us), You already had a great physique... now it's just more so. On average, these males lose 1/2 lb of muscle and gain 1 lb of fat per year. Hey r/Bodybuilding, over the last week or so I've seen a lot of posts relating to steroids, misinformation, 'non-nattys' and a tonne of other shit on this sub, so I thought I'd give my 2 cents on the matter to try and help more people understand, and also because I'm incredibly bored at work. Now then, first of all lets get a few disclaimers out of the way: THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION AND WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM MY EXPERIENCES. This is what happened to me. I looked at the last picture first and thought "chest could use some work", but I guess it's just the lighting. I was going through some other personal issues at the time, but at the same time I also believe being on steroids lead me to have some pretty serious anxiety issues and a hell of a lot more feels than I was ready for. I'd also, personally, strongly dissuade anyone from doing it too young if it's just for "casual" reasons like mine. To compare me, who has done 1 small cycle of test and some guy who is competing in the NPC and is blasting and cruising for the past few years feels very defeating. What does your second consist of? I don't really know how to wrap up, so I'll just say this, stop worrying about whos on gear, not on gear. People say obviously he is on gear! Whilst on cycle you feel great. Combat some of the effects of aging. All in all, do I think it was worth it? Someone is just about always going to be bigger than you, and you have to learn to deal with that, this is the first problem that you can face if you decide to go down the steroid path. Nothing major, but I felt a bit more confident, bit more smooth. I should have started running an AI (I had one on hand) with the benefit of hindsight. It's up to you and your goal for your first cycle. I really don't think I could put in any harder work with my diet and nutrition, I am happy to say that I've gained about 45lbs of muscle mass over the last 10 years and have low bodyfat. It's comparable to my progress. Its either has he done gear or has he not, and depending on the answer the person gets to feel better or worse about themselves. I don't really take much issue with your post. I brushed over it but I did mention that whilst being on them I had very little issues and thoroughly enjoyed it! However, as soon as you come of them, you nearly go back to being exactly how you were before. Again, I'm just doing this to kill time, and maybe 1 or 2 people read what I write and change their opinion because of what I've shown them, which would be pretty awesome. Think Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS and other wasting diseases. hur dur you suck you must have done something wrong." They want to be bigger, the same competitive drive that lead them to bodybuilding usually leads them to want to be bigger and better than other guys, then they hear about these magical properties of steroids and how its a short cut to being bigger and better and naturally they are curious. I believe to many people are way to pre-occupied with what or who is natural, when in reality you'd probably get 95% of their results without gear, by simply working hard. What is happening then? Like /u/Uristmcdurr said, there isn't a huge difference after your first beginner cycle aesthetically, but I was a hell of a lot stronger. Friendly moderator of r/steroids here. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Your experience can, no doubt, be the same experience of many people who run just one cycle. stop worrying about whos on gear, not on gear. Do the math over 15 years. At 500mg/wk, you'll see more muscles. Shit you're still here.

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