elite dangerous outfitting guide

Now, I said that you can engineer not only your shield, but also your shield boosters! If you are sitting in a Sidewinder you don’t even own, with an entire galaxy waiting to be explored, chances are you do. A beginners guide for new pilots in Elite Dangerous. You can then tailor what kind of route you want under the jump data filter. Multicannons (and other kinetic weapons) have armour penetration that increases with size, so you want to put those in your biggest hardpoints.However, kinetic weapons deal reduced damage to shields, and that's why you probably want some kind of thermal weapons (lasers).Side note - If you have only 2 hardpoints get only multi-cannons or only lasers. Outfitting Ships Celestial bodies Stars Planets Outfitting > … Ideally for combat you want Reactive Surface Composites, as it gives everything you want - Kinetic resistance, explosive resistance, hull HP. Don’t panic, though: the early days of Elite Dangerous can be daunting, but we will take you through the fundamentals to get you on your way to going faster than lightspeed. It can be tough out there for a rookie pilot and in a way that only the merciless void of spacecan be. Produces A LOT of heat, that's why people use SCB and heat sinks together;Hull reinforcement package/ Module reinforcement package - increases hull/module HP once your shields drop. With gimballed weapons you do not need to face the enemy head-on, a slight adjustment is often enough for them to hit hull instead of module. The different slots are: Weapons Utility Mount Bulk Heads The important thing to take out here is for weapons the rating doesn't matter. Fuel scoop will let you refuel at star types A/B/F/G/K/M/O. Power plant - Powers all the other modules. For combat you want the best possible rating and biggest size you can fit. On the Vulture, for example, I often have one pulse and one multicannon fit. This is an extreme scenario, because Anaconda has 8 and 7 slot sizes, so it's very visible, but with smaller ships you can shave weight here and there and gain 3-5 LY too. The only module that you consistently want to be A-rated is Frame Shift Drive. I currently have 6 boosters, engineering 5 of those for 20% thermal resistance would make me immortal if the resistances were additive ;). Reactive Surface Composite (G5 Thermal Resist mod). A light but very well equipped ship for your many plans: Exploration in space or on the surface, Cartography, … 2. Do I want more resistances, or more shield health/MJ? Have to agree with /u/RandomBadPerson about the canopy, if there's something the Vulture is known for is its canopy made out of stretch plastic wrap. Holy crap I learned more in 5 mins than in the past week. For 1,2M you could have 4 shield boosters which would provide you with ~375 RAW (not counting the resistances) shield strength. Personally I use bi-weave on all my combat ships, because it means less downtime between skirmishes for absolutely no extra cost. Now I'll present modules and explain why you want to upgrade them. Sales Tip: Selling your ship results in a 10% loss of value in the sale price. Hey! D: The lightest modules. Higher rating means more power and less heat. 2. Module replacement order: Power Distributor, Weapons, Shields, Thrusters, Sensors, Life support. First reflex: look at the players list! Some ships require attaining a specific rank with the Federal or Imperial navies before they can be purchased. . Soon enough you will be ready for the next step up. New player here - this is very helpful, thank you! The thing about Vulture is its one of the smallest ships that can comfortably deal with the Anacondas and other ships slower than you - although new players aren't consistently the pilots that could sit in blind spot and abuse that (no offense, I'm just remembering how I was doing ;) ) - but with smaller ships its harder to outmaneuver them. Don't get caught up in nonsense like symmetric loadouts! A-rated shield costs 5M Cr. You will then want to have a bit of a fly around outside of the station. Note that following builds are very basic, with no utility slots or things like SCB's, they're here to give you something to base your build on. You control your own spaceship in which you can participate in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way, trade between star systems It does not affect the offered missions, but it is possible that you will be offered a mission you can't accept because you have not enough cargo space. 4) The limpets/drones are sold in the A… http://i.imgur.com/j3JLtd6.png (Captured from www.coriolis.edcd.io). Instead of telling you what you want I'll show you what I mean. Frame Shift Drive - without FSD you can't jump from system to system, also you can't use supercruise. I see the 5 listed and the goals seem rather lengthy for some. We will cover four main areas with this Elite Dangerous guide: Most of the UI is pretty self explanatory but some aspects may cause some head scratching. Outfitting Bulkheads Adder Alliance Challenger Asp Explorer Asp … With limited power supply and limited number of utility slots, as well as the constant cost of shield boosters (It does not scale), it might be cheaper and give you more effective health points to just buy the armour. How does it work? Jump range when fully loaded: 21LY. So most of the time, I'm okay at combat, but occasionally I'm taking damage, and it feels like either my canopy breaches way too quickly, or I'm taking major module damage (weapons, FSD, power distributor, etc.) The Sidewinder is free to replace so do not worry about scuffing the paintwork. Hey this is great ty. Rating only increases scan range, so choose the one you want (Standard rating logic applies). You have two choices. As you can probably figure out, for different "roles" you want to have different modules. Early on the money is pretty tight, and the A-rating stuff can get expensive. Undersizing modules for exploration: Now, exploration usually takes place far away from other players. Seasoned commanders will always have a place in their heart for the Sidewinder, but the fact is it is not much good at anything in particular. 2 3E gimbal pulse lasers. These items all have letters and numbers associated with them. 50% resistances. That's right, from 2 boosters with 20% resistances you've gained extra 40 MJ for each 100MJ of shield you have. For new players I recommend gimballed weapons. There are 5 module ratings, ranging from E to A. 1.2*0.9*0.9*0.9 = 0.874 damage taken modifier. Advanced stuff, a.k.a complicating stuff to get the most out of your ship, 5. -20% resistances. Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you're having problems with one module consistently (Like the canopy for example), try to position yourself in a way that the enemy won't be hitting it with his full power. Additionally everyone uses shield boosters, because more shields is better, right? The main downside is that Reactive Surface Composite costs around 3x the BASE PRICE of the ship. There are 8 module sizes, ranging from 1 to 8. They also have letter grades that denote their utility. Okay, but how does this actually work with shields? You should look to affix twin-burst lasers and a multi-cannon on your Eagle to start with. If we simply added those, we would be at 40% resistance. Let's say you have 100MJ shields. Resistance stacking cap - Resistances are capped at 75%. Here's a "safe" build I would consider using for Type-6. Elite Dangerous – High Grade Emission 3.3 Tired of endlessly roaming through planetary rings in the hopes of finding the fabled fissure asteroids? Head down to “Set Speed To 75%” and map it however you like. Got a question for you. Make sure they are gimballed, rather than fixed, so they will track your target. Sensors - Decides the range at which you can lock on to other ships signatures. Maybe you will find that 1 laser and 1 MC will work better for you. Elite Dangerous – Mass, Jump Range and Ship Upgrades Guide Get to know the different internal components of your ship, and learn how to upgrade those systems. To make it fair, the damage is a bit less than fixed.Turreted means the weapons are on 360 degree mounts, and will follow your target wherever it is. You can find me in the Q&A thread in r/EliteDangerous. 1) When you enter a station, green and red lights appear. And keep some change for rebuys! Higher rating means bigger range. It doesn't drain any power, and will make your modules harder to destroy. Sell your old modules individually before you sell your ship to maximise your credit gain. Sometimes it saves your ass, sometimes enemy is running fixed weapons and it doesn't matter. I just got to imperial rank Baron and I'm headed to buy me a Clipper. What qualifies a good explorer? A-rated = best performance, but also the most expensive. This includes the modules. Seems pretty balanced so far? The plotted course will be presented on the map as a solid orange line. Reactive Surface Composite when modded with G5 Thermal Resist is easily the best armor in the game. Best cheap gaming PC 2021 – build a 1080p AMD rig for under $600, What Total War: Warhammer 3 means for Warhammer: The Old World. If you simply added 10%+10%+10% and remembered about the -20%, it's actually higher by 2,6%. Bounty hunting is an extremely fun and viable way to generate credits inElite: Dangerous, even if it's just against NPCs. The higher the number, the bigger and better the module. Try to pick fights with the Mostly Harmless or Novice targets at first. For example: “I’m docking my T9, be careful at the letterbox guys!” 3) When you trade in open and you face the star after a jump. Only one Shield Generator can be equipped on a ship at a time. As for the canopy, welcome to flying a Vulture. Medium MC's and lasers don't pack much of a punch, so there is a good argument to be made for lack of power when hardpoint are diversified, but again, it depends on the ship and the player! 20M, 14M with disabled cargo hatch, 9,3M. Personally, I just don't bother. So go into your key bindings and find the flight throttle section. 1.2*0.4*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8 = 0.125, 89% resistances. 50% resistance is really 0.5 damage modifier. How do I gain access to the engineers? To do that, you will want to try to establish a home base to work from so you can make some cold, hard space dosh. You control your own spaceship in which you can participate in exploring … Two Shield Boosts, KWS, Chaffs. When you buy a ship, all its modules are rated "E". when I'm at 80-90% hull status. 1. After seeing many questions about outfitting I decided to compose a document that would help people understand what the outfitting system in Elite does. If you hit this button when you’re about eight seconds away from your target, it will bring you in at the optimal speed and distance every time. She is willing to share some of that knowledge with fellow explorers and also operates an extensive training programme for technicians and mechanics heading out into the black. Press J to jump to the feed. … Take a look at this picture. A system will always have at least one star, around which it will have any number of planets and moons, stations, and asteroid belts. Ideally you want Reactive Surface Composites, but I don't think anyone that's not at the "end-game" will be able to afford those. To make up for it, they do the most damage.Gimballed means the weapons will follow your target to a certain degree. In Elite Dangerous you never leave your ship so it is important to familiarise yourself with your new ride. Make sure when planning a journey that you plot the route (the second button when you select a system) and do not simply select your target destination. They may want to steal your hold of goods, so be s… Costs roughly twice as much as the ship itself. Trading outfitting is a topic that people will disagree on perhaps the most of all of them. For more information, click here. It is very important to put your lights on, or to mine in a sunny area. You can see which engineers unlock which, what recipes they can do, and what these recipes need. To modify your resistances you need to visit Engineers. Power Plant - D, undersized A,why - D is the lightest and what I usually use, but it has been brought to my attention some people use as small A-rated PP as they can get, because of the heat efficiency. Because of the nature of my interests, this guide will focus on PvE outfitting . 31% above the cut point(remember the hard cap), 50%+(31/2)% = 65,5% resistances.Effective shield HP = 289 MJ. I am not sure what you mean by that. There are many different things that will help you get an edge on your opponent. Always use A-rated FSD. Now running C-rated might work (: It is highly recommended you patiently amass some more money so you can buy your new ship together with good modules. You will spend the bulk of your time travelling either within a system or between systems. Numbers denote their size. For ships smaller than the Vulture, however, splitting dual-hardpoints might be (might) counterproductive. This is how you travel around a system. Changing the theoretical resistance of our boosters to 20%, we come out with 1.2*0.8*0.8*0.8 = 0.61 damage modifier, or 39% resistance. Another build, maximizing jump range, "unsafe. Shoot the lasers at the shields, and the MC at the hull. First option will be the best performing, second will be very good but not cost nearly as much, third will be the budget option that I'll still consider good enough for you not to die to NPC's. What will be the use of your ship: Miss… ADS will discover all planets in the system, DSS will give you more money for each scan. The base shield strength is determined by the ship model. But wait a minute, where's the rating for weapons? Trying them out costs absolutely nothing. Easy, right? Here’s how to choose and equip your ship: 1. Keep in mind that the higher you go with resistances, the less defense each extra 20% resistance actually provides. Buy a better life support. Count your credits assets. A battleship costs two to three times its base price for medium equipment. These are limited by your ship’s slots. Good for improving speed and jump range. After all, your survival depends on it. Most expensive the best? 2) If your ship is massive like a T9 or Anaconda, notify your arrival at the Letterbox of the station in order to avoid collapsing with other players. If it becomes a dotted line, this is the point where you will run out of fuel, so plan accordingly and do not become stranded. Life support - When your canopy/window is breached, life support kicks in. The speed in a straight line, as well as the speed of turning. Jobs you should be looking to pick up are: You can make the early game – and the rest of it – considerably easier by investigating Elite Dangerous mods and installing them to your tastes. I actually go the other way from the OP on some ships with 2 hardpoints, particularly the Vulture. Compare it to a "safe" build, but with 5D shield. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Cargo - 76T. It is incredibly nimble, has good weapon locations, and remains one of the most enjoyable ships to fly. 2) Even if your Cargo is full, let’s fill the Refinery as well! Mirrored Surface Composites give the same amount of hull HP as Military Grade, but also modify the resistances - MSC takes away kinetic and explosive resistance(Which is what you REALLY want on your armour) and give you very high thermal resistance. But to have those you'll need a better power plant, and everything you upgrade reduces your jump range... Tough topic. So sure, you want both if you can afford it, but focus on other things first. Thrusters - A,why - best maneuverability, best speed. 1-1,2 = -0,2. Let's start with utility mounts. The problem is(was) I got only 60 mil on the bank. You want the biggest jump range to complete the trade routes, but also decent shields and thrusters to run away from pirates. Everyone uses KWS, because it pays itself off with a scan or two. Also known as KGB FOAM. Useful for explorers;Planetary Vehicle Hangar - adds weight, but you can bring a SRV with you on your trips, to land on pretty planets. Cargo - 100T. Next you will need to find your prey. 3) An asteroid spins on itself, be careful about your moves and itsmoves! Need an Elite Dangerous guide? Swap some HRP's for D rated module reinforcements. As you might know, your shield is your first layer of defense, and your hull is your last layer of defense. I just got horizons last night and am kinda confused w all the new features. Definitely worst for pure combat. If your resistances were at 0 had a choice of either getting 20% thermal resistance or 30MJ more shields, you would be better off choosing the extra MJ. Go through your pre-flight checks to familiarise yourself with the controls then feel free to disable this from the Functions panel. A-rated FSD means your jump range is the biggest, which in turn means less time in hyperspace. Build examples (Fitted for combat/multipurpose unless stated otherwise), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the EliteDangerous community. Keep them light and reduce your mass. You're sacrificing boost and shield HP to gain 10 LY extra jump range. Well, you can have more than 3 boosters. This is your new best friend as you will be looking at it a lot, so bind it to a comfortable hotkey and study it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Here's a "safe" build I would consider using for Type-6, Compare it to a "safe" build, but with 5D shield, Another build, maximizing jump range, "unsafe. Auto Field Maintenance Unit - doesn't weigh anything, can repair your ship and modules. The green should always be on the right and the red on the left in order to respect the navigation direction. Hopefully, this visual guide will help you reduce the time spent looking for fissure asteroids in planetary rings by a fair amount. Speaking of tough challenges, have you investigated Elite Dangerous’s Thargoids? Travel beyond the stars in the best space games on PC. I see the 5 listed and the goals seem rather lengthy for some. With gimballed weapons you don't NEED the canopy to hit your target. 1-0.874 = 12.6 % thermal resistance. Elite Dangerous takes a lot of factors into account when calculating its mission payouts. Whilst Elite Dangerous’ top traders might want to turn their Fleet Carrier into a trading post that turns a profit, we expect most Fleet Carriers to be fitted in ways that help players do … It would be much better to get a heavy duty shield booster that will get you more RAW shield hp. E - They're the cheapest, and the worst(lowest rating);D - They're the lightest;C - They're the most cost effective;B - They're the most durable;A - They're performing the best(highest rating). Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. Even if you are planning on being more of a space trucker than bounty hunter, every player should get comfortable with dogfighting. Can take a lot of hits. Higher rating means more capacity and faster recharge. Weapons a… Now that you chose a career, found the best ship and learned your way around Elite Dangerous, it’s time to dig deep into your virtual wallet and shell out some credits for ship upgrades. With that said, the ship you should be swapping your Sidewinder for is the Eagle. However, that sometimes means paying Millions of Credits more for not very big difference. Instead of waiting for a good cargo mission you might want to head to www.eddb.io and find some good trading routes, where you buy all the cargo in one place, go to another station and sell it for profit. All ships available to players are presented below. So for a cheap ship like a Viper III, it's only gonna cost 300k or so - but on a Conda the pricetag is a whopping 346mil. How can I more easily locate res systems w.o taking a mission and then abandoning it? Is it down to preference or is one particular type generally more useful? It means more money;Frame Shift Wake Scanner - Scans the high wake of target, letting you follow it after it jumps away. On Fer-De-Lance you're getting ~385 hull HP for 45M Credits. You control your own spaceship in which you can participate in exploring … Now, back to the business. If it is flagged as “wanted” then you are free to engage. I can't afford this! As you can see, in the end it's up to you to decide if you want to risk everything but carry 33% more cargo per run, or be safe and earn less. Elite Dangerous guide – combat and outfitting When you have some successful missions under your belt the next thing on your list should be outfitting your Sidewinder with some new modules. As they are keen to remind you, loitering is a crime punishable by death. Personally, I use inara.cz for all things engineer - https://inara.cz/galaxy-engineers/. I honestly don't understand people who say "MC doesn't work well on shields when talking about 2 hardpoints." And the best part about doing this you're left with a goal in sight - upgrading your modules to A-rate it eventually. Once your Cargo is all sold in a station, refine these items and sell the freshly made units of ores. Yes, unlocking engineers can be quite a chore. Example: Anaconda 1, with enough power to boost in normal space, could be considered exploration build (Everthing's D-rated, right?). Elite Dangerous Missions Guide February 22, 2015 Elite Dangerous Exploration Ship Builds Guide April 12, 2015 Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. -20% resistance is 1.2 damage modifier.To find out your resistances, you simply subtract the damage modifier from 1. Do you have any advice re: Alloys for combat... lightweight, reinforced, military composite, mirrored or reactive? Now you see, weapons come in 3 types: Fixed, Gimballed and Turreted.Fixed means you have to aim with your ship, weapons will always point in one spot. Supercruise is your faster-than-light travel that will get you between these bodies. RES sites are easily found in extraction economy systems, which makes sense if you think about it. It can be difficult to judge how far away you are from an object when distance is measured in light seconds (Ls). Later on it will not matter, but when you start do not think everything except A-rated is trash. You need to achieve a certain rank (usually around 50% to the rank/grade 4) with the engineer preceeding the next. 1) Before going on an adventure, check the Missions Board! I'm just under 100% power usage with cargo hatch disabled. They do not take kindly to ships flying into their mail slots without permission. Felicity Farseer is a legendary explorer, who engineered her own improvements to her Asp Explorer early in her career. C: Middle of the road. Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. If you have line of sight, they will automatically shoot at them. Reinforced Alloys give you some extra hull HP and cost roughly half of the ship cost. Because of the nature of my interests, this guide will focus on PvE outfitting . B: The bulkiest modules. Does that mean those resistances add up? Power Plant - A,why - heat efficiency is the best, power output is the best. Well... so don't shoot it at shields! Only works when your shields are still active, doesn't do anything when they're down. You control your own spaceship in which you can participate in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way, trade between star systems, participate in bounty-hunting wanted ships, and even pirate other ships for their cargo. There is a wide variety to choose from, but you should always ensure your power needs do not exceed your power plant’s capacity. MMO Space Trading And Combat Simulatorゲーム「Elite:Dangerous」の日本語解説Wikiへようこそ! Elite:Dangerous Steam版・Frontier公式ストア版共に、好評発売中!! Thrusters - They push your ship forwards, to the sides, up and down. Elite: Dangerous Forum News Help / Guides Trade Helper Ships Builds Universe Equipment Engineers Commanders Powers Fleet Carriers Wares Videos Donation Forum Links Ship builds Community builds Sort by Lastest, . While they are a bit dry you should at least watch the basic flight, docking, and travel ones. When you have some successful missions under your belt the next thing on your list should be outfitting your Sidewinder with some new modules. Hello, I'm nice_usermeme. It's very simple, yet very effective combo. It lacks range, firepower, and cargo space. Simply target a ship and you will automatically scan it. Now let's add 3 boosters with 10% thermal resistance - that means 0.9 damage modifier. With enough G5 Heavy Duty Hull Reinforcement Packages you can get the hull resistances high enough that you take ~55% damage from any damage type, which is crazy strong. If you have a Optional Internal slot that's not used, you might consider putting a Module Reinforcement package in there. The Imperial Eagle and Viper Mk 3 pack more firepower. Hawkes Gaming brings you the best Elite Dangerous exploration outfitting ships guide for 2021! Elite: Dangerous Blog - News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy - Building a ship is complicated and expensive, so it's helpful to know what all the modules of a ship are for and what is involved in assembling It's just too expensive, but if you can afford it, it gives you some extra safety once your shields are down. Let’s see what Elite: Dangerous offers to get the most out of the ships in combat. This means you do not need any safety, which means you can undersize your modules to save weight, and going as light as possible. Lightweight alloys - stock, cheapest, can't weigh any less. Again, it's actually quite easy when you think about it like a damage modifier. Higher rating means more time to get to the station to repair it. That's for you to decide. You will find the odd criminal around Nav Beacons. Reactive Surface Composites give the same hull HP as Military Grade, but modify resistances in a more sensible way - take away thermal resistance but boost kinetic and explosive resistances. Jump range when fully loaded: 20 LY. So my question is whether there's any changes I can make to improve canopy/modules, or is running all hull reinforcements better since I can run away and survive? To understand how resistances work you'll need to think about them like damage modifiers. You're giving builds that are too expensive! So get out there and fly dangerous, Commander. This is possible thanks to your ship’s in-built Frame Shift Drive (FSD). When you have logged a few combat hours you can try heading to a Resource Extraction Site. Now take a look at Anaconda 2, with undersized modules. Because of the nature of my interests, this guide will focus on PvE outfitting. How can I get more credits from deliveries? Jump range when fully loaded: 20 LY. You can bind two separate fire keys (fire & alt-fire), and on most ships, most players bind both. power plants are special this way, lower-size A-rated is always better than D-rated size one larger - it's lighter, has better heat efficiency and produces more power AND has more integrity. Good balance between price and performance. Outfitting Each ship has numerous slots that can be outfitted with a number of different types of modules. Sadly that's a part of the game. 39% above the cut point, 50%+19,5% = 69,5% resistances.Effective shield HP = 327 MJ. Whatever platform you are on, find some helpful hints and tips provided by Elite veterans You may well know that I have a huge amount of love for Elite Dangerous. Ship outfitting items, how to locate I know I could fly around from port to port, system to system looking for what I want to buy, but that seems grossly inefficient. As an explorer, your goal will be to move away from the human space in order to discover new systems and planets that may be of interest to humanity. Outfitting Tip: There is rarely a need to upgrade your sensors or life-support systems past the D grade. Any ship can fight and fulfill all the fighters roles… but some are more advantaged than others. For exploration you want the biggest jump range you can have. ※現在、いくつかのページの画像が古いバージョンのものとなっているため、最新バージョンのものに更新中です。 Cost is even higher than Mirrored Surface Composites. Suddenly the ship costs 3M Credits, at the cost of 27MJ of shield. Note that there's a distinct lack of Power Plant in this order - that's because you want to replace it whenever you lack power to, well, power all your modules. Hawkes Gaming brings you an All Elite Dangerous ships reviewed in 2021 with this Elite Dangerous ship review guide! Every shield has a base resistance of : 50% explosive, 40% kinetic, -20% thermal. It's best to mix some Heavy Duty boosters that increase your shield HP by a lot with the resistance boosters that lower the damage you take. and you're supposed to maneuver your way to safety in fights. For example a top equipped Eagle MkII can reach 2 million credits. I mean it's nice to not be on emergency O2 but you can finish the fight and get to the station in under 25 minutes. Life Support - D,why - lightest, realistically you're doing combat less than 7 minutes away from a station. Now that you have got some errands to run you will need to know how to get your destination. Shield strength 86 MJ. Is there a way I can search for a specific ship item (Like an A4 Shield Generator or D4 Hull Reinforcement) and find what stations have it in stock, and at what price? @edit - Thanks for bringing this up by the way, thanks to you I also updated the guide with this. Your resistances are 20% - that means your damage modifier is 100%-20% = 80%, or 0.8.100MJ/0.8 = 125 MJ.If someone is shooting at you with thermal damage, your shield HP is the equivalent of 125MJ shield with 0 resistances.

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