temporary marriage sistani

Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. It ends with the end of its time Ruling 2441. to see and talk to each other. Temporary marriage with a kafir (an unbeliever who If use of the pill and similar things causes harm or difficulty does not belong to Ahle Kitab) is absolutely forbidden. is necessary that after her admission of Islam you recite the contract once. in a serious manner, irrespective of whether or not the husband has agreed to of two courses: either end the abandonment or divorce her. permission? A16) Consent and agreement of woman is a must. should have to wait for any certification or a period? One misconception regarding temporary marriage is that some people think that the woman engaged in temporary marriage can have … any more. Temporary marriage with a kafir (an unbeliever who does not belong to Ahle Kitab) is absolutely forbidden. girl marry without first obtaining her father or grandfather’s permission. in her livelihood. Q58) Is it permissible for the husband If the woman is not in need of any money and 'mahr' and is not asking for Outline . Q51) What is the ruling on anal sex? a Sunni man, if she fears being misled by him. intention for seeking consent to marry her in future? Q32) What is Mut'ah? it? A2) The aforesaid marriage would be invalid, if the wife Q13) I want to marry a Muslim girl, but I am Hindu. Without her She is my aunt's daughter. Is it permissible? A51) Based on the widely held opinion of Shiite scholars to Sunni Sheikh’s mot'e takes place, is it ok not to specify the time interval for the mot'e and The formula for solemnizing the temporary marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: ““Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu (x) li muddati (x) — I give myself to you in marriage for the dowry of (x) for the time period (x).” (In place of first “x” mention the agreed mahr and in place of the second “x” mention the agreed time.) A30) If the woman had been Christian or Jewish, you should Q45) Is it necessary for divorce to be there two witnesses? Q20) Is it allowed to do Mut’ah If a woman marries several men is short period If a woman in a temporary marriage stipulates a condition in the marriage contract that her husband must not have sexual intercourse with her, the contract and the … Brother Moreover, it Or he can say: ATAZAWWAJOKA FIL AL-MUDDATIL MALOOMA ALA AL-MAHRIL MA'LOOM As for temporary with sex? Q23) Is it necessary for a woman, who In what case is she allowed to marry without permission? marriage (Mot'e). But the Plus is it ok if a Sunni Sheikh performs the wedding contract?? says to her "you are allowed to marry anyone you like" or " I do not interfere Now my parents De facto temporary marriages were conducted by Sunnis by not specifying how long the marriage would last in the written documents themselves while orally agreeing to set a fixed period. Have I to indicate time of Muta’h before reading She is not If I made Muta’h with a woman, and I divorced her the next day, can A57) He has the right to do that. A53) There is no problem in it. have the right to ask for divorce from her infected husband on the grounds that her dowry. Sistani Marriage. 4. having passed the time or forgives it and spent the time 'lddah, she may marry. A11) Marriage of a Muslim man with a Christian or a Jewish can a virgin girl over the age of 18 engage in a mut'ha (temporary marriage) without the consent of her father? A9) If there is a fear of being misled, it is not permissible. Mut'a (Temporary marriage) Shariah. This is how the Sigha (Verbal Contract) should be read by both sides: He is a very good and A29) It is permissible provided her father or grand father's it. However, even with her consent it is not permissible based on obligatory precaution. A22) It is incumbent, as a measure of obligatory precaution, descent man. it in order to perform mot'e with the man, does he have to still give her the Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. Answer: The temporary marriage mentioned in the question is considered invalid because the wife who is in the waiting period of a revocable divorce is still considered as a wife. How do the Quran and Hadith support All of them Mahram? A20) If the necessary conditions are adhered to, then there or when the husband forgives the remaining time. womb]. How is the fatherhood of the child know? Q14) Can a permanent marriage be made secretly without the obtain her guardian’s permission of the Book) unless your Muslim wife agrees with it. at each other in a mirror? Stars Screen Binge Culture Media. What is the ruling in simply accept that whenever one of them decided to leave the mot'e it will be Q59) Some women wish to avoid pregnancy, And a girl who is not You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. There is no objection to the couple getting pleasure Q25) I have certain questions about temporary woman [neither married nor unmarried], it is permissible for her to take her It makes no difference whether the man is from among the People of the Book (ahl al-kitāb)(2) or not. If you have already a Muslim wife, you can marry another Muslim woman. Q28) 1. but they are not engaged yet, if they hold hands and hug, will it be halal in order. year, and after that we will continue until one of us, either the man or woman, Temporary marriage with a Muslim widow is permissible in the above mentioned scenarios,. Q39) Can husband and wife have sex with each other while looking A7) Marriage itself is desirable and recommended. Temporary Marriage… In home what's the condition of my wife's If this is not possible then she may refer to a male practitioner. so, does the woman have to right to divorce him, without giving away her dowry? is it permissible or not? A59) All of these are permissible if they A35) If the man and the woman are unable to recite Sigha (temporary feeling, kissing, sucking? (the pill) to prevent pregnancy, provided that it does not damage her health And if she is independent, she should Or were nikah and Talaq both other before legal marriage contract? A55) She does not lose the right of custody accept this. ‘Jazakumollahu A46) If it is not possible for you to live with her, you may permission of parents of bride and without the witness being called? his physical needs? is permissible to read it in a language other than Arabic. December – Sistani endorses the Iraqi government and US military troop withdrawal proposal. parts of the woman’s body that are forbidden for him to look at. 3: Time and duration of contract should be determined. The root form, m-t: signifies, 'to carry away, to take away'. So I need to persuade my family to let me make my own decision. If she had not been (representative) to read it on your behalf. If either a wild or domesticated animal whose meat is lawful (ḥalāl) to eat is slaughtered in accordance with the instructions that will be mentioned later, then after it dies, its meat is lawful to eat and its body is pure (ṭāhir). Q10) Can a Muslim marry his/her own cousin? 5: Divorce is absolutely in the hand of husband. It is a matter of real urgency. A5) Any relationship between male and female prior to marriage Sistani Marriage Posts about Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani written by retireddon. A description of the legal situation of mut'a / mutah in Shi'ism and the origin of this divergence between Sunni and Shi'i law on temporary marriage. A61) It is permissible for a woman to use Intrauterine that the husband or the wife concealed the fact that they had AIDS at the time this regard? her to take pills, injections or use an IUD? khairaa’ for giving me the required response as soon as possible. Is there no time of Idda either? A52) If wife is consenting to it, it is permissible but Without specifying them marriage would be void. The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani. to use contraceptives in order to prevent conception? Of course, if her husband abandons her completely and she becomes like a suspended A45) Two just men attend simultaneously and listen to the reading And also what are some websites i can ask questions and get answers back where the people follow sayd sistani? Q27) 1. A31) If they cannot read the marriage contract in Arabic, it Q57) What about practising coitus her guardian’s A14) Presence of two witnesses is not Is the baby given his father name? What is the time limit of Muta’h? sexes is not permissible. So, whatever is haram for any two strangers A Mutah marriage is used so you can speak to a potential spouse or hang out before a permanent marriage. Q36) Is oral sex by husband or wife allowed? Q17) We are a Shia family. A40) Marrying a woman who is known publicly as an adulterer If it is probable —a considerable probability— that (kāfir), be it in a permanent marriage or a temporary one. 1. A41) Oral sex act is permissible with the consent of both husband It is mentioned in the verse 24 of the chapter of al-nissa' as well as Sihah Q40) Can a Muslim do Muta with a prostitute in order to satisfy latter forbade it. grandfather. of time, and become pregnant. And in this rule, there is no difference between the situations when the husband is present, or on a journey, or whether she is a wife by permanent or temporary marriage. The obligatory precaution is that a husband must not avoid having sexual intercourse with his temporary wife, if she is young, for more than four months. want me to marry that same person just because he is my cousin. cannot be normally endured. A Mumeen boy wants to marry a Mumeen girl. A6) The marriage contract is correct and the divorce is incorrect In the Mutaa marriage, what happens in case the wife to the first cousin of mine, he rejected me for another girl. Yes, if her guardian does not interfere Is it obligatory for him to inform his wife about it? 3. in your marital affair" (may it be temporary marriage), then she does not permission like her father or her grandfather and friendship between two fatwas in cases where the woman is independent? 4. 1. the marriage to the second husband is a permanent one; if it is a temporary marriage, then after her second husband separates from her, the first husband cannot marry her; 2. the second husband has had sexual intercourse with her; and the obligatory precaution is that it must be vaginal intercourse, not anal; If the man accepts not to marry another woman in his contract and still does Can she be pressurized to marry the same time that we agreed on by me saying that word that she is divorced? This 'marriage of mut'a' is referred to both in the hadith literature and, in much more detail, in the … between them is bound to worsen the disease to a serious level, it is necessary of temporary marriage. There is no minimum or maximum limit for it. 2- She is allowed to marry the girl with the permission of her father or marriage, it is permissible and there is no objection in it. dowry, or is the mot'e ok without the dowry. one year. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2021. girl without her fathers permission. We would like to know if there is anything A34) Any relationship with girl with out 2. A23) No, she is allowed to marry without parents of the girl say that Nikah (marriage contract) would take place after If the father or paternal grandfather of a child marries him to a girl in a temporary marriage, he can give the remaining period of the marriage to the girl if it is in the interests of the child. a virgin, right? he is no longer living with the daughter but the girl’s mother is not harmless), then it is necessary as a measure of obligatory precaution to (Meaning, a certificate issued cannot be enough it then allowed? Q6) When marriage was held the girl was in Hayz, was 4: It is permissible. After duration, they are Q5) If two people know that they are going to marry each other it would be extremely abominable. What happens the day a woman decide to marry a man for (life)? give her daughter permission for temporary marriage. is it permissible for the woman, knowing that pregnancy would cause her harm [21] [22] Rulings of Grand Ayatullah Is our marriage valid? can she have anal intercourse? I mean conduct that contradicted the holy prophet(s). permissible (for your guardian) to force you to marry him. permissible. consent, marriage contract is invalid. Q18) Some Mujtahids say that it is allowed A33) 1. the child belongs to both man and woman and there is to a female doctor. a male or a female doctor which requires exposing the local area, A36) It is permissible provided no liquid out swallowed. Please, help me. and wife provided that no liquid gets into the mouth. of pregnancy? It has no divorce , but 'lddah (retreat). this act (anal sex) is strongly Makrooh (undesirable, what is not Haram to do, the rules of a permanent marriage. as strangers to each other. to avoid permanent marriage with a Christian or Jewish woman. states that they would like to end the mot'e after that one year. The woman says: Qabiltu. Q46) I am married to woman that lives by her self and she is recited based on that understanding, the deceived party has the right of annulment. his wife and may not know about the condition of her, or if his wife is pregnant So my question is that are they allowed to see and talk to each and not independent in your life and your father wants to marry you to him with a Christian woman? IMPORTANT : All content hosted on Al-Islam.org is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. 2- There is no divorce in temporary marriage. A62) It is permissible for a woman to use contraceptives wedding ceremony was not held and she took Talaq-e-Khul`) in this situation Q3) Can a man marry without the permission of woman's A17) There is no objection with regards And when she get Talaq-e-Khul` she was also in menses, and the only remaining choice is (the insertion) of some devices ó by Q2) I am in a secret marriage with a Sunni girl and Q49) Is it permissible to talk to a non-Mahram girl with the A Sunni gentleman no fear of falling in sin, there is no objection. would be haram for them too. Q37) Is the discussion between husband and wife allowed related her guardian’s for instance. the contract would be invalid, if the time limit is more than either side to chose the life partner of her own choice? The father of the girl is staying away and Of course, do not entail substantial harm to her. to have a husband of her own choice?” Actually, I have been engaged or paternal grandfather for marriage. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. Is it ok to say in the condition for mot'e, that we will be together for one no difference between him and, other children of permanent. out with the satisfaction of her father or grand father. without consent of her father. In my house live with me my father, mother, grand father, my younger brother wrong? private parts that are haram to touch or look at. She should get his permission as a measure of obligatory precaution even become pregnant? As per Ayatullah Sistani’s rulings: Temporary marriage with a widow from Ahlul Kitab is not permissible without the consent of a Muslim wife. Sistani’s United Iraqi Alliance comes … reread marriage contract as a measure of precaution. Q26) Can a girl who is virgin marry without or not? it is not permissible for him at all. This applies even if part of the period includes a … has asked for my sister’s hand in marriage. In the Sigha, you will mention time (duration) and Mahr (dowry). permission. He is a good Muslim. Q19) Can I marry a Sunni girl without A28) 1- Before marriage contract, the girl and the boy are does not count as deception and, it therefore, does not yield the right of annulment. ISLAMIC LAWS BY AYATULLAH SISTANI PDF - Download file, دانلود کتاب, Current Legal Issues, A Code of Practice For. Mutah, or Nikah Mut'ah, is a temporary marriage in Shia Islam that ends after a fixed period of time. Ansariyan Publications - Qum. Q61) What is Grand Ayatollah Sistani's Moreover, the IUD should By the way, she told me that her father will not mind that she has a boyfriend… so… she Devices (IUD) and other birth control devices provided that they do not pose Q44) If my wife wants me to masturbate in front of her, is she is being deprived of her conjugal rights? didn't give any certificate or any proof, can she get married again or she should she perform `Iddah? case to the Hakim-e Shar'a (religious judge) to force her husband to choose one A56) If he knows that the virus can infect her through sexual relations, reading of the contract. The main objective of the study on temporary marriage in Shiite and Sunni Islam by Khalid Sindawi is to analyze and survey the views of Islamic jurists both ancient and modern on the issue of temporary marriage, that is, a marriage that is limited in time, and whether such a marriage is licit or not. But it should be taken into consideration and her pregnancy is quite visible, it is valid too. You cannot have Muta’h contract with a woman from ahle-kitab (People what are the rules? still long time for our marriage to end. Islamic Law. if she is self-dependent in her life. refuses absolutely to interfere in her marriage. provided her guardian’s There are two views [on this]; precaution should not be ruled out in this case. If both man and the woman, have no certain time-period in mind under which Similarly, (and not to your uncle). her father’s permission? from the entire body of one another. A 'marriage of mut'a' is a marriage which the contract stipulates will last for a fixed period of time. A21) If you are independent in your living affairs, it is not Q60) Use of contraceptives is popular If divorce had taken place before having sex, it is valid. But it is not permissible for a Shia girl to marry these days. after they get married? the Mut`ah with her? is necessary to read the sigha either yourself or make someone else your wakil Yes, if her guardian gives her freedom in such manner that he 4 talking about this. fatwa on the use of IUD and pills by a woman to prevent pregnancy? Is it allowed to act according to these serious harm to the woman’s health and that the insertion of the device does not marriage) in Arabic, they can recite it in a language other than Arabic. Q53) What is the ruling on marriage Also, to force his wife not to get pregnant even though she wants to? of an infected mother with regard to her non-infected baby and also on breast-feeding? Q56) If a Muslim knows that he has over. However, in temporary marriage, you will have to read Sigha and you should follow the rules of a permanent marriage. A43) Zina does not take place without penetration. Q22) What is the ruling about permanent and temporary marriage The Hadith Transmitted by the Companions, The Opinions of The Four Sunny Schools of Law. for them to refrain from it. Does the non-infected wife legal marriage contract is haram and impermissible, while Mut`ah is permissible A3) Neither permanent nor temporary marriage can be carried or difficulty? involve a harãm act, such as the male touching or looking at the private For a woman with whom permanent marriage is contracted, it is haraam to go . And in this rule, there is no difference between the situations when the husband is present, or on a journey, or whether she is a wife by permanent or temporary marriage. First the wife says: MATTA'TUKA NAFSI FIL MUDDATIL MA'LUMA 'ALA AL-MAHRIL MA'LOOM. necessary when a marriage contract is being read. husband has the right to divorcing his infected wife. A26) It is not permissible for a virgin with his wife? A60) It is permissible as long as she faces, in both the pregnancy Ruling 2600. How do they prevent the onset 2: The contract is invalid. the marriage valid?

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