goodnight moon asmr wiki

: Why don't people just shave their heads? How do I start banging milfs and cougars? Imagine what kind of porn they will…, Assburgers: My mother is 1.55 cm tall. islammaxxing is starting to look attractive, Should I switch to wearing panties full time? >Hey anon, I heard that you were talking shit about me. We were really happy but I think I creeped him out or something haven…, Explain this to me, anons: If this fat kike can manage to get a wife and knock her up, what's y…, what are your dreams like: >at some new apartment house thing >walking into an apartment being…, Almond flour gaming? >girl says i look ugly as fuck >sends me unsolicited nudes im confused…, I think if I was born in California instead of Illinois my life would be demonstrably different for …. >good looking but not enough to make it >delusion…, /p,u,&s/: >poor, ugly, & stupid there is honestly no excuse as a man to be all three of t…, I'm an utter sexual failure: Im pretty much a failure sexually my f fellow robots. I watched a video where a pregnant white women was bouncing on a Black men. : At what age is a male supposed to start …, Is it possible to move to japan at age 25 with no job experience? >reading about generic office jobs >overwhelming thoughts of suicide comes to mind…, Femanons, would you date a robot if it meant helping them out? At what salary, or…, When her egg count diminishes the less desirably she becomes. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Here's some i thought of …. I'm only in m…, what do? 2021 and fat womens ego is on par with Staceys. Hey anons, some of you should try getting into crossressing! I don't want …, i barely speak to my family and i still live with them, R9k you don't want kids? LOL https://incels.w…. : I can't fucking take it anymore. Lustful brunette fucks her cunt with gigantic toy in front of boyfriend. we as…, anyone else like elliot here but unironicly? probably gonna anhero because theres nothing left for me and i dont se…, would you watch me play pokemon mystery dungeon, 99 floor level 1 ive been at it for 250 hours ive m…, >buy a good computer >buy vr >buy good headphones all of these have lost their novelty, the…, anyone want to play team fortress 2 together? >Age? I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see what kinds of great…, Why don't guys work out anymore. I honestly am terrified at the prospect, What wrong with my parents. It's 1 am what do I do!!!!!!!????????? A building of hot girls that …. Does life get better after uni? I miss this doll so much... Why do women call me a pedophile: when I say I like 18-24 year-olds? It is the ultimate soul cru…, roastie blown the fuck out by chad once again, You ever have a life you could've had flash before your eyes? No…. I don't even…, What's it like to be loved intimately? Normies excel at living in soci…, The fact that i will never fuck a girl like this destroys all my motivation and ambition in life. Showerbait - paul cannon gets his tight ass pounded. Why aren't you fapping to anime girls right now? If not, is she a female incel? It remi…, It doesnt matter if you make it or not in life. how will i survive 7 days …, when will male virgins be a protected social class, I'm NOT gonna call you 'he' or 'they' etc... if you look like a fuckig whore. There's going to be a pride festival in my town. there is a small neet girl who ive let live in my ap…, I don't breathe when I'm jerking off. Why not just get an ugly fujoshi gf? Whats your story like desu? Anons what will be your legac…, >live in Southern California >warm enough to wear tee shirts all week >bright and sunny eve…, >boyfriend's workplace is doing a contest where everyone submits a video to tell their lifes…, >The model, who goes by the name 'Mrs. : My wife died 2 years ago and I still…, /doom/: can someone invite me to the new doom server? . Does your father also prohibit you from playing video games? But i have no idea what i'm supposed to like about them. There is this half asian girl who I have to work with at school. I just don't fucking know, man. I'm going to get covid. So, did any of you remember the Hunger Games threads? : when I was in high school I would browse 4chan on the school…. Fucking Trannies make me seeth. Pornography dest…, What do you respond with after someone says thank you? hello what is point of board? I'm terrified of sex because I have phimosis so any time I have…, >5'3 >fat >khfv >dad left when i was 3 >mom never loved me >my 3 sisters hate…, Mindbreak: Guys I'm genuinely worried. I will try cinnamon buns tonight for the first time. Women btfo by Chad and left single with loads of working stress. How can you tell if you're actually 'dead inside' or 'broken'? am time wizard! how do i get a gf like pic related having a small cock? Anyone else looking forward to the Spring and Summer already? I've been on this board for a while and i finally truly understood the name robot9001. Actual autism thread. I meet a girl thru a Chad friend and giga wingman. Why do alt-chads date literal porn whores? Who here a /winner/? : >4chan inexplicably shuts down for good …, My fellow femanons. What do you think the world would be like without absolutely any social media. This is a list of minor VTubers, who (at the time of their addition to this wiki) haven't yet been deemed notable enough for the creation of an individual page. I was there twice before and I don't wanna …, Hegelian Dialectic Thead: I'll start with the agenda so that someone can make a thesis, anti-th…. davor ist eine feindliche bombe! femboys that. And her white husband wa…, >she was 'raped' >she expects sympathy and tax-payer funded therapy for it BOO HOO! i dont have any friends. : I only thinkin about hurting people most days. : When cognitive dissonance kicks in. L…, Last night I masturbated so much that I now have a tiny blister near the tip of my penis, it's …, Guys please I'm begging you help me find the location of this image: >…, How many filter does /r9k/ have? I don't want to live but I don't think I…, When you look people 'in the eyes', which eye are you supposed to stare at? For a long time I tr…, >literally getting rejected by girls that would be way uglier than me if they were born male This…. Why do people do drugs when it fucks their brain up. What's yours? Is it normal to never get lonely? My daughter is 11 and she wants to sleep with me in one bed. Even here the only ones that get attention are females, >why yes, I do always trade queens so that there are no women left on the board…. Got covid. : Boyfriend keeps bringing up fantasies of me being gangbanged, also of me cuckin…, You're in their Hotel Room: What would you even do? How close can you Anons get to sucking yourself off? Seems to me that /r9k/ is just /b/ with a gimmick. I can talk to …, SAWfA7kvA9 take a daedric tanto and drain your life SAWfA7kvA9, What do you like or dislike about /r9k/: What about /r9k/ do you like or dislike and why do you keep…, Why is nobody opposing these degenerate females that are exposing the ANUS? What was the real story? Will you ever be as much of a chad as this guy? >rarely feel a large amount of attraction >have a huge crush on a girl im friends with, she ha…, none of you will ever know what it's like to be nerdy and being dumb as fuck at the same time, Why are drugs so vilified? Simple words mean the most. wat do femanons of /r9k/?…. He's going …, Aspie Hate: You know what's worse than a high functioning retard? We're not going back to normal. Fix for more defined jaw: I found a way to have a more defined jaw line incase you have a weak one o…, working security: Do any of you have any experience working as a security guard? I can't stand being disliked. Is ADHD real? Would you let a butter face like hitomi milk your cock with her pussy? Mr American! Are you planning on doing anything cool? : >be a female >go …, Chuds: I didnt know this board was so full of incel retards who hate women and transkin. What's it like? just take the pinkpill anon..... it'll improve your life!!! Is he the trap that represents the zoomer generation? Why are you coming here for an ebf and what are you looking for? I know pics are priority but I need a good bio too, How do you deal working 8.5 hours a day? e-girls don't want you. I'm 'celebrating' it alone in my r…. 0 >Father figure? My girlfriend has looked through desuarchive for posts about anons and their gfs, trying to see if a…. It's been a lie …. If he shot the sheriff, then what about the deputy? I hate being a beta, but even that terminology is propaganda. >be me >gets commissioned to draw Alucard (Castlevania) getting his feet tickled with feathers…, I don't know even what to say at this point.. but I wish I had a gun, >mom sets up date with girl >meet at johnny rockets >going ok >gets quiet >dont know …, If I get too bad I get sent to the mental hospital. Porn, XXX, Pussy, Sex and more! Enter & enjoy it now! I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my life bros. I am going to kill myself if I don't get a job as a developer after I graduate. Wowee, so what ar…, Anybody else feel kind of guilty or hypocritical when listening to music about partying and fucking …, >tfw closeted tranny >tfw no bio female girlfriend >tfw no gf to help me with make up and c…, Habesha women: >get new job in suburb full of Ethiopian and Eritrean people >deliver to East A…, Things just keep getting worse for the wagie. I have a deep searing hatred for anyond who doesn't like me. I've been stressing myself out…, I just want to cuddle and kiss with a boy fall asleep wrapped in a his arms, why is the gay communit…. : I wonder if it wiill be on the clouds and he'll see 4chan po…. I love getting ignored all day just to come home and get ignored on here too. I hope all men experience immense suffering for the rest of t…. With a Chinese hooker, I took off my co…, >be me >equivalent third year of uni >dream of getting in new school >get friends and me…, >2021 >still listen to scooby doo night of 100 frights soundtrack for 6 hours a day End me.…, lemonade is scrumptious but it always gives me diarrhea, >ask girl out >she says no >realize I've been officially rejected by a girl now >wh…, >'can't wait to talk to you tomorrow' >ghosted the next day Why are fembots like this?…, Lost control of my life: >years ago, be early 20s NEET >life was suffering, but simple and zen…, would you suck my dick if i let you jerk off on my girlfriend, I have finally accepted death: This is it, I'm killing myself Friday or Saturday. Post your victories no matter how small. I got a bonner looking at my brothers feet. forever. When you have a crippling mental illness, and it prev…. >take poop >Thinks it's a solid nice poop >Leaves mushed poop left in my ass >Use a…. I really like loli. He always wore a b…, i feel so sad. prime ex…. Femanons, what happened to you at university that was like this? am I just autistic? >Lgbt threads everywhere >Trans threads everywhere >Similar OPs >Similar images used Is …, >graduated highschool >has a 2 year degree >has a drivers license >worked in food servic…, currently sitting next to college gf in a video confrence and listening to rich college kids talk ab…, volcel general: Is anyone else able to get dates/sex but don't have any interest? Im 27 about to turn 28 and i recently visited all the girls i liked throughout my life facebook page…, they rise and and bend rising more then spring up again so many many they sway they live they are al…, Adding methylfolate and hoping it makes my Wellbutrin work again is my final hope. :))))))…, I hate doctors: >new doc ignores old doc about my preexisting condition >flare up happens >…, how do I begin to unfuck my life as a 27 year old neet virgin I was so happy as a kid I have no idea…, ITT: Unpopular opinions on 4chan I'll start: >being short is better than being tall becaus…. Doesn't matter if it's online or irl, I get mad. This is what faces you if you ever ascend, incels. Working on music Chances of gf: 0%, What is your age boundary when it comes to women: Mine is 30. When it was my birthd…, Let's talk: Yesterday I was reading a fembots thread and got the courage to post here after lur…, Why do NEETs stay inside all day eating, shitting, sleeping, playing video games and watching anime?…, I feel like there's nowhere I belong Who is willing to become my fren? I miss our comfy minecraft server from 2017, Femanons that may consider themselves less than optimally attractive, would you date someone in a si…. Come in, have a drink, talk to other semifunctional-a…. If yes what kind of job and how much m…, is it normal to feel lonely even when you r talking to ur friends, I ran finally: I always wanted to get in shape so I took my cardiovasular system for a walk this mor…, Are there really any girls that would genuinely be attracted to an ugly guy? I have seen so much reddit hate and never got why, What is some basic shit you only found out about way too late in life? you are your voice: has anyone noticed this before? How often do women compare tit sizes among themselves? Where is the best place to meet a fit guy with a tribal tattoo? I have to learn half a semester in 4 days, is it possible? I was on a xanax last night and I texted my friend I wanted to date him. i used to larp as a woman in this board and it worked …, I'm pretty dumb, I'm not funny or charismatic, I'm extremely shy and bad at talking t…. I can't reme…. This feeling hasn't escap…, i wish girls were in charge instead of guys, Anon, you need to relax First, you need to widen your asshcheeks, then begin dilating: Seethe, cope,…, conceptual bonding with people is retarded, small talk is nothing but a mere say of sentience free p…, >gets their women from last resort cellphone game >thinks they're a chad now Tinder cultu…, Ok, bare with me on this >be me >early 2010s and poorfag, all i really had was access to the …, every time I see a charity stand I make an effort to abuse them get the fuck out of my way you glob…, >just ended up an abusive relationship >have to start of no where >no friends, no job any…, Why am I not Rei in this pic Fuck fuck fuck Never going to make it, My experience with 'fembots' from /r9k/ >Ghosted >Ghosted again >Ghosted yet again >mfw …, When a female says 'I just feel like you offer me more than I deserve' what does that fucking mean e…, Bitter Misery: > The Moment you realize you're parents abandoned you. I'm two days into uni and I'm already sick to death of university liberals. To think, she w…, 2 days into nofap and im leaking precum. You don't have any girl fetishes, do you? Heavenly blonde GODDESS has pussy serviced by two beautiful lesbian ANGELS . But I have a small dick. I felt like creating this thread and enjoying it. Today I baked cookies everyone said were very tasty. Chad wanted to help me and a friend of mine get l…, I just want a normal fucking life: I don't want to be smarter than the rest. This has happened to me so many …. Which animal do you most identify with and why? ~ SERENITY NOW, GOD DAMN IT! Dopamine: >thanks to anxiety disorder, misophonia and industrial grade stress your life has been …., A pilot on a cold, cold morn' One-hundred fifty-five people on board All safe and all rescued F…, Sometimes when I'm really stressed I almost feel like something inside my brain pops and then I…, Anyone else actually enjoy the song 'Welcome to the cum zone'? What implications will this have on society? You suffer because: 1. They're su…. > knowing you have everything…, im thinking of cutting myself and displaying the cuts 'by accident' to my friends for attention is …, >be me >esoteric pattern coomer >socially competent and active >a true porn addict degen…, Bongs, we may be approaching the best time to get pussy in our lives: Big man Boris just confirmed i…, ITT: we laugh at niggcels I'll start AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, How are some people out and about all day? Men who don't masturbate …, I can explain the crypto game very well if youd listen to me on twitch, What were some Chad moments during your life? They seem like…, im never ever ever ever ever never never never ever ever ever thinking about her again. I…, not going to stop self actualizing and becoming my best self until i become my ideal futa self day 5…, >can't talk to people for the life of me >every social interaction feels like a complex p…. I used to be extremely depressed, fat and suicidal about half a decade ago. yani … Is it weird that I think pregnant women are beautiful? Why not just get a mutt gf with huge tits?…, >average house price in Canada is $520,000 How is a young man suppose to start a family?…, im a neet and can draw at least good enough portraits and basic stuffs, can someone help me find cli…, A few years back I confronted my mom about being circumcised and she said 'it was because I had phim…, >one chance at life >born in the shitty west >wasn't born Japanese in glorious nipland…. Orbiting can be a positive alternative to hav…, I just want to escape this life: ADHD is such a pain in the ass when you have jon you hate and a bor…, >watch day in a life college videos, college acceptance videos, and other normie videos and have …, Is it just me or do zoomers seem much dumber than previous generations? A day early. I miss her so fucking much. Ever notice that discordfags over the age of 30 tend to humblebrag about their careers, things they …, The simplest positive interactions with anyone in any situation gives me the same amount of dopamine…, >tfw crack mom visits you at 3 am begging you for 20$. I came here..…, Femanon here to give you advice: On how to dirty talk to girls; Say stuff like this 'I wish I could…, Pain: >Playing xbox with one of my good friends >He is drunk and ranting about his issues with…, >see thought provoking post >write out my reply >smile while proof reading it since my take…, Catboy thread: What would you do if your mom gave you a pet catboy for your birthday. Kacey jordan u0026amp brea bennett island erotica girl girl action u0026amp bts. If someone I know searches my discord tag then I will h…, Why do white men like to suck on tits like a baby? If you had a gf that you didn't want to be with anymore how would you break up with her? >The normal Fags are advancing. The story of the last 20 years of my life, Anyone else afraid of going to the gym? You >$70k salary as a dev, working from parents house >put all expenses in crypto and apprecia…, Is sex even real? i'm a 23 year old khhv and i'd love to …, >just have confidence bro! : Im thinking about going to cafes and sitting there hoping…, > >SHIJIMA NO SOKO KARA >MEZAMERU SONO HASHIRATACHI TOKI WO KOE…, Could you date an intelligent women? What do? What would you do if an evil warlock cursed your petite wife and gave her a body like this? I'll start. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP! Say something nice about my really really good good friend. : >been dating my gf since may 2019 >last time we talked was like 10 day…, >use work to cope with pain and insecurities >work all day every everyday…, Blackpill time. what keeps you from ending it all day in and day out? It is not like anyone comes over and sees it anyway. comfy vibe thread: could we get some comfy images and music anons? Anything that gives you a feeling of comfort, pe…, How can there be so many women who have abusive/violent partners but Ive never had a gf?, >Hey, anon! Does my music at least have a chance? tfw these cringy and swarmy plebbit numales can easily talk to a new bitch every night and most like…, its not even fun being mean to femanons now, its boring. I want to rest on a femanon's lap and be comforted so bad bros... >22yo >loser with almost no education and no useful skills >fucked up mental health >wa…. 5.25 inches right now.…, im jealous of boomers, i wish i was born in the 60s/70s. What would be your course of action after explaining to your dad that a sibling once told you that t…, How can you tell a person actually wants you to hang out with them and doesn't just pretend to …, If a man can't do this at least 5 times a week he will die from depression. I don't even know what I want out of life anymore. A whoooooooooole new week is starting tomorrow. is the nr. Where else to turn to? Fetish thread: > I really want to be femdom'd by an ugly girl, or a fat girl, either one I g…. Vintage Sexy Golden Age Of Porn Double Feature Erotic Classics From The 70s, Female Fake Taxi Busty Kira Queen Fucking A Penis Pump Fan, He Wrestles Amirah Adara To Submission And Humiliate Her - Blowjob - Sex, Vangoren Anal Creampie With Young Russian Grace Noel, Perfect Body Schoolgirl Gets Fucked And Facial Cumshot, Fit18 - Clara Trinity - Flexible 90lb Asian Former Cheerleader Does Casting In Yoga Pants, Horny Asian Cutie Sucks And Gets Fucked By Big Black Cock, Russian Chick Gets Anal Pounding And Facial, Nina Hartley Shows Up At My Place - Cupids-eden. how do I get a girl to like me as much as I like her. : EVERY FUCKING TIME >want to watch some JAV porn and have a nice wank >my mum …, v254 Some days, some nights Some Iive some die ln the way of the samurai Some fight, some bleed Sun …, >You're now chatting with a random stranger.

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