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The Ilum storyline can be started on the fleet, in the inner ring by talking to T9-M6 Imperial side, or Lieutenant Ha'laa Republic side at level 47 or higher. If you are the same class, for example you are both playing Jedi Knights, you will have to go into your own class story quests separately and complete them separately... Or you would go into one person's quest together, and then do it again for the other person, seeing almost the same story twice with variations depending on what choices you make. (I believe the quest is granted automatically to go talk to them.) The Colicoid War Game Flashpoint quest can also be started on Belsavis’s surface where the mislabelled M8T-V can be found in the Republic Watchtower. Voss is the next planet after Belsavis, so you might want to wait until you reach the speeder point where the quest giver is on Voss before doing Red Reaper. That vendor also sells you something you might find useful during your hunt for datacrons on Alderaan! To start the short storyline quest for this Operation, players will go down a bridge located near where you load in to Rishi and speak to a box. Most players start at level 1, but there is an option to create a level 60 or 65 character if you have subscribed recently or have bought the opportunity from the Cartel Market. Alternative story order: You could play the Black Hole after you finish Corellia's planetary story arc, if you dislike travelling between planets without finishing them. Both of these Flashpoints have a solo mode available, and are meant to be done as a part of the Ilum storyline. Republic players will pick up the special Flashpoint quest on the Imperial Fleet by speaking to MP-77 at the entrance to the eastern mission departures elevator, or where Republic players load in to Balmorra, and then follow the purple quest to do the Taral V Flashpoint and then the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint. Star fortresses are similar to Flashpoints, and can be run solo or with a group. Players looking to run Blood Hunt outside of the prelude can use the groupfinder to queue up for the Veteran mode version of Blood Hunt at levels 15-70 or by speaking to the droid outside the entrance, and players level 55 and over can enter the solo mode by speaking to the questgiver, Frod Makora, in the Bootlegger's Market, on the east side near where you load in, he will be on your right while walking through the Rishi's Raider's Cove Trade Port not too far from where your ship lands. After you finish your class story, there is still one more original planet to visit so you can wrap up the overall storyline that was introduced when the game first came out. The Voss bonus series later turns into a set of dailies that you can repeat to gain with reputation with the Voss, which unlocks unique rewards over time. To start the CZ-198 storyline at level 55 or higher, Republic players can talk to RK-C3 located in the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to a droid named C-E29, also located in the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet. This is not possible to get valid or legal ways to watch this PPV event on Reddit. Accepting this quest will allow you to enter the 4-person Flashpoint. Makeb Dailies: Makeb also has repeatable daily solo quests that you can return to later, and completing them earns you credits, reputation, and reputation rewards. How to Start (Republic): To start the bonus series on Hoth at level 60 or higher, Republic players will speak to General Ilic Nadab near a crate in the middle of the Republic command bunker where you land. On Alderaan you'll meet and interact with the Noble houses, including house Organa republic side and House Thul imperial side. To unlock this expansion and all other current expansion, you must subscribe for at least one month. The Black Hole: Near where you start on Corellia, there should be a shuttle to a location called “The Black Hole”. Free-to-Play: Operations are not available to Free-to-Play players. Alliance Commanders & Alliance Growth: The Star Fortress storyline is heavily tied to the growth of your alliance as you follow the Start Fortress storyline, you will complete Heroics and receive Locked Supply Crates. If you can't get a group together, their storylines are fun but not important to the main storyline. Directive 7 focuses around the droid revolution, and has a really interesting and chaotic fight at the end. Players looking to run Boarding Party outside of the two-part storyline will speak to Sergeant Tebar in the north east section of the White Nova's Command Deck. If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. How to Start (Republic): Republic players can start the Voss bonus series at level 60 or higher by talking to Lieutenant Randa beside the shuttle they land on the planet on. Imperial player were unable to access the Black Hole terminal on the fleet to start the quest until May 2018, patch 5.9, when it was re-added to the Republic Fleet. This miniquest spans across three planets, and the Voss portion starts with a datapad near Outpost Overseer and Outpost Kri-Ta. The ethical ending is just a suppresser of violence, it does not erase.3 Note the following report from Reader's Digest: The two droids are also available on Section X and CZ-198, but you’ll definitely want to finish Section X before even speaking to them. How to Start (level 15-54): To start the Kuat Drive Yards storyline at level 15-54, go to the same elevator as you go to for Flashpoints on the fleet, the western elevator Imperial side, and eastern elevator republic side, and choose the Starfighter Launch Deck level. Preferred: This Flashpoint may not be available to Preferred players who have not subscribed since before 2015 (before the Shadow of Revan release). 🍞. Republic players will speak to General Conlath wearing an orange shirt near the east elevator to the Mission Departures and in the corner being scanned by a medical droid going towards the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet, and Imperial Players will speak to Captain Gostel near the southern elevator to the Cartel Bazaar. The storyline started on Iokath is continued in the Crisis of Umbara Flashpoint. Blood Hunt focuses on a Mandalorian Enclave on Rishi and comes roughly halfway through the Rishi storyline. Oricon is also another daily planet, which you can return to later to earn credits and reputation. Player who start the game as a level 60 or 65 Outlander character or who start Knights of the Fallen Empire lose access to certain quests and storylines that come before the expansion. After you complete your first Flashpoint, you'll be sent to your second planet, the capital of your chosen faction. How to Start (Republic): To start Hammer Station, Republic players will speak to J8R-1 near the senate tower taxi on Coruscant or at Waypoint Station Aurek on Taris. If you feel like you need to spend some more quality time on Hoth, Hoth​ also has a bonus series available at level 60. It ˜may keep viewers from reproducing villainy' right away, but it does not make them forget how to do it. Companion Alerts allow you to complete quests to gain new companions, or regain old ones. (View Reddit Discussion on Class Story Order). After Tatooine your next planet is Alderaan, a beautiful planet most well known for getting blown up in the Star Wars movies. Players who want to play Czerka Core Meltdown outside of the CZ-198 storyline can head to the lower level of the CZ-198 building with the Reputation vendors, and receive the quest from a terminal called "Tram Ticket Kiosk". Iokath is a planet that you visit during the expansion's storyline, but you return there later to experience a very new storyline that digs deep into Zakuul's lore. To get to the Flashpoint entrance, Republic players will go to the eastern elevator of the fleet to the Outbound Mission Hangar and then speak to F3-T2, and Imperial players will go to the western elevator of the fleet to the Outbound Mission Hangar and then speak to T8X-4 (left-side door). SWTOR Unusual eggs Orokeet locations and hatching guide, Special Quest, "...Whos' Scruffy Looking?" To unlock this expansion and all other current expansion, you must subscribe for at least one month. Then get your group together, go to the fleet, and take the western elevator to the Dropship Launch Hangar level. These epic enemies are meant to be fought with a group. Free-to-Play: These story chapters and this expansion are not available to Free-to-Play players. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There's no Flashpoint directly after Alderaan, but Imperial and Republic players will split for the final time, with Imperial players heading to Taris and Republic players heading to Balmorra. The good news is that if you choose to instead do the solo-only version, you don't miss much in terms of the main storyline and you can always come back later and try the Temple of Sacrifice Operation at another time. Tatooine, the planet made famous by the first Star Wars movies, comes next after Nar Shaddaa. It is unclear why it was removed completely. How to Start (Imperial): The Incursion on Korriban Flashpoint is meant to be played as part of the Prelude to Shadow of Revan storyline. Exploratory quests are hidden by default, to make it easier for more casual players to skip them and focus on their main storyline. Please note this is not for finding someone to help you in game... we can only help answer your questions about the game. You might have accidentally wandered into the Black Hole area while exploring Corellia. Although the Operations in the game are focused on group boss battles with fun mechanics, they also each have a storyline of their own. Players often choose to play SWTOR as a solo game, and much of the story is available to solo players. It's another Flashpoint that is not a key part of the main story, and does not have a solo version. CLICK HERE if you need help starting or finding a quest after reading about it in the guide! The first expansion has 16 chapters, and for the second expansion in the storyline, nicknamed "KotET", they really tightened down the story and the number of quests. To get to the Flashpoint entrance, players can fly to Manaan, make their way through Manaan to the second building, and then speak to Transporter Dumah Ba. How far will you go to change the fate of the galaxy? How to Start: The Battle of Ilum Flashpoint and The False Emperor Flashpoint are meant to be done in order as part of the Ilum planetary story arc. The good news is that all the class stories happen at roughly the same time - so you can pick the class that interests you the most, and it doesn't matter if you choose to play a Jedi Knight or an Imperial Agent first. The Colicoid War Game Flashpoint quest can also be started on Belsavis’s surface by seaking to the pC-O6X droid at the Imperial Command Post in the High Security Section. They help shape the lore and story of the Old Republic's politics and lore. The story breadcrumb quest can be started at level 13, but the actual Flashpoint can not be entered until level 15. The Black Talon is technically a 2+ Player Flashpoint, but experienced players will have no trouble completing it solo. Planetary Story Arcs (purple quests), Exploratory Quests and Bonus Series for these planets in order: Dromund Kaas Planetary Story Arc (Imperial) / Coruscant Planetary Story Arc (Republic), Balmorra Planetary Story Arc (Imperial) + Bonus Series / Taris Planetary Story Arc (Republic) + Bonus Series, Nar Shaddaa Planetary Story Arc + Bonus Series, Tatooine Planetary Story Arc + Bonus Series, Alderaan Planetary Story Arc + Bonus Series, Taris Planetary Story Arc (Imperial) / Balmorra (Republic) + Bonus Series, Belsavis Planetary Story Arc + Bonus Series, Ilum (the warning when you start KOTFE says you can't play it, it is incorrect), EXPANSION: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (the warning when you start KOTFE says you can't play it, it is incorrect), Rishi (Exploratory Quests and Dailies only), Yavin 4 (Exploratory Quests and Dailies only), Ziost Dailies? The Battle of Rishi focuses on a tying Rishi into the main Shadow of Revan plotline. Imperial players will pick up the special Flashpoint quest on the Imperial Fleet by speaking to X1-O2 at the entrance to the western mission departures elevator or on the upper level of where you load into Imperial Taris at level 29 or higher, and then follow the purple quest to do the Boarding Party Flashpoint and then the Foundry Flashpoint. Once on the Telos, the story quest is located on the main deck, but to get to the Flashpoints afterwards, players must take the second elevator down to the Hangar Deck, where the two Flashpoints are located. A much better option story-wise is to choose a different class than your buddy - then they can join you for your story and you can join them for theirs. There are actually two more Flashpoints that can be completed before you move on to the first expansion, called Kaon Under Seige and Lost Island. If you are trying to also do the Operations in order, you would have done The Eternity Vault, Karagga’s Palace and Explosive Conflict before reaching Section X. HK-51 Companion Quest: Section X also gives you access to start a quest that will reward you with an HK-51 model droid companion, at the end of a long and fun quest chain. SWTOR Taunlet Pet Quest Guide by Dulfy, Special Quest: Tauntaun Mount: Speaking of tauntauns, Hoth also has a special quest that allows you to earn your own Tauntaun mount! How to Start (Republic): To start the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint story quest at level 21 or higher, Republic players will speak to B5-2T on the ground level of Dreviad Outpost on Tatooine. Belsavis is a prison planet covered in ice, with lush vegetation cropping up in pockets of warmth. The first expansion in the game is called Rise of the Hutt Cartel (RotHC), a story focused around the beautiful but unstable planet of Makeb. 🍞. After completing the short story quest, players levels 15-54 must use the Group Finder to enter Kuat Drive Yards. The next planet you'll head to is Oricon, but before you do you might want to start looking into Operations if you haven’t already, as Oricon brings many of the Operations’ storylines to a close. Turn left, and roll over the terminals until you find the one for Mandalorian Raiders. To start the rakghoul Flashpoint quest line at level 50 or higher, Republic players will speak to Whisper the Cathar in the Supplies section of the Fleet. To unlock this expansion and all other current expansion, you must subscribe for at least one month. How to Start: A droid questgiver on Onderon becomes available after you complete Onderon's storyline, and is meant to be played directly after Onderon. How to Start (Republic): Republic players will speak to Gabe Dovaro after their Balmorra class quest is completed, on the platforms near where you load in to Balmorra at level 29 or higher. To check your available Alliance Alerts, the default shortcut is to press the "N" key on your keyboard. That means the enemies will always be level 40, so you'll want to put together a group of players level 40 or higher if you want to run it. It's finally that time again! You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. A spoiler-free version of the Flashpoint is also available for players level 15-70 in the groupfinder. You can start the Onslaught expansion from a terminal on your ship at level 70. You can also quick travel directly to the White Nova. If you are looking to run The False Emperor outside of the Ilum planter arc, Imperial players can speak to Commander Gerault in the Imperial Base Camp's Lower Level, down the elevator in the Imperial base near where you load in, and Republic players can speak to Captain Farnis, in the Republic Base Camp's Lower Level, down the elevator in the Republic base near where you load in. Click on the Title to view the details. If you are the kind of player who loves story, you'll want to make sure you complete all the quests available to you. Fourth is Terror from Beyond, and then after that you’ll want to play Section X and the first expansion if you’re trying to go in order. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One. The breadcrumb quest to start Athiss that used to be available by talking to R6-D0 or K6P-3 on Nar shaddaa or on the fleet seems to have been removed in update 4.0. Cleared all difficulties at secret battle arena. How to Start: To start Crisis on Umbara’s story quest line, you must be level 70 and have completed the Iokath storyline. Your class quest is exclusive to your class, but the planetary story arcs are shared between all classes in your faction on that planet. To unlock this Flashpoint and all other current expansion, you must subscribe for at least one month. Then get your group together, go to the fleet, and take the eastern elevator republic side, to the Dropship Launch Hangar level. After the capital planet, Imperial players head the bug-infested world of Balmorra, and Republic players head to the rakghoul-infested planet of Taris. How to Start: If you are following the Shadow of Revan Storyline, you will be prompted to play Blood Hunt partway through the planet of Rishi's storyline. This expansion has two storylines - one Republic side, one Imperial side. If you want to see which of these hidden secrets you've found on a planet so far, open your Legacy Tab, which looks like a shield in the main menu under the symbol of a character, and go to Achievements. The armies of the Galactic Republic rally to fend off the overwhelming forces of the Sith Empire as conflict reignites. If you want to skip the droid’s introduction quest, you can go straight to the terminals on the fleet at level 15 or higher. How to Start (Imperial): To start the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint story quest at level 21 or higher, Imperial players will speak to VT-N9 in the back of Outpost Varath on Tatooine. The two latest expansions, Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne are also not very friendly to co-op players. If you want to try joining the groupfinder, which will try and match you with three other players, you'll need to be at least level 15. CLICK HERE if you need help starting or finding a quest after reading about it in the guide! But it is recommended to do as much of the questline as you can until you hit the Operation requirement, because it has a great storyline and haunting atmosphere. Operations are the 8-man content in the game for characters who are at level 50 and beyond. The Iokath storyline quest can be started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship at level 70, even if you have not completed the Knights of the Eternal Throne or the Knights of the Fallen Empire chapters. The Flashpoints and story quest are located on the Ziost Shadow. Players looking to run Kuat Drive Yards at level 15-54 outside of the storyline can only enter it via the Group Finder. It's called Colicoid War Game, and has some interesting mechanics, but it's the only Flashpoint that doesn't have a solo mode OR a bolstered mode. If you reach level 60, you can pick it up near the spaceport - or you can skip it and return to it later. This symbol usually means a quest giver will have a quest for you in the future, but it isn’t available yet. This will make it so any side exploration missions will show up on your minimap and in the world - if you do not have this checked, many additional quests will be deactivated and you won’t be able to pick them up until you have it checked. Then get your group together, go to the fleet, and take the western elevator to the Dropship Launch Hangar level. Section X adds flavor to the later story, especially the Operations, but if you want to skip it feel free to move on to the first expansion. Full Size Chart - use the menu to learn more about a specific storyline. You can begin Dantooine by interacting with the news terminal on the Fleet while the Pirate Incursion event is running, and there will be an additional cutscene if you have completed the Ossus/Jedi Under Seige storyline when you interact with the news terminal. If you are trying to also play the Operations, you’ll want to play Scum & Villainy after Section X and Makeb, and before you start Czerka and Oricon. How to Start: If you are following the Shadow of Revan Storyline, you will be prompted to play The Battle of Rishi partway through the planet of Rishi's storyline. 🍞. After Ziost comes a brand new storyline, focused around the Eternal Empire, Emperor Valkorion, and his family of powerful force-users. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a great game to play with a second person, especially if you start together at level 1. Apart from the main quests, there are also side quests including exploration quests, heroic quests, and Flashpoint quests. This does not mean you have to stick to those roles while leveling - it's just good to have those roles available for later group content. Here you get to make a choice - do you want to go straight to your second planet, or would you like to try a Flashpoint instead? Preferred: Operations are not available to Preferred players. Imperial players will speak to G0-A1, and Republic players will speak to B6-31. Hải Dương đề nghị tạo điều kiện cho 90.000 tấn rau, màu lưu thông, Hải Phòng nói khó khả thi. How to Start (Imperial Only): These lore-heavy Flashpoints are the only low-level Flashpoints that should be done in a specific order as part of a greater story quest, and both of them have a solo version available. Otherwise you will have to wait until after your first planet to meet up, at roughly level 10. How to Start (Republic): To start the Colicoid War Game Flashpoint at level 37 or higher, travel to the planet of Belsavis, and speak to a droid in the orbital station. How to Start (level 55+): To start the Kuat Drive Yards storyline at level 55 or higher, go to the same elevator as you go to for Flashpoints on the fleet, the western elevator Imperial side, and eastern elevator republic side, and choose the Starfighter Launch Deck level. To start the rakghoul Flashpoint quest line at level 50 or higher, Imperial players will speak to Lord Velnine in the Supplies section of the Fleet. If you've been hoping for a Flashpoint that's more force-related, Athiss is the next Flashpoint you'll want to complete. Rishi also has its own stand-alone Operation called The Ravagers, a fun pirate-themed Operation that lifts you high into the skies of Rishi. After you've finished Shadow of Revan, there is a short in-between planet called Ziost, that helps explain what happens before the next expansion. How to Start: To start Objective Meridiean's story quest line, you must have completed the Onslaught storyline including Onderon and Mek-Sha. Republic players looking to run Kaon Under Seige outside the storyline will speak to the Yindo located on the North East section of the Mission Deck of the Gav Daragon, in the Tion Hangar entrance.

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