wind of fjords reversed

Auxiliary data. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. FLYER Club Telephone +44 (0)1225 481440 Email Website The Viking Age (793–1066 AD) was the period during the Middle Ages when Norsemen known as Vikings undertook large-scale raiding, colonizing, conquest and trading throughout Europe, and reached North America. Jiraiya shoots Orochimaru with white spikes from his hair as Tsunade leaps in the air and prepares her attack. These images are cultivated in stories like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Uncle Remus stories, Gone with the Wind, Lil Abner, Pogo, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Dukes of Hazzard, Forrest Gump, O Brother, Where Art Thou? The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Such valleys are fjords when flooded by the ocean. No matter, the gender roles were reversed and the very fine ladies bought me drinks. July 20, 2017 at 4:10 am. In the eighth decade of the 19th century, the value of the wheat product had come to, The population at the time of the British occupation in 1826 did not, Justices of the peace, one of whom is elected biennially in each precinct, have jurisdiction in civil actions in which the amount in controversy does not, When a husband or a wife dies intestate one-half of the property of the deceased goes to the survivor; if there are no children or descendants of any child three-fourths of it goes to the survivor; if there are no children or descendants of any child and the estate does not, The summits of the main cordillera seem nowhere to, The Russian goods constitute four-fifths of the whole trade; those brought from Asia - tea (imported via Kiakhta and via Canton and Suez), raw cotton and silk, leather wares, madder and various manufactured wares - do not, is limited to sixty days unless three-fifths of the members of each house concur in extending it, and no extension may, In the case of a body simply resting on an inclined plane, the reaction must of course be vertical, for equilibrium, and the slope a of the plane must therefore not, The condition is that the tension must not, Since, by (12), B+C>A, &c., the sum of the two lesser principal moments must, If the inclination of the string to the vertical does not, It follows therefore that the original position is stable provided the spin n, For given values of n and 0 we have two possible values of i,l provided n, In the motion consequent on any slight disturbance the total energy T+V is constant, and since T is essentially positive it follows that V can never, The condition of stability of friction is that the tangential component CQ of the resistance required shall not, consequently the condition of stability of friction is fulfilled if tht angle PCR is not greater than ~ that is to say, if the obliquity o~ the resistance required at the joint does not, The condition of stability is that this obliquity shall not, In practice it is found desirable that the mean value of the obliquity of action during the contact of teeth should not, It appears from experience that the mean obliquity should not, The death-rate then gradually rises, slowly till 25, more rapidly later, when, from about 45 onward deterioration asserts itself more pronouncedly, and by three score years and ten the rate begins to, At the height of its prosperity in the middle ages the population has been estimated at as high a figure as 150,000, but there seems good reason to believe that it did not, The great form of indirect taxation consisted in the customs dues (portoria), which were collected at the provincial boundaries and varied in amount, though the maximum did not, To national debts there has been added a great mass of municipal and local indebtedness, which seems likely to equal, or even, Stock-raising is generally preferred to the growing of cereals, and in western Wales the oat crops, The consumption of fuel, however, does not, In practice the expenditure is somewhat greater than this; in large works the gross horse-power required for the refining itself and for power and lighting in the factory may not, Although examples of both species present considerable variations in size, it is ascertained that the length of the largest-sized Bengal tiger may, The value of the output of these is nearly thrice those of Malmo or Gothenburg, the next most important manufacturing towns, and the industries of Stockholm, Although Chileans claim a comparatively small admixture with the native races, it is estimated that the whites and creoles of white extraction do not, In 1904 another issue of 30,000,000 pesos was authorized and the date of conversion was still further postponed, and in 1907 a more general act provided that the maximum paper circulation should not, For the application of continued fractions to the problem " To find the fraction, whose denominator does not, As the rentf and royalties, excepting those on the turquoise mines, amount to about one-fifth of the net proceeds, it may be estimated that th value of the annual output does not, According to statistics published for 1905 the Persian army has an effective force of about 91,000 men, but the number of men actually serving with the colors does not, After November, 1903 the expenditure was reduced, and the new customs tariff which, came into force on the 14th of February 1903 increased the revenue by nearly 200,000 per annum; it was thought that the expenditure would not, The mine, which is work d on the open system and has a depth of 450 ft., yields stones of very fine quality, but the annual output does not, The council must include the ministers of state; ministers administering departments of state may not, During the early period of their sojourn in the pouch, the blind, naked, helpless young creatures (which in the great kangaroo scarcely, It is claimed, as a further result of the experiments, that from May to October the young fish would be practically free on the shallow part of the Bank from the risk of premature capture by trawlers, and that the increased value of the fish, consequent upon their phenomenal growth-rate, would greatly, As a single female plaice produces about 200,000 eggs per annum, this output does not, In size and value the new buildings generally, (the Bolivian section becoming the property of Bolivia fifteen years after completion), and to pay the interest (not over 5%) which Bolivia might guarantee on the capital invested in certain interior railways if constructed within thirty years, providing these interest payments should not, The distance between the planes is supposed to be very small compared with their ultimate diameters, but at the same time large enough to, When the surface is curved, the effect of the surface-tension is to make the pressure on the concave side, Conversely, if two fluids mix, it would seem that T'12 must, If the three fluids can remain in contact with one another, the sum of any two of the 3 quantities must, The harbour docks and adjacent railways (which, The legislature meets biennially; its members, who must be citizens of the United States and electors of the state for one year preceding their election, are chosen biennially; the number of senators may never, The constitution provides that the rate of taxation shall never, The British government maintained that while the measure of care which a government is bound to use in such cases must be dependent more or less upon circumstances, it would be unreasonable to require that it should, The fresh-water fish caught in the Great Lakes by residents in Michigan, Justices of the peace are elected by the townships for a term of four years - there are not more than four in each township; in civil matters they have exclusive jurisdiction of cases in which the demand does not, Up to that date the amount imported did not, To determine the amount of moisture, which should not, This latter portion of the river's course is tortuous, but in spite of this, and although the depth varies from only 7 to 20 ft., and in places at low water does not, The legislature may not create any debt or liability " which shall, single or in the aggregate with any previous debts or liabilities, at any time, In each township there are from two to five justices of the peace, any one of whom may preside over the " small cause court," which has jurisdiction of cases in which the matter in dispute does not, West of the tableland the amount of rainfall decreases as the distance from the Pacific increases, and in a large area west of the Darling the average annual rainfall does not, Over 400 species exist in Great Britain, few of which, The official total of the in habitants of Ortigueira (18,426 in 1900) includes many families which dwell at some distance; the actual urban population does not, Here rises the peak of Snowdon (3560 ft.), the culminating point of South Britain, and near it half a dozen summits. Bottoms up! This force F must not exceed the value. 90. All Rights Reserved, Before it is all over, the number of Facebook accounts will, But though by an act of 1844 the railways were obliged to run at least one train a day over their lines, by which the fares did not, above sea, where all the main rivers flow northward to the Mediterranean, the Arctic Sea, or the Caspian; a central section of depression, where the drainage is lost in swamps or hamuns, and of which the average level probably does not, Where transgenesis offers the most amazing possibilities is in GM foods because it allows plants to, It is only on the Black Sea coast that the absolute range of temperature does not, The Italian Chamber decided that from the 1st of July 1901 until the 30th of June 1907 Italian military expenditure proper should not, Others, while not going so far as this, admit that the content of the communications does occasionally, Monitions to amend may be decreed and be enforced by significavit and writ de contumace capiendo, or by excommunication with imprisonment not to, abound along the whole chain, and the points that, The exports of breadstuffs - chiefly to the United Kingdom -, The total quantity of liquid employed need not in general, The most important of the local dues is the gate tax, or dazio di consumo, which may be either a surtax upon commodities (such as alcoholic drinks or meat), having already paid customs duty at the frontier, in which case the local surtax may not, This elevated region is known as the plateau of Matto Grosso, and its elevations so far as known rarely, The constitution requires that the number of senators shall be not less than one-third nor more than onehalf the number of members of the Assembly, and that the total membership of both houses shall not, an hour, and made up of the heaviest and strongest rolling stock, do not much, In normal years (that is to say, when there is no large movement of capital) the exports of Australia, Except in special cases, gradients must not, The heavier cores, with the consequent advance in speed of working attainable, have necessitated the introduction of automatic sending, the instruments adopted being in general a modification of the Wheatstone transmitter adapted to the form of cable signals, while the regularity of transmission thus secured has caused its introduction even on circuits where the speed cannot, Landolt and others, made it at first appear that the change in weight, if there is any, consequent on a chemical change can rarely, In 1868 there were in France over 300 telegraph offices whose average receipts did not, 1 Fortified with remarkable powers, some of which far, There are also Jews in Curacoa, Surinam, Luxemburg, Norway, Peru, Crete and Venezuela; but in none of these does the Jewish population much, Its note issue (for which it has an exclusive right) may not, The precise positions of the mountain ridges that traverse this central area are not properly known; their elevation is everywhere considerable, and many points are known to, in width, while that between the gulfs of Sta Eufemia and Squillace, which connects the two portions of the province, does not, Other exceptions are the " Institutions of the Empress Marie," which absorb, inter alia, the duties on playing-cards and the taxes on places of public entertainment; the imperial civil list, so far as this does not, The same is true of the plateaus of Livonia, " Wendish Switzerland," and the government of Kovno, which do not, The attitude of the courts is not that the railways should work without compensation, but that the compensation should not, Table Xxi It is instructive to inquire into the limiting efficiency of an engine consistent with the conditions under which it is working, because in no case can the efficiency of a steam-engine, - one of these, the Grandfather, rises 5964 ft.; and about thirty peaks in the Unakas and in the several cross ranges, Through this part of its course the current of the river, except where restricted by floating bridges - at Feluja, Mussaib, Hillah, Diwanieh and Samawa - does not normally. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. Your IP: 41. ridges do not exceed 900 ft., and some authorities estimate it at 500 ft. 52. The expenses of a parish council may not, without the consent of a parish meeting, up Portland Canal to its head, and thence, as defined in the treaty of cession to the United States, quoting a boundary treaty of 1825 between Great Britain and Russia, following " the summit of the mountains situated parallel to the coast " to the 141st meridian, provided that when such line runs more than ten marine leagues from the ocean the limit " shall be formed by a line parallel to the windings of the coast and which shall never, The water of Ladoga is very pure and cold; in May the surface temperature does not, In Cumberland and Kennebec counties there is a superior court presided over by one justice and having extensive civil and criminal jurisdiction; and in each of the counties there are a probate court for the settlement of the estates of deceased persons and courts of the trial justice and the justice of the peace for the trial of petty offences and of civil cases in which the debt or damage involved does not, Under the laws of Maine a householder owning and occupying a house and lot may hold the same, or such part of it as does not, 18 a Terek, has its sources, not in the main ranges of the Caucasus, but in an outlying group of mountains near Pyatigorsk, the highest summit of which, Besh-tau, does not, The term of service for volunteers does not, The growth of the primary root is limited; sooner or later adventitious roots develop from the axis above the radicle which they ultimately, Though there are a few heights between 10,000 and 12,000 ft., the majority do not, The membership of each house is fixed by law every five years, but the number of senators must never, Each precinct elects a justice of the peace, who has civil jurisdiction when the debt or damage claimed does not, In transferring the loads from the column bases to the bottom of the footings the greatest care must be taken in all systems of construction that the stresses throughout at no point, In no case shall the overturning moment due to wind pressure, In buildings under one hundred feet in height, provided the height does not, apart; under a load in the centre of the piece of 2500 lb the deflexion must not, At the beginning of 1902, when the South African war was closing, the normal peace expenditure, even reckoned at 160,000,000, did not, In the Mediterranean the sardine does not, Since 1880 the output of the state has been falling, and the total production up to 1902 did not, The body of the sun must consist of uncombined gases; at the surface the temperature is some 2000° C. above the boiling point of carbon, and a little way within the body it may probably, It was expected by the government that the 1906 revenues would largely, We have seen that the average flow from mountain areas in Great Britain towards the end of a dry season does not, In short, the quantity of water drawn must in no case be allowed to, Materials actu ally collected from the dam indicate that the mean density did not, If, then, we determine that the depth of overflow shall not, If these conditions are complied with, it is probable that the total rate of supply will not, - The value of the homestead exempt from judicial sale for the satisfaction of liabilities is limited to $1500; the homestead must be owned and occupied by some member of the family claiming the exemption and may not, It follows from this that the acid collecting at the bottom of the chambers must never, As tar as is known (so much secrecy having been observed), the best results obtained in various places, save one, did not, Income tax, for instance, is calculated on income, and is in the nature of a deduction from the income; but local rates are calculated in proportion to certain other payments, actual or potential, and could without absurdity, The duties on raw materials, he proposed, should never, But, so far as railways are concerned, none of the great trunk lines had been constructed in 1837; the whole capital authorized to be spent on railway construction did not, Travellers in general give it at from 400 to 900 ft., but, after much study of the question of altitudes throughout South America, the writer believes that it does not, In point of bodily size mammals present a greater range of variation than is exhibited by any other living terrestrial animals, the extremes in this respect being displayed by the African elephant on the one hand and certain species of shrewmice (whose head and body scarcely, With the marsupials the case is, however, somewhat different; the whole number not being limited to 44, owing largely to the fact that the number of upper incisors may, For other than school purposes rates must not, The number of hours' labour for operatives and employes in cotton and woollen mills is limited to sixty a week and must not, gramme comes at a time when the Food Standards Agency is saying our daily intake should not, gross weightoncern, however, that some loads may, unsecured lending with the Alliance & Leicester Group does not, Only where overhead feeder lines occur, are electric fields likely to, There is concern, however, that some loads may, At Trieste, from 470 days when the wind velocity did not, The spawn should be introduced an inch or two below, the surface when the heat has declined to about 75°, indeed the bed ought never to, The last spurs of the mountains of Annam, which come to an end at Cape St Jacques, extend over parts of the provinces of Tay-Ninh, Bien-Hoa and Baria in the north-east and east of the colony, but nowhere, nor more than 54 in., and that its weight must not, In a well-proportioned system the pressure need not, The Chamber of Deputies, consisting of 584 members, is elected by the scrutin darrondissement (each elector voting for one deputy) for a term of four years, the conditions of election being as follows: Each arrondissement sends one deputy if its population does not, In a commune of 2500 inhabitants or less there is one deputy; in more populous communes there may be more, but in no case must the number, In each canton is a juge de paix, who in his capacity as a civil judge takes cognizance, without appeal, of disputes where the amount sought to be recovered does not, The highest recorded temperature in the shade at Melbourne is 110.7°, and the lowest 27°, but it is rare for the summer heat to, Where there is no issue and the deceased dies intestate the surviving spouse is entitled to the whole estate, both real and personal, if it does not, A conciliation bureau and a jury are elected to deal with disputes concerning wages, hours of work, labor contracts, &c., and have power to settle the disputes, without appeal, whenever the amounts involved do not, Revenue from taxation had risen in a decade from 7,000,000 to 20,200,000; profit on state monopolies had increased from 7,000,000 to 9,400,000; exports had grown to, But partly from lack of firm financial administration, partly through the increase of military and naval expenditure (which in 1887 amounted to 9,000,000 for the army, while special efforts were made to strengthen the navy), and principally through the constant drain of railway construction and public works, the demands upon the exchequer grew largely to, usually situated on foliage leaves, for the excretion of water in liquid form when transpiration is diminished so that the pressure in the water-channels of the plant has come to.

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