blo spontaneous combustion

Could be music, poetry, or blogs. The oil itself is not a problem, however the solvents used to thin the linseed oil are highly flammable and combustible. There is much speculation… It's just the four of us and a 29' Ranger Tug, sorting what we can and hauling it back to shore to recycle or chuck. ", Almost all postulated cases of SHC involve persons with low mobility due to advanced age or. Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the alleged burning of a person's body without a readily apparent, identifiable external source of ignition. Paul Rolli, a fellow of London’s Royal Society, the world’s oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, coined the term in a 1744 article entitled Philosophical Transactions. All … Great idea. Anyone who has followed this blog for a while -- especially in the summers -- knows my family cleans beaches in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Why are you people even keeping them in the shop or basement. All the little strips I use with BLO I toss into a small metal bucket that sits in the middle of the shop floor. However, where the destruction was extensive, additional fuel sources were involved, such as chair stuffing, floor coverings, the flooring itself, and the like. Spontaneous combustion has been depicted in artworks dating back centuries. These bonds come in various forms; generally, the more closely each molecule’s electron shell overlaps, the stronger the bond is. Spontaneous combustion 04/06/16 . "Irishman died of spontaneous human combustion, coroner claims", "Skeptoid #258: Spontaneous Human Combustion", "Fiery tales that spontaneously destruct", "Combustion of animal fat and its implications for the consumption of human bodies in fires", "Solving the Mystery of Spontaneous Human Combustion", "Why a Woman in Germany Just Spontaneously Combusted", "Ball lightning scientists remain in the dark", "No New Clues in Reeser Death; Debris Sent To Lab", "Spontaneous combustion in St. Petersburg? We aren't part of a fleet, or a crew. Such sources were often omitted from published accounts of these incidents, presumably to deepen the aura of mystery surrounding an apparently "spontaneous" death. The floor was cement, and the chair was by itself. I am also a book editor, regularly contribute to textbooks and other educational works, teach writing at the Institute of Children's Literature, and do individual manuscript consultations at my website. Learn what conditions can lead to spontaneous combustion of materials and how to prevent such fires, when you download Zurich’s risk engineering report. bella could have been better but oh well. First, objects with low ignition temperatures begin to release heat. Any previous rags that are dry come out before any new stuff goes in and if there is a lot going in I add water too! Spontaneous Combustion Spontaneous Coal Combustion Part 1: A Burning Mystery This blog post is part one of a three-part series on spontaneous coal combustion. In Bunker Seal™ System, Coal-Utility, Dust Control by Dan Carpenter April 29, 2016. They belong outside. I just tear off a square of old tea towel (I get them when they get too thin to dry dishes with) and apply the finish, and when I'm done, hang it on the end of a spare welding rod, scrap of wood or anything else over about a foot long and light it off. Despite its proliferation in popular culture, the contemporary FBI investigation ruled out the possibility of SHC. omg/wtf/idk/BBQ! The feet and legs were still clothed in socks and trousers. Where the destruction of the body was not particularly extensive, a primary source of combustible fuel could plausibly have been the victim's clothing or a covering such as a blanket or comforter. [3] In his 1995 book Ablaze!, Larry E. Arnold wrote that there had been about 200 cited reports of spontaneous human combustion worldwide over a period of around 300 years.[4]. Now what is so cool we get to have our own book of Acts. For example, there was also another case recently here in the U.S. this past February, of a 65 year old man from Oklahoma that investigators say may be the result of spontaneous combustion.. [11], A 2002 study by Angi M. Christensen of the University of Tennessee cremated both healthy and osteoporotic samples of human bone and compared the resulting color changes and fragmentation. Chemical reactions most often result from the introduction of heat, radiation or other chemicals. A common theory was that she was smoking a cigarette after taking sleeping pills, and then fell asleep while still holding the burning cigarette, which could have ignited her gown, ultimately leading to her death. Wow we is it not great to have the opportunity to be a believer in The Great I AM. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In ordinary combustion, the hydrocarbon is deliberately heated to its ignition point to make it burn. Half of the chair in which he had been sitting was also destroyed. The topic received coverage in the British Medical Journal in 1938. 30/7/2017 The history of mankind is riddled with the weird and the wonderful; bizarre people, strange places and odd events. Their lengthy, two-part report was published in the journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators,[8]:3–11 as well as part of a book. The following narrative will probably amuse some of your readers: though many may think it is a falsehood, it is […] An extensive two-year research project, involving thirty historical cases of alleged SHC, was conducted in 1984 by science investigator Joe Nickell and forensic analyst John F. Fischer. I have a good friend who used to refinish antiques. He further suggested that reports of people suddenly aflame should be called "unsolved deaths by fire", stating that an unknown cause did not necessarily imply that the fire lacked an external ignition source. Spontaneous combustion is a chemical reaction, which occurs when bonds between molecules are formed or broken. I've decided to make this page as a place for me to post my personal creations. And in April 2013 I published Spontaneous Combustion: A Writer's Primer for Creative Revival. The latter is the form most often 'recognized' as SHC. For centuries, we’ve told each other fantastic stories around campfires and in darkened rooms. Disappears into almost nothing with a whoosh, no worries about it happening later. Explore releases from Spontaneous Combustion at Discogs. Police forensic officers decided that the incineration of Thomas was due to the wick effect. "[14] Paranormal researcher Brian Dunning states that SHC stories "are simply the rare cases where a natural death in isolation has been followed by a slow combustion from some nearby source of ignition." I have a good friend who used to refinish antiques. Spontaneous Combustion: A History of Coal Pile Maintenance. 2 years ago on this blog: Unicorn heart. This verdict was that the man died of a phenomenon called spontaneous human combustion as far as I can ascertain this is the first time such a verdict has been arrived at in an Irish coroners court.… People just explode." This documentary covers the phenomenon of SHC: combustion of a living person, or recently deceased person, without an apparent external source of ignition. Investigators have provided as much as information as possible, but thorough investigation completely has […] I almost made a huge mistake. Scientific investigations have attempted to analyze reported instances of SHC and have resulted in hypotheses regarding potential causes and mechanisms, including victim behavior and habits, alcohol consumption and proximity to potential sources of ignition, as well as the behavior of fires that consume melted fats. it was sad how she sounded like she was giving birth in taht one scene. "Spontaneous human combustion" refers to the death from a fire originating without an apparent external source of ignition; the fire is believed to start within the body of the victim. Spontaneous Combustion. We don't do this in an organized manner. Wow! Solvents can generate heat through an exothermic reaction with the air (oxidation), and this reaction accelerates as the rags get hotter, and this has been known to start unintended fires. James G. Speight PhD, DSc, in Handbook of Industrial Hydrocarbon Processes, 2011 6 Spontaneous combustion. This summer I applied some BLO on a blank along with some other finishes to see which I liked better. Uncategorized JESUS AND THE WELL WOMAN. The fires in question are relatively small, achieving considerable destruction by the wick effect, and relatively nearby objects may not be close enough to catch fire themselves (much as one can closely approach a modest campfire without burning). Spontaneous combustion has its roots, medically speaking, in the 18th century. I learned that in the army, one of those wood barracks at Fort Knox burned to the ground because of rags saturated with wax they used to spit shine those wood floors back in 1965. This blog post is going to be a bit different. Based on my research, spontaneous human combustion of a young baby is rare, and in most cases the victims are much older. A Pyrophoric substance is something that reacts to … The charred remains of Danny Vandandt, 65, were … It may not display this or other websites correctly. JavaScript is disabled. That stuff has so much accelerator in it it will go off pretty consistently. szuppo. Bodies don’t just burst into flames," he wrote in a scathing post to his blog Neurologica. Mast cell researcher Lawrence Afrin, M.D., posits that a rare condition called, In the comic story "The Glenmutchkin Railway" by, In the episode "Confidence and Paranoia" of British science fiction series, This phenomenon is mentioned in the episodes, In the eighth episode of the second season of the American action police procedural television series, In episode 2 of the second season of TV series, In the fourth episode of the first season of the English comedic drama series ", This page was last edited on 21 February 2021, at 17:01. YES it ABSOLUTELY is real and a real danger. His body suddenly burst into flames while he was sitting on the sofa. 2/12/2018 21 Comments Entirely unprepared for such a development I was completely taken by surprise; but regaining self-control instantaneously, I remained sitting in the same posture, keeping my… "[33], unexplained human incineration with no external ignition source, For combustion not involving the human body, see, International Association of Arson Investigators, "Spontaneous Human Combustion: Facts & Theories", "An Extract, by Mr. Paul Rolli, F.R.S. I thought it wasn't an issue since I use so little at a time, but I guess not...thanks for the feedback and stories! [2] Writing in The British Medical Journal in 1938, coroner Gavin Thurston describes the phenomenon as having "apparently attracted the attention not only of the medical profession but of the laity one hundred years ago" (referring to a fictional account published in 1834 in the Frederick Marryat cycle). Blog Spontaneous Combustion: A History of Coal Pile Maintenance. 25 Comments A history of treasure. Coal’s propensity to burn is what makes it such a great source of fuel. Be careful with the handling and disposal of the rags used to apply linseed oil. I am glad I asked. Hey HE called us. Three words that bring up confusion, controversy, and horror. The same study found that when human tissue is burned, the resulting flame produces a small amount of heat, indicating that fire is unlikely to spread from burning tissue. A story about spontaneous combustion. Nickell and Fischer's investigation, which looked at cases in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, showed that the burned bodies were close to plausible sources for the ignition: candles, lamps, fireplaces, and so on. It is an interesting document because it combines two paranormal facts typically kept apart: witchcraft and spontaneous human combustion. For spontaneous combustion to work there has to be a Pyrophoric substance. (The piece in this blog, "Fatigue Threshold," is part of this body of work, but is currently touring with Quilt National until October 2019). You are using an out of date browser. My trash comes twice a week so there is never a lot, maybe one plastic grocery bag. of an Italian Treatise, written by the Reverend Joseph Bianchini, a Prebend in the City of Verona; upon the Death of the Countess Cornelia Zangári & Bandi, of Ceséna", "Spontaneous human combustion: examples from fiction", "Spontaneous Human Combustion? Yeah, too old for this "stuff" but, can I ever stop doing this...? Her daughter-in-law stated, "The cigarette dropped to her lap. Sometimes there are reasonable explanations for the deaths, but proponents ignore official autopsies and contradictory evidence, in favor of anecdotal accounts and personal testimonies. Popular Mechanics decided to write an article about the science behind SHC (it turns out there isn’t any) and luckily contacted me to give them the skinny. So the CA/BLO thread got me thinking about this again. No problem. The landlady notified the police, and upon entering the home, they found Reeser's remains completely burned into ash, with only one leg remaining. Spontaneous Human Combustion – The Wick Effect Explained Most everyone these days has heard of the term Spontaneous Human Combustion, otherwise known as SHC; the spontaneous ignition of human flesh and subsequent burning of the body, usually until death and often until there are no remains to collect and analyse. There was nothing around her to burn". Plus the kids get a kick out of it if they happen to be hanging around. Get my FREE ebook NOW! "Suddenly, with a roar like that of a waterfall, I felt a stream of liquid light entering my brain through my spinal cord. However, Arthur C. Clarke the author of 2001 has this to say about SHC, "There's one mystery I'm asked about more than any other: spontaneous human combustion. Spontaneous human combustion is a case in which the human body burns without an external source of ignition. I guess for some I should mention it is a chainlink metal fence with no plastic strips. Thus, the first case of Human Spontaneous Combustion was reported. Or in otherwords, something gets really hot by itself and then ignites. After watching Stranger Things, my friend and I started … Wikipedia defines human Spontaneous Combustion (HSC) as “Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is a term encompassing reported cases of the combustion of a living (or very recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition.” If such heat is unable to escape, then the heat re-enters the system. I don't bother drying them and throwing them away, ect. [13][1] Benjamin Radford, science writer and deputy editor of the science magazine Skeptical Inquirer, casts doubt on the plausibility of spontaneous human combustion: "If SHC is a real phenomenon (and not the result of an elderly or infirm person being too close to a flame source), why doesn't it happen more often? The doctor, Ciaran McLoughlin, made this statement at the inquiry into the death: "This fire was thoroughly investigated and I'm left with the conclusion that this fits into the category of spontaneous human combustion, for which there is no adequate explanation. [32], In December 2010, the death of Michael Faherty, a 76-year-old man in County Galway, Ireland, was recorded as "spontaneous combustion" by the coroner. The investigations also found that there was a correlation between alleged SHC deaths and the victim's intoxication (or other forms of incapacitation) which could conceivably have caused them to be careless and unable to respond properly to an accident. If there's anything more to SHC, I simply don't want to know. edwardd is hott so is emmett but edward sings horribly i think jasper was amazing so was alice. Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the pseudoscientific[1] concept of the combustion of a living (or recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition. Spontaneous Combustion. My website My Facebook page This letter appears in an English journal in 1800 relating to events on 10 April 1744. So, we took that idea and ran with it. The investigators described how such materials helped to retain melted fat, which caused more of the body to be burned and destroyed, yielding still more liquified fat, in a cyclic process known as the "wick effect" or the "candle effect". Current scientific consensus is that purported cases of SHC involve overlooked external sources of ignition. Reeser took sleeping pills and was also a smoker. On a recent episode of Fringe (a rather mediocre, in my opinion, series on the supernatural), the investigators come across apparent cases of spontaneous human combustion (SHC). The study found that osteoporotic bone samples "consistently displayed more discoloration and a greater degree of fragmentation than healthy ones." Shenandoah Arsenal Penturning - How my first pen kits turned out. The curious case of Mary Reeser", "Irish pensioner 'died of spontaneous human combustion, "Collective hallucinations and inefficient markets: The British Railway Mania of the 1840s", Seeker Media: mysterious-death-ruled-spontaneous-combustion, "Parasite Eve bottles the eerie feeling of not celebrating Christmas", Spontaneous Human Combustion:The Germany Incident, Spontaneous Human Combustion: A Brief History,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [12], While scientific consensus is that incidents which might appear as spontaneous combustion did in fact have an external source of ignition – and that the physical possibility of spontaneous human combustion without an external ignition source extremely implausible - some pseudoscientific hypotheses have been presented which attempt to explain how SHC might occur without an external flame source. There’s been quite a lot speculation, case studies, arguments and theories based on this. I have seen it first hand on 2 different occasions and it is not just BLO, it is anything with a drying oil in it such as oil based stains, etc. Spontaneous combustion on construction sites can be devastating to structures, and deadly to those working in the area. Forgive my ignorance but I thought I would share this with others. carlisle was totally AWESOME Spontaneous combustion is the phenomenon in which a hydrocarbon (or a chemical substance) substance unexpectedly bursts into flame without apparent cause. I found this to be quite an interesting case. I don't use enough blo to worry about that, but I do use Watco Danish oil quite a bit. You must log in or register to reply here. [15], On 2 July 1951, Mary Reeser, a 67-year-old woman, was found burned to death in her house after her landlady realised that the house's doorknob was unusually warm. In addition to reported cases, descriptions of the alleged phenomenon appear in literature, and both types have been observed to share common characteristics in terms of circumstances and the remains of the victim. [9]:169, Neurologist Steven Novella has said that skepticism about spontaneous human combustion is now bleeding over into becoming popular skepticism about spontaneous combustion. Thats what i do, i never throw any oil,stain,paint,polish,solvents, into trash. [9] Nickell has written frequently on the subject,[8][9][10] appeared on television documentaries, conducted additional research, and lectured at the New York State Academy of Fire Science at Montour Falls, New York, as a guest instructor. Ok, so everybody has obviously heard of spontaneous Combustion but doesnt know what it really is, atleast I didnt before this. A blog of short stories and spooky tales of the paranormal. "It happens sometimes. And by the early 20th Century, they succeeded (in the United States, at least.) Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the pseudoscientific concept of the combustion of a living (or recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition. 41 likes. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Spontaneous Combustion at the Discogs Marketplace. His entire body was incinerated, leaving only his skull and a portion of each leg below the knee. In addition to reported cases, descriptions of the alleged phenomenon appear in literature, and both types have been observed to share common characteristics in terms of circumstances and the … Her fat was the fuel that kept her burning. tiwlight was greeeeeeeeeatttt but it could have been better. Then i take them out of shop and put them in bag and place them in a very shady part of the yard out of the way and put a rock on top of them so they don`t blow away. 8. new member. Love them in the winter. Some cases seem to defy explanation, and leave me with a creepy and very unscientific feeling. The chair she was sitting in was also destroyed. Spontaneous Adventures with Christ. Spontaneous combustion is when an object catches fire through the effect of self-heating. Post Nov 11, 2005 #1 2005-11-11T16:42. Put under kindling, light and wood as needed. A small coal fire had been burning in the grate when a neighbour left the house the previous day; however, no connection between this fire and that in which Mrs. Hogan died could be found. Spontaneous Human Combustion. The combustion may result in simple burns and blisters to the skin, smoking, or a complete incineration of the body. Spontaneous Human Combustion Posted on November 16, 2013 by strangeincidents The highly-decorated former soldier Frank Baker, who served in the US Army in Vietnam had been preparing to go on a fishing trip with his friend Pete Willey when fire suddenly engulfed his body.

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