hmh science dimensions earth and space science answers

The fare between two towns A and B was Kshs. (2 marks), b) A motorist started from his home at 30 a.m on the same day and traveled at an average speed of 100 km/hr. The submarine at D on realizing that the ship was heading fro the island P, decides to head straight for the island to intercept the ship. (c)        One fifth of the juice  in the larger container in part (b) above  is further drawn  and emptied into the smaller  container. A child selected a basket at random and picked at random a fruit from it. (c)        Construct triangle A’B’C’ such that the area of triangle A’B’C is the three quarters of the area of triangle ABC and on the same side of BC as triangle ABC. During the 90 days, wastage was reduced by 20% but cooking and washing remained the same. Use a ruler and compasses in this question. Lin Qi’s company Yoozoo Games is known for the “Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming” strategy game and is the producer of a forthcoming Netflix adaptation of the science fiction hit, “The Three Body Problem” a trilogy of novels by Liu Cixin. How many days does it take Onduso to do the work alone. Akinyi bought three cups and four spoons for Kshs 324. In this brilliant sequel to The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.—an enthralling, history-bending adventure traversing time and space, fact and fiction, magic and science co-written with #1 New York Times bestselling author Neal Stephenson—a daring young time traveler must return to Jacobean England to save the modern world. Kipketer can cultivate a piece of land in 7 hrs while Wanjiku can do the same work in 5 hours. Express BM in terms of a, b and c.                                                                                            (5 marks), Using a ruler and compass only, construct an acute angled triangle ABC such that ÐABC = 45°, BC = 9 cm and AC = 7 cm. In two years time the sum of their ages will be 62. Two towns A and B are 220 km apart. two adjacent plots belonging to Kazungu and Ndoe. (5 marks). The longitude of A is 118, (a) A plane flies by the short estimate route from P (10, (a) A ship sailed due south along a meridian from 12. QS is parallel to TV. The bank charges interest at 24% per annum compound quarterly. The total number of shirts must not be more than 400. Find the distance covered by the particle in the interval 1 ≤ t ≤ 3, At the points P and Q. a)         Complete the table by filling in the missing values of y. b) On the grid provided, draw the graph y=x, c) By drawing a suitable straight line, on the same grid as(b) above, solve the equation: x. A and B. Given that the determinant of AB = 4, find the value of k. 2 cos 2q =1 for 00 £ q  £3600                                                                          (4mks). If the linear scale factor between the container and the soap is 1/6. (a)        Calculate the amount of money Cherop received more than Asha at the end of the first year. A ship leaves B and moves directly southwards to an island P, which is on a bearing of 1400 from A. (b)        When the velocity of the particle is zero. Calculate the number of days a full tank would now last the family. (2 marks), Find all the integers satisfying the inequalities, The length of a room is 4 metres longer than its width. The mass of a certain metal rod varies jointly as its length and the square of its radius. The diagram below represents two vertical watch-towers AB and CD on a level ground. boys. From B angle of elevation of the top of the bottom of the window is 300 and the angle of elevation of the top of the window is 350. During the 90 days wastage was reduced by 20% but cooking and washing remained the same. A fuel dealer makes a profit of Kshs. (c)        Find the area bounded by the curve y = x2 – 2x – 3, the axis and the lines x= 2 and x = 4. He has to supply more type A than of type B however the number of types A shirts must be more than 300 and the number of type B shirts not be less than 80. Find the change in height of the water level in the cylinder. (b)        Given that A represents a rotation through the origin determine the angle of rotation. A 39-year-old colleague of Lin’s has been detained as a suspect. He was entitled to a monthly tax relief of Kshs. 3,072 talking about this. (c)        In the third week, the price of each bicycle was reduced by 10% while the price of each radio was raised by 10%. a) Line PQ drawn below is part of a triangle PQR. Determine the probability that he wins in the fifth round. A Kenyan businessman bought goods from Japan worth 2, 950 000 Japanese yen. (ii) Three butchers bought all the goats and shared them equally. The owner wants to plant some flowers in the field. The model whose total height is 15 cm is made up of a conical top, a hemispherical bottom and the middle part is cylindrical. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! (i)         The total surface area of the walls and the floor (include the door as part of the wall. (2mks). The figure below represents a kite ABCD, AB = AD = 15 cm. In an agricultural research centre, the length of a sample of 50 maize cobs were  measured and recorded as shown in the frequency distribution table below. In the figure below, AB and PQ are straight lines, (i)         Find a point R on AB such that R is equidistant from P and Q. (b) Shade the region within the polygon in which a variable point X must lie given that X satisfies the following conditions, (a)        Using the scale: 1 cm represents 10 km, construct a diagram showing the position of B, C, Q and D, (a)        Draw the locus of point equidistant from sides PQ and PR, (b)        Draw the locus of points equidistant from points P and R. (c)        A coin is lost within a region which is near to point P than R and closer to side PR than to side PQ. (b)  M is point on OV such that OM: MV=3:4, Express BM in terms of a, b and c. (a) Given that OA = a and OB = b, express in terms of a and b: (b) If AX = s AN and BX = tBM, where s and t are constants, write two expressions, (a)        Find, in the simplest form, the vectors OT and QT in terms p and r, (b)        (i)         Show that the  points Q, T, and R lie on a straight line, (ii)        Determine the ratio in which T divides QR, (b) Given that a point M is on LN such that LM: MN = 3: 4, find the coordinates of M, (c) If line OM is produced to T such that OM: MT = 6:1, (i)         Find the position vector of T, (ii)        Show that points L, T and B are collinear. a) Draw the rhombus on the grid provided below. (b)        A”B”C”D” is the image of A”B”C”D under the reflection in the line x=0. The table below shows the values of the length X ( in metres ) of a pendulum and the corresponding values of the period T ( in seconds) of its oscillations  obtained  in an experiment. (ii)        Use the graph to estimate the values of a and b. Find the values of a and b where a and b are rational numbers. (4 marks). (b)        (i)         In the year 2002 the price of each sofa set increased by 25% while, the number  of sets sold decreased by 10%. The line also cuts x-axis at (7, 0) and y axis at (0, 7), If the particle passes O, with velocity of 4 ms-1, find, (a)        An expression of velocity V, in terms of t, (b)        The velocity of the particle when t = 2 seconds, (b)        Determine the values of y at the turning points of the curve, (c)        In the space provided below, sketch the curve of y = 1/3 x3 + x2 – 3x + 2, (a)        Use the equation of the circle to complete the table below for values of y, (b)        Use the trapezium rule to estimate the area of the circle, (a) The displacement of particle at t = 5, (b) The velocity of the particle when t = 5, (c) The values of t when the particle is momentarily at rest, (d) The acceleration of the particle when t = 2, (a)        Find the coordinates of P and Q, (b)        Given that QN is perpendicular to the x- axis at N, calculate, (i)         The area bounded by the curve y = 4 – x2, the x- axis and the line QN                                                                                (2 marks), (ii)        The area of the shaded region that lies below the x- axis, (iii)       The area of the region enclosed by the curve y = 4-x2, the line. They also agreed to put aside 40% of the remaining profit to cater for taxes and insurance. A plot of land is represented on a map whose scale is 1:5000. Angle ACD is a right angle. The figure below represents a triangular prism. b) When a metal sphere is completely submerged in the water, the level of the water in the vessels rises by 6cm. In addition he is also paid a commission of 5% for sales above Kshs 15000, In a certain month he sold goods worth Kshs. Assuming each athlete is running at a constant speed. Find the value of k and hence express the equation of the line in the form a ax + ab = c, where a, b, and c are constants. 6000 per hour. There must be more business students than technical students but at least 200 students must take technical courses. The probability that their football and volleyball teams would win were. The company is to install not less than 3 type of A machine, The number of type B machines must be more than one third the number of type A machines, The shaded region below represents a forest. (3 marks). The figure below represents a kite ABCD, AB = AD = 15 cm. Find, the volume of the water displaced by the solid leaving  your  answer in terms of  ∏. They met t hours after the departure of the bus from P. Express the average speed  of the trailer in terms of  t. Find the ration of the speed of the bus so that of the trailer. 82 + 56. Baskets A contains 26 oranges and 13 lemons. The charge c shillings per person for a certain service is partly fixed and partly inversely proportional to the total number N of people. The drain pipe can empty the full bath in 3, A farmer distributed his cabbages as follows. A plot of land valued at Kshs. Hence estimate the values of K and n. The equation of the circle, expressing it in form x2 + y2 + ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constants each computer sold. The figure below shows a circle, centre, O of radius 7 cm. The boat sails X to another, Calculate the bearing and the distance of Z from Y. W is the point on the path of the boat nearest to Y. Uses Ed: Your Friend in Learning . Bag B contains 2 red balls and 3 yellow balls. (a) How much did he save in the second year? PQR in which < QPR = 300 and line PR = 8 cm, are no the opposite sides of PR

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