japji sahib english translation

Ritualistically plastering one's kitchen square does not make it pure in the Eyes of the Lord. Once more a look at gender agreement can help to decipher which word (which meaning) is suggested. How can I? So Many Philosophers who have tried to describe the Hukam have come and gone. A young sister from Sikhsangat.com is working on a translation of Professor Sahibs monumental exegesis of Japji Sahib. ||2||-Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 484. Grace, which is not received by merely bathing to please God. The word, (ਇਕੁ) (E)ehk(u) is masculine and it precedes (describes/tells of) (ਦਾਤਾ) Daataa. What are those words we can say from our mouth which will be heard by the Lord and move him to bestow his divine love upon our soul? Ik Oangkaar is met through his grace. Now, through the efforts of many wonderful volunteers, from countries across the globe, we have translations of Japji Sahib in many languages. ||2||- Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 1151, Another wonderful quote which deals with this concept is. ਵਿਸਰਿ ਨਾ ਜਾਈ -Visar(eh) Na Jaa(e)ee- Won't be forgotten/Won't forget. The Naam is so powerful that it pulls a persons soul out of the deep pit of this worlds pain and sin. We also belong to God. Over and over we beg from God and over and over the great giver God gives. http://www.RajKaregaKhalsa.NetThis prayer was composed by Guru Nanak ji sometime between 1500-1507. What can we say that will make God love us? Jhay Jug Chaaray (A)aarjaa Hoar Dasoonee Hoa(e)eh. His mind is not pure, so what is the use of performing ritual cleansings? Click on the image of the language below and you will be taken to a PDF document of that translation.   Your previous content has been restored. The created being simply can't know the limits of the creation. We see this is Gurbani many places. The word (ਇਕ)(E)ehk is of femine gender and it preceded (describes/tells of) (ਬੁਝਾਈ) Bujaa(e)ee. Monī ho▫e baiṯẖā ikāʼnṯī hirḏai kalpan gāṯẖā. Before you or I or anyone existed in this body where was the soul? Akaal Moorat(i)- God is free from Kaal or time. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Guru Ji does this by first talking about various practices people follow. One thing can not give root to a separate entity. In a Nutshell- If a human was to listen to even one of the great Gurus great teachings they would find God within their minds. The word, (ਇਕੁ) (E)ehk(u) is masculine and it precedes (describes/tells of) (ਦਾਤਾ) Daataa. We see the different meaning of Soch(i) (referring to purity/purification) in Gurbani for example, Soch(i) Hovae Tah Sach Paieai- Says Nanak Meditate on the True Lord, If you are pure you will obtain the true Lord (Asa di Var), Man Ki Mail Na Tan Tay Jaat- One may outworldly purify themselves day and night but still the souls dirtiness will not leave the body (Sukhmani Sahib), Tant Mant Pakhand Na Koee Na Koe Vans Vajiee-da- For many ages (when God was alone in utter darkness) there was no self purification, There was no self restraint, there was no tulsi (basil) rosary, There were no milkmen, there was no Krishna, there was no cow, there was no herdsmen. Death and life, and thoughts of purification, meditate in remembrance. This is usually used at the end of nouns. O Nanak, (the ones who attach their consciousness to the Naam of the Timeless Being), those saints, in their hearts, there is always this continuously lasting joy and bliss because by listening to the glories and praises of God, pain and sin are destroyed. No one can challenge or overthrow or even threaten God. Download Japji Sahib English Translation And Transliteration books, There are three primary purposes of a religious prayer. Kaṯik hovai sāḏẖsang binsahi sabẖe socẖ. How can creation be separate. The limits of this description have not nor can ever be found. God knows how to care for and control everything. Their strength too comes only from God and it is manifested by the singing of Gods praises. 30 May A spiritual treatise on the Naam-Jaap (Technique of reciting the Name Gurmukhi-English, Transliteration of “Jappu ji Sahib.” In A Nutshell- Whoever meditates on God receives amazing greatness. As you will see later, the work really brings home the themic unity of the contents of the different pauris. By keeping oneself pure and washing and cleaning oneself on the outside inward purity is not obtained, even if one was to outwardly wash themselves tens of thousands of times, ਸੋਚੈ Sochai- In this context soch means by keeping purity and cleanliness, ਸੋਚੀ - Sochee-by keeping youself clean/pure, Even by washing the outside tens of thousands of times one does not obtain purity. God alone is above this. Every single breath we take is from the mercy of God. That is what Guru Ji is telling us . God is the root of all and if our souls are separate from this creative root then we will roll in dust and wither and die. It can only be received through the Lord's will! Millions upon millions upon millions have and still discuss and discuss and discuss. They are unapproachable by death. There is no other besides the one Lord alone, the giver of all, the only one, who can bestow virtue on such a person. (note: It is crucial to know the difference between the words Moorat(i) ('ਮੂਰਤਿ') and Moorat(u) ('ਮੂਰਤੁ' ). Everyday God gives us air. here is one Timeless Being, the giver for all beings may I never forget this giver Lord ! So Sat(i)Naam(u) means " The One Formless Ever present ever-steady Lord who is in all, Whose name is forever existent. Download Japji Sahib - with Audio and Translation Meanings 5.1.2 latest version APK by SN-WebEmpire for Android free online at APKFab.com. Some sing of Gods ability to form and destroy the soul and put it in other bodies, Some people call God distant. Guru Ji is telling us in this pauri that each, according to his understanding, sings of (speaks of God) differently. The body does not obtain purity without loving devotion to the Lord. The Ten Gurus of Sikhism were responsible for the creation of this faith which took place over period 1469 to 1708 - a period of about 239 years. They understand that the only one who supports everything is God. Here too Naao(u) too is a form of Naa(e)eh which means Gods name but it is preceded by the word changaa (Masculine) so it is conjugated as Naao(u) - which again is not the case with the above tukh (Saachaa Saahib(u) Saach(u) Naa(e)eh Bhaakeh(a)aa Bhaao(u) Apaar(u) ) because the word Naa(e)eh means justice in this case and it does not get conjugated, Jaytaa keeta taytaa Naao(u)-The Whole Universe, All of Creation, Whatever has been made is in the Image of the Lords Name, here too we see the word Naao(u) following the word taytaa (masculine) and thus it agrees in gender and tense (Karta Karak) (Naa(e)eh turns to Naa(o) ). Satguru Nanak Dev Ji tells us that when the soul realizes this , the thoughts of self vanish. ||3||, ਸੋਚ ਅੰਦੇਸਾ ਤਾ ਕਾ ਕਹਾ ਕਰੀਐ ਜਾ ਮਹਿ ਏਕ ਘਰੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥. Love is the key to communicating with God. As explained in the first stanza , this can only happen when we submit to God's Hukam. It is by Gods order that the world comes into being and all forms are made and God's divine will is beyond description. Why not attach ourselves to such a Lord and then we too will find an infinate shelter. With God's grace we are covered with the silk cloth of God's love and his praises and with God's glance of grace, God's sweet look of mercy, we find the door of God's presence. It is this Nadar which truly makes a person great and not fame and world power nor long life. Let us place love for God within our heart. Select ones are blessed with God's abode, while others suffer reincarnation. God gives the stars and planets. The meaning of Soch(i) is Purity/Purification. Our EIN # is  23-7268751 and donations made to Sikh Dharma International are tax deductible. Nisaan-Mark, usually a mark which symbolizes something. In an instant God can give and take life. Cẖār acẖār rahe urjẖā▫e. We can't live without taking shelter in God. Jān ajān bẖa▫e ham bāvar socẖ asocẖ ḏivas jāhī. Kājī sāhib ek ṯohī mėh ṯerā socẖ bicẖār na ḏekẖai. There can never be another. How is the heavy wall, the curtain, of falsehood broken? One day there might come a time where the life expectancy of a human increases to thousands of years , through stem cell research or many other methods. God the commander directs creation whichever way he wishes on whichever path pleases him. God's laws will always prevail forevermore. With hunger our body begs for food and with our mouths we beg for other things. In this world we try all sorts of cunning slyness and schemes to try to find the Lord but these are of no avail because in the end we will depart empty handed and none of these will be of use after the body is dead. But still why does it matter when these sly thoughts will not accompany the being to the next world? In common Sanskrit this word is said to mean human or person. Before we had our identities, before we had our minds, and thoughts, even then God was in full control of each aspect of the Universe. Whoever does this, their pain is pushed far away and they gather peace within their hearts. So what exactly is Hukam- When we read further into Gurbani we see that the mystical Hukam is the Naam itself. Even though we as humans think something is less than perfect in reality imperfections are also perfect as are flaws because God's will and plan intend for them to occur. By all sorts of efforts, people do not find salvation. They don't go begging at the doors of others nor do they rely on the mercy of humans. It is a law of science that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and every action has a stimulus. With each breath our body begs for air. A Little Deeper- We all think we are in control but in reality God is the one who controls everything including the forces of nature. The creeping creatures live thoughtless lives, and cannot discriminate between good and evil. It is in this context, that Sikh Youth Camps Australia encouraged the translation of Jap Ji Sahib … God isn't limited to one way of realization or one form of ritual. I would go to a sacred shrine of pilgrimage only if it were to make the Lord happy, but if this doesn't make God happy than what do I obtain, what do I get from bathing at such tiraths (places of pilgrimage)? God will always exist ever steady. God doesn't need food, God doesn't need shelter, God doesn't need water, God does not even need to breathe. God is the river of virtue and God alone is capable of blessing even the most virtueless people with virtue. For more information, please click here. God gives the sun and the moon and gravity and inertia. But in the Court of the True Lord, he forfeits his honor. As we can see the returns cover both 'think' and references to 'purity'. Japji Sahib - English Translation and Transliteration: God, Almighty: 9781500272821: Books - Amazon.ca From the beginning of time we have been eating and living off of what God gives. This refers to those who visit sacred places of pilgrimage and bathe in an attempt to purify the soul, It refers to the belief that holy water alone can wash sins like some sort of magic spell or the belief that some things which God made are impure. ||9||, In Katak, in the Company of the Holy, all anxiety vanishes. Depending on the good and bad actions of the person, consequentially by God's will, it is written whether the person will suffer in pain or face pleasure. ਸਿਆਣਪਾ - Sianpa-clever thoughts, schemes, sly ideas, cunningness. It means form, (body, image, incarnation). SatGuru Nanak Dev Ji however says that true way is distinct from all these, One must find pleasure ( Satisfaction) in whatever God's, The timeless Spirit's, will may lay out, This is important for the understanding of Sikhism's basis. ਸੋਚ didn't appear in any of them apart from the entry for Japji Sahib. They rise above this world's cycle of reincarnation. Only when we love God enough to make his love the center of our life and to trust his will no matter what, only then will we rise above pain and pleasure and the wall of falsehood will break into pieces! This teaching comes from the Lord and in order for the soul to find fulfillment it is a necessity. What can we say to move God so he fills us with his love? ਮਨ ਬਚ ਕ੍ਰਮ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਨ ਨਹੀ ਗਾਏ ਯਹ ਜੀਅ ਸੋਚ ਧਰਉ ॥੧॥, Man bacẖ karam har gun nahī gā▫e yėh jī▫a socẖ ḏẖara▫o. Once again we see people sing of or describe God from what their limited minds have experienced and seen. ||2||2||, Says Nanak, this still really bothers my mind - I never sang the Praises of the Lord. We value each translation that was given as an offering to this project for the occasion of the 550th Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthday. Let love for God well up within us . Beḏ pukārai mukẖ ṯe pandaṯ kāmāman kā māṯẖā. Jis karam kẖuli▫ā ṯis lahi▫ā paṛ▫ḏā jin gur pėh mani▫ā subẖā▫e. There is one Timeless Being, the giver for all beings, may I never forget this giver Lord ! Why do we worry now? Rahā▫o. ||1||Pause||. If we were to bathe at a holy place in the name of God than how does that give God happiness? God's praise and expanse is greater than our comprehension. He watches the world but remains worry -free. No one will receive anger. (1) JUP (Meditation or dwelling on the Infinite Spirit of God). They become firm in God's support and never have to bow to another human , ever. A great example of this is the caste system. When you put the letter Oora infront of Staapay it becomes Oothaapya which means the opposite, to tear something down or destroy it. This is all part of God's order. Also, those people who bind themselves with the praise and extol of the Lord, reach higher than the highest spiritual beings. What I have read so far has really taught me a lot. Oh SatGuru Ji please give me this understanding that God is the one giver of all alone and may I never forget this giver from my mind and may I never look to another for support. The other word Dheh is used for the body. At the same time Guru Ji explains that chasing after riches will not kill this hunger either. No one has ever found satisfaction in sin and corruption. She is well-versed in Punjabi, Gurmukhi and Sikh scripture. Why do we think that it is us who must accomplish what is to be done? ਮਨਿ -Man(i) -within your mind/within your soul, ਸੁਖੁ -Sukh(u) -peace/tranquillity/pleasure, ਘਰਿ-Ghar(i) -within the heart/inside the heart, ਜਾਇ-Jaa(e)eh-to have done , for an action to have been done. In Sawaiya sahib Guru Gobind Singh Ji tells us ‘Jin Prem Keyo Tin He Prabh Paiyo’ meaning only those who love find the Lord. God alone can bless us with virtue. Death can't scare them because they have seen their creator God to be all pervading here and hereafter. God was just there from the beginning, everything came from God. What are those magic words which will give our soul the love it begs for, the love it looks for in material pleasures, the love the world goes crazy searching for, the only love which can fill our emptiness ? PS - It should be noted that Bibi Tejkaran has expanded on Professor Singh's teeka with her own interpretation of the text under the sections subtitled 'A little deeper'. This is prayed as Ik OangKaar. While humans can merge with God, the limitless lord can't be compacted to a human form. All this happens within Hukam. × ||1||-Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 1003. The person realizes that God is the only support for the earth and skies and the continents and regions and nether regions/interspaces and all the world upon worlds. Satguru Nanak Dev ji tells us that God is always happy and never has any worries. Gurbani | Gurmat | Spiritual Poetry and Discussions, English Translation Of Prof. Sahib Singh's Katha Of Japji Sahib. Sometimes we think God is angry or upset or punishing and we hear stories as such but in reality everything God does is for good and it causes our soul to reach to God . His language is love and he is the great timeless infinite being. This shabad is used . We create inspirational videos, tutorials and guides on how to discover and be the best version of yourself as a human being. God's Naam, God,s shabad itself is the Hukam. God runs the world as the Great Commander. One can't possibly offend God. This curtain separates us from the mansion of truth. Saibhung- God is self sustained. The SGGS is treate… God is unique and alone beyond the hold and limits of creation and maya. Sikh art. O Nanak, if one were to understand the Naam/ The Shabad they would not speak in ego. A noun from this root is Sthaapan which means Punswan Sanskar which is a ritual which takes place from when a women starts showing signs of pregnancy up until she gives birth to a soon. What is gained from such bathing? Who are uncared for and whose state isn't inquired about by anyone. We must renounce others and attach our consciousness to the one beyond all who is ever steady and infinite. I think we should take a break here to digest and discuss what has been covered so far? This path is regarded as the most important Bani. Guru Ji tells us that the human may think up so many clever schemes but none will go with him to the next world. Do notice the difference the Sihari makes. One who bows at the feet of the king, one who has the king as his friend, why should he go seeking refuge and aid from a mayor or police officer? ||1||, none of these is yours to keep. Why should we place our hopes in any other? Remember (keep in mind) the difference of the making of the pairs of the two words. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. This is how we understand God. They lost the concept of self and become in tune with the Hukam. Through listening and singing these praises, let us place true love for God within our minds. By far the main Gurmukhi form corresponding to 'think' (from what I could see) was the many variations of the word ਚੇਤ. This is not the way to please God who is beyond these things! We must learn how to keep our souls satisfied with what God gives us. There is no devil because there can be no second deity or force which is not in God's control. ||3||, and performs all the rituals of purification day and night, still, without the True Guru, there is only darkness. Their anxious mind's are not appeased by keeping silent. How can a created being adequately sing of the Creator? God is the king of all. One may think they are the most clever person in the world, they may brainwash others and feed on the innocent but still even the smartest of souls will be outsmarted by death. wow I must say it was worth coming back to forum for this thread alone. Even if they were to acquire a good name and the praise and extol of the who world, even if the whole world was to glorify them, ਚੰਗਾ ਨਾਉ ਰਖਾਇ ਕੈ-Changaa Naao(u) Rakhaa(e)eh Kai-To have a good name/to have earned a respected name/to have honor to your name/ to have been given respect/honor to your name, Even if they were to have a respected name and the whole world was to glorify and praise them/ even if they were well known in every house. This has been the best explanation of Japji I have come across so far. Within Hukam, some are good and bad and according to their deeds, they obtain what is in their lekha, pain and pleasure. In the Anmehrit like hours, Where the mind is free from worldly bonds, chant the true Name of God and elaborate on God's greatness (Praise God). People run around in ten directions looking for happiness, they enjoy lavish luxuries, they wear fancy clothes, they engage in sensual pursuits, they look for thrills, but still their inner thirst is not quenched and bored with life they fall into a desolate state of ennui. We humans care so much what others think of us and what society thinks. The Infallible Lord never makes a mistake. Guru Ji tells us ("Mith Boldra Ji" )- " God always speaks so sweet, my Lord always speaks so sweet, I have grown weary of testing him, yet still my Lord doesn't ever utter a harsh word." This Bani was composed by the founder of the faith, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was the first of ten human Gurus of this faith. This was revealed to Guru Nanak on His penance in the river Beni, where He attained enlightenment at the age of 31 years. ), ਸੁਣਿਐ-Suneh(a)ai-To Listen/ By listening/my attaching our consciousness/focus/soul with the Naam/by listening to the praises of, ਪੋਹਿ Pauh(i)- to scare/ to conquer/ to terrify, ਪੋਹਿ ਨ ਸਕੈ ਕਾਲੁ- Pauh(i) Na Sakai Kaal(u)- Death can’t scare/ Death can’t conquer someone/ the fear of death can’t reach someone /Death can’t terrify someone. Download japji sahib english translation raj kaerga khalsa document. Naao(u) also means Ishnaan, Nauna, to bathe , its usually an imperative (a command), bathe! I will be posted more sections over the next few days. Japji Sahib - English Translation and Transliteration: Sikh Religion Prayer, Holy Scriptures - Kindle edition by God. It simply cant be done. All love comes from God. They will burn and suffer transmigration. The Guru gives this firm understanding that God is everywhere and in everything. Since God is the creator of all God also knows the inner workings of all. God has been in control even before we ourselves existed. God can take the soul and put it into another vessel and after taking it put it into another vessel or body. God can make the mightiest humans, who are taller than mountains, those powerful beings can, in a second, have their bodies reduced to ash after death. Feel free to discuss the contents. Why not bow at his shelter as he is the controller of all. This lekha is part of God's Hukam All happens according to this divine order, all is part of Hukam. Through the Naam some are blessed and find God while others wander. They would realize the jewels and rubies which exist within the mind! Japji Sahib was composed by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the faith. Fans of this Audio. It lies in pleasing the lord and earning his glance of compassion and grace. God does not have a mother of creator. Why do we doubt it now? They submit to God's Hukam and become part of the Almighty. Singing God's praises is beneficial to our soul because it learns to love God and thus it merges with its origin. Upload or insert images from URL. The Sikh conceptualisation of God. Ajooni- The one who is free from the jeunes or free from birth and death. The different meanings and explanations of each of the three parts (1)Ik, (ਓ) Oang,and 7 Kaar are understood and explained as such; (ਓ) Oang is a Sanskrit word and in the Sanskrit dictionary it has three meanings; 1) In the Ved and Aad Dharam (Hindu Dharam) (ਓ) Oang is considered a pure and holy letter, whenever starting or finishing any religious (dharmic) task, whenever starting or finishing a ritual or prayer, since (ਓ) Oang is considered to be a pure and auspicious letter it is used 2) (ਓ) Oang is also used when following an order or as a sign of respect, when we say yes with respect (hanji or better explained Ji Han) (ਓ) Oang can also be used , so it's meaning is also (with respect) yes or (Ji Han) 3)(ਓ) Oang also means God. All God does is perfect even though humans might not always understand. Let me love the creator and see the lord within creation. We have come to Your sanctuary, God. If we take a look at the fourth line we see that the thinking, the cleverness of the mind , has already been addressed and for this reason we know that the first line is referring to a different method. This Lord is ever steady and ever present. Japji Sahib Translations – Sikh Dharma International. Through this Hukam all beings are formed and greatness is obtained. When good destiny dawns, the wall of doubt is torn down. Through the efforts of many wonderful volunteers, from countries across the globe, we have translations of Japji Sahib in many languages. Their doubts are smashed because the unknown has become known and they know that their Lord is everywhere and will support them in the here-after. God , the timeless being is, always was, and always will be. We must submit to this Hukam. SaiBhung-ਸੈਭੰ = ਸ੍ਵਯੰਭੂ (ਸ੍ਵ = ਸ੍ਵਯੰ। ਭੰ = ਭੂ)=SaiBhung=Sw=Swyn=Bhang=Bhoo- One who exists from him/her/itself, One who was created by himself, one who was just there, Gur Parsad(i)- by the grace of the Guru, by the sweet mercy of the Guru, Or Ik Oangkaar (is met) by the merciful compassion of the Guru, The Mool Mantr in a nutshell- (teeka definition summerized), Ik Oangkar- There is one everpresent ever steady formless Lord who is present in everything, SatiNaam(u)- God's name alone is immortal, it has and will always exists, It is eternal and it alone will live one, Karta Purakh(u)- God , this everpresent force, created everything and everything came from this force, Nirbhao(u)- God is not afraid of anything, Akaal Moorat(i)- God is the timeless, ever-existant being, SaiBhung- God is self sustained, God was just always there , no one made God, God doesn't need food or water or air, God just exists within God's self, Gurparsad(i)- God can be realized through the grace of the Guru, Ik Oangkar Can be realized through the grace of the Guru ( see who is the Guru). Abẖūl(u) na bẖūlai likẖi▫o na cẖalāvai maṯā na karai pacẖāsā. Akaal Moorat(i)- The word Moorat(i) is feminine. × God has no hate and no worries . They know that God is the only one who gives help and aid to all. Such a soul will no longer be able to speak of the self when it realizes this great Divine order! Guru Ji tells us that by keeping quiet within one does not obtain inner silence or peace of mind. I love the analysis using a grammatical approach. Everything is God's as said in the last line. Historiography. In other words, In order to meet God and find complete happiness their is only one method. Come let us sing the glories of God. If this were to bring happiness to God then it would be a good idea but God's pleasure does not reside in our bathing at such places. ), Nirbhao- God has no fears, God is fearless, ਚਸਾ, ਮੁਹੂਰਤ ਆਦਿਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸਮੇਂ ਦੀ ਵੰਡ ਵਿਚ ਵਰਤੀਂਦੇ ਹਨ। ਇਹ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਪੁਲਿੰਗ ਹਨ। {ਨੋਟ: ਸ਼ਬਦ 'ਮੂਰਤਿ' ਤੇ 'ਮੂਰਤੁ' ਦਾ ਭੇਦ ਜਾਨਣਾ ਜ਼ਰੂਰੀ ਹੈ। 'ਮੂਰਤਿ' ਸਦਾ (ਿ) ਨਾਲ ਲਿਖੀਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਤ੍ਰੀ ਲਿੰਗ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ 'ਸਰੂਪ'। ਸੰਸਕ੍ਰਿਤ ਦਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਹੈ}।. Guru Nanak Dev Ji tells us if one was to understand this than their ego filled thoughts and concept of self would not be spoken of. God is and will always be the root of all and the caretaker for all of creation. Jal kai majan je gaṯ hovai niṯ niṯ meʼnduk nāvėh. It is the heart and essence of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the living Shabad Guru. They attain what siddhas take years to perfect, those efforts which they spend countless time engaged in, those levels which yogis take lifetimes to reach, the greatness of the spiritual leaders or pirs, and the state of the deities. In the Hukam all beings(souls) are formed, Na Kehya Jaye- Can't be described, is beyond description, Indescribable. What does keeping hungry prove? If one were to keep the Naam within their heart they would become so great and exalted that they would attain the spiritual understanding, the power, and greatness of the greatest yogis, the gods and goddesses, the peers (holy hermits) and Naths (holy men) and they would come to understand that God is the one who supports the earth and skies. Jai JaiKaar(u) Kareh Tudh(u) Bhaawh(i) Gur Kai Sabad(i) Amul(e)ay .9.2.5. If salvation can be obtained by bathing in water, then what about the frog, which is always bathing in water? Satguru Nanak Dev Ji than tells us that Inner tranquility is not found by keeping Vows of Silence. God is the closest of the close and some have found and proclaimed that. God places fault on them ( over them, for forgetting the Naam) they are given blame. The flame is not satisfied by more fuel; how can one be satisfied without the Lord? They would find complete satisfaction and their thirsty mind would be fulfilled and quietened as they enjoyed all gems, pearls and rubies within themselves! Let me love the creator and see the lord within creation. ‘Dhur’ is root or the origin. They base what they say on what they have seen but they can't fully know the greatness of God's strength and blessing. He does not have to write His Orders, and He does not have to consult with anyone. During the time of great bliss, meditate on the Eternal Naam and contemplate God's virtues, ਕਰਮੀ ਆਵੈ ਕਪੜਾ ਨਦਰੀ ਮੋਖੁ ਦੁਆਰੁ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਏਵੈ ਜਾਣੀਐ ਸਭੁ ਆਪੇ ਸਚਿਆਰੁ ॥੪॥, Karmee Avai KapRdha Nadaree Moakh(u) Du(a)aar(u) Nanak (E)ayvai Jaaneeai Sabh(u) (A)aapay Sacheh(a)aar(u), By God's compassion (mercy) the silk cloth of God's love is obtained, by God's glance of sweet grace we find the door of liberation (the wall of falsehood is broken), O Nanak in this way we realize God, Anmehrit-Great Bliss/ Unlimited excitement/ Great joy/ ecstasy, Anmehrit Vayla- The time when a person is free from bonds, The time when the mortal is free from worldly thoughts/ the time of great joy/time of great, Bliss/time of detachment from worldly affairs, Vadheh(a)aa(e)ee -Greatness/Glories/Virtues, Karmee -God's mercy/God's sweet compassion/God's grace/God's benevolence/God's benignancy,(Karam=God's blessing/God's mercy/God's Grace for example Jaythee Sehrat(i) O(u)Paa(e)ee Vayhkhaa Vehn(u) Karmaa, Ki Milai L(e)ee/ Nanak Nadree Karmee Daat(i), KapRdha- the silk cloth of God's love, cloth of love, cloth of God's praise, Nadaree-God's look of Grace/God's glance of mercy/God's glance of compassion/God's glance of sweet benevolence upon us, Moakh(u)-liberation/the breaking of fetters of this world/the smashing of the "wall of falshood/curtain of falsehood", Du(a)aar(u)-door (in this case Moakh(u) Du(a)aar(u)), Sabh(u) -everywhere/in all places/ all pervading, Sacheh(a)aar(u)-the home of the one who is.

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