documentary on the death of the apostles

that Mary was ‘not like any earthly woman regarding reproduction is true in a way, but because of that statement; many have formed a religious thought with many ideas about Mary that are not true. Praise the Lord, and Happy Sabbath to you all. Although said to be a documentary, these “documentaries” are highly unreliable. judas went to hell. really benefited from it once again thanks. God does not destroy but loves in eternity. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by[c] that name you gave me. How could she have given birth to Christ if she didn’t have any reproductive organs (DOWN THERE) That down there statement seems to imply that maybe she was deformed. EVEN CAIN AND KING AHAB COULD HAVE REPENTED AND GONE TO HEAVEN. Hence the warning of woe. Answer: The Bible doesn’t tell us how the apostle Peter died. Isaiah9;6 and John 1;1-14 explains who Jesus is. It still baffles me to stupor at all times, when i sit down to imagine where the catholic brethren got their believes (Dogma) from and single handedly refused to change their mind on this issues of mary being made a goddess and worship with enthusiasms. Are you trying to justify it? There is no place called hell. From the Catholic Encyclopedia…. “Do not worry about what you will say because at that moment, the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say” Since this was published, I assume it was deemed worthy of being read; however, I need a translator. So he Judas repented when his master was finally arrested and killed. Tell me without Verse Plucking like a chicken. Everyone who repents and accepts Jesus as Saviour and Lord and lives for Him go to heaven. No he is not The John who wrote the book of revelation was obe of the APOSTLES of JESUS CHRIST. Psalms 111:9 title Reverend only belongs to God. No way of being certain that these “brothers” of Jesus were actually blood brothers. Jesus brothers are mentioned at least once. This assumption of adoption comes from the Catholic dogma which has no basis in Biblical fact. Jesus tells Judas at the last supper it would be better not to be born, than to betray him, and Luke records Jesus as saying “woe to the man by whom the Son of man is betrayed”. please i am living in spain where according to historyor tradition here in spain says that James the Lord’s brother dies in spain, how true is that? This certainly contradicts Matt. If the human/physical existence was so insignificant that it would be destined for Heaven, why would the angels have been driven by jealousy and envy to fall to a human state? The only apostle whose death is specifically described by non-Christian sources is James. This says to me, that Judas Iscariot did not repent of his sin of the betrayal of Christ. stream God bless you. I don’t think Judas knew anything other than what he planned to accomplish by betraying our Lord. Makes no difference to me. And read it. He was exiled to the Island of Patmos under the Emperor Domitian for his proclamation of the risen Christ. There were 12 disciples and two apostles ( men commissioned with the task of expanding the preaching work after Jesus’ departure). Believing that God loves all of us that he sent his son to us that we should believe and that his sacrifice is the atonement for man and thru grace we are saved. And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such miracles are done through His hands? The Bible also tells us that Joseph knew his wife after Christ’s birth. The details of the deaths of three of the apostles (John, the Beloved, Bartholomew and Simon the Canaanite) are not known at all, either by tradition or early historians. We will now examine the historical evidence of how these men died. At all. This I think is not correct that Jesus had no earthly brother as it is belived that Joseph the Spouse of Mary died when Jesus was Twelve years old. Describe how John Mark escaped being crucified and how did he die..need for Sunday School this Sunday. With Martin Sheen, Joseph Steven, Teresa Modnick. I to had conflicting issues about this until we went over it. Now are we referring to his physical destruction or spiritual distruction? I think Judas has been misunderstood! A variety of traditions says he preached in Scythia, in Greece, in Asia Minor and Thrace. You [we] MUST abide in the will of God as expressed in His word so that we are truly good soil for His word. The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. Answer: The only apostle whose death the Bible records is James (Acts 12:2). Piecing together a chronology of the Apostle Pauls life is not as easy as the maps in the back of your Bible might make it seem. We begin with perhaps the most well-known of Jesus’ apostles, and that would be Peter. the Bible plainly says that Mary had other sons and daughters! (from But Jesus has a place for him in heaven. John the apostle was still alive years after the deaths of both John the Baptist and Jesus. God […], Will the jews who don’t believe in jesus make heaven .Please enlighten me, They will be given a chance during the tribulation to choose if they don’t before the rapture, judas is in hell.when Jesus rise from death he went straight 2 hell he preached the gospel n they repented but judas did not .in that hell only 2 guy who did not n judas is 1 of them. The disciple that Jesus/Yeshua loved was also named John, he is identified as follows Disciple that Yeshua love. That is even not our concern for we are to be judged also for what we are doing. Other speculations or assumptions of his death are only that, because we naturally assume that all men die, but that is not what he was promised. The knowledge of Peter’s death is widespread among secular and church historians. First of all Mary had an Earthly husband. Where in God’s Word, that is the Law and Prophets, does God say taking ones own life is a sin? For one she is not to be statued and lifted up as not earthly and different from all. You will recall, another, younger man was elected by the Spirit of Holiness to take Judas’ place as the 12th Apostle, whom John records as becoming one of the twelve kings depicted in the book of Revelation. Enjoy the mystery! Andrew:  No accurate death date given. /Height 434 Josephus was a non-Christian who is You might also be interested in knowing that the sons of Zebedee (John and James) are his cousins as are the sons of Alphaeus (James, Joses (Barnabas), and Simon (?)). When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? The betrayal of innocent blood, with no thought of asking for forgiveness is what sends Judas to be condemned. Verily I say unto you….. Judas is with Jesus in heaven and always has been. is it in the bible?no. The Bible records many named John. Blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin. It does say the Jesus is the “Son of God”. That is all we have for now. Amen. With a resurrected body that is impervious to death and pain, that has no meaning. God has told us how to do it and what we need to do and become. That is one tradition. She cannot be separated from everyone and immortalized like some religions make her out to be. actually Jim, the closest to being a earthly brother at all would be james, raised with jesus by mary. 6 0 obj In a way he did, but they are not like Him. At this –3rd coming of Christ–the dead who did not believe in Christ–will rise–this is the time of Great and final judgment. Where in the Bible does it say that one cannot commit suicide? Jesus has no mother or father on earth. But understand what sin is. - Page 8 - Christian Forums,, Per bible study in greek,hebrew,aramic,Jesus had at least 3 blood brothers and 3 sisters,conceived by most likely his mom Mary,,and his ‘stepdad’ Joseph. Hell? I believe he did repent and was murdered But he did not live with Him on daily basis.. his role was different than the 12 Apostles. When Christ said–there will be gnashing of teeth–etc. BTW, “Satan” is not a proper name, but a title wherein it is used here. There are two types of Christians: sheep and fish. I look forward to the day when we all gather in front of Him, to worship Him, together! According to traditions and the Bible, eight of the Apostles died as Martyrs. Luke 22:3 and John 13:27 both state that Satan took possession of Judas. Moderation means it will take a bit of time for your comment to appear as one of us on the team has to approve it. & in Exod. Sorry for the long email–but after scrolling through and reading everyone’s comments–God just put this into my heart to write this. And again How the Apostles Died - Part 1 Barnes’ Bible Charts APOSTLE WHERE DIED WHEN DIED MANNER OF DEATH PETER Rome Italy (Nero) 54-56 AD Crucified head down at his own request ANDREW Edessa, Greece? How can you say that Mathew lived and wrotre the Gospel of Mathey we all need to pay homage to the almighty. We in the New city will NOT be allowed to look on. From Acts 12: 1-2. With Eusebius (Church History III.13.1) and others we are obliged to place the Apostle’s banishment to Patmos in the reign of the Emperor Domitian (81-96). Thomas: The earlier traditions, as believed in the fourth century, say he preached in Parthia or Persia and was finally buried at Edessa. There is a big difference between a disciple/student and a master , Sister. yes her tomb is empty and that of jesus and of lazarus.did paul die ?yes. The author of the Gospel of John, who was one of the 12 disciples, also wrote, First John, Second John, and Third John. See Phillipians 3:5. The Triune Godhead are : God the Father , God the Son and God the Holy Spirit . Please its good to know about Jesus but it doesn’t help just carrying the most powerful name that can heal any diseases, deliver, set free, but we do nothing about it. In Acts 1:14, His brothers and mother are described as praying with the disciples. Job 17:13. Judas Iscariot: Shortly after the death of Christ Judas killed himself. I hold a different view to what you mention. Zechariah. . It says plainly the holy ghost was responsible for marys inception. She was not enprgnated by god. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� I have a Question.I know somebody that found Jesus knows about him..,,,, Anyone believe in free grace soteriology? Anyone? John 17: 16-26 these verses tells of Jesus praying to God the Father for his Apostles and definitely mentioned that Judas Iscariot was singled out as lost. The bishop of Hierapolis, Papias, was quoted by the fourth century Church historian Eusebius, that the Logia (sayings of Jesus) preserved by Matthew was written in either Hebrew or Aramaic. Anyway he was changed so that he could not die as we normally understand it. Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden located in the Kingdom of the Heavens (the physical kingdom of Paradise given to Jesus by God to rule)). I do believe that there are some who are more exuberant about serving God than others but are the titles in order? So I do not believe that any of Jesus 12 disciples will be lost, but I do believe that he would not have his sit at the table with Jesus because matthias whom replaced judas iscariot took his sit. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.” I believe this is the conclusion of the matter. It is possible he repented just before he died,we are not sure of that either. Is he again jesus’s brother by birth? Praying for those who have hurt you, caused you pain releases the anger, frustration, and dissatisfaction one feels toward that person. Traitor to Jesus, the Greek bible describes Judas’s death as very gruesome; some passages claim that he was “split asunder.” Judas was one of 12 chief disciples of Jesus, known as the apostles. Another is that he was beheaded. 3, 4. According to scripture Jesus did have brothers and sisters. Jesus had brother. And, the Bible states that after Jesus’ birth Joseph and Mary went on to have the half-brothers and sisters aforementioned herein. According to Smith’s Bible Dictionary, there is "satisfactory evidence that he and Paul were the founders of the church at Rome and died in that city. But Apostle John is the author of the books of John, 1,2,3 Johns, and revelation. Thus, the body ultimately bloated and fell (or was dropped during later removal) and burst. ...................................................�� �?" According to the early writers, he died at or about the same time with Paul, and in the Neronian persecution, A.D. 67,68. we’re unable to. Tiberius had Pilate executed because of killing Jesus. Blessing! Rest Well Then the new heavens and new earth will be created–and we will get to see how the earth was and animals were –when God originally made the earth and the Garden of Eden. Careful study of God’s Word tells us that, no one goes to either heaven or hell when they die. That is correct, John the Baptist was not a Disciple, and was beheaded shortly after Jesus started his ministries. lets think about it and start to help one another with this. NO. Matthew 12:46, Luke 8:19, and Mark 3:31 say that Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see Him. The Bible teaches that God does not enjoy punishing the wicked; rather He would be willing to see all people be saved. At least two of the Apostles, Peter and Andrew were crucified. My sister believes Judas repented before hanging himself and therefore he is in Heaven with his master. This is a strong asseveration, Christ puts his “Amen” to it; declaring it to be a certain truth, which may firmly be believed: there be some standing here; meaning either his disciples, or some of the audience; for it is clear from Mark 8:34 that the people were called unto him with his disciples, when he said these words: which shall not taste of death: that is, shall not die; a phrase frequently used by the Jewish doctors: they say (y), “All the children of the world, , “taste the taste of death”.”. He was put to death by Herod Agrippa I shortly before the day of the Passover, in the year 44 or about 11 years after the death of Christ. Simon Peter says that John Mark is his son his epistles, so it seems apparent to me that he and Mary were married. This maintained the number of 12 apostles and indicated that it was to continue. After the birth of Jesus Joseph took Mary to be his wife. 2. account of Joseph and remain blessed. That’s not what Jesus teaches. Reading it has increased my Christain life, and my faith in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Humans were created with a body that would allow the human spirit to experience the beauty and gift of Life. There are at least 2 verses in the New Testament that tell about what manner of death the apostle Peter would experience. He hadn’t gone to heaven yet. Good to read your information about how the saints died. Jesus had It does not make any sense that God would want to “mystify” us. Stealing money,betrayed jesus,last commited succide.hence iguess judas is in hell. “If you cannot explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and I to also believe judas iscariot went/is going to heaven, he repented therefore Jesus is a forgiving savior. Matthew: He must have lived many years as an apostle since he was the author of the Gospel of Matthew, which was written at least twenty years after the death of Christ. Mathias was chosen to replace Judas, one of the original 12. Matthew Chapter 1:18, 24, 25 You said “We were made on Earth” true, (I’m assuming you are talking about the planet earth being you said “made on earth” instead of saying made of earth. Please do not make these false statements that have no basis in fact. Its very clear after the birth of the Messiah Mary the mother of Jesus Christ got earthly siblings with Joseph the Carpenter. Question: "How did the apostle Peter die?" Its says no man should say if one went to heaven or hell because we don’t know. Some believe this record of Jesus was originally written in Greek, and then translated into other languages. Google it. this person has fallen for a catholic doctrine which is false. Judas Iscariot has no bad intention to betrayed Jesus. /Width 319 3. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! Short letter like books in the New Testament. The most commonly accepted church tradition is that Peter was crucified upside-down in Rome. And any man who destorys this temple. His church, Sao Thoma, is the biggest and earliest of churches in India. John 17:13 The risen Jesus refers to Judas as the “son of perdition” the onle lost to him. the name god is no where spoken on any place of creation but earth, also jesus was not like any man on earth down there (reproduction) and mary, jesus mother was not like any earthly woman down there (reproduction). I believe Jonathan is referring to 1 Cor 3:17 “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are”. Maybe her reproductive organs were elsewhere on her body. For it indicates that the disciple that Jesus loved was the Writer. Reference to the John who wrote the gospel is not the apostle , but the disciple whom Yeshua loved, go to the last two chapters of the Gospel attributed to John. Do you want to partner with us in Church planting and social service in India? Now that we are under grace what than? If you read the last two verses see what it says about who wrote the Gospel . And how could He have suffered and died on the cross had He not been betrayed? However, Judas, in that moment that he handed Christ over to the Pharisees, in a way stood for us when we sin and betray Jesus. de man who is going 2betray him,beter 4him not 2’ve been born dat was already acurse by returning money 2de romans judas had repented but again he commited succide,he continued 2sin. The greek word here is adelphos and indicates a shared parent. According to the early writers, he died at or about the same time with Paul, and in the Neronian persecution, A.D. 67,68. According to Smith’s Bible Dictionary there is “satisfactory evidence that he and Paul were the founders of the church at Rome, and died in that city. If not, then hell was his destination. The apostle chosen to replace Judas. No Mary is not part of the Godhead, and Mary is never to be prayed to. effect that Judas did not kill himself, but was murdered in secret when he threw After the 1000 years, Christ will bring His New Kingdom, Jerusalem to the earth–with those of us who were alive and believer’s who were dead in our graves that were raised to heaven during that time period. Then, which of the god are you refering to? Make no mistake. So Paul replaced Judas. 4. That is true for John the Baptist but John the Apostle is a different person. because he refused to stay “bought” by the same group of men who set Christ up. and of course he had made an oath. The scripture tells of Jesus’ mother and brothers coming to persuade Him. The suffering and deaths of the apostles testify to the sincerity of their beliefs that they had seen the risen Jesus. elisabeth was not sirter to mary for joaciim and anne produced mary only. The only one of the apostles generally thought to have died a natural death from old age. Own life. He created time. We live by the new Testament, use old Testament as a guide. 19. Often Christians suffer beneath the illusion that they have sinned when in fact they have done no such thing. The history of the apostles is a very rich one and i really appreciate your efforts .God bless you for this great work. To harmonized the accounts in Matthew and Acts, some theorize that Judas indeed did hang himself, but none would defile themselves during holy days, by either touching a dead corpse (thus becoming ritually unclean and being unable to participate in the Jewish rites), or by doing the work (illegal on Jewish Holy and Sabbath days) of removing the body. Joseph protected Mary, cared for her, provided for her and married her out of both natural feelings and Divine direction. No Jim, she was a perfectly formed woman with everything where it should be. AD Stoned & beheaded PAUL Rome. Thus if Judas repented of his betrayal of Christ and chose to kill himself, he may still have gone to Heaven as all sins are forgiven., Sean McDowell, Ph.D. is a professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, a best-selling author of over 15 books, an internationally recognized speaker, and a part-time high school teacher. Hell is very real according to the Bible. But how did the apostles die?

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