sharon amos jonestown

Stephanie's throat bears a scar that goes from ear to ear. It ended in tragedy when followers of Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known as Jonestown, committed mass suicide. Four – Sharon Amos and her children Liane Harris, Christa Amos and Martin Amos – died at the Peoples Temple house in Lamaha Gardens in Georgetown. Sharon Amos, who had earlier led political pamphletting campaigns in San Francisco, murdered her children with a knife and committed suicide at the Temple's Georgetown headquarters (150 miles from Jonestown) at the behest of Jones. The Jonestown Radio Network: How Jim Jones Spread His Message Of Death. ... At some point that evening, he used his ham radio to contact Sharon Amos, a … The only child to survive was Stephanie Jones, 9 years of age, who was very nearly slain by whoever killed Sharon Amos's children. It is known that Sharon Amos did kill her young two children, Christa and Martin Amos, as the early reports indicated. The charges,concern the deaths of Sharon Amos, the public relations head of the cult, and of her three children. Sharon Amos worked for the People’s Temple and was a member of Jones’ innermost circle. ... the day of the mass suicide and murders at Jonestown. The next day, Congressman Ryan meets with Stephan, the basketball team, Sharon and her children where she tells Ryan to leave the home. On October 2, 1978, Feodor Timofeyev from the Soviet Union embassy in Guyana visited Jonestown for two days and gave a speech. The remaining 909 died in Jonestown. Sharon Amos, Michael Prokes and other Temple members took active roles in the “Guyana-Korea Friendship Society“, which sponsored two seminars on revolutionary concepts of North Korean leader Kim Il Sung. Sharon Amos informs Jones through a radio call from a Peoples Temple house in Gerogetown that the Congressman and the relatives want to enter Jonestown. ... cult member Sharon Amos … Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a MERLOT site (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.) She lived in Guyana’s capital of Georgetown with her three children Christa, Liane, and Martin. However, according to the two surviving witnesses, once the younger children were dead, Sharon and her 21-year-old daughter Liane Harris, … In the early evening of November 18, at the Temple's headquarters in Georgetown, Temple member Sharon Amos received a radio communication from Jonestown instructing the members at the headquarters to take revenge on the Temple's enemies and then commit revolutionary suicide. This list was compiled by Fielding M. McGehee III from a number of different sources.

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