english lop temperament

Good-quality pellets containing 16-18% plant protein (one or two cups per day), fresh fruits (a slice of strawberry, mango, kiwi, pear, or apricot each day), a handful of fresh vegetables (kale, parsley, dandelion, carrot and radish tops, turnip, collard, or escarole), Brush your bunny’s coat with a slicker brush every week to remove stray hairs, spot-clean its fur with a soft, damp towel when it appears dirty, examine its long ears regularly, and keep them clean of waxy build-ups, also trim its nails with clippers when they grow long, Although it can be quite lazy, it needs one or two hours of regular exercise. Breed profile of the The English Lop, the oldest of the lop-eared rabbit breeds. In 1933, it was reported that approximately 10 French Lops were brought over from the Netherlands and exhibited in the United Kingdom, although i… They should also be checked frequently for ear infections and / or ear mites, and toenails must remain trimmed to prevent injury to the ears. The black rabbits may enjoy the name raven, coal, or sesame, and rabbit lovers need to evaluate each rabbit's personality and breed traits. The AFL looks very similar to a Holland lop. They were a popular breed and were bred with other rabbits breeds to create other Lop rabbit breeds such as the French and Holland Lop breeds. It is an average shedder but may molt excessively at the end of the winter that can be managed with regular brushing. The Dwarf Hotot is another of the smallest rabbit breeds on this list. The floor of the hutch should be of solid material, such as wood or plastic, rather than wire. Two boys and a girl Hybrid English lop. These rabbits need a large hutch, allowing plenty of room to move around without standing on their ears to do so. Fruit pieces can be given as a treat or to help in the training of your bunny. Furthermore, during the Victorian Era, English Lops were notably on the rise as a very popular house-pet. They should have a water-bottle rather a crock as well, to prevent their ears from getting wet and / or dragging thru the water. Replace the bedding one or two times each week, depending on the number of rabbits you keep in an enclosure. Because of its loving and affectionate behavior people love it more. All rights reserved. The English Lop comes in a variety of colours including self or solid colours and broken coats with white as the base colour. In regard to feed, it is suggested that English Lops be fed approximately 2 cups of high quality pellets which contain 16-18% protein, in addition to hay, and moderate amounts of rabbit-safe, fresh veggies and limited amounts fruits. Dwarf lops are the larger of the two and may weigh as much as 2.5 kg. They have quite a good temperament with children. Believed to have been bred using an English Lop and a French Butterfly rabbit, the French Lop was mostly used as a meat animal when it was first bred in France around 1850. They are gentle and loving. The History Behind the English Lop: Though some believe that the English Lop originated in Africa, the first English Lops recorded were found in England. Dwarf Hotot. In 1850s France, the French Lop was originally bred as a cross between the show breed English Lop and the now-defunct Giant Papillon breed, also known as the “Giant French Butterfly Rabbit”.By mixing the giant’s straight-eared genes with the ridiculously long-eared English Lop, the large and muscular French Lop, whose ears drooped just below its chin, was produced. The overall cost of keeping an English Lop could range between $750 and $800 each year. History, Temperament, and Common Uses: English lops are the original lop-eared rabbits, and popularized rabbit showing in Britain. When judging, the body is actually awarded slightly more points than that of the ears. French Lop Image: Tjflex2 on Flickr. Get … Their wool can even be spun into yarn! The English Lop, distinguishable by its long, floppy ears and large body, is one of the oldest domestic rabbit breeds and perhaps the first lop rabbit breed developed by humans. Placid and friendly in temperament, they are large rabbits with very long ears. 2. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. They were recognized by the ARBA in 1914, being the 15th breed to be recognized. Other breeds used to create the Mini Lops were Dwarf Lop, English Lop, French Lop, New Zealand, and Polish. In fact, all lop breeds today are descendants of the English lop, which was already established as a breed before the dawn of the 18th century. History, Temperament, and Common Uses: The American fuzzy lop has lots of personality and is gaining popularity. Previously, the German lop was primarily a show animal. Measured at 31.125 inches, the ears of Nipper’s Geronimo (an English Lop) are recorded to be the largest among rabbit breeds. Being active means they’d require a little more free-roaming time outside of their cages or resting space. English Lops are known for their wonderful temperament, and this characteristic should not be overlooked when you are considering whether to breed or not. However, small children should be supervised closely since these rabbits' ears can easily be injured. Their ear-length was due to the hotter climate of the Algiers, as the ears of rabbits are used not only for hearing, but also as the only form of regulating their body-temperatures. The English Lop is typically quite a large rabbit, potentially reaching an average weight of 5kg at adulthood. Otherwise, they have calm, laid-back and friendly temperaments, and are often referred to as being lazy. They have long ears and long, round noses (as opposed to most other lop breeds who have sort of "smushed in" muzzles.) Fur will be fluffy and easier to manage than an angora but still with the sweet temperament. These are a hybrid between an English angora and a Holland lop. They’re a short-haired animal that can have black, fawn, golden fawn or white coats. children and are called “dogs of the rabbit world”. Breed: Dwarf Lop and Mini Lop Rabbit Temperament: friendly, docile Cost: from $30 for pets to $90 for show Lifespan: 9 – 10 years Recommended for: families Maintenance: low. The English lop is one of the original rabbit breeds in England. This lovely bunny is beloved and known for her ear-length. While the price of English Lops that are meant to be kept as house pets varies between $50 and $75, the cost of the show- or exhibition-quality rabbits is higher, ranging from $100 to $150. Of course, rabbits all have their own unique, individual personalities, but anyone who denies that there is absolutely no difference in temperament between breed has no clue what they are talking about. While its stocky body and lush coat make it ideal for meat and fur production, its gentle and affectionate temperament and variety of colors earned it fame as a house pet, as well. When American breeders wanted to add the broken gene to their Hollands, they crossed them to an English spot. English lops are generally calm and easy-going rabbits that are quite friendly. During the winter, extra care must be provided to prevent the ears from getting wet, as they will freeze. It is characterized by a slenderer and longer body than other lop rabbits, large head, wide-set eyes, and a straight tail. French lop Personality. It is believed that this was the first lop-eared rabbit to be purposely created by humans. This rabbit rose in popularity in neighboring European countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium and even Germany. English Lops will eat 1/2 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of weight, so roughly a cup and a half a day for a regular-sized rabbit. They are an inquisitive breed and are suitable for pets and show or 4-H rabbits. English Lops are popular for two main characteristics: their large, floppy ears and their wonderful personalities. Take your bunny out of the enclosure so that it can stretch out its legs, hop around, graze grass, play, or cuddle. Health Issues. This, in combination with a calm and docile nature, makes it an excellent pet. The body should be firm, well developed, and well balanced, tapering from shoulder back to hindquarter. A few of my favorites/suggestions: any of the lop breeds (Holland, American Fuzzy Lop, Mini, French, and English) tend to have great temperaments. This type of hay should be reserved for young kits or lactating does. Black English Lop Rabbit. You should also give them a cup or two of fresh vegetables, with leafy greens making up the bulk of what you give. They are known to make wonderful pets, even for children – although supervision of children with rabbits is always required. They make good pets with all kinds of people either you are single or have a family. The American fuzzy lop is a dwarf size rabbit that weighs less than 4 pounds. The English lop is the oldest specialty breed of domesticated rabbit, known in the rabbit show world as the "King of the Fancy." Bred in the early 19th century and prized as pets in the Victorian era, the English Lop was used to develop other lopped breeds such as the French and Mini Lop. Love to play around you. Due to its relaxed and placid temperament, the English Lop is known to be relatively inactive. Temperament Most English Lops are playful, inquisitive and laid back. English lop: (It is not recommended for a first time rabbit owner.) No worries, you will only receive a few bunny emails per year! They may have been around since pre-1700 with records indicating that the breed was shown at London shows in … We have been rabbit owners for years and became interested in showing and breeding rabbits in 2011, when our kids joined 4H. Like the majority of rabbits, the most Legume hays are higher in protein, calories, and calcium, which in excess can cause kidney stones and loose stool. In 1952, he took the doe from that litter and bred her with an English lop buck as a result of 1 looped ear, 2 normal ears, and 1 semi looped ear offspring developed. They are calm, laid-back rabbits which is why they are so great for families. English Lops are the largest of the lop breeds. The English Lop breed was developed in England in the 19th century and was designed specifically to meet the growing demand for domesticated pet rabbits around the time when fancy breeds were developing as pets rather than just for fur or food. Required fields are marked *. The colors vary for this breed and are known for being playful, curious, active, and very affectionate towards its owner. First-time owners, singles, seniors, families with children, Friendly, calm, curious, gentle, playful, can be laid-back, National English Lop Rabbit Club, Lop Rabbit Club of America, Over-sized, rounded at the end, measuring 21-32 inches from tip to tip, hanging on either side of the face. English Lop Rabbit - breed information and advice Known as the King of the Fancy, the English Lop Rabbit is one of the oldest domestic breeds. Early French Lops were smaller than those of today and had the natural colouring of wild rabbits, but further crossing with spotted rabbits produced a wider variety of colours and markings. Later, these rabbits were crossed with Continental Giant type breeds, to create French Lops and then crossed with Netherland Dwarfs to create Holland Lops. Polish rabbits are known for a short head and full cheeks. Suiting a rabbit to a human’s needs can be difficult, but today, I’ll be describing and explaining the English Lop’s personality, history, and more! This breed of rabbits is very calm, docile, and friendly. Jersey Wooly rabbits and Polish also tend to be people-loving. English Lops are a fancy breed of rabbit that is easily distinguishable at first glance, due to their extra -long lopped ears, which typically measure from 21 to 32 inches in length from tip to tip, with the length being completed by 4 months of age. A full, well rounded chest is desired. The struggle carried on and later in 1955, a Holland lop weighing 6.6 was born. English lops have been raised in England since the mid 1800’s. Appearance. It will weigh no … This breed’s placid temperament and easy going nature has earned it the nickname “the Dog of the Rabbit World” – … English Lops are a fancy breed of rabbit that is easily distinguishable at first glance, due to their extra -long lopped ears, which typically measure from 21 to 32 inches in length from tip to tip, with the length being completed by 4 months of age. Dwarf lops and Mini lops are very similar in appearance, size being the only real difference between the two. Hollands and AFLs are known to be puppy dog like in their begging for attention. Their coat is short but weekly grooming is recommended to keep the coat in good condition. Believed to have been developed in France in 1850, the French Lop was probably bred as a cross between Flemish Giant and English Lop stock. Breed actually does have a lot to do with temperament. The French Lop is a breed of very large domestic rabbits characterized by a broad, well-muscled, thickset body, short and powerful legs, and straight, well-furred tail. If the tips of an English Lops ear freeze or become frost-bitten, they will actually fall off. Also opposed to other lop breeds, English Lops are longer and more slender than their relatives. In fact, we reckon it is one of the friendliest rabbit breeds out there. JWs will sit in your lap for hours. It renders the baby not show worthy, but does not mean the baby will not survive. An indoor cage with minimum dimensions of 36 X 30 inches and a height of about 32 inches is required. The new breed was introduced in the US in 1970-1971 and has been recognized by … In 1973, the Klein Widder was officially recognised by the German Standard. Over-all balance and quality should be the deciding factor when quality is determined, notably mentioned because assessment based on the unique ears should be avoided. It originated in England during the 1800s and was commonly used as a ‘fancy’ breed, but was later broadly accepted as a household pet. Weight: 9 to 12 pounds. Use a larger wooden hutch, measuring 80 X 32 X 40 inches along with a 96 X 48 X 48 inches run for housing more than one bunny outdoors. During the birthing process, new mothers do sometimes mistake the ears on the little ones for the umbilical cord and will occasionally nip one or more off. Whether parents have younger or older children, first-time rabbit parents or long-time pet parents, the English Lop will want nothing more than to spend som… Believed to have been developed in the 19th century by crossing the English Lop with the Giant Pappillon, the ever popular French Lop made its appearance in the US in 1971. Decock, didn’t stop here he worked for eleven more years and achieved a 4.4 weighing Holland lop with floppy ears. It will be exceedingly calm with everybody, and we do not think we have ever heard a story of the English Lop being overly aggressive towards humans. Black Polish Rabbit . Although historically seen as a child’s pet, rabbits aren’t really suitable for small children. English Lops tend to be more tolerant than other breeds. Babies are 8 weeks and ready for new homes. You can expect a friendly, active, curious and playful Bun altogether in an English Spot Rabbit. They have a good reputation for being easy to handle. These rabbits are energetic and curious as small kits (short for ‘kittens’, which is what baby rabbits are called) and their playful nature continues long into their adult lives. Otherwise, they have calm, laid-back and friendly temperaments, and are often referred to as being lazy. It is characterized by a slenderer and longer body than other lop rabbits, large head, wide-set eyes, and a straight tail.

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