star wars fanfic recs

Anakin and Sidious both end up finding how really stringent to the Code the Order actually is as, Synopsis: "Well, Master, I think I've found the one positive aspect of this situation." Updated 15/11/2020. featuring: Anakin and Ahsoka terrorizing the entire school, the clones as secretaries, and Obi-Wan, who definitely deserves a raise. Okay, I’m not going to lie, I’ve read a lot of Star Wars fanfics, and recced a lot to people. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. However, it had a lot of filler, was often very child-orientated and had villains that were less than threatening. A must-read for every Star Wars slasher out there. The fic can meander at times but overall it's a fun story. Synopsis: After the events of Rescue Force, the Sith lord Darth Longinus leads a Neo Terror remnant, now with Star Wars weaponry, to attack Adventure Bay with super-droids and extreme disasters. You won't ever regret it. Barriss is planning to set off another bomb... such as Alistair Moody apparently singing the teapot song, the remaining 10% is worth being cancelled then un-cancelled for, Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars, This is a collection of the best fanfics of the. Finding an N-1 starfighter. While the author has admitted to having ideas for a sequel series, for now the saga is ended. Probably the first fan fiction I've read (admittedly, I haven't read very many) which I have absolutely no qualms about recommending. Nobody would back up the rec. This is a fanfiction list celebrating the side of fanfiction that the novelists won't write. Synopsis: In which even Anakin is done with Anakin's shit. star wars fic recs includes fanfics from the original triology, the prequel trilogy, the sequel trilogy, the clone wars, and rebels. Author: MJ Mink. Comments: A hilarious story, that is just as weird as it sounds, while still managing to be heartbreaking at points. Ouroboros by bedlamsbard - Just before the events of ROTS, Anakin accidentally triggers a Sith device that … — Episode I, Episode II & Episode III by Belated Media, When the Force Chooses to Meddle by ilyena_sylph & Merfilly, Stand The Hazard of the Die series by KeelieThompson1, Between Flight and Longing by Sheila Snow (Also archived at AO3), By the Grace of Lady Vader and sequel The Ascension of the Queen by Fernwithy, Ami-padme and Aeryn, Deep As You Go by Meredith Bronwen Mallory, Dissociative Identity Disorder by T.Alana M, His Imperial Highness Luke Amidala by Sassaphrass, Ignite the Stars by Jedi Trace and rhonderoo, The Trial of Darth Vader by JediKnightCaraD, A New Hope: The Unauthorized Rewrite by Veriform, A New Sith or Revenge of the Hope by Keith Martin (mirror, original no longer online), Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by Chancecraz, The Sith Who Brought Life Day by ophelia_interrupted, skywalker and sky-walker by dirgewithoutmusic, Walking the Sky and the sequel Feet on the Ground by Corana, Rude Awakening (scroll about halfway down), by stoneheart, Wilhiff Tarkin: Hero of the Rebellion by Lord Martya, The Trial of Darth Vader by The_Librarian, Better That a Millstone by Icarus_is_flying, The New Sith Order]] by Chi-chi-chimaera (gestalt1), The Curious Happenstance of Pedro Pascal and Din Djarin, by megasaurus, From the Ashes, Grow the Roses by Knight Mys Ari, My Mother and its sequel Destiny by EsmeAmelia, The Path of Rebellion and Burning Bridges by Gold Seven, you knock me out, i fall apart by blackalien, 101 Ways to Kill Jar Jar Binks by Ohfortheloveofpete, Captives of a Strange and Cruel Mind by Aayla Kitof Niflheim, I Could Teach You (But I'd Have to Charge) by blackalien, Chancellor, Emperor, Sith Lord, A Life of Deception. If there’s a fic you love and it meets the rules (see next question) for recs, … 32 notes Everyone’s loyalty is in question. "Which is?" Comments: An interesting and fairly funny story where Palpatine takes a different path in life, and the galaxy moves with it. So I'm being forced by you to drink my weight in whiskey in order to prove wrong a perception of me that you yourself created. But he was a fighter pilot, so yes, I assume his aim was excellent too. Ahsoka/OC AU post Halo 3 pre Revenge of the Sith. Star Wars KOTR Tales of the White Knight Xander ends up in a Galaxy Far Far Away in a time of War Freddyfrmelmst • FR18 • Chapters [1] • Words [4,130] • Recs [1] • Reviews [13] • Hits [4,993] • Published [28 Dec 09] • Updated [28 Dec 09] • Completed [No] Recommended by cyber-inkblot, aSpecialSnowflake. Note: Slight crossover with Knights of the Old Republic. The slow plot does not mean there is none. It jumps all over the place in too little time, is, It's now collected (with some pretty big edits) on Archive of Our Own as, Status: Dormant; last updated December 2017. Synopsis: Jedi Master Dooku is in a long-term undercover assignment with slow but steady progress. Seconded by Herodity. Comartemis: Six chapters in, barely out of the prologue, and I'm already in love with this one. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. On the other hand, the story is broken up into pieces, and especially in the beginning the time jumps in-between them can be jarring. Hi! Seconded. This troper got nine chapters in and gave up. Most of the focus is spent delving into characterization, and it is very well done. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not link to sites where you can directly download fanedits. Cloak of Deception, The Approaching Storm and Labyrinth of Evil by HAL 9000. (Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Somehow, I'm always just in the right place at exactly the wrong time. An Epic-length fanfic series revolving around an Obi-Wan who time-travelled from four years post ROTS to the Jedi Apprentice days, and took his younger self as his padawan. It's addictive. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. ), I'm surprised that the words "slow burn" have not been mentioned yet. Comments: This is without any question one of the finest Star Wars stories that I have ever read. Both sides were written in respect to both their advantages and disadvantages over each other, and it is made clear that despite one franchise being superior over another, an actual well written crossover story does not mean the story is a complete power trip for one franchise over another. Prince Luke Organa? The writer clearly has done his homework in both franchises, and shows a deep knowledge in both universes and has crafted clear and well connected arguments that has thus far been able to bind both universe together seamlessly. I read it and found it meh. For fics about Knights of the Old Republic go here. Comments: A fairly new story but one with more than 18 episodes, and while its based on a overdone crossover between 40K and Star Wars, its by far the most well made, this story does not favor one franchise over another something that is often seen too many times in crossovers. Seconded! Synopsis:"What if Palpatine had been given much stronger precognitive abilities back when he was young, back in the days when all he cared about were racing and pissing off his father? Comments: Set after the events of Clone Wars season 5, Ahsoka Tano is caught in an explosion due to the implementation of Order 66 and ends up in The Cupboard Under The Stairs with a surprised 4-year old boy. they gave the Imperial Remnant personal data on the Rebellion's war hero and permission to take him down, Padme is confronted with her own actions and is forced to finally see what a monster she had become and then sacrifices herself, "Accessing Protocol: Analyze Nura Tamri and Leia Skywalker's emotional patterns during particular days of the month. Wizards of the Force and its sequel Jedi of Magic by dezagonj, The Arda Campaign and its sequel Star Wars: Arda Unleashed by Lord Exar Kun, The Imperial Invasion of Westeros by Darth Lego Master, Game of Thrones and the Heroes of Old by ranma71016. Okay, so on Ao3 I didn’t find any Kai Syndulla fics. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from SW Fic Recs includes fanfiction recs for the majority of Star Wars visual media, including the Original Trilogy, the Prequels Trilogy, the Sequels Trilogy, Rogue One, the Clone Wars, and Rebels. However, she quickly discovers that being a handmaiden is harder than she thought with headstrong Queens, suspicious Jedi, and an invasion to deal with. I wouldn't go that far, but ... it was interesting. -Errata. Status: Dormant (last updated October 2017), Comments: Anakin and Padme did their best to hide their relationship and her pregnancy. Most of what you’ll find here may be Anakin centered. Comments: A funny little one-shot that's will probably make you chuckle. Star Wars • 345 stories • Updated 6 Feb. A long time ago... check. The last, the earliest-set, is when she's training with blasters on Alderaan and demands that her teacher - one of Padme's handmaidens - tell her if her parents were good shots. Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner, Here I Go Again by Above the Winter Moonlight, Across The Frozen Sea by {{ArtyArtillery}}, A Matter of Time by His Majesty the Emperor, Life and What Comes After Verse by Ibelin, Villain of a Different Story by HiNerdsItsCat (HiLarpItsCat). He may rely on using a lot of references to species and planets that the casual reader will be scratching their head at, but it's all good fun, and the story is really intriguing, which is funny, because I always hated Ken as a character until now. Arranged Masterlist; Princess of a militarized planet, you were arranged to be married to Poe, but that’s not all you were arranged to do; Home; Childhood friends who grew apart, Poe … Also thirded. Pre The Force Awakens. See more ideas about star wars fanfiction, star wars, war. It can be found here. Man, I love how this guy gets his continuity right. Split into multiple different story arcs, it's worth sitting down for a few days to get lost in the world that it offers. The setting's currently in the last days of the Thrawn era, with the Vast Empire plotting to retake Coruscant. With no way home and an entire sectors worth of refugees to care for, the Imperial forces must now explore and conquer this new galaxy and create a new home for themselves, at the expense of its native inhabitants. I wanted to create a movie series that stuck to the Star Wars movie structure while also stripping out the filler, removing the childish elements and creating threatening villains. Dark Paradise by Mia Vaan (alternative link found here), Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order: Redemption by Celsius Fate, Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K by A Fan With Too Much Time, Avengers: Infinite Wars by free man writer, The Death and Life of Han Solo by GreatOne, The Evil Villain Henchman Exchange Program, by Rhianwen (crossover), Gods of Dark and Light by Darth Marrs (AU, crossover), Harry Potter and the Power of the Dark Side by Faykan, The Havoc side of the Force and its companion fic, The Unsuspecting side of the Force by Tsu Doh Nimh, Legacy of the Red Sun, The Empire's Revenge, and The Last Son of Krypton by Darth Marrs (AU, crossover, character death), A Star to Steer By By Dogmatix and Norcumi, Star Wars (Starring the Doctor) by blade0627 (Link). Fanfic: The Surviving Light Ch 1, Star Wars; Obi-Wan survives his rematch with Darth Vader. Many people are instantly turned off by OC's, but this author has managed to create such wonderful, three dimensional, diverse and interesting characters that it is never a problem. Here’s the link: Plus, Mon Mothma was shrewish and seemed out of character. weirdness, the story’s greatest strength and primary focus is on its world-building. It is extremely well-written and well-researched. Chancellor, Emperor, Sith Lord, A Life of Deception. Maybe these will work. Here you’ll find the Obikin Fic Rec Masterlist, and here are some tags and warnings in case you don’t want to read about certain topics: = Mustafar AU ⌛= Time travel/de-aged/rebirth = Slavery = Explicit sexual content It had a good idea, but, like it's sequel, it could have been so much more. Synopsis: AU. The story has two sequels, which cover. Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. This is the sister list t… What is there is very realistic. Mcnickel: Totally seconded. Comments: Easily the single most over-the-top Paw Patrol fanfiction in existence, and it just. Star Wars - Fan Fic Recs - More Time Travel! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Luke Skywalker is his son. Summary: After their battle on Bespin, Luke and Vader meet again in a neutral, elegant setting...that Luke finds every bit as unsettling as their confrontation in Cloud City. "I can run you through the battle books, tell you the old stories. Joysweeper: I didn't really like this one. Comments: Anakin and Obi-Wan manage to screw up their straightforward mission on a backwater planet in the most hilarious ways possible. The justification of why Obi-Wan can't change everything (he is just one person and was only sent back to save Anakin ultimately) is brought up repeatedly (almost annoyingly so) though it's a good idea. But, speaking of the @meldy-arts au, I did find a fic featuring Mira. Synopsis: The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. Stories that take place during or before the events in TFA. Here, recs come from the page mods or from submissions. I've seen fics where Vader finds one of his kids before the movies but I've never seen them executed quite like this. Episode Related. The story is the first in a planned three part saga. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be. Comments: A great read if your into cracky stories and memes. So I might as well make my own. Comments: Perhaps the only great Star Wars fic focused on a Capital ship, Hull 721 still has its flaws. Humor. I just saw your post about fic recs and I can't wait to check them out! And why exactly did he help destroy the galaxy - and then help save it? Star Wars Fic Recs. Just know that it’s hilarious. These are AU’s which have Rey and Kylo/Ben meeting before TFA. The story I read doesn't quite jibe with Sharysa's description. Then again, look at the chance he now had. Three Weeks After The End Of The World (And Counting) by penknife. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from There are three of these - one ten years after Endor, when she has forgiven her father and she and Luke visit the world, and she states that she wants to train as a Jedi. Synopsis: AU. This part is complete, and it's sequel, Tarkin's Fist II, Dirtside is currently in the works. She's not endlessly patient and compassionate. Longest story of the author, Status: Dormant (last updated November 2017). (I especially like the focus brought to the seven forms of saber fighting.) There was no reason whatsoever for the traitor to use a scarf with the Imperial insignia. But the natives are not going to go down without a fight and might just surprise the Imperials in more ways than one. In which Luke Skywalker, an almost fifteen-year-old slightly amnesiac galaxy-feared thief, ends up becoming a Jedi. This troper tried liking it, but there are too many breaking factors that keep it from being likable. Synopsis: As the Clone Wars draws to its final year, the era of the Dark Imperium has begun, as Guilliman recalls as much of the Imperial forces as he can to launch the Indomintus Crusade. "Right. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. The Trilogy is well written with strong characterization and fleshed out ocs. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, all of which have been signed.After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. But he gets a distress call from this Knight Kenobi with a Padawan Skywalker and things just start to go crazy. It also has a really great sort of ‘outsider’s perspective’ on Anakin and Obi-Wan. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi Reylo fanfic recommendations. Comments: This story really does a great job of looking at Dooku as a Jedi and examining how it was he could have fallen. A plot summary was listed. Ahsoka never leaves the Jedi Order and Barriss never bombs the temple. 5/5. Synopsis: The fateful confrontation in Palpatine's office unfolds very differently when a mysterious old man encourages Anakin to think about recent events.

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