swissmicros dm41x vs dm42

This was the model and the year I bought my first HP-41. Simply plug the DM41X with a USB-Micro B port, then on the calculator press [shift], [USR] (SETUP), 1 for File, 5 for Activate USB Disk. Conclusion 35s - better injection moulding, but DM42 has better key feel. Ray's remarks on ham radio, programming, music, and writing. To round this off, I offer my comparison of the different versions in the development of the ultimate calculator: ¹ While the DM41X has 256KB of memory for modules, it has a total disk space of 6000KB to hold other stuff. Like all SwissMicros calculators, the DM41X uses the efficient and time-tested RPN logic. With this, I simply saved the whole state of my beta unit, copied via USB to my PC and loaded it up in my new production unit and all the programs and Extended Memory was just like on my beta calc. ASIN B01DYUMR4E … DM42 - the most precise calculator. Performance, Speed, Accuracy 9. The OS runs executable modules like Free42 which have a .pgm extension. More on that in a future blog post, perhaps. If you are looking for the ultimate calculator - look no further. Copy the memory dump in the left hand window, go back to your terminal program connected to the DM41, and type ‘l’, and paste in the memory dump. I received my beta unit just last week. I am confident this will be available through a firmware upgrade in the future. But too expensive! All this in addition to a status line at the very top - similar to that of a smart phone - with date and time, a battery indicator and the current state file (you can save the whole memory of the calculator to disk and have several such state files and swap between different setups, programs and data). The keyboard no longer miss any keystrokes, it clicks firmly and is a real joy to use. (I speak from experience.). Apart from a minor issue with some module, I haven’t encountered any software bug yet. To transfer a .raw program to the calculator, download it to your PC, go to the programming tool, click “choose file” in the raw box, choose the file, and then “decode raw”. Unlike the HP-41CX, there is no shortcut sticker on the back of the DM41L, which is probably a good thing, because it would be very small. OFFIMG example Yokohama bay, JAPAN "Behind the Great Wave at Kanagawa", Katsushika Hokusai "Tama River in Musashi Province", Katsushika Hokusai. Easily share or back up your programs or your entire DM41X environment and use hundreds of existing, professionally developed software applications with this rugged calculator sporting a stainless steel case and a Gorilla Glass screen. We appreciate feedback and would love to hear from you: neil[@] Genius engineering added a whopping 64 KB in an affordable package. I had a microcomputer shortly after encountering the HP-65, but learning keystroke programming greatly aided my understanding of assembly language — although I didn’t really recognize that until much later. It is slimmer. And because of its versatility, easy of programming and great keyboard, the HP-41 lived on among enthusiasts. Second, here’s how to use the USB port to capture RAM dumps. Re: Calculatron - DM42, Programmable scientific RPN. The imprint on the DM41X looks like embossed! And with the corona virus raging, I’ve had plenty of time to give my new toy a real run for the money. Just insert a pin at the back of the calculator and it resets just nicely. There remains an avid user community, and almost all of the original programs that were published in one way or another can be found on the internet. No Rights Reserved. Update (2020-12-25): The DM41X is now my primary calculator. Today we have computing powers that far exceeds the capabilities of the HP-41 in our smart phones. If you are looking for the ultimate calculator - look no further. could be always downloaded from the SwissMicros DM41X FAT files page. Now came the turn to clone the HP-41. SwissMicros DM42; 19 Mar 2017 11:25:15 am Permalink; Thought I'd post about this, I mentioned it in IRC, after seeing it yesterday. Email This BlogThis! It has two modes - one with four lines of the original font, 12 characters wide and one with two lines at the bottom and three lines of nifty information on the upper part. I won’t say much about the HP-41 series of devices, but instead provide links to and [ON]+[STO] -1h set the clock -1h: daylight saving and changing timezones I haven't had the DM41X long enough to know if they've improved the paint formulation or process over the years. The keys requires a much firmer press than the original, and the keys are not as tall and smaller in size. Update (2020-10-15): Having bought a final production unit of the DM41X, I can report that the keyboard issues of the beta version has been fully addressed. Much has been written about the fine craftsmanship and quality of these early devices — both their physical and electronic design, and the decisions made about their man-machine interfaces. Later came the HP-41CV and HP-41CX, offering more memory and functionality. However, I felt that I wanted to mention one aspect, that is perhaps not so important to most people, but bears mention - The build quality. We have been actively working to split our firmware into “System” and “Program”. I think because of my upbringing and training, there is something about the cognitive process of using a physical calculator — much as there is in writing with pen and paper instead of typing, a subject much discussed elsewhere. Sweet. I'm really happy with the very well build swissmicros DM42 calculator: ... We are also launching DM41X[2], about 100 units have been sent out for beta testing and should be in production later this year. And did I mention the great display? I would like, instead, to capture a few specific things about the DM-41 series (I will refer to both the DM41 and the DM41L as the DM41, because the features I’m discussing apply to both device) that are available from various forums and the Swiss Micros site, but necessarily in one place, both for future users and for future me. HP released the now famous among collectors 42S RPN based calculator. I really hope Swiss Micros implements the HP-IL protocol so that we can get data transfer via USB and also leverage all those HP-IL devices like multimeters, printers, plotters and other fun stuff. [ON]+[A] time and date Regarding the key labels, my DM42 has very faded "EXIT" and down-arrow keys. Comparison look and feel with a sample of the historical HP range. This small company had been crafting clones of HP calculators for years. From here, you can enter ‘?’ to get help. It has a set of “OFF screens” that shows when the calculator is turned off… without draining battery. Three piece case for Swiss Micros' DM42 and DM41X calculators. It opened up a World of possibilities from the palm of your hand. For Android, you can use DroidTerm and a USB-OTG cable. The original model, HP-41C, was the first of its kind to offer alphanumeric display capabilities. Concatenate all of the program listings (without line numbers) together in one listing in a text editor, with END statements between each program.. I am overjoyed. There are several directories with special names (and purpose) on the FAT disk: /BACKUP Programs and Manuals 8. There are plenty of reviews that praise the DM42, and I agree with them. [ON]+[C] serial console switch to serial console (see below) The HP-41C series are programmable, expandable, continuous memory handheld RPN calculators made by Hewlett-Packard from 1979 to 1990. C is the processor store for the user-visible X register; S is the register holding the status flags. Manufacturer: SwissMicros, Model: DM42, Type: Scientific programmable calculator M and N are processor registers for interacting with the X register, as is G (a single-byte register used for alphanumeric mode, I gather). The HP 41C Comes to the 21st Century. Faster and more advanced calculators with more than a one line LCD display - and even graphical display capabilities, took over the market. Dear SwissMicros customers, Thank you for your support in regards to the DM42 model’s GPL compliance. « Reply #5 on: February 14, 2018, 06:23:53 am » I was not the commenter who said " A man and the dog,size", however, at least a few years ago, it was a two person operation and at … Setting up a Mac, PC, or Linux is straightforward, and you can find instructions here. Update (2020-10-15): Having bought a final production unit of the DM41X, I can report that the keyboard issues of the beta version has been fully addressed. There is a Technical Intefacing Guide for the 82240B IR printer (downloadable here: Regarding the pulses: When I built my homemade printer I used an IR transistor that had fairly slow fall and rise times (something around 15us for 90% <-> 10% transitions), almost on the edge of detecting the 32768Hz carrier frequency. Copy the combined listing and paste it into the code box on the. And it uses the powerful and proven RPN logic. The display is good, the keys clicky and reliable (although on the DM41L, take a bit more pressure than on an HP product, but I am told that they break in), and the mechanical design sound. Use the browser "back control" to return here. Since the DM42 consumes memory at roughly twice the rate of the 42S, but has about twice as much RAM, it works out to being roughly equivalent. Example programs 7. The DM41X does not make any “double-clicks”, but it does miss a key press now and then. The original HP-41 series had both card reader and HP-IL accessories for disk (then, “disc”) and tape storage; over the years this has been used to get software off of these devices in a variety of formats. Where things get interesting is the combination of software available on the web at sites like and the programming tool Swiss Micros provides. [ON]+[CHS] LCD settings change LCD contrast with buttons [R/S],[3],[2],[.] Powered by Jekyll w/modified Slate+Simple theme. If you just want to get your program to another emulator, but you might have problems with the fact that most FOCAL listings include line numbers, and the listings provided by the programming tool do not. The keyboard no longer miss any keystrokes, it clicks firmly and is a real joy to use. (Contrariwise, it wasn’t until I was about thirty-five that I was able to use an infix calculator with any fluency for more than one operation at a time.) The calculator connects to your PC via micro-USB. With a magnetic card reader, cassette tape or floppy drive you could store programs and data. You name it, the 41’s got it. Once you connect the calculator and terminal (38400/N/8/1, please! My only complaint, which is my fault, is that the smaller format is almost too small for my big fingers to use. [ON]+[RCL] +1h set the clock +1h: daylight saving and changing timezones. When it was introduced to the market in the spring of 1979, the HP-41 calculator was heralded as “the most versatile machine ever”. I think exposure to this at an early age definitely has influenced my interest, desire, and recognition of fine design in modern computing products, especially mechanical interactions. The company has done a very good job at putting it all together - both hardware and software. By Geir Isene (2021). A quick forum post (thanks grsbanks!) Here, compared to the real size of the HP-16C. The first alpha numeric handheld calculator with expansion ports for all kinds of programming extensions. At this time I am only waiting for a way to programatically send and receive data from/to the unit. The final version is due in a few months. Both binaries are found here link to binaries. In this web page, you can paste a well-formatted HP41 FOCAL program listing (no line numbers, though) in the right hand window, and press “encode”, and get a RAM dump you can transfer to the calculator. At about one third of the price I paid for my HP-41CX back then, I got a DM41X now. SwissMicros DM-15 Version Française: WikipédiA: A perfect copy of the well known HP-15C made by Hewlett-Packard. And this year saw another big event in the world of the ultimate calculator - the DM41X from the company SwissMicros. DM42 runs Free42, which uses the Intel Decimal Floating-Point Math Library; it uses IEEE 754-2008 quadruple precision decimal floating-point, which consumes 16 bytes per number, and gives 34 decimal digits of precision, with exponents ranging from -6143 … The DM41X is a functional look-alike of the HP-41CX in the same hardware as the already well-established DM42 with a re-designed keyboard action. Introduction 2. The DM42 has two menus, the DMCP Menu and the System Menu. It was easy to get used to the extra keys on the right. I won’t add much here, except that though the bulk of my computation needs now are either so simple that I can do them in my head or on a slide rule (which, yes, I have one on my desk at work) or require real computation to set up, there is still a place for me to use a calculator. It is a work of art. But they cost a fortune. Had I actually held a credit card and thought about it before ordering, this would not be a surprise, so I fault myself, not Swiss Micros. The ultimate calculator sees an upgrade with the DM41X. The RAM dump is formatted as printable text; you can copy it and paste it into a text editor. DM42 HP-42S V.S. Print at 0.1 layer setting. There is the contents of individual directories accessible separately or the whole contents of FAT disk can be downloaded as single zip file You’ll see the A, B, C, S, M, N, and G registers, but not the other ones. If for some reason you set up an illegal module configuration, there is a much easier way to reset the calculator than was often the case with the original 41. But they don’t have buttons for input, has nowhere near the 6 month battery capacity and is much harder to program. Buy the DM41X. SwissMicros is proud to present the DM41X! The DM41X's connectivity interface is in line with the DM42's connectivity interface. SwissMicros DM15L Scientific Calculator 4. Perhaps too firm. All original functions are present. Being very knit-picky it is still annoying, but I hope me using it more will bring the failure rate further down. (If you’re interested in the HP-41 internals, there’s a short summary of processor internals at, and of the HP-41 memory map at The DM Calculator Platform (DMCP) is the OS for the DM42 calculator and comes as a binary file DMCP_flash_X.Y.bin. And by the way, that LCD screen is awesome. At the moment the DM41X is in beta release. But as I kept on using it, I guess I started pressing the keys harder and the failure rate is down to around 1%. The keyboard has a firm feel to it. dm42; dm41x; dmcp; tools; decoders; voyager; manuals; graphics; © 2012-2021 SwissMicrosSwissMicros I am overjoyed. The DM41X is metal. And it has a fantastic quality 4 line LCD display with the same old cool HP-41 font :-) The display keeps a custom image displayed even when the calculator is off. [ON]+[8] change speed toggle between 12MHz and 48MHz Copy the resulting memory dump and load it into the calculator as usual with the ‘l’ command. helped me understand that the dumps don’t show anything that’s all zeros. But I had heard good things, and also wanted to support the effort overall — both by encouraging the good engineering of low-volume products for enthusiasts, and in the hopes that by supporting Michael Steinmann and his company that we’ll see other interesting things (the work on the DM42 is an excellent example of this). Even to a modem or other computers. From less than half a kilobyte of memory in the original HP-41C (“C” for Constant memory), we got five times more memory with the HP-41CV (“V” is the Roman numeral 5) in 1980 and 6 KB with the HP-41CX (eXpanded) in 1983. They already make the DM42, with a large display. This is my first calculator from SwissMicros. The DM41 is keystroke-programmed in FOCAL using Reverse Polish Notation, which you either love or will never fully understand. Firmware Improvements 11. SwissMicros is proud to present the DM41X! Everything from the rarity of the product, to the beautiful screen saver and the nice faux leather case makes the DM42 a 5-star product. I have just acquired a Swiss Micros DM41, their small replica of a HP-41CX calculator. Because you’re transferring an entire memory dump, if you want to install more than one program, you need to do this: I’ve done this to load the base conversion programs and the phase-of-the-moon program found on and the HP-41 User Solutions: Calendars collection. This allows for adding modules or individual programs (it reads and writes programs in the RAW format), transferring screen shots (captured via Shift+DSP) or those Off-images or the state files. After 41 years the venerable HP-41 has got a well deserved upgrade. It runs the old HP-41 Operating System but with a FAST mode that makes use of the modern speedy processor. The DM 41L is a clone of the very popular HP 41CX calculator, but in a landscape form. And having something this small means it’s very easy to carry. I later graduated to an HP-28S and then an HP-48SX. Cool shit. It wasn’t until 2003 when Diego Diaz launched a series of modern expansion modules that we saw a quantum leap for the venerable calculator. But no keyboard overlays - yet. Make sure the alphanumeric labels in the program are unique. ), and bring up the calculator in serial mode by pressing C (SQRT) and power, you should see the DM41 prompt in the terminal display. DM41x: a modern take on the HP-41CX ( 101 points by jmspring 52 days ago ... but if SwissMicros made its own version I'd buy it in a heartbeat. 1. Make sure you have enough memory for the combined programs. Update (2020-12-25): The DM41X is now my primary calculator. Because the calculator is actually an emulator running the original microcode, synthetic programming is supported. Minor typo, link fixes. Unboxing a Swiss Micros DM42. Do yourself a favor — if you’ve spent any time at all programming yours, do a RAM dump now and copy the results to a text file, because it’s easy to forget to do that and later lose the calculator contents while experimenting with uploading other programs. The DM41X is a functional look-alike of the HP-41CX in the same hardware as the already well-established DM42 with a re-designed keyboard action. I can see steps at the edges. In May 2017, SwissMicros released pre-production samples of an RPN calculator closely resembling the HP-42S, the DM42. It is still faster for me to do some things with a calculator than add formulas to a sheet as I’m analyzing data; once I know what the data is telling me through this exploration, I can then put together the formulas and provide a reasonable presentation. By “brain transplanting” your calculator (swapping the motherboard), you could get an incredible 4 MB (yes, MEGA bytes) of memory added to your loved one. The most precise calculator on the worldwide market - second to none! Link to this post: First, without further ado, power-on key sequences for the current (v23) firmware: We even got custom modules that expanded the memory to a whopping 32 KB back in the 80s. The HP 41CX was the final version of Hewlett Packard’s HP 41C series produced for most of the 1980s. Eddie. Edits 2017-06-24: Explained missing lines, removed registers not in the HP Nut CPU (I was conflating Nut and Saturn). (You can find .raw files in a lot of places on the Web; a good place for many of the applications that have been written over the years is the library at, which only requires free registration). Programming 5. hp-15c Simulator by Torsten Manz 6. There are two variants of the DM41; the DM41L is in “credit card” format, which is the one I bought, and the other in the HP Voyager format. In december-2017 SwissMicros have released its DM42 calculator, based on the popular Free42 simulator. DM42 Internal view of a DM42 DM42 internals Closeup view of the PCB DM42 uses STM32L476VGT6 I standby ≈ 4.8μA. Technical. I have a long relationship with Hewlett-Packard portable computing devices; my first experiences programming were on my father’s HP-65, and later the HP-41CV his employer loaned him for his daily work. I don’t know a lot about the DM41 memory format, even after looking at some posts on both the Swiss Micros and the forums (the latter is especially recommended). The keyboard has one more column of keys, but the layout is mostly the same as the old lady. Even more interesting, you can also install programs you find over the internet that have been saved in the the .raw file format using the programming tool. I haven’t tried this, though. Battery life and CPU speed is of course drastically better, although the memory remains the same (319 registers plus the stack, or just a touch over two hundred bytes), and at present there’s no way to mount external ROM modules, either as physical hardware or as memory dumps. . It sadly does not offer the possibility to transfer data in real-time like with the HP-IL of the original HP-41s. There has been 430 program expansion packs created up through the years with applications for every thinkable purpose - from mathematics, physics and astronomy to aviation, engineering, finance, gambling, games and insulin dosage. I really like the few changes they did to the keyboard layout. I had it running with my Macbook in about five minutes; most of the time was spent digging around for a USB-C to USB-A adapter. The faded user base rejoiced and a renaissance dawned for the 41. The info includes any pending alarms (yes, the calculator has full time and date functionality just like my HP-41CX from 1983), current program, memory configuration and printer mode (it can print to an infrared printer using the built-in IR sender). The DM41X now acts as a USB storage device like a smart phone. Many remain useful today. A 40 Mhz Cortex-M4F under the hood of a homage to the 48GX would be awesome! The DM41 is a faithful emulator of the original HP-41CX microcode, running on a low-power ARM processor, with a good mechanical keyboard and dot-matrix LCD display. What’s obvious, though, is that each row consists of four registers in hexadecimal (fifty-six bits per register, separated by spaces), and that it includes some, but not all, of the CPU registers. The original HP-41 was made of plastic and is prone to failure as the plastic brittles over the years. With the HP Interface loop (HP-IL) you could hook the machine up with dozens of devices from printers and plotters to electrical or chemical lab equipment. What's in the box: Some tests: Link to a PC: Transfert example: This is a calculator that I've wanted for many years. In the beginning it missed between 8 and 10 percent of my keystrokes - enough to be rather annoying. And what a clone it is! Versus. There are two commands you’ll use for memory dumping — ‘s’ dumps the contents of the RAM and pertinent registers to the terminal, ‘l’ takes a similarly formatted RAM dump and replaces the contents of the dump with the calculator. [ON]+[9] key test key test similar to the one known on the other models Over the years, the HP-41 family of equipment was expanded - until Hewlett Packard discontinued the production of the calculator in 1990. Run your existing HP-41C/CV/CX software at speeds much higher than the original hardware thanks to the CPU clocked at speeds reaching 80 MHz. If you want to get a .raw file from a program you’ve written, it’s likely trickier; I’d start by getting a RAM dump, getting the listing from the programming tool, and then running it through something like the third-party HP User Code utility you can find floating around in a few places. And did I tell you about that excellent LCD screen? HP42S V.S. Keys Function Description While the supplied images are neat, I decided to delete them all and leave only one I made myself - with my name and contact information in case I misplace it and a finder decides to return it. For me this is a big drawback as I use my calculator to store data that I need to transfer to my PC (like registered billable hours, observation lists for my telescope, etc.). DM15 and DM15L Advantages 10. I have not confirmed this, but it seems that some of the alpha keys are mapped differently, too, or else I have forgotten the mappings for the special alpha characters. Run your existing HP-41C/CV/CX software at speeds much higher than the original hardware thanks to the CPU clocked at speeds reaching 80 MHz. [ON]+[E] show information firmware version & battery voltage DM42 display 10x better. SwissMicros' DM42. The DM42 functions are well documented, as it is easy to find the HP-42S user guides here and here and the Free42 … ... SwissMicros Model Number DM41L Package Dimensions 100 x 100 x 50 cm; 100 Kilograms Colour Brown Manufacturer Part Number DM41L Item Weight 100 kg Additional Information. SwissMicros DM42 Scientific Calculator Long time ago (1987?) But I had heard good things, and also wanted to support the effort overall — both by encouraging the good engineering of low-volume products for enthusiasts, and in the hopes that by supporting Michael Steinmann and his company that we’ll see other interesting things (the work on the DM42 is an excellent example of this). It was a bit of an impulse purchase; I have a working HP-41CX I use occasionally, but don’t take it from the house because I am worried about breaking it or having it stolen (my first one was stolen, in 1988). It took us long due to the complexity of the code and … Another quantum leap came with the HP-41CL by the brilliant Monte Dalrymple in 2010. Firmware update, Start, Preparation, Firmware Upload 12. SwissMicros DM15 Scientific Calculator 3. I’ve played with others, and i41CX is what I run on all my iOS devices. Regardless of this, the keyboard is very easy to use, only the occasional 'double click' when pressing the 'Enter' key takes some getting used to. The DM41 series has a miniUSB port, and connecting it to a computer — Mac, Windows, Linux, or even Android with USB-OTG — with the serial mode active gives you the ability to exchange full RAM dumps between the DM41 and the connected computer. And on the DM42, the resolution seems to be a bit worse. For me the most critical aspect of a calculator is the keyboard and that it does not miss any key presses and does not make any double entries upon pressing. One of the great advancements of this calculator is the ability to save and load “state files” of the whole calculator.

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