how to train an outdoor cat to stay home

Many cats will initially feel confined by … Hopefully, these 5 tips for raising an outdoor cat can help you make sure that your outdoor cat is happy and healthy. Unless a colony’s life is in danger, most experts agree that relocation is almost always a bad solution. You should be able to simply show her where it is and scratch the litter a few times with your fingers to help her understand what it’s there for. Tips on how to deal with that would be appreciated as well. Of course, an indoor cat (or a restrained outdoor cat) will not be doing much hunting, but you can simulate that activity with a variety of cat toys, like the Pet Fit For Life feather wand cat toy or the Cat Dancer wand cat toy. Then, instead of letting the cat back … We recently built an outdoor cattery, we keep our 4 cats inside and they all seem to enjoy their new home. A cat tree can be short, or may stretch from floor to ceiling. Cats who stay indoors have longer lifespans than those who are left to roam outdoors. Turning Your Cat from and Outdoor Cat to an Indoor Cat! 7 Tips for Making Your Outdoor Cat an Indoor Cat. Stressful events. In our current home, we leave the window open and she comes and goes as she pleases. setTimeout(  −  After she gets the hang of that, you can increase her space yet again. Cats (especially TOM cats) do not come when called! Turning Your Cat from and Outdoor Cat to an Indoor Cat! An outdoor cat will have plenty of opportunities to hunt mice, insects, and other critters, but an indoor cat may need more help. I was wondering how on earth you move with an outdoor cat. The one thing you can rely on is that cats will generally stay around their new location as long as there’s food to be had and there isn’t any more competition for it than there was before. 2. #7 – Mimic outdoor perches However, we're looking to move to an apartment about four hours away. Though it’s attractive to the cats, it’s irresistible to wild animals who’d happily interrupt someone else’s nap in order to raid the pantry. He’ll hang around all day, trying to shoot out the door. Outdoor training will start at about five minutes per day. To further help the cat transition, you can purchase a pot of cat grass in a pet store, or at least the seeds to grow some in a small pot. My 7-year-old7 cat has been on and off an indoor/outdoor cat his whole life. Fill the litter box with fine-grain, clumping litter. He doesn’t particularly like our two dogs nor other cats, I fostered a kitten 3 years ago and he was … We have offered to take peanut in and I'm looking to train her to stay in the yard. Please reload CAPTCHA. Make sure the cat won’t be able to escape as it may cause harm to the cat or your home. Be sure to play with the cat as well. This is an indirect way to tame the stray cat and get it to use the litter box. There may be a few messes along the way. Even cats who have lived indoors for their whole lives have very strong hunting instincts. And, of course, cats … Or you might end up with a regular on your hands, a cat who comes and eats, shows you affection, but then wants to leave to roam at the end of the day, and thus happens to be a cat who you end up treating more like an outdoor cat, who you take care of, but isn’t likely to become a house cat. She also chews on everything. The most common thing is the food. = "block"; Scratching is a natural and healthy behavior for a cat. According to Patricia Curtis, author of The Indoor Cat, “You can give [your cat] an indoor life that is rich and happy as well as comfortable and safe.” Quick tips to keep an … In the outside world, scratching posts literally do grow on trees. Once cats "get a taste" of outside, they don't want to stay in, anymore. Regardless of the reasons, in order to train your outdoor cat to be an indoor cat, there are several steps and factors to consider. Don't let them get too far from you where they could encounter something dangerous. She has a sweet temperament but the poor girl is just bored and not exercised like she should be. Once you've learned how to motivate your cat and taught basic commands, you should be able to teach your cat to stay as long as you are patient and dedicated. Cats can live long, happy, healthy, lives as outdoor cats. He also recommends you make sure your cat isn’t climbing into the hood of your car to stay cozy during the winter months or cool in the summer. Spay/Neuter Train your cat to behave appropriately by using positive reinforcement, not punishment. Even after you DO get him neutered, he's probably going to spray and want outside. It's best to start training your cat when it's young, but it is possible to train an adult cat. The day you bring home the cat, confine him or her to one room in the house for about 2 weeks. Giving the cat plenty of toys, attention, and areas to be high, such as cat shelves and cat posts, will help the cat quickly adjust to being indoors all the time. Because cats are very territorial, a relocated cat may try to find its way home, suffering accident or death on the way. Ultimate Guide to Monthly... indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats. If you can, locate the cat tree next to a window so your cat can watch the action outdoors. If any of this behavior occurs, it is important to stay patient. These felines are often not capable of being house pets and often the only choice is to euthanize. Cats naturally like to perch up high. How to Make an Outdoor Cat and Indoor Cat! A cat who has lived her life outdoors has lived in a world filled with scratching posts in all sorts of different materials, textures, and configurations. The cat must be entertained. Training a cat to use the toilet definitely takes some work, but think of the benefits: You’ll save on litter and enjoy a cleaner home. However, while the process may be a bit tedious at times, it can be done. On top of that, in the first few times when your feline pal uses the litter tray, praise it by petting or giving it a treat. if ( notice ) If your cat is struggling, remember to never force your cat to do anything she's not happy with. #4 – Make windows fun Ideally adopt scheduled meal times, rather than allowing free access to food, for some weeks before allowing your cat outside and let your cat out shortly before feeding time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She also chews on everything. Put a full box of kitty litter in the cat's litter box. He’s happy to be indoor-outdoori and has been killing mice and gophers left and right. supplies everything from prescription, non-prescription medication for farm and companion animals, pet medication, pet flea control, pet vitamins, veterinarian diagnostic devices, equine supplements & medications, equine performance products, equine vaccines, and much more at highly affordable prices. Whether or not your cat is to be strictly indoors or allowed to go outdoors the first few weeks you have the cat at home are the same. Place a cat tree or perch near a window so she has a good view, then place a bird feeder outside so she has some up-close-and-personal action. Be patient with her while she figures it out. 7 Tips for Making Your Outdoor Cat an Indoor Cat. Enter and exit through a garage or sunroom so there is always a backup door closed behind you. or clapped hands to shoo it away. After you learn how to teach your cat to behave outside, you … 7 Ways to Keep Your Outdoor Cat Safe. Let the cat stay contained for two days before you touch it. But if you can’t, set up a small wooden enclosure or heavy box to keep your cat warm. Maybe your bedroom or a spare room, Make sure the liter box is in the room as well as food and water, and I strongly suggest a scratching pad. If you're feeding your cat outdoors, begin feeding him indoors., Trusted Pet Pharmacy Since 1992. However, some cats struggle more than others to master the cat flap, especially those that are nervous. She is welcome to come inside, but chooses not too. Time limit is exhausted. When the cat is consistently using her litter box, she can be moved to a small room, like a bathroom or galley kitchen. Providing plenty of perches will help her feel safe and confident in her new home. We worry about him getting hurt, but if he wants it so much should we give in? With the great outdoors as their home, they can easily mark a huge plot of land as their bathroom, the area around that massive oak tree as their dining and play rooms, and that flowery bush by the road as their entertainment deck. Whatever you will be using must be tastier than his/her normal food (dry or wet). It provides great climbing opportunities and, in multi-cat households, creates more play and rest areas by taking advantage of vertical space. Do it slowly, for example, moving the box a few inches every day until the box is completely in your room and your cat doesn’t go outside for elimination anymore. It is normal for the cat to be agitated during this time. She has a sweet temperament but the poor girl is just bored and not exercised like she should be. For the former indoor/outdoor cat, a two-box system filled with fine-grain, clumping litter works best. Help it to get exercise and get used to playing inside rather than outside. They may scratch at doors, claw at windows, yowl and try to dash through open doors. Give the Cat Toys That's not going to stop the urine marking, tho. Every time you come in, go to a specific place away from the door to greet (and treat!) Toys that look somewhat like birds or mice will enable the cat to still feel like it is hunting. Many cat professionals believe the extra fiber found in grass helps relieve upset stomachs. But he still wants it. An indoor cat is safe from predators and injuries and he may not pick up as many diseases. The first thing the former outdoor cat may do when inside is to immediately seek out a hiding place. Keeping your cat completely indoors may not be feasible, so follow these tips to keep your outdoor cat as safe as possible. If you live in an area with other stray cats, and wild animals such as coyotes and foxes, you may wish to avoid any unfortunate incidents. How to Know If Your Dog Has Kennel Cough or... 5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Depression in Dogs. … display: none !important; Cat fencing is one option that will keep the cat in the yard or back garden, but there are other options to consider. Even the most hardcore outdoor cat can learn to live happily indoors. When she finds that she can’t get outside to the topsoil, she will use the box by the door. Let them learn the new house, its sounds and layout and let them associate you and the new home … Please reload CAPTCHA. In general, the rule of thumb is if your cats are outdoor cats; don’t let them outside for at least three weeks if possible. There are lots of in betweens, and it really depends on the cat in question. function() { It will not feel so confined, and has plenty of places to explore and “claim as its territory.”. Cats who stay indoors have longer lifespans than those who are left to roam outdoors. Another reason could be the cat’s safety. Keep a close eye on your cat until both of you are familiar with any other cats in the area. But these days, more and more people are keeping their cats inside — which means they’re safe from cars, predators and disease. You can also train your cat to come when called while outside. In this episode of Cat Mojo, I take you through the sometimes very sticky landscape that is the indoor vs. outdoor debate. Outdoor. Kittens who are kept indoors are usually happy to stay there as they grow up. Siouxsie: Well, Rhiannon, be prepared for some strong reactions to your question because the indoor vs outdoor cat debate is quite heated in some circles. Keep in mind that during the process, you may deal with the cat meowing incessantly at the door to go out, clawing up rugs or furniture, and possibly even urinating and defecating outside of the litter box. Training your cat to go outdoors can take some time, especially if your pet is an indoor cat. It works great for stubborn cats. How to Train Your Outdoor Cat to Stay Indoors. timeout Our cat is an important part of our family, even though she spends most of her time in the outdoors. It is easy to setup and you can set it up in all the areas you don’t want your cat to go to. We can’t be around 24/7 to train and keep an eye on the cat. You can also train your cat by using a sound - such as a bell, clickeror jangling keys before offering meals or food based treats. You might already feed your cat on a specific schedule, but if not, you should start. When moving with an outdoor cat, get your cat’s food, water, and kitty litter set up neatly in a sheltered corner. Cats are notorious for IGNORING their names, even when they're inside and lying in the next room! Catnip is also a great distraction for cats. I'd suggest starting with just a minute or two for a timid cat who has never had an outdoor experience. However, outside cats will be used to spending all or nearly all of their time outdoors, and better able to take care of themselves than indoor cats that spend some time outdoors. Decide what kind of cat you want to raise. Make sure it has enough food and water for two days. That goes for moving the tamer variety outdoor kitty, too. Adding levels with cat trees or a cat window perch gives cats a higher point … Joined Nov 1, 2007 Messages 1,819 Reaction score 15 Location Cincinnati, OH. The relocation area may already have an established colony or it may lack food, water, or shelter. Thomas: That said, we’ve been both indoor and outdoor cats ourselves, so we see the benefits in both lifestyles — and we understand the risks inherent in outdoor life for kitties. #5 – Grow cat grass Please read this and understand that if there was a chance for Ginger to be indoor she would be, but Ive looked … Required fields are marked *. DON’T hit the cat when it scratches the furniture. It is possible to train your cat to stay, though it may take more effort and patience. Providing indoor cats with cat scratchers and cat trees is also a great idea. For the cat who has never been litter box trained, a confinement method is usually necessary. Outdoor/Indoor Cat Training. Make sure you provide a good scratching post for her to dig her claws into or you might find yourself needing to replace your couch in a couple months. Cats are very territorial and attached to their environments, and bringing an outdoor cat indoors can be very disorienting and anxiety-inducing. Good fences = happy kitties. The idea is to make the doorway area unappealing so that kitty avoids it and offer a more rewarding pastime. A larger home is better for the cat to adjust in than a smaller home. 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