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She has 33 years of policing experience, including 10 years in a leadership role enforcing the provisions of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). This model of retail sales was cited often as a means of ensuring access and encouraging a competitive, open market on pricing which might then be able to compete with, and help limit the use of, the illicit market. For example, this could be done by limiting the number of production licences issued or the total amount that any one producer is allowed to supply. Seven allow commercial production and prohibit personal cultivation. This report is the product of our consultations with Canadians, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, Indigenous governments and representative organizations, youth, patients and experts in relevant fields. 2015 Sep 1;154:25−37. Hall W, Degenhardt L. The adverse health effects of chronic cannabis use. Consultation participants were asked to provide some basic socio-demographic information about themselves prior to proceeding to the questions. Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds that act on receptors in cells in the brain and body. Currently, producers are permitted to use only the seeds, grains and fibres from the hemp plant. Nevertheless, access to a broad range of cannabis products is possible via the illicit market, including through dispensaries and online retailers. Should a system of licensing or other fees be introduced? Please find attached the final report of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation. This approach considers the risks associated with cannabis use, including the risks of developmental harms to youth; the risks associated with patterns of consumption, including frequent use and co-use of cannabis with alcohol and tobacco; the risks to vulnerable populations; and the risks related to interactions with the illicit market. Marijuana is the world's most used illicit psychoactive substance. Vendor training was seen as a way to provide some consistency of the information provided to consumers. The Task Force believes that Canada should prioritize engagement of Indigenous governments and representative organizations, as we heard from Indigenous leaders about their interest in their communities' participation in the cannabis market. The Task Force would also like to acknowledge Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy for their work in convening a youth roundtable event as a direct contribution to the Task Force's youth engagement activities. These products can be made with different types of cannabis, with varying levels of THC and CBD, resulting in different intensities and effects. Despite this emerging shift globally in approaches to controlling and minimizing harms associated with marijuana use, Uruguay remains the only country that has fully legalized marijuana to date. We were cautioned that low prices could increase the consumption of cannabis overall. The framework should draw from the good production practices already established for licensed producers of cannabis for medical purposes, including the use of approved pesticides, testing for solvent residues, testing for THC and CBD levels, and sanitation of premises and equipment. ],, From the Chief Medical Officers of Health report, Public Health Perspectives on Cannabis Policy and Regulation. Specifically, the mandatory product testing recommended by the Task Force is intended to minimize the risk of contaminated products entering the market and to verify the information on labelling, in order to help consumers make informed decisions. We explored the issue in remote corners of Canada as well as outside our borders. As we move away from prohibition, many stakeholders will turn to governments for information on how to assess the risks and harms of cannabis use and on how the regulation of cannabis will work. Many of these organizations also believe that revenues from licensing could also be directed towards law enforcement, treatment programs and other activities aimed at reducing harm. Ultimately these will be matters for the Government to determine, as our discussions have focused on the substance of the new framework rather than its form. This contributes to demand from states where cannabis remains illegal. Epilepsy Behav. Representatives from municipalities told us about the challenges these grow operations pose to neighbours, landlords and communities because of fires, break-ins and rental properties rendered uninhabitable due to mould or other contaminants. Many of the online respondents provided additional recommendations aimed at minimizing harms and protecting children and youth. There is also a concern that the presence of any cannabis promotion could work against youth education efforts. Conversely, inadequate restrictions could lead to an unfettered and potentially harmful legal market. Unlike the MMAR, where patients could cultivate to supply their personal medical needs or designate someone to do so for them, the MMPR was based solely on commercial production, whereby individuals requiring access could purchase quality-controlled product from a producer licensed by Health Canada. In establishing a new regime for the legalization, regulation and restriction of access to marijuana, several of the regime's elements are largely self-evident: However, the design and implementation of a new regime will also require careful attention to a number of particularly challenging issues which can be grouped into five themes. The Task Force heard mixed views on the type of retail outlets that should be permitted. In 1998, through the Industrial Hemp Regulations (IHR), the Government provided for the creation of an industrial hemp industry in Canada. Should the minimum age be consistent across Canada, or is it acceptable that there be variation amongst provinces and territories? However, patients subsequently contended in a series of successful court challenges that the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) placed a number of unreasonable limits on their access to cannabis. We heard from several stakeholders, as well as U.S. states such as Colorado, that gathering this baseline data should be an immediate priority and begin prior to implementation. There were also concerns expressed that companies would market products to heavy users or encourage heavy use, and exploit any exceptions that are left open. However, it has also historically been used for medical and social purposes. Actors in the new system - including employers, educators, law enforcement, industry and others - will require information tailored to their specific roles. To protect the most vulnerable, any products that are "appealing to children," such as candies and other sweets, should be prohibited. See section 4 for more discussion on this point. President Harrison has the dual distinction among all the Presidents of giving the longest inaugural speech and of serving the shortest term of office. Mr. Souccar served as Vice President of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police from 2005 to 2010 and co-chaired its Drug Abuse Committee from 2002 to 2005. In designing a regulatory system for cannabis, we have an opportunity to avoid similar pitfalls. However, other respondents felt that imposing restrictions on edibles would have the unintended effect of leading users to smoke the product to achieve their desired high and thus increase risks to their health. It is clear that cannabis impairs psychomotor skills and judgment. The federal government and the provinces and territories each have their own occupational health and safety legislation and related regulations, which outline the general rights and responsibilities of employers and employees. Protect public health and safety by strengthening, where appropriate, laws and enforcement measures that deter and punish more serious marijuana offences, particularly selling and distributing to children and youth, selling outside of the regulatory framework, and operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana. We heard suggestions that the Government should, within a continued medical access system, support patients by "zero rating" medical cannabis under the Excise Tax Act, thereby eliminating the GST on its sale, and facilitate insurance coverage by recognizing cannabis as a drug or "drug equivalent.". Chief among these are keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and youth and keeping profits out of the hands of organized crime. Based on evidence that the risks of cannabis are higher with early age of initiation and/or high frequency of use, the Task Force proposes a public health approach that aims to: Cannabis sativa is a plant that is used for its psychoactive and therapeutic effects and, like all psychoactive and therapeutic substances, carries certain risks to human health. On the basis of the risk of exposure to children, and also the potential of edibles to broaden the appeal of cannabis products, public health stakeholders have advocated to the Task Force that edibles not be allowed under a regulated system. The Government may want to consider the approach taken by the Alaskan government, which prohibits the manufacture and sale of any cannabis product that "closely resembles a familiar food or drink item including candy," or is "adulterated" with additives or sweeteners. Canada should prioritize engagement of Indigenous governments and representative organizations regarding their interests, perspectives and roles as the new system is designed and implemented. As with many of the other measures discussed in this chapter, a minimum age is intended to support the Government's objective to protect children and youth from the potential adverse health effects of cannabis by putting in place safeguards that better control access. There was some discussion about permitting cannabis use in designated public spaces, such as cannabis lounges, tasting rooms or social clubs. A patient may only access medical marijuana from commercial producers that have been licensed by the government's health department. To that end, we do not believe that simple possession of cannabis by youth should be a criminal offence (apart from the limits on personal possession, discussed below). It has been used for millennia for its psychoactive effects--euphoria ("the high"), relaxation, a sense of well-being, and intensification of ordinary sensory experiences (i.e., sight, sound, taste, smell). These submissions were often comprehensive presentations of the main issues of concern. We heard from members of the hemp industry that, although low in THC, hemp can contain high levels of non-psychoactive CBD. According to a number of health experts who work with youth, such approaches need to address individuals' underlying issues, such as social isolation, problems at home or mental illness. In addition, investments to support the development of accurate and reliable roadside testing tools are required. Legal access to marijuana for those with a medical need began in the late 1990s in response to an Ontario court decision. Given the significant interest that exists among a diversity of citizens, industry sectors and investors to participate in this new regulated market, it will be necessary to have an effective, accountable and efficient regulatory program in place at the time of implementation. As shown in the following list, close to half of the responses (49 per cent) came from individuals who describe themselves as users of marijuana for non-medical purposes. At a federal level, the United States' government continues to express opposition to the legalization of marijuana and it remains illegal in federal law. Should minimum age be consistent across Canada? The Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C., A.O.E. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Should separate retail locations not be feasible everywhere, safeguards to mitigate potential harms should be put in place to discourage co-use and mitigate the other concerns that have been raised. The clear majority, however, suggested that the age limit should be set at somewhere between 18 and 21 years of age. Recent public opinion research has shown a disturbing trend among youth of a lack of understanding of the effects of cannabis use and impairment. The Government will need to work closely with licensed producers and patients to identify and address emerging issues and take decisive action if required, whether requiring licensed producers to prioritize supply for medical users or establishing price controls for medical users. In 2015, Dr. Kendall was awarded the Legacy Award by the Premier of British Columbia. Issues included increased risks to the occupants from mould, pesticides, fire and increased risk of home invasion. In Canada, minimum ages for alcohol and tobacco sales have been set by the federal government (for tobacco) and by the provinces and territories (for both substances). Implementing a government monopoly on wholesale distribution has been widely supported. Several organizations recommended that staff who work in storefront operations should receive special training and that measures should be taken to ensure the health and safety of children and youth. The responses to the online survey and in the written submissions showed a strong level of support for some or all of the seven measures outlined in Theme 1. Which production model would best meet consumer demand while ensuring that public health and safety objectives are achievable? Among stakeholders, the Task Force heard several arguments in favour of allowing and regulating edibles, including: In the illicit cannabis market, governments face an entrenched, sophisticated market that offers a wide range of cannabis products with no oversight and in which consumers are vulnerable to all the risks associated with unregulated products. Superintendent Jesso has been involved on a national level as a participant in the "Emerging Issues in Drug Enforcement" Workshop with delegates representing law enforcement, justice, academia, and health and social service sectors. At the bottom of the curve lies the balance we are seeking with regard to cannabis: the point on the continuum where the public policy goals set out by the Government are most likely to be achieved. The Task Force also heard from a number of respondents who believe that a personal possession limit is unnecessary. The Task Force sees the merits of both a government-run model and a private-enterprise model. Some stakeholders have said that if they had the chance, they would have proceeded with recreational use only, instead of a dual recreational and medical system..Footnote 8. To this end, the Task Force recommends that the federal government: The Task Force recommends that the wholesale distribution of cannabis be regulated by provinces and territories and that retail sales be regulated by the provinces and territories in close collaboration with municipalities. Providing accurate information and advice about the products being sold, and their potential risks and harms of use; Enforcing the minimum-age restriction and helping prevent youth access; Helping control overconsumption by informing consumers about appropriate and responsible use, and preventing sales to intoxicated consumers; and. New Engl J Med. Also, we sampled the 500 good persuasive speech topics for high school, college, university, and masters. As indicated below, a strong majority of online responses expressed support for some form of commercial production licensing to maintain quality standards and to reduce illegal production and sales. It will be important to determine the most effective approaches to designing and implementing an effective system. A standard serving size (10 mg of THC or less) clearly demarked on every product; A maximum amount of THC per unit of product; Clear labelling of amount of THC on packages; and. For some online respondents, allowing in-store advertising for cannabis brands offered a potential compromise: youth would be protected from exposure to mass marketing and advertising, while producers and retailers could still engage and communicate with consumers of cannabis of legal age and in regulated environments. These patients and their advocacy organizations worry that the access they have today will disappear under a system that does not acknowledge medical use as separate and distinct from non-medical use. We acknowledge that a lack of regulation contributed to this risk. Many also noted that public education campaigns should be targeted at youth, given their propensity to both use cannabis and be involved in automobile accidents. George, T., & Vaccarino, F. Many suggested that 18 was a well-established milestone in Canadian society marking adulthood. Edible products have emerged as a focal point in our discussions, given their variety and increasing popularity, as well as their particular risks. 1. Further, there is no quantitative measurement of impairment in the Criminal Code or a provincial statute, as there is with alcohol. The Task Force's work will be guided by the following federal objectives: In carrying out its mandate, the Task Force will be mindful of federal and provincial/territorial jurisdictions. While acknowledging that cannabis for non-medical purposes will be legal and more broadly available for those who choose to use it, patients stressed that they use cannabis out of necessity, not choice. Therefore, excessive restrictions could lead to the re-entrenchment of the illicit market. Substance abuse in Canada: Childhood and adolescent pathways to substance use disorders.Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. I‹u҂E† ©•\ãm’2dJ Û$÷Hx{%Ž{‡è%–‰ÿÜCœ'™ÇUxڇð™¤+[ªuKSWÙlhŠª `>b¸¼¤È˜¼Ü8C&QJ¹ÚϨÎaQÍ`œC[)|LQçT#0“”N“:Ï¡(‡˜~§Ô`ːÖÕ¬Ìls óôý¬˜š[8d,8bLYcð+À •6éî While most consumers will prefer to purchase cannabis from a reliable, regulated, legal source, the Government should expect that there will continue to be attempts to operate outside of the legal regime. Journal of Forensic Science 45(1): 24-30. Our analysis of the online responses reveals that opinions on this important question can be categorized into three groups, along a continuum of ease of access. However, we do not believe that limiting THC content in concentrates is the most effective way to do so, based on current information. Legal sales in other jurisdictions occur through a variety of means. In 2014, marijuana possession offences accounted for 57,314 police-reported drug offences under the CDSA; this is more than half of police-reported drug offences. Advice on the appropriate penalties for those companies that violate these requirements is outlined in Chapter 4. One contributor to the online consultation put it this way: "Training should be offered in schools to reduce the risks of impaired driving as well as television campaigns and the Web to reach the largest audience.". The public consultations on the design of a new legislative and regulatory system for restricted access to cannabis elicited feedback from nearly 1,500 individuals and organizations as well as 28,800 online responses. Drivers demonstrating impaired performance during a standardized field sobriety test (SFST) are then obliged to undergo an additional evaluation by a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) who is properly trained and better able to detect impairment of drivers under the influence of cannabis or other drugs. As well, to achieve "brand loyalty," companies would have the impetus to produce high-quality products and would be more accountable to their customers. Which distribution model makes the most sense and why? Tobacco was often cited as an example of how price controls can achieve public health goals. If the primary objective is reducing the influence of the illegal market, higher-potency products should be permitted, but subject to escalating minimum price levels.”. Oregon allows its residents to grow four plants. Illicit producers often use highly flammable solvents such as butane to extract cannabinoids from plants, an inherently dangerous process that can also leave carcinogenic residues on the end product. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) received feedback from its members expressing concerns that organized crime might try to get involved in storefront operations and that measures should be taken to keep this from happening. When examining the current frameworks for tobacco and alcohol control, it is also worth noting the different approaches to regulating taken at the federal level. Law enforcement will also need to explore their role, and develop policy, training and practices. Minimum age should be consistent across Canada 49%, Acceptable to have variations across provinces/territories 49%, Not sure if there should be consistency or variation 2%. Impaired driving continues to kill and injure more Canadians than any other crime. In the United States, cannabis for non-medical purposes is illegal federally and in all but nine U.S. jurisdictions (eight states and Washington, D.C.). However, over the years, many exceptions to and problems with the "gateway hypothesis" have surfaced. We heard repeatedly that rules on place of use should align with current restrictions on smoking tobacco - clear recognition that second-hand smoke, regardless of the source, is a health hazard and viewed as an imposition in modern society. He retired in 2011 as the Deputy Commissioner responsible for Federal and International Policing. In May 2015, Ms. McLellan became Dalhousie University's seventh Chancellor. concerns regarding the location of production or distribution sites; density or overall number of producers and/or retailers; and. In our view, comprehensive restrictions similar to those created by tobacco regulation offer the best approach. The majority of Task Force members believe that criminal offences should also be retained for other serious offences such as illicit production and trafficking. There is now evidence that suggests that complex interactions among various individual/ predisposing factors and environmental factors (e.g., peer-pressure, family influence, drug availability, opportunities for drug use) drive drug seeking, drug use/abuse, and drug addiction, and these interactions are not necessarily tied to marijuana use alone. During our consultations, we heard many compelling personal stories of how cannabis is making a difference to Canadians living with serious health challenges such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and fibromyalgia. The current approach also creates challenges for the criminal justice system and for Canadians. All levels of government need to collaborate to ensure the system meets the objectives set out in the Discussion Paper. As one respondent put it: “There should be no limitation on quantities possessed for personal use; some people collect wine or cigars, why should marijuana be any different?”. "This is about the hardest, most complicated thing in public life that I've ever had to work on. Many noted that this requirement needed to be extended to the new system. Three main production models have been used either alone or in combination: home cultivation, government-contracted production, and a competitive market model of licensed producers. We also suggest that the federal government consider a THC potency-based minimum price or tax to shift consumers to lower-potency products (see "THC potency" in this chapter). Their successful implementation requires the engagement and collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders. However, many organizations, from municipalities to public health and others, argued that it is reasonable to place a limit on the amount of cannabis that can be possessed by an individual. Cannabis Regulation: Experiences, Impacts and Lessons Learned In Colorado. Silins et al. They saw this as an opportunity to fix some of the problems that have been identified. While there is little research to confirm that there is a direct correlation between co-location and co-use, a precautionary approach, combined with the example of how other governments have dealt with this issue, supports reducing possible risks by banning co-location of sales wherever possible. (2012) Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife. This new legislation could bring together, in a single coherent set of provisions and regulations, the full range of issues relating to cannabis, including the production and marketing of cannabis products, their medical uses and regulation of the hemp industry. Health Canada. Regulation would allow for quality control over products, and for appropriate education and in-store information. Despite this, the rules around growing hemp have mainly reflected concerns that hemp fields could be a cover for growing high-THC cannabis. Recognizing that persons under the age of 25 represent the segment of the population most likely to consume cannabis and to be charged with a cannabis possession offence, and in view of the Government's intention to move away from a system that criminalizes the use of cannabis, it is important in setting a minimum age that we do not disadvantage this population. Co-ordination between levels of government will be crucial. Fewer than 10% chose to buy this product. Such a system would monitor the movement of cannabis plants and resulting products throughout the supply chain - from production to distribution to final sale. Campaigns should: be evidence-informed; be relevant to, and respectful of, the target audience; and learn from successes and failures at home and elsewhere. In a constitutional challenge to the MMPR, Allard v. Canada, the plaintiffs argued that the elimination of personal and designated person cultivation as had existed under the MMAR limited the availability and affordability of their medication. Others argued that, for the sake of clarity and symmetry, the minimum age for purchasing cannabis should be aligned with the current provincial and territorial ages for sales of alcohol and tobacco. If drug policy moves too far towards commercial promotion, the result is an unregulated legal market. Require plain packaging for cannabis products that allows the following information on packages: company name, strain name, price, amounts of THC and CBD and warnings and other labelling requirements, Impose strict sanctions on false or misleading promotion as well as promotion that encourages excessive consumption, where it is allowed. Municipalities believe that licensing is a key tool in protecting the health and safety of their communities. Simply put, the more competition there is, the better it will be for the consumer. Indigenous peoples: Indigenous experts, representative organizations, governments and Elders were invited to participate in a variety of Task Force engagement activities, including in the expert roundtables, bilateral meetings and an Indigenous peoples roundtable. Those who supported local choice believed the provinces and territories are best placed to decide which distribution model would be most suitable for their communities.

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