school counselors are useless

You are redundant. All in all, we have a life to live, each and everyone of us, don’t we not? We had a good lol on that a few years ago when my friends and I found out. And even as a fan of Becks, I realise that the Beckham studies might be a bit too much . By the way, I know I'm just a dumb Arts students, but it's "you're" not "your". This typically falls under the category of applied philosophy, philosophy of science etc. So what? I must admit that I love learning things that are normally not explored by most people. I protest against the inclusion of philosophy in this list:, Surely, as long as people are doing what they want and are enjoying it, the course of their choice doesn’t really need to be slated by people using this as a platfom to show off their own intelligence? Philosophers can specialize in a subcategory in philosophy. I am an engineering major, and at our school we're required to study a few credits from humanities and the soft sciences in order to gain an appreciation of what others do. Reading this from the philospers has inspired me. So the final say on the matter is this. graduates because of the herd mentality involved in thinking it is pointless and easy. What about taking classes because you want to learn something, not just get a passport to a high-paying job? This emphasizes the broader point I’ve been making about the importance of communication, reasoning, logic, and argument (all provided by taking courses outside of the sciences). Maybe I’ll read further. Learn a sport, instrument, a bit about art, computer programming, travel the world and learn new languages and cultures. They wouldn’t. A graduate degree in psychology can lead to licensure in mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy and psychology ( course requirements meet educational requirements among other requirements ). To say something like, “…it’s not as strong as a philosophy major usually” is probably one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read on this page so far. Who hires theoretical physicists other than physics departments? Skip to comments. You inferred that chemistry and physics are just number crunching? Some people learn ancient languages not for a job, but out of their interest and out of the fact that they want to research more knowledge. Just because all doctorates are called PhD does not mean philosophy is studied in many of them. He also indicated that Noam Chomsky was somehow a good teacher when he was an utter rube in actuality. Therefore, a majority of people who go to university are in fact Liberal Arts majors (with accordance to the traditional definition of liberal arts) and are gaining a broader education and knowledge of a subject rather than the applications of that subject. I firmly believe that all my “strawmen” are relevant to the matter: Philosophy also contributed to society in the cultural/religious aspect. Let's take physics for instance, it is full of mathematics and its very origins as a subject sprouted from a desire to understand the universe and all its misteries. Is it merely a question of how much society “needs” the professions? Again, keyword here is evidence. And yes, I do know way more than you. What are good forms of reasoning? Philosophy itself is not useless, but I can’t say that love to study it. I am at a loss! :p. Here are some real jobs you can get with these degrees: They also realized that less-expensive institutions like BCIT (where people are trained, not educated) graduate students with similar ability. etc. Its a whole other playing field. I am letting it go. Yah, I don’t think they offer criminal justice at those universities. What better way, then, to learn philosophy, than to watch Star Trek, read philosophy, and hash it all out in class?” The Trekkies have also landed at Indiana University, who curiously combine their Star Trek Studies with religion. “in short people who cant argue with the facts like to call people stupid. About your example when the potential employer selects the Philosophy major's resume over other business majors: This example would be much more convincing if it had any relation to reality. That being said, take a course or two if you feel it necessary, but there are a lot less uses for people with a degree in philosophy than there are people with a degree in philosophy. Yes you should be allowed to pursue an interest, I agree. However, what they are incapable of getting though their heads is that most people get a degree in philosophy AS WELL as in another practical field where the two combined will have results that can analyse relevant matters, even in engineering, business economics, and mathematics. When it comes to engineering, most engineers work as technicians, estimators and planners. Oh and some of those philosophy grads who now work in low paid employment did so out of choice rather than a lack of choice. To say it's pointless is pure ignorance.…. 2. You switched to Philosophy so you could become a “COLLEGE PROFESSOR IN THE ART.” There is little to no actual application of these studies, it’s only good to teach others who also intend to never leave academia upon graduation making this degree completely useless outside of its own encapsulated life cycle. This is likely to lead to work that doesn't involve mixing chemicals, making graphs on excel, and crunching numbers. Are you that proud? Apart from writing essays and reports, the students also get to surf occasionally. I moved from California (Berkeley) a few yaers ago to New York City. hahahahahhhaahahahahhaha loser u had better hope that scientists (useful members of society unlike u)) invent a time machine so that u can go back in time and actually study at scool so u can get into a real degree at university!!! This is what happens; when there are only 20 open positions and there are 10 times more men applying than women, then the percentage of men getting the job is more than likely going to be higher than the percentage of women. Evidence: "On a absolute final note, its really hilarious how a philosophy major is telling me the inside scoop on my own field (job prospects, competition, skills needed etc.) Take money out of the equation and what would you study? Don’t make anonymous insults if you can’t handle a little poke back. Remember Art History is historically an academic degree taught at Oxford and Cambridge. Uhhh, why did you basically restate what I wrote in my rebuttal to the moron above? Infact, the absolute lowest entry requirment to do degree level Philosophy in the UK at any university is A,A,A,B. They can go on to apply their skills to many different areas, limited only to their own individual capacities and fantasies. You guys are all after money basically? What if an endless cycle of answering and asking questions leads to nothing getting done? Oh, and art majors rock on, without you we lose culture. They are totally right, and I will take it up one day! Have some respect for those who are senior to you (and who possess more knowledge than you). Philosophy is based on assumptions. useless? They go in to acquire your said (same skills) in a field like “aerospace engineering” but nobody wants to hire them because technicians are very replaceable. I hate how this world has people who seem to endlessly talk past each other. "I’ve tried to offer a more nuanced version of my original argument but it obviously isn’t gaining any supporters. None of the great philosophers were simply philosophers. I agree completely… I’m surprised by the large number of existing mediocre articles/writers. people wonder why some majors are labeled easy or hard. But you would have to be an idiot to deny that they have their place in this world, as it is these kinds of subjects (i cannot speak for sociology degree courses) that give meaning to modern day society and its wonderful diversity. And just FYI (for other readers), in the capitalist world of today success IS based highly upon your job, and salary. Art direction and all of the backstage jobs for major studios, theatres, and advertising companies, such as make up costuming, set dressing, research, layout. 10. It is the very concept of variability-it is, finally, the concept of the game. For some people, that’s making more money. What is your justification for that? It sounds funny but he has to do a fair bit of science as well… degrees aren't all about getting a job at the end it should be primarily about pursuing an interest. The fruition of a liberal education is not a specific skill, but the ability to think critically. As I wrote above, I don't think that the sciences or business are easy subjects to study. Not everyone is interested in the high paying degrees such as Medicine or Engineering. The lecturers say that 89% of graduates find a job in the first half of the year after finishing this degree, but I have quit studying. Higher education lecturer – facilitates learning and carries out research activities in universities and some colleges of further education (FE). Yes, I do believe that you (at least before) thought the sciences were a breeze. You’re a philosophy major, are you not? I am glad I took them, and I did enjoy them. Till then, it’s better than anything you you do. You are wrong again. This article must have been written by a cookie-cutter business major. If you want to be a credentialed and working class, by all means choose sports management over philosophy or history or English. One thing philosophy DID teach me (in Law School now, by the way- not exactly a dead end job at a Blockbuster): don't make overarching claims about something you know nothing about! They’re studied because their own “conclusions about our world” have been found much more insightful than thousands of others, and perhaps by studying them with a properly trained professor, your own “thinking about the world” can be of a higher quality. Accounting speaks for itself, lots of jobs, pretty good money, crunching numbers for a living. In response to your last paragraph, I’m quite sure I’m not in a dreamworld. I fear that I will get so stressed, that I will no longer look the job the same way. Philosophy majors score higher on all Grad school tests than every major except math, economics, and engineering. I bet whoever wrote this list just had the image of someone asking a patient how they're feeling today while they sit on a sofa. And to top it off you bash the physical sciences like they're some sort of robotic droning computation of numbers. degree is by all major employers. People do some research. Please consider taking some philosophy classes before you claim it’s useless (it’ll also change your life if your professor is great, trust me). You want evidence of a more rigorous reading regimen? I was doing that to save time because I wasn’t sure if the blog site would let me post my essays. I have a Bachelors Degree in History of Art from Yale University. I have so much sympathy for people who believe that being as wealthy as possible is more important than living a happy life(talk to Jack Whittaker and the dozens of people who’ve succumbed to drugs and can’t determine who really is their friend from the lottery money they’ve won), or that it’s an indicator of its usefulness. I'm right now doing a course that requires us to write essay after essay about sustainability and the engineer's responsibility to society. So what I’m only saying is that all of this is pointless, if only all of us try to understand each other. My girl has a Masters in Social Work she currently works for the State. Not forgetting the fact that these “research” papers always take the side of women, which shows the bigotry of these university departments. Honestly, and you tell me that Philosophy is a good major to go for? “today they make 80 cents to every man’s dollar and are a small percentage of high paying jobs and upper management.” – As “8733LB” and “The Borg” have stated this is completely false. You're basing your positions on a claim that hasn't even been properly found to be true. Useless is not the word for it—it’s become the enemy. Not much mystery solving there. Those who get a degree in a fine art such as philosophy or art history and under-utilize their talents by working a dead-end job have nobody to blame but themselves. i'm assuming the genius who wrote this list was a communications major. It is all done in good fun. Wow, this article was quite interesting until I saw option 5, philosophy. As for business majors arguing about how useful your degree is… Save your breath. HAHA, YOU, sir, CONTRADICTED YOURSELF! Either way neither subject (when put to use.) This research is published in science journals which are read by other researches, because the research contains useful information and is worth reading. I have been studying Information Management a business program at a well respected university in Europe. I don't think the degree should exist as a straight course as science has replaced the practical purpose for philosophy. You instead choose to say something vague and go on to base your entire rebuttal on it. So, you are telling me that a head pro at an exclusive country club making six figures a year doesn't need a degree in Professional Golf Management? Good university programs don't directly correlate to specific jobs. We’re doomed to live with that consequence and it’s the choice we make. Many of them end up teaching, doing research or going on to law school. Dont waste your time at the school and go to a Dallas County college where they actually have resources, tutors and counselors who you can actually make appointments with to help you. Make sure you do internships, and work yourself up outside of school, as well as in the classroom. If you didn't know how to learn, how did you learn to learn that your learning needs improvement and you need to learn how to learn? I completely disagree with the fact that philosophy or art degrees are useless. You live only once, use your life purposefully. But the bottom line to all of us humans on earth is surviving and the pursuit understanding of everything (sentient). lol @ sexiest course -that works in their favour too. These same people who major in those fields that don’t have high job prospects whine about how it’s not fair that they’re in all of this debt and that taxpayers should have to pay for their education. Philosophy is outdated and useless. At least in my high school we are going over art during the Renaissance and going over realism, impressionists, romanticism, socialism, realists in History class. When you fully appreciate a wonderful work of art like Beethoven’s Eroica or da Vinci’s Last Judgment, you will understand that such wonderful things are too wonderful and beautiful to be declared as useless; the very beauty of such objects are enough justification to make us direct our efforts towards studying them, preserving them, and using them to make new art. Well, you can add civil engineering to that list. But what people don't see is the difference between the domain of study and the degree itself. From the science majors, philosophy majors, business majors, etc. Of course, I think this course is totally legitamite, because one its only a course and not a degree and also it teaches you various methods of war strategy and also is very fun to take. School psychologists and counselors need more time to spend with one-on-one with students, but that’s difficult to find in these days of austerity. Naive as it may sound, I mostly want to have fun. Been observing the lazy undergraduates and think you know the real world outside? 8. So you are contributing to someone’s dream rather than creating your own. A recent poll of top CEOs placed engineering and then economics as the top two degrees CEOs like to see. Since queer musicology is an increasingly important sector of our field, it makes sense for graduate students to be familiar with it, no? Brilliant post, if not for the absolute comic value then for the brilliance in attracting dozens of people including some (self described) professionals to defend their courses. Nobody needs to spend thousands of dollars on an art degree to prove they can do art. 7. I like your style of writing. If I want to learn a language, I do it. “Actually, most of your points are opinion and personal experience.” No it is not the same. So, to say it is useless just because YOU think it is boring doesn't mean it is useless. Doctor of Philosophy. They were great minds that contributed to society in many ways: mathematics, architecture, theology, science – you notice none of them were ever JUST philosophers. – when you get to phd and beyond. "I argued that those who study what they want will have had a much more stimulating post-secondary experience.". It was not until Descartes, that philosophy and Science seperated. According to wikipedia (if one can trust it), the following is the definition of Liberal Arts: "The term liberal arts denotes a curriculum that imparts general knowledge and develops the student’s rational thought and intellectual capabilities, unlike the professional, vocational, technical curricula emphasizing specialization. 2. major–But I understand can be jobless for a long time, I'm not even sure how I am compared to the rest of the competition, and don't know how creatively I can work under serious pressure. They solve problems that have already been solved before; scientists, mathematicians and engineers solve new problems. I am looking forward for your next post. How sweet is that? Without such subjects, nothing ‘new’ will be reality. You’re expected to know about history, philosophy, and to be always aware of what is happening in the art world today. Just another example of how you just love to take those big words and use them ou tof context. Since code did not daunt me, I then went into IT security, hired by Blue Chip organisations to analyse and trace malicious code. we did our time .. so you want to insult my intelligence some more while we are savin your butt?!?!?! I think the study of philosophy is interesting and beneficial to the human race. How is knowledge achieved? Philosophy sparked science which then (post religious persecution) invented the computer: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 are all niche business/social areas. I don't laugh at people earning the income they do for working in these areas. Don’t argue, I studied it. i enjoyed the list. um, whose definition of "useless" are we using? You won't have developed basic logic, reasoning, writing, or speaking skills which could be applied to a much broader range of jobs that exist in the real word. It may not be directly related to a specific career but it can offer an immense amount of personal satisfaction. obviously you guys have made a smart choice, and know a lot more about life than these whack-jobs who claim that Philosophy is useless. "yet my engineering technologist room mate was unemployed because all construction projects in the city were stalled. The type of creative thinking fostered by the arts has been shown to be a more important skill for securing CEO-level jobs than numerical reasoning or scientific knowledge. Before there was science there was philosophy. A lot of people who complain about the small percentage are arguing about equal outcome; which is completely ridiculous. "Philosophy, like sociology and psychology, is one of those degrees that people do when they’re not quite sure what vocation they want to follow.". My friend is now a curator, and earning more than some lawyers. For real. I feel bad for a friend of mine who graduated with a 3.8 from UCLA in Philosophy and works at Pizza Hut. Philosphy majors are known for this. Even today, those studying the so called “useful” degree subjects will have to learn some philosophy relevant to their subject. Sometimes I think it's worth spending those three or four years on self study, confidence building, charm, speech and networking. Please share your thoughts by completing an online survey. When the first University started in ancient Greece the only subject studied was philosophy. Perhaps you’ve misunderstood the various discussions in reply to this article. You have a very narrow minded view of the sciences. “It opens your mind and enlightens.” That means nothing. I will admit, there are some howlers on there, most notably the David Beckham and Star Trek ones. And it’s quite amusing to see philosophers trying to defend their position by endlessly asking questions about accepted cultural definitions. I’m not a philosophy major. Here’s another useless sport degree spreading through Universities across the world, but this one lands the number two position because it’s not even fun. Anyway, why should we think about the obvious all the time. You cannot merely say that society doesn’t need people with philosophy degrees. On the other hand, Studying about Oprah Winfrey. Philosophy is definitely useless. Queer musicology isn't so much concerned with finding evidence of Teh Buttsex in music; it's more about acknowledging things like secret shame, or the closet, or the awareness that you're hated by your neighbors, or lots of other things that are common experiences for LGBTQ people. Chop chop! Just so everyone can take a look at your stupidity, here are all of them: "If you study, say, chemistry, it is pretty unlikely you’ll have transferable skills that could apply to anything outside of the sciences. (Yes, I know, you mean how to learn better, I just had to make that joke, no offense intended), Do you think those philosopher could maybe learn how to learn that philosophy is useless, that is after that learn how to learn, but how do they learn how to learn in first place.. im confused, wish i was an philosopher then i would have no problems. If you have to learn how to learn, you won’t be able to. Is there a God? There is so much pressure now to specialize in one field or to tick the "uni" box by getting a degree. So theory is philosophy and philosophy is about critically evaluating the theory for flaws whilst science endeavours in its progress to apply the theory using experiment of which their are two types – mathematical and labratory. Is that no longer considered cool? Philosophy isn’t usually viewed as the hardest major, but neither is it viewed as one of the easiest. Science looks at the small detail (physical/material universe) and tests the theory in the world. Sadly, more philosophy students have been shown to suffer with mental illness than any other subject, and why? Aesthetics, on the other hand, is a complete waste of time (psht, who needs art anyway?). I agree with this BUT, and this is a major BUT, are the people who came from philosophy degrees actually going to contribute more to society than someone who has a degree in engineering, think about it, or are they just going to sit by with a smug look on there faces and just boast all day long about how the subject they studied INDIRECTLY contributed to society? You gain many transferable skills through a science education. The only reason Business majors and economics majors say Philosophy degrees are a joke is because they werent smart enough to realize that before they got their utterly useless business degree. "is designed to expose the student to a variety of competing ideas, and teach the student to synthesize these said ideas and create their own analysis.". But even if so, what is “need”? This is because they have different backgrounds, which causes them to notice certain things in music and ignore others. “Anyone who can’t argue with the facts like to call people stupid, you dumbass!”. You think its something like 1+2=3? I take it the last time you studied chemistry was in, say, high school? However, a lot of scientists don't earn much, at least in Britain (biomed scientists earn c. £12k a year). I studied philosophy and I agree some of the issue we discussed were pointless. Although I agree with the beckham course. Where were these college courses when my GPA needed help? That was all the rage as far as useless degrees go when I went to college in the 80's. It is the time spent earning it and how you grew intellectually while earning it that matters. A liberal education, whether it be in Philosophy, Political Science, or in English is designed to expose the student to a variety of competing ideas, and teach the student to synthesize these said ideas and create their own analysis. Please name me some of the Fortune 500 exec's with Philosophy degrees. It’s a privilege that needs to be earned. There’s nothing much duller than playing golf apart from studying golf, so why these two Universities have offered courses covering the psychology of golf; equipment technology; financial performance and coach education, is a mystery. “The influence is there, although it might not be noticed. A bunch of people who study engineering merely do it in order to get the financial gain mainly (of course there is some slight interest in the subject as well; however, it’s not as strong as a philosophy major usually). The median mid career salary for philosophy majors is higher than that of business majors. I bet whoever wrote this list just had the image of someone asking a patient how they’re feeling today while they sit on a sofa. Heard of the enlightenment? I also work in construction which is why by logical choice I chose this field of study. However despite my belief that the liberal arts are superior to the arrogant, insecure, and redundant science-undergrad, I am relatively uninspired by my peers. You'd be destroyed your first week in. If you think the following questions are trivial, then you must live a really boring life. We can do this all year. Do we have free will? What the hell is this? I'm just annoyed that you, as a philosophy major, don't understand the value of using tangible facts to support an argument. Also, he also basically terrified his cousin/niece (not sure which one, but definitely one of the two) who was attending a Catholic school by commenting on the extent of the Spanish Inquisition and how horrific it was. There is a degree now in ‘lady gaga sociology’ – which caused a aprt of me to die inside. Tell me again how math and science didn't spawn from philosophy, and not the other way around? Right now I read Nelson Mandela’s biography in my free time. All were interesting to me and useful as they exposed me to things I found I enjoyed. It’s not because women are being discriminated against; that just because she’s a woman that she is getting paid less is complete bull. Nothing, absolutely nothing is useless, even if you don't value the effect of its use, and contrastingly, show me a genuine and undiluted manifestation of useful-ness, I challenge anyone to do so. Art makes us human, it explores things which we cannot yet express in science, language or philosophy. How about education, teachers? Athletes and celebrities almost negate education altogether and make far more than your average mathematician or engineer, so is the NFL or are Kardashians doing anything constructive to society? A philosophy class nowadays teaches you the methods of what is called “analytic philosophy”, which has a style of argumentation which resembles more like math rather than English literature. Well funny you mention mediocre actually, the majority of people (at least in the university I'm in) who are studying Arts, is far greater than people who are studying business, science or law. Despite this being false (when I worked in an insurance company before going to university they told me philosophy degrees really stood out in business job applications) it is just wrong in itself. I never said that philosophy as a discipline was useless- and neither did the article – the comment was directed specifically to philosophy as a stand alone degree.

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