eclipse rp factions

Faction Management will not tolerate leaders or the leadership of a faction: Members have a responsibility to both their factions and the server to make sure that their behaviour does not reflect poorly on their respective factions or on themselves. 1 Post. Now I'll let you address what NBDY inquired as you make it seem like Teamspeak is some uncontrolled metagaming ring. MrSilky 714 Posted April 16, 2019. Factions fall into two general categories: What kind of faction you want to be will determine what kind of access to RP and scripts you have in game if you ever reach official status and it will also affect what kind of RP faction management will expect from you. Where as one would expect to see purple clothing for the Ballas in GTA V, one would not expect to see a green three-piece suit to be worn by a Mafia, as it contradict with the identity of being a professional organisation. Overview. Once your faction lore is made it is time to consider how you will present that lore, history and identity to other players and factions. Forums. There are a few general kind of areas to consider for your faction: It is important that the place you consider your territory reflects your identity and the type of faction you aimt to be. The ECRP TS is used for much more than just PD/SD cop rp. You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. Roleplay Gaming Giveaway Emotes. Warring factions compete for territory and resources on both land and in space. Bumped 12 days ago . Hello, thank you for your suggestion. Your faction lore is what will distinguish you from other organizations on the server, drive your RP and determine largerly what kind of faction you will be and will become. Another one of GTA RP’s heavy hitters, this server hosts 200 players at one given time. Media. Related to the SCP … ECLIPSE Roleplay Atnaujinimu užrašai - 2.6.0 Gerbiama Eclipse bendruomenę, Po daug valandų praleistų dirbant prie naujų atnaujinimų, mes džiaugiamės pristatydami 2.6.0 atnaujinimą. We will not approve of factions attempting to conveniently claim they have a claim to an area that does not match their identity, lore or IC presence. IRL Emergency Services have a dispatch system, people that are trained to use different type of systems to aid different types of emergency services in many ways. What about my suggestion, or cant you look past the metagaming comment? It is currently Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:23 pm Journals. Given that it was outside of the Eternal Empire's territory, yet still in close enough proximity to it for purposes that Lori was of a select few to know about; it was the perfect place for storage. A player may start an organization as a VIP only if they have at least $50,000 in their bank account. [Fil] Eclipse - guilde RP - Toutes factions [Message] 2 messages dans le fil "Concernant le premier week-end bêta" [Message] 7 messages dans le fil "PTS Patch Notes 1.2" THIS IS LIKE GENERAL LEGIT INFORMATION FROM ME. Le poing d'acier initialement intitulé le Poing de Main-noire; était à l'origine le nom donné aux cinq premiers membres qui étaient de très fidèles lieutenants de Main-noire; ils agissaient au sein du clan rochenoire en tant que hérauts personnels de Main-noire et de Porte-guerre de la bannière du clan Rochenoire. By harmdone ... RP Showcase (OOC) Player Factions IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Theme . Most of the people in the teamspeak are members of other GOV factions, but not on-duty, just talking with friends. Faction management will also not look kindly on factions sacrificing their identity or lore for a 'play to win' mentality (e.g, using a super car or high speed bike, such as a Hakuchou drag, despite it having no place in your lore). It should also effect how members treat each other. Eclipse RP PS4 Server A DayZ PS4 RP community • Chernarus Map • A 26 slot Chernarus server and a 16 Slot Livonia server • will increase slot when server gets popular. Our voice chat based server will provide you the best playing experience! The Factions Rp, a Studio on Scratch. It's important that your lore is 1.) Creating an identity is difficult and comes with time, especially at first. share. Visu pirma kodel taip padariau kad issiunciau i Quiz ir NonRP irasiau uz tavo Powergame: * Tu esi PD Faction, o PD faction turi rodyti auksta RP lygi vos ne TOP#1 serve faction kur turi rodyti zmonem auksta RP. The Factions Rp, a Studio on Scratch. Once you have decided what type of faction you want to be it is time to create your faction lore. Please Wait To Be Accepted By Any Manage Before Roleplaying~-----The Year Is 3040, You Were Born Into Faction Either Created By You Or Someone Else It Is Your Goal To Be The Top Faction To Get The Government On Your Side. If admins need to review and discuss information I think at this point Discord can be used. I have informed you about 24 hours for providing evidence for the claim, I will have to treat it as spreading misinformation on purpose if you fail to do so. best. If you're the head of a crime syndicate it should be agregious for a low ranking member to disrespect you and the leader would be considered quite a high valued target by other enemy factions. Semi-RP Roleplay PVE … Time: 06:00 PM. The planet had a history. The whole crux of your argument as to why PD/SD shouldn't use TS in your POV is because of the metagaming. Total eclipse is a futuristic RP that takes place in a galaxy that is filled to the brim with combat. Moderators: Senior Lead Admins, Side Job Moderators, Head of … November 22, 2016. Join a massive english Grand Theft Auto V roleplaying community. Ive been noticing recently that the RP standards of these factions (PD / SD) are not up to par with what weve been told how the roleplay is supposed to be on ECRP in terms of the risk / reward of their actions. hide. 3) Metagaming: Teamspeak is the main culprit for much of the metagaming issues with PD/SD. Your factions identity is all the beliefs, aspects of your faction culture, traits of its members, quirks and ideals that make up the backbone of your faction. Re: Eclipse - guilde RP - Toutes factions En tant que guilde RP, nous aimerions avoir le tag RP dans cette liste. Build a drug laboratory in your home or in a cheap and disposable motorhome and much … Home. Please provide evidence/facts supporting this claim in the upcoming 24 hours, thanks. Clothing is an important part of your factions identity, as such the kind of clothes your faction members wear will achieve two things: The importance of clothing will vary from faction to faction depending on the nature of said faction. Posted by: aranyaphoenix. Limitations include the type of vehicles and weapons your faction is often seen using, your black market focuses, the places you consider your turf and what your faction produces. Such limitations may mean that you drive vehicles which are not fast or as easily able to get away from the police, or it may mean limiting your profits by focusing faction production of a drug that makes sense for your faction (such as meth for an MC or marijuanna for a Cartel) or it may mean your faction specialising in the sale of certain weapons rather than all or it may mean letting certain turfs go or not expanding into a turf because it breaks your factions identity and lore to be there or it may mean breaking an alliance with a faction, because it makes little sense for your faction to be on such good terms with them. Ils sont adeptes des tueries de grande envergure et ne laissent aucuns survivants, les … However, you should consider what shared identity your members should hold, what behaviour they can be expected to exhibit, how your faction feels about other factions, authority figures, civilians. A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. • Active Admins •Events •Factions •Bounty’s •Modded Items •Custom Spawns •Traders . Faction PVP Roleplay +9 2664 serveurs Minecraft. How wealthy is your faction? What me to take away and delete the metagaming claim as its controversial and people are focusing on this. Anything that can be done in TS could just be done in discord with no direct supervision from any sort of staff member. The reason for the resurgence is a host of prominent streamers who have been engaging with the game’s role playing servers, such as Lirik, Summit1G, and TimTheTatMan. Directement sous le haut commandement de la Légion, ces derniers arborent le style sadique et brutal de leur maître. Semi-RP Roleplay Mods communautaires +12 756 serveurs Arma 3. No one faction has a claim to the entire state of San Andreas, nor does any one faction have a monopoly claim on everything. ''Teamspeak is the main culprit for much of the metagaming issues with PD/SD'' the clear implication here is that you somehow believe this is a widespread issue. Roster. We can't be on multiple frequencies, and thus we can't flood all of the PD radio with pursuit callouts. Your rank should also go on to effect your external appeareance, members should not be seen to have a higher status than the leadership, for example, as that would not make much sense depending on what type of faction you are. I'll put the main reason out there in my opinion. Eclipse faction petitions for some special dispensations given the Dawnseeker’s Arch showing a rare eclipse today. Nous avons présenté notre guilde de manière RP, au même titre que les autres guilde qui bénéficient de ce tag. Total eclipse is a futuristic RP that takes place in a galaxy that is filled to the brim with combat. Stop using teamspeak and use the in game radio frequencies to manage joint frequency communications. Why lie about this ? Introduction Before we begin, let me state that yes: this is all my opinion. A street gang should be more inclined to be concerned about colours than, say, a Mafia who would be more concerned about presentation. Find the best RP Unturned server by using our multiplayer servers list. so just because of a couple people MGing means we should not have teamspeak. by aranyaphoenix on Apr 15, 2020 at 02:40 PM . When deciding how you want to present your faction to the server you should consider the following: You should make sure that decisions you wear in terms of appearance, location, turf selection, vehicles and identity are all appropriate for your faction and are not picked for purposes of gain or for OOC motivations. It will also decide, individually, what type of RP each member gets to participate in. Time: 03:00 PM. MrSilky . With that being said, one would expect to see the made-men of a Mafia in suits and dressed presentably, with the soldiers perhaps dressing more casually or wearing more street appropriate clothing such as tracksuits. This is a discord server for a roblox faction named "Atlas Arms Corporation" for a game called: "Electric State RP". By MrSilky, April 16, 2019 in Game Suggestions. News. J'ai développé un serveur de jeu de rôle "Star Wars". Roster. Default . In my opinion, Police Factions (PD and SD) should stop using teamspeak as it promotes NonRP/Unfair advantage and it promotes and facilitates (directly and indirectly) metagaming. The ECRP TS is heavily moderated and is very strict on what can/cannot be said when playing. The Eclipse Syndicate Cross-faction RP guild. In eclipse we don't have dispatch nor do we have the ability to hold multiple radios or have a hand-held + car radio, making TS a necessity. 63 Pages. GENERAL INFORMATION Based out of the Star Destroyer Reliance (dev thread in progress), the Eclipse is a PvP based faction where chaos and mayhem reign! Lets run down some expectations: It's the little details that make your faction what it is and will distinguish it from other factions. Then when done you go back to the OOC channel. The LSES teamspeak is moderated by all of the staff team (LSES member or not, they can request the ability to connect), and there's been several punishments handed for metagaming in the past. When I was in PD, I made a AutoHotKey script, so I just have to press my mouse button and it would trigger my phone key and Teamspeak push to talk. To add a little further onto it, IRL cops have a dispatcher in a frequency when different types of situations happen whether that be IRL pursuits or any type of situation requiring them. Their clothing tends to be street clothing, with vest, baseball caps, baggy trousers, baseball shoes. In all reality, I -1 this topic, there isn't rampant metagaming going on in TS, and it is 1000x better then using game comms to try and coordinate with PD/SD/DOC/MD as there isn't a great script for it. DISCLAIMER: I AM POSTING THIS HERE INSTEAD OF ON RAGE/ECLIPSE FORUMS SO HOPEFULLY NEW PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PLAY RP WILL BE CONVINCED NOT GO TO ECLIPSE. Members have the opportunity to design and command their very own ships, fleet, or even a full faction! Tada dar nebuvo net /do komandos, bunny-hopinimas atrodė kaip normalus dalykas, o visiška naujovė buvo kai padarė /try komanda. Forum Moderators: stuka529 Rules: Forums are not to be used to post stories. The type of vehicles you utilise should make sense for your factions lore and presentation, we do not want factions simply using the fastest vehicles. Les Équarrisseurs ou plus communément nommés les Équarrisseurs d'Azagoth sont un groupe de démons de la Légion ardente, il s'agit des serviteurs du seigneur eredar Azagoth. Home. Internally you may have ceremonies for initiating people into the made-men ranks, which may include blood oaths and pacts and you may have a sponsorship program in which a made-man promotes a henchman to become a mad-man himself. Le Rôleplay se déroule dans le Niveau 1313 … Events. By the mannerisms they exhibit and by the beliefs they hold? To see a list of characters that have been deactivated, click here to go to the Inactive boar By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. ''Teamspeak is the main culprit for much of the metagaming issues with PD/SD'' Proof ? Plus, the reports are their, whether or not you or anyone wants to take a look is a choice. Even tho its just a couple bad apples. Faction management considers identity to be very important, as it is what we will look at when we decide how different are you from the other factions and if we strip away your colours, your vehicles and decide we would not be able to really distinguish you from other factions based on behaviour, mannerism, language, culture, beliefs and actions alone then we might not consider you to yet be worthy of official. To config a plugin to start automatically during platform starts up, define the ‘Eclipse-AutoStart=true’ … Warring factions compete for territory and resources on both land and in space. It is also vital that as a leader of a faction that you yourself do not stoke drama and always remember that as a faction leader you are in particularly powerful positions to affects others time and enjoyment of the server and how you behave is likely to reflect how your faction will behave. With the type of faction alone we get some clues on what the faction should be: With this two bits of information alone we should now ask ourselves two questions: "How would someone from South America be expected to behave?" If you're a street gang it would not make sense for you to drive a super car, if you're a wealthy faction it would not make sense for you to all drive RVs or trucks. The territory/turf that your faction occupies should make sense and be in accordance with your lore. Brainchild of former Asari commando Jona Sederis, Eclipse was incorporated as a "proactive" security company. Star Wars: Open Role-Playing. I'm fairly certain (anyone with Law Enforcement experience feel free to correct), that Police usually have one hand-held radio (usually on their vest) + whatever vehicle radio they have, this is also supported by dispatch which I assume can come into certain dedicated frequencies if the need arises to recall certain units and redirect them to wherever they are needed. Furthermore, do we have evidence this is a widespread issue ? Rebellion was in it's blood. Full forum post information here. This is completely unrealistic and using teamspeak to for "ease" and "commodity" to bypass this is also unfair. Le conflit avec Azeroth sapant l'autorité de la légion et la rongeant fut une aubaine inespérée. Listen, in all seriousness. So, what identity would we expect from the members of a faction like this? One of your main priorities as a faction leader is maintaining your faction image and assuring that your faction is continuing to provide an immersive representation of what you aim to depict, even if that may be convenient to your OOC motivations to maximise gain, staying true to your character, and therefore your faction, is vital. If you're a mob you will want to use professional looking vehicles, a biker gang would utilise chopper style bikes, a racing faction may utilise sports vehicles, a street gang would use SUVs and low-riders, etc. View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the … This is simply not true and is a baseless claim - unless you are withholding evidence? Faction management will not be happy with factions that attempt to claim everything in sight or profess to have a claim on things that make no sense for their lore, self-imposed limitations are an important aspect of RP, as it makes factions dependent upon each other and prevents any one faction from pushing everybody else out. Roster. 5.0. RP Showcase (OOC) Browse. If you're an MC your rank might decide what responsibilities you hold within the faction, such as managing the treasury or club diplomacy. You have decided to create a New York Italian Mafia style faction. Eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server forzetukas twitch how to pass the eclipse roleplay quiz eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server. The ranking structure is very important to the internal identity of your faction, as it is what, and should, drive a lot of internal RP. I simply said: "it facilitates (directly and indirectly) metagaming.". Aldari_Tagril, September 7, 2020 in Player Factions. A nice way to think of it is simply: If you were to strip away your factions clothes and vehicles, would you still be recognizably your faction? Rules/Conduct. Or by the way your members speak? Faction Management will also not approve of factions attempting to claim an area if that area contradicts the identity of your faction too strongly (e.g, a African American street gang claiming they own Vinewood hills or a Motorcycle club claiming they own Grove) regarless of how much IC lore and presence has been built up in that area, we want factions to put their lore and identity first and foremost and your turf should serve into that identity, not the other way around. Eclipse RP. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. This of course is RP dependant, perhaps if you're a poor leader your other members may conspire to push you out. With that being said, I think it's fine to continue using Teamspeak. Factions Faction Team Council: Baker. If you're a Mafia the made-men of the faction shouldn't be seen participate in street crime, but rather should be overseeing operations and making decisions, the henchman would deal with the more street level crime.

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