i am not following my dreams

Yeh there's time when it's tough, like being deployed or hearing that a close friend had been wounded or killed in action, but at the end of the day, this is all part of my job. Thanks Rahul! i’m hana from malaysia. Support of my loved ones also means the world to me, and like in you case, they don’t necessarily understand where this “travel dream” comes from, so sometimes it’s hard for them to show their full support. I want to be able to have a massive following having a game streaming channel (I’ve already got a team assembled and we are just playing games and posting vids but no traction yet..) But how can we stand out from the crowd? After reading your article, I've realized that it's not really important to do what we are destined to be doing as long as we are enjoying the whole PROCESS (life per se) and we are in good terms with the people around us. My love ones believe success is measure by a big bank account along with a prestige positions such as: Doctor, teacher, and lawyer. See what I mean? I’m not sure if you want to pursue spiritual things like your family does, but why does it have to prevent you from pursuing a singing career? Follow Ups: Re: Not me in my dreams Mary 9/04/100 (0) Re: Not me in my dreams ttate 5/28/100 (0) Post a Followup. I think our standard of living in the US is so high, its effortless to take for granted. I think you have a plan ahead, as you mentioned your financial cushion for next year. Some of us know beyond the shadow of a doubt, what our passion is. Here are some of my own quotes you should love em there true for me anyway , 1.”Make your own adventures ,and your dreams will follow”, 2.I DONT DREAM MY DREAMS I LIVE THEM.I LOVE LIFE, MAKE THE MOST OF IT YOU NEVER KNOW WHATS ROUND THE CORNER, 3.My own Personal Quote on Travel Now, in response to what naysayers, gatekeepers, or anyone might say to keep you from dreaming, I want to share 19 reasons why you should ignore everyone and follow your dreams: 1. i’m following a few dreams concurrently (i want my whole life to be dream)- but a major one is i want to win the lottery jackpot. Jim, as always, I love how you bring your wisdom to the conversation. Being afraid makes you feel more alive, so smash through that brick wall of fear. They just keep telling how much money I will have to spend and it’s dangerous! I’m glad you got to read this as I believe it’s really important to keep those dreams alive and push forward to make them real. Jim, I agree with Norbert. And just act on your thoughts, live what you think. Man, you’re awesome. I wish more people were able to understand it and apply it in their life. Do what makes you feel alive. Good. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. I see my husband beginning to search for his wife now that she is not following his every step. Crazy huh?! We need something that inspires us to live for, and realizing our dreams is a good way to achieve this. I really needed to read this, as I’m getting ready for my own RTW in a little over 2 months (eek!). . Sorry for my late reply. I wish you the best! Granted it is not as easy while supporting a family, but I am determined to make it happen. my sister and i are working on it together actually. I really liked what you said, but it still didn’t give me enough hope to think I can actually accomplish my dreams. I look forward to see you do yours!! Word. Your very lifespan gives value to the career that you have, Mercedes Benz that you drive, palace that you live in, expensive jewelry that you wear, All these are useless if you weren’t here on earth to begin with. We already have our why, we are doing this to be able to attend conventions! “What I tell my students on my courses is, when you wake up, try to lie still – don’t even open your eyes. 3. I will be purely your decision to make and you should stand for what YOU really want to do. Required fields are marked *. And, you are still young, so you have time to plan and work hard to realize this dream of traveling the world solo. In these communities, an individual's life is much more about living in harmony and fulfilling expectations. amen (in the most non-religious way) norbert! Yes, kick-ass is a good word for this post. I feel like you approach the subject in a negative way and you get too caught up in the idea that somehow the phrase, "Follow your Dreams." I must find what I’m passionate about quickly as I can so I don’t waste anymore days.” As much as I encourage people to follow their dreams, I also encourage them to study and get a proper education. I was one of those people who always look for acknowledgement or encouragement from others. . YOU’ve got to follow your dreams, because noone else will do it for you! I would love to be doing right now what you’re doing, but soon I’ll start mine! I agree, #12 feels so rewarding because you love to see how other people are inspired to do what they want too. Berit "Brit" Brogaard is a co-author of The Superhuman Mind And many of us spend a lot of time doing things we don't necessarily love most of the time (jobs, childrearing, exercising) but know that they're useful in some way. specially from family. You know what, I believe you can be an animator and travel. There are no rules in life so why limit yourself to what everybody else is doing? I don’t really have outside naysayers, just sometimes inside ones. Just try doing all the things that makes you feel happy and alive and ask from creator with open heart was is your passion. I dropped out of school to pursue my dream and here I am, nearly 20 years later working to finish my degree in a field very closely related to my dream. .please help mw out in making right choices…. I’m really excited about it!! from the Manufacturer of the product Because you have found your passion under sheep's clothing. ****Blessed are those who dream big, pursue their dreams and are happy when they come true! I have two huge dreams I’m currently working towards: 1) Circumnavigate the globe without flying, starting from Ireland in October, gonna take my time, live in several different countries along the way, should be done by 2015. Take them slowly by the hand, that way they will slowly understand it better. what do you think of my dreams? Suicide rates are rising all over the developed world as people tuck there dreams into a little box and put it under the bed to focus on surviving. 12. I think there is great peace in realizing that no one will much care what is written our tombstones, even figuratively. Let me know if it brings you to Iceland , Thanks Hjortur. “I love acting. Cheers for a bright future!! All men dream, but not equally. We need to live OUR life! I wanted to become a Doctor and was in Medical School. Thanks for sharing it! I have to say you live in a very beautiful country, one of my favorites! Like you said, don’t give yourself the chance to look back and say “What if?”. Dreams make you take chances, but chances can bring more opportunities. Master it and impress everyone with your skills. , Thanks for the well wishes on the RTW! No more unnecessary pressure! thanks for your feedback. But what if this IS all there is, and it's OK? . I am honestly blistfully ignorant to other peoples “opinions and suggestions”. If this is your passion, you’ll find a way sooner and later to make it all work for you. So I faced my fears head on and joined, i began my basic training with a bunch of strangers which were soon to become the best friend's I'd ever have and a drill instructor hurling abuse In my face, I'd thought that this couldn't be my dream! To go for your dreams, first think about what makes you happy or excited in life. Those of us who continue to honor our dreams set an example for those who are struggling with launching their dreams. Thank you! People want you to be as conventional as they are and are jealous of your balls to follow your dreams. I wonder what my life and career would have been like if I had chased my dreams. I get it because I’m currently living on the cheap and I’ve racked up a lot of debt because I am following my passion, but at the end of the day, despite that debt, I am happy because I am … Best of luck to you!! Maybe there are other reasons as well, just my two cents. I thought to myself, “If what they say is true then why are they depressed, sick, worry, divorced and the list goes on. It hasn’t been easy & we’re not sure if we’ll make it across the US. I know that in order to reach this goal I've got to start now, so I wrote this poem to explain how much I want to be a writer and how much I'll put up with to get there. it’s really a fabulous feeling knowing that there are people out there that view life the same way you do. However, most people I know found not one "burning" passion, but several "warming" passions, if you will. Exactly, too true, I have had major depression & PTSD & been told by an in law that I may NEVER come right, that really made me cross, I have come right, I was all the more determined too come right, & I got there, I didn’t let anyone hold me back @ all, as my mother said if I decide to do something I’m like a dog with a bone! Work the 9 to 5 job, sure. Work in any job you want to and enjoy that work as you enjoy every other thing that you do in the presence of time. Very inspirational blog/post. He saw my Moon Handbook about living in Korea (would like to do that someday…I applied for a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in Korea, but didn’t get it) and said “Don’t even think about it”. I actually think you should give a TED talk about this topic, and your memes idea with the qualified/pragmatic inspirational statements isn't a bad one. If you're someone who is following your passions, you're likely taking several steps and planning in depth - no matter how long it takes - to achieve your dreams/goals/passions. If you lost your hope, the first thing you must do to gain it back is believe in yourself, believe you have the will and power to do what you want, and work hard to achieve it! As a result, I have a nice house...nice car...family's happy. You rock , Norbert. Even if your dreams fail, you’ll feel proud you gave it your all to accomplish them. I'm actually living my childhood dream! You want to be someone? Makes me feel alive. This can be an especially concerning problem if your vivid dreams persist over time. Work and love, if you are lucky, you can work with what you love. But not one day goes bye that wish I was doing something different. You learn from failure. It is up to you to live your dreams. Congrats on owning your own business! I don’t think I fully understand what motivates me to travel too, but like you, I just do it because it’s my passion and it is one of the things that make me happy! Hope you have an awesome RTW too and hope to see you around to know more about it. Everything "nobody" said and then some. Because I followed my first dream, I have made dozens of my other dreams come true. The ideology “Do what you Love” by Confucius caused all these chaos. You will feel strong as you prove the naysayers wrong. She was so shook up, I felt she was crumbling from the inside and out. So following my wise man’s principle Caution: do everything thing with hearth that the key……….God bless u. If they were all easy to achieve, then it will just be doing “what we want” without any challenge or major goal. If you’re really passionate about your investment, I would say go forward and be open to anything. I have written a Book Series entitled "Dreams to Reality: Author Your Dreams ACTION PLAN" and it just came out on Amazon and other major booksellers. You don’t work to make a living, you work because you are living. Then I started noticing something strange, These great, popular and influential people say this just because everyone else is saying it. Note: The author of this article we commenting on mentioned passion and purpose as the same thing but they are two different words. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a pilot. No one should be envious of passionate people. Thanks, Melissa, for your thoughtful article. How can we find passion and purpose at those times? I work, get money, buy gears, buy book and now, at age 45 I’ll took guitar lessons with a renowned guitar player… and still looking for my band and my place on the stage…. Accomplishing your dreams will spark even bigger dreams. I reluctantly contacted him to help my daughter get her boyfriend back and I paid for the items he asked me for. It has caused division among people when those “claiming” to be happy doing what they love made those who aren’t feel left out. the Creator. Good luck with all your planning! Acting is my passion and I am living my dream.” Says this in public but dealing with depression at home in secret. . I want to be a singer. Hi i had a dream once about singing but what to do about haters? I think there are actually more of us who don't have that driving passion than there are those that do. I work at a top Fortune 500 company...high salaried....nice benefits...heck...even the daycare facility is wonderful! How do I tell my love ones that sometime I need love and acceptance more than advice? It iwll not be easy, so you need to see this also as a slow educational process with your loved ones and take them step by step by showing them through small actions that you are capable of doing this. Vanessa, thanks for your words. Thank you for this post. Being realistic means you’re aware of what inputs (efforts) are required to attain certain outputs (results). And Best of luck Buddy for your adventure, i know it will be a thrilling and life changing experience for you. thank you for sharing. My dream is my dream, and I like it how it is. I have never once thought "follow your dreams" meant making rash, irresponsible decisions or making those who feel they don't have a passion feel bad. The result? Thank you so much Charu! So to you lost souls out there, disregarding your age or excuses, think back into your childhood and what was it, that you always wanted to be, really think about it. Good to see you around! Not just one thing, All things! I encourage all these people (some of whom have responded above) to follow those strong feelings. But you have actually got your feet very firmly on the ground and know where and how you’re going. Do leave behind the negativity and face forward believing in yourself. I wasn't driven. They tell us youngsters all the time to do what makes us happy...because in the end...the job...the money...the benefits...the nice daycare facility...won't matter anymore and certainly won't be written on your tombstone... Perhaps we just have to accept the angst. So, dust yourself off and try it again. It is common to have naysayers on our backs when we do unconventional things like these or make decisions out of the ordinary. I’ve read a lot about what you do and you do have a very positive path ahead of you since you are active in making sure you accomplish those goals and realize those dreams! Showcase my artwork and sell prints, portraits and my own unique comic lines! Life…. I trust and believe “only” what I hear They said that because they think it is too dangerous. The inspirational literature is full of stories of people who left high-paying corporate jobs to teach deep-sea fishing in the Caribbean or to run a bed & breakfast in the Appalachians. Many who followed their bliss but did not achieve what you have done, would pine for the life you have lived. Analyse the cause and identify the source of that idea you value to make sure the “source” is authentic. I was happy, content. For a while after I graduated from college, I felt completely at a loss about what I was supposed to do next. Best of luck with your dreams!! But at least you’ve compiled them all in once convenient location. There’s nothing wrong about traveling the world solo. com or  wiccalovespelltools @ yahoo. I wasn’t sated with the life I was living. Lauren, I know this happens to many people that have a dream that doesn’t go along what parents think it’s practical. I think #17 is my favorite. I know nothing about gaming, but ask yourself, what can you do that no one else is doing that will make you unique? I’m sure you will too! While I don’t discourage going to university, I always emphasize to do it if you really want to pursue what you’re studying. You could be believing a lie. In the end, none of those naysayers have to live with your feelings of regret or of how you let yourself down. I have now learned that failure is nothing that should be feared. If not, the I’ll say the same, find your happiness and future with alternatives that can have more potential. When one is young (19-20s) good to chase dreams after which is focus on the job at hand then rest on the accomplishments. (a Chinese philosopher) to cause confusion, frustrations and division among people. So, keep things focused and you’ll see it’ll happen sooner or later. This year m planing to go to Laddakh by bike which is highest motorbike terrain in the world. Thanks Tobias! I wish that following my dreams would put food on my table , Thanks Jasmine! I follow my dreams every day. Frustration is unpleasant, but it also maker us feel angry and makes us hit stronger. 17. Maybe I should create a series of memes that actually reflect real life: My “passion," if that's what you call my sense of what's important, is to live a good life, which means to learn and grow, to help those around me, to connect, and to be present with what's happening. you just don’t know how great you makes me feel with your words. The first time I traveled from Puerto Rico to New York was just for a concert too. Jim, I’m sorry that happened to you, but it is never too late to do what you really want. Thanks Kimberlee! Settling for something less than stellar? . I love you went swimming with hammerhead sharks!! Each day, every person who has dreams and deires should take steps, big or small, to FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS intelligently. I completely understand your situation. Again...meditations are a good way of managing it. I feel like taking on following my dream as a electronic music producer and dj as young as I can. Time is the currency of life. And the way to do it is by taking care of ourselves and by pursuing our decides, goals, and dreams, among other things. I’m very envious of your RTW trip! Then sometimes there's a moment of connection or joy or beauty that makes it worthwhile. In fact, you could make a small business creating posters with those statements since you have experience in art. Sigh… Welcome to the post-Oprah world… who will say such great things today?! Here are some reasons why you should not give up on your dreams: 1. The dreaming state can be identified by measurements made as part of a diagnostic polysomnogram, including the recording of the electroencephalogram (EEG), the electrooculogram (EOG), and the electromyogram (EMG). I’m sorry to hear that, Je, but the best way to move forward and achieve what you really want in your life is to focus and work hard on those things. Simply put: Live in the present/Live in the moment. Why do we make stupid … Often, we're about to get together when I suddenly wake up, cursing the dream … , Best of luck on your dreams! , this is a wonderful post! I have to say this article seems a bit negative. This is a dream I want, and I'm willing to work until I get it. Thanks Robin! Don’t fall into the trap of selling yourself bare or settling for less than what you are capable of. Who knows. Once again, I am following more dreams and, although I have no cash flow, I feel very rich and fulfilled … and I’m meeting a lot of very interesting people who respect what I’m doing. Essay on My Dream and Fears – … However, I’m old enough, and this is something I feel I have to do. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Before setting on my first solo backpacking trip to Thailand, I got so much negative feedback about the fact that I was traveling alone to a “dangerous” country and that I was “wasting” the little money I had by going there.

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