sao rising steel tier list august 2020

Alice [DoH]s greatest weakness is that her strength niche doesn’t really have a place in any of the current game modes. In PvP, Ronie’s relatively high speed and light element make her an excellent counter to the popular Kirito. His passives are on-element, and the one that increases his charage gain is decent. That being said, like the other welfares, she is easy to MLB to level 100, and will compare more favorably against lower level 4* gacha characters. She is currently the only 4* fire character. Asuna’s biggest weakness is her below average ATK stat. A Tier: – Kirito(All-Enveloping Darkness) Sortiliena(Noble Aspiration) Yuuki(Engraved in Stone) B Tier: – Tiese(Fiery Determination) Eugeo(Blooming Rose) Alice(Childhood Memories) C Tier: – Alice(Free, Knight’s Resolve) Sortiliena(Young Serlut Style) So this would be all in this Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel Tier List. Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel. Having one of the highest MATK stats, she takes great benefit to the buff she provides - and she is a great addition to a magical team as a charger and buffer. Kirito [SL]s greatest weakness is also a strength: his average-ness. Unfortunately, her heal is ST, and in the current healing meta, ST healing is strictly subpar to AoE healing. SAO Alicization Rising Steel - Alice. Paired with her extra strong single target magic attack with a 3 turn DOT, and her AOE Magic attack Incarnate Skill, she is the second strongest magic attacker currently in play. [TIER LIST] SAO Alicization: Rising Steel. He has above average ATK and HP, and is average in everything else. You can check the SAOARS tier list here. Asuna [Fierce Flash] is a non-element rapier proficiency character with a CAE skillset and ST Attack Incarnate Skill. Her E skill buffs the party with 20% physical resistance up. Can fill a valuable role on many teams. Young Sortiliena’s biggest weakness is her low stat base from being a welfare. 1,069 talking about this. There are much better options, even among 3* characters. Thus, healer character ratings will reflect this until the meta changes and ST healing has a niche. He has a medium strength 50% break that also applies a 10% ATK debuff. Further, Tiese is quite slow, having the second slowest Speed stat in the 4* pool (with Eldrie being the slowest). While her assault is easily overshadowed by other characters such as Kirito [AED], her charge synergizes well with her high speed stats. Her below average ATK stat is also not ideal, though is less of an issue as her best attacks are magic. Combine this with decent AOE and strong ST attacks, and heal thrown in for good measure, and you have a serious PvP threat. And, you can have two 4-star characters if you reroll. This will allow her to act early and will be a great counter to any Earth element characters. You can find the more recent units on … More charge is always welcome, and the 15% increase in CRIT is helpful for her, since she does have above average CRIT. The fact that she is “average” at most things and doesn’t really stand out in anything (other than a magic AoE assault skill) will make her less useful for people that already have a large character roster. Asuna [SL] has fairly high speed and an AoE heal. She has one of the lowest DEF and MDEF stats. Her passives are on-element and decent, as she gets a damage buff against earth enemies (which is where her damage will be desired), though the healing bonus is less impressive. You can read the SAO Alicization reroll guide here. Selka fills the role of a charger and physical defense buffer. He isn’t weak in any specific area, but he doesn't particularly stand out in any area, either, making him less desirable outside of non-element enemies. Will she ever be dethroned as the AoE queen? As a “welfare” character that players can get for free, her overall stat budget is lower than characters obtained via the premium gacha. This tier list shows our selection of the top Shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. Design by Ekoow. ... We hope you continue to enjoy playing Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel. Also, she has very low DEF  MADF, and a low HP, making her quite fragile. A Tier - A very good character that excels all-around and/or are the best at what they do. Summon at least another 4* unit using the free gems if not; reroll However, she will probably not be targeted first, and her aoe damage could find a use later in the turn. As a rapier weapon user, she is only the second rapier specialized 4* in the game, the other being her non-elemental version [Fierce Flash]. She has above average DEF and CRIT, slightly above average SPD, and below average ATK. As a debuffer/buffer, her benefits are spread between MATK down and Phys Def down as debuffs, and phys def up as a buff. Her passives are on-element, and not that great, as the break increase is small, and the increased damage percentage doesn’t do much for a low ATK character. [A Thousand Years With You] Asuna added to CHARGE rank #2, [A New Beginning] Kirito added to CHARGE rank #7, [The Other Hero] Eugeo added to CHARGE rank #6, [Unwavering Knight] Alice added to BREAK rank #6, [Serene Shooting Star] Asuna added to CHARGE rank #9, [The Sword Shining in the Darkness] Eydis added to CHARGE rank #11. Asuna’s strongest role is as offensive physical support. Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel Tier List: Ranking the First Eight 4-Star Heroes from Best to Worst RPG Philip December 5, 2019 Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel continues to grow in popularity and maintains a hold on respectable spots in numerous top ten lists of mobile games in several countries. All three are physical damage, taking advantage of his good ATK stat. SAO Alicization Rising Steel. Join Kirito, Eugeo, and friends in their quest to save Alice and all of Underworld from new and dangerous threats. A niche performer whose strengths have limited uses. Updated August 26th, 2020 by Tanner Kinney: Steel-type Pokémon, the hulking monsters they (often) are, had a number of new additions in Generation 8. Eugeo [Blooming Rose] is a water element sword proficiency character with a CAH skillset and an AOE physical Incarnate Skill. You can check the tier list here. He has the second highest ATK( behind Alice[OK]), very high HP, a below average MP, and is average or above average in everything else. A new smartphone RPG has arrived! This means ST healing is currently subpar, and AoE healing is a bit OP. Her assault skill being an AoE attack is a welcome addition. Alice [DoH] is a wind element sword proficiency character with a BAE skillset and a ST Physical Incarnate Skill. Increased crit damage percent isn’t great for a character with low crit values, but the increase charge percent is welcome. As a welfare character (free to acquire), she has a lower overall stat budget than the 4* gacha-only characters. The advantage she has is that she can easily be MLBd, and at level 100 she will compare better to her level 80 gacha teammates. Based on collaboration data from the r/SAOAlicizationRS Discord server and the SAOARS Community. Alice boasts excellent AoE damage that can help clear mobs on most of the game’s content. Skill prio & Setup Cosmo; SEA Hall of fame; KOTZ EU Hall of fame Tierlist GLO Tierlist SEA ️ Banners Cosmo Details Tips & Tricks Still no update? His other passive, however, doesn’t fit well with his stat line as it increases crit damage despite him having a below average crit stat. How strong are your team members? Thus, she is near the bottom of the pack in all stats except for speed, where she is slightly above average. He gets destroyed by Alice[OK], who is one of the most common PvP opponents, and his slightly below average speed means he will be late to act. Alice[OK] is the premier farmer and wave clear in the game, but do not underestimate her use in boss fights. Her passives are great on-element, but worthless off, as they are a damage and charge increase to non-elemental enemies only. Analysis. Sword Art: Alicization Rising Steel Tier List. Her most niche skill is her selfish H, which is a ST (strong) self-only heal with a 20% MATK up buff. Here's a list of 6-Star Characters that are currently rated under Rank SSS! Their skills and role are either not particularly valuable, or very limited in use. Sortiliena [Noble Aspiration] is a water element sword proficiency character with an ABH skillset and ST physical attack Incarnate Skill. Eydis[KoTA] and Asuna[UaWS] both have much better and more versatile additional effects that go along with their H skills. It can be noted here that same-type buffs do not stack. SAO: Alicization Rising Steel - Girls' Night Battlefield, SAO: Alicization Rising Steel - Ordinal Battle Vol 2, Should you Pull? Leafa’s biggest weakness is the “jack of all trades, master of none” syndrome. With one of the lowest MATK skills among 4*s, this attack is low in the damage department. If that was not enough, she is also equipped with a break, making her great for boss fights. Asuna [RG] is a wind element rapier proficiency character with a CAH skillset and an AOE magic Incarnate skill. A very good character that excels all-around and/or are the best at what they do. As her most unique Skill, she has an H that is a (weak) AOE heal combined with a (strong) AOE Magic attack. Not a Tier List! 74K likes. Wanderer, Gamer, Eternal Student, and Weeb. Her best stat is MADEF, where she is tied for second highest in the game with her non-elemental counterpart Asuna[FF] (second to Tiese FD). Radiant Light . The weak AOE heals can often keep a party reasonably out of danger, even on tough content, where bosses deliver hard hitting AoE attacks. So, I’ve been waiting for the ranking update, so I could choose my character easily. Alice [DoH]s best role seems to be one of durability and buffer/debuffer. Tiese [Fiery Determination] is a fire element sword proficiency with a CAE skillset and an AOE magical Incarnate skill. Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag Tips and Guides. GamingGuider August 29, 2020 No Comments Looking for a tier list for new action RPG SHINING BEYOND. With his extra strong ST Assault and Incarnate Skills, Kirito[AED] is a premier boss killer and has the highest overall ST damage output in the game. : TIER LIST! She may be a good choice facing a Magical team due to her high MDef, but outside of that there may be better choices. For more on Asuna [SL] see her description below or a more detailed analysis in the Should You Pull article for his banner. Your personal needs/desires may be different. Overall, she is a very strong character that will find a spot on any team that isn’t purely maximized for physical dps. A solid all around performer. C Tier - A niche performer whose strengths have limited uses. Although we don’t try to specifically rate each character within their Tier, we do attempt to order them in their relative value, left being higher. She’s tied with Leafa for the second highest speed stat in the game, and has the second highest CRIT stat, but she is below average in ATK. Her base break is only 40% (low for a 4*), and her E physical defense up support is only single target, where the E skills for most 4* characters are party-wide with the same level of effects. Add that to being the best AOE healer to counter Alice[OK]s AOE damage, and she is a very strong choice for Ordinal. A character that will make a game-changing difference when part of your roster, in any part of the game. save hide report. Her skills lean her toward a charge/healing role, as she has a skill for each. She has a medium strength AOE heal, and having a high MATK stats, she is suited to the role. Eugeo fills the role of a ST Healer and charger. Click on any unit to see their respective strengths, weaknesses, and in-depth analysis. Buffers/debuffers have niches that they shift towards. I am new in the game. He isn’t the best physical AoE, as Alice[OK] has a higher ATK, and he isn’t the best physical DPS support in his element, as Asuna [FF] has both a party damage up buff and an enemy defense down debuff. Alternatively available via Spreadsheet (Credit: Phoenix4137#7462). This means her AOE damage will be significantly lower than the current AOE queen Alice[OK], and the healing portion will be much lower than the AOE healing leader (Ronie[BJ]). Kirito [SL] fills the role of charger and physical attack buffer. Asuna [SL] is a non-element rapier proficiency character with a with an HAE skillset and a ST physical Incarnate Skill. ... /r/SAO_RisingSteel Weekly Help Thread (2020/08/28) 1. Current State of the Tier List — March 8, 2020. Sortiliena [NA] is another character that suffers from the current healing imbalance, as her ST heals are subpar and often find little use in a game where AoE healers are better equipped to handle the healing burden. Alice [Osmanthus Knight] is an earth element sword proficiency character with an ABE skill set and an AoE incarnate skill. As a charger, Eugeo also leaves a bit to be desired. A character that will make a game-changing difference when part of your roster, in any part of the game. As a welfare (free to obtain) character, she has a lower stat budget than her 4* gacha-only colleagues. In current content, break is only really necessary against single Boss enemies. Check out a list of all SSR Units heroes with a brief explanation about… As a high HP high DEF character, she is very durable and survivable. Stacia’s weakness lies in a poor attack stat for her physical break, lack of physical support, and an AOE heal that could potentially be too weak to perform as main healer in some situations. Kirito [SL] is an AoE charger and physical debuffer. Kirito [SL] has average speed and a decent AoE attack. PvP is a current strong point for Leafa, as she has very high speed. You can guarantee summon one 4* unit during tutorial summon. Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel - Knight of the Abyss, Should you Pull? Comparisons are made assuming equal level (max) and without equipment. Lover of Language, Learning, Unique Humans, and Community. The best thing about Alice [AKR] is that she can be easily MLBd, and at level 100 she will compare more favorably to her level 80 gacha counterparts. For iOS devices, the only way to reroll is to delete the app and download and install it again. She does make up for it a bit with her own support and having the highest CRIT value, but it hurts her contribution to overall damage. Her passives are on-element, and good. Asuna[SL] fills the healer/buffer role, especially effective for non-element teams. Also, from the standpoint of pure physical support, there are better options. provides quality Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel news and resources made by veteran members of the global Rising Steel community. She has the second highest MATK stat in the game, second only to Stacia. Last updated: January 12th 2021 This section is the summary of all ranks and ratings given to all characters in the game, in terms of Speed Rankings, Floor Clearing capabilities or Tankiness. His passives include an increase in Break by 20% (not exactly helpful for a character without a B), and a 15% increased Crit rate, which is welcome for a unit that has such a high Crit value. As a welfare (free to obtain) character, she has a lower stat budget than her 4* gacha-only colleagues. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Compared to other 4*s she has above average DEF, the second highest MADEF, the highest CRIT, and is tied for the second highest SPD. She has very high HP and DEF, making her a rather tough and tanky character. However,  being easily MLBd to level 100 will make up some of that difference for players without LBd characters already. So this would be the Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel guide to battle basics. She also has an above average ATK. It is a niche skill that won’t find many uses. On PvP:  For PvP, the current meta is all about speed. Sword Art Online Alicization Rising Steel is the latest mobile SAO game from Bandai Namco, and it's available on the Play Store for pre-registration. Eydis’ biggest weakness is her defense. Her Break is a 50% ST (strong) physical attack with a 10% MATK Down debuff. Thus, high SPD characters with AoE attacks will generally see a boost in their ratings due to PvP usage. Asuna[SL] has several weaknesses. On her ST (extra strong) physical Assault skill the debuff is physical resistance down by 20%. 5 comments. All 4* characters are decent and usable for general content. Unfortunately Yuuki may leave players feeling as if something is missing when compared to other 4* gacha characters. As a non-element, Kirito [SL] has the advantage of faring well against non-element enemies, and not being weak to any particular element. These passives do help strengthen her charge and make her last longer in light element fights. 3. Selka [Being Me] is a wind element dagger proficiency character with a CAE skillset and an AOE magic attack Incarnate Skill. All properties belong to their respective owners. She trades utility and high ATK potential for the lowest DEF and MDEF of any 4* gacha character in the game. Further, although her heal is listed as weak, it can still get close to 4,000 depending on her weapon, as well as buff the entire team for 20%+ matk. Although the evasion buff is unique, the fact that the skill is ST, can only be applied to herself, and isn’t 100% guaranteed, leaves it undependable and thus not strategically useful. This decreases the value of an AOE Break. Hello fellow knights! Sword Art Online Rising Steel Tier List Reddit Januari 15, 2020 Dapatkan link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Aplikasi Lainnya; Kebakaran Penampungan Barang Bekas Damkar Kota Bekasi Tier List Sao Alicization Rising Steel Saoalicizationrs sword art online rising steel tier list reddit. Ranking of SAO: Alicization Rising Steel characters from S-D. Is meant to be an overall rating of a characters usefulness for the purposes of general comparison.. Sortiliena [Young Serlut Style] is a water element dagger proficiency character with a CAH skillset and an ST physical attack Incarnate Skill. She boasts a very hight ATK stat and strong physical AOE Assault and Incarnate Skills. However, her low defense stats make her a rather fragile tank. As one of only 2 4* characters with medium AOE heal (and none with stronger) her high magic affinity makes her the strongest healer available. With ST healing being generally inferior to AoE healing, that it is self-only and not targetable, and since there other characters that can bring the MATK buff for the whole party, this skill seems quite underwhelming. This makes her not a great option for PvP. This makes him a little more flexible as a support for use in any element team. Tier 1 units consists of heroes who excel in the current metagame: they are among the strongest in the game and bring overwhelming strength to their respective roles, whether it be offense, defense or support.

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