creative ways to describe skin

This skin discoloration happens when there is excessive consumption of carotenoids. Once you remove the pressure, your skin should go back to its natural color. Plaque. For instance, if you’re a writer, it could help catch the attention and engage the imagination of your readers at the very start. Consider blotchy. aglow. amber. Are you looking a way to describe something that is beautiful in a different manner than just saying "beautiful", this word list is your fix just for that! Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive! Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. This article shares many words that you can use as a springboard. So, this term is often used as a compliment, not as an insult. Cleanse your skin gently. However, since not everyone uses these words, you might want to avoid using them or use them sparingly when describing skin tones. Nodule or papule. The terms above are by no means an exhaustive list. Skin Care Adjectives; ... a lightweight formula that makes your skin look [] and [] a whole new way to [] adds a healthy glow to your [] adds dazzle and [] color ... your skin will thank you; For instance, one might say, “I secretly envy her beautiful chocolate skin.” Or, if you know the movie, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” you’ve probably heard the line, “skin as white as snow.”. Find a sentence in your novel on word document. as if scored with a knife, the wrinkles spread out from his eyes like sparrow’s claws, wrinkles criss-crossed each other like cracks, wrinkles like fissures in clay after a rain, wrinkles like miniature gullies in her skin, wrinkles that looked like the cracked glaze on porcelain. Flat, large discolored spot with smooth surface. Porcelain skin is smooth and alabaster skin is creamy. Note: ‘colour’ is British spelling and ‘color’ is American spelling. Each tracing lines and obsolescent tissues are the alibi of the bittersweet life he have had past the youth and the proud smile of a mother when he walked his first step and uttered his first say back then, decades ago. Just like lily-white skin, porcelain skin appears unblemished and pure. albino ... very pale in a way that does not look natural or good. Not a claim of correctness or The Best Way or anything of the sort. Just my way. However, don’t let that scare you. thunking the tops of the trees. Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive! It’s different from porcelain skin in terms of the quality of a person’s complexion. The color of a person’s skin can range from extremely pale to notably dark, with various shades in between. 4 Describe beautiful eyes in one word So many people have beautiful colorful eyes. Alabaster is used when referring to a very light, glass-like skin. Some words people use are: But, before you rush to describe someone’s skin as dark or pale, be careful not to sound offensive and vague. It’s more appropriate to use on a person with olive skin, weather-beaten skin, or tan skin. Keep your wrinkles and worries at bay with this huge and beautiful list of "beauty words". There are still so many words out there that you could use to describe skin color. Brick comes in different colors. Ebony is a dense, black hardwood. Scrubbing your skin clean can irritate your skin. Think of Edward Cullen from the movie Twilight. A high-color skin simply means “flushed skin.” Some of the synonyms for high-colored skin are aflush, blooming, blushing, glowing, rose-colored, deep pink, coral, and colored. Smooth. The term maculopapular is often loosely and improperly used to describe many red rashes; because this term is nonspecific and easily misused, it should be avoided. People with albinism have very light-colored skin, which others might compare to snow or chalk. People with brown to dark tan skin color also belong to this category. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to the color brown. You have pink, red, white, and yellow. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. In rare cases, this disease can turn the whole body to white, just like what happened to Darcel de Vlugt and Michael Jackson. When the color of your skin is chestnut, it means that your skin has a dark brownish-red or dark tan color. Maya Angelou has the perfect example: “Your skin like dawn. They tend to have a natural, even, and sun-kissed glow. If you need a word to describe a skin that’s lighter than fair skin, porcelain would be it. One of the best ways to describe what we see is through colour and in this post, I have included words that describe colours. The color of butterscotch is a bit similar to that of caramel, but with a few key differences. Ebony refers to dark and beautifully smooth skin. This pigment is called bilirubin. Choosing the right adjectives for skin color is crucial for many reasons. gently whisking (stirring) the lake’s surface. Contents show 1 Words to describe brown eyes 2 Ways for green eyes 3 Words to describe blue eyes. This antibiotic is used for the treatment of rosacea. acne-prone. Recommended Articles. Dimpled, doughy, or dry? The color range of caramel is from dark beige to golden brown, while butterscotch is light beige to creamy in color. Find descriptive words to write about skin, including adjectives and descriptive phrases. Having almond skin is like saying you have a light-tan skin. the very pale colour that your skin … Copper skin refers to a dark-brown complexion. artificially tanned. If you want to use rare words that accurately represent skin colors, try using complex colors. It can also be related to the activity, whether natural hair movement or movement due to dancing. Youthful. Ebony. a cheek that looked like it had been pressed against corduroy, a complexion as bright red as a boiled shrimp, a complexion as pocked as the moon's surface, a complexion as smooth and white as a mushroom, a complexion like the frothy skin on oatmeal, a complexion pale and white like a choir boy’s, a complexion that shone as if it had been polished, a delicate blush of pink like that of a bride being kissed, a face creased up like a day-old handkerchief, a face marked by a cross-hatching of fine lines, a face marked with erratic lines like the faint breaks in enamel, a face with deep wrinkles, like a much-folded map, a face with lines etched by age, like frost patterns on glass, a little tree of wrinkles on her forehead, acne lined the underside of his jaw like a bad rash, blood gushed to her cheek like red wine that had been poured into a glass, color came to his a face like boilied blood, deep lines that looked like parentheses around her mouth, skin around his neck was sagging like a turkey’s, skin as cold and lumpy as wet papier-mâche, skin as pale as a white lily grown in a cave, skin as smooth as a carefully polished stone, skin as soft as a young fruit protected by shade, skin as soft as the underpetals of rosebuds, skin bleached and dry like a skeleton's bones, skin scored with wrinkles like the ordered rows of a corn field, he flushed red to his ears like an embarrassed schoolboy, he was pale with skin like sausage casing, her eyes were sunken, as though she had stayed up every night since puberty, her face was as wrinkled as a roll-top desk, her flesh looked as if it had been steeping in brine for years, her pale complexion was as pure as a lily petal, her skin hung about her like an old lady’s loose gown, her skin was as delicate as a fine thin notepaper, her skin was as wrinkled as a head of lettuce, her skin was like leather that had been wrung out and left to dry in awkward folds, his complexion was unnaturally smooth, as if it were massaged and nourished with cold creams, his face looked as if it had been dusted with white chalk, his skin hung on his bones like an old suit much too large for him, his skin was as deeply spotted as a seagull’s egg, his skin was as weathered as a farm boy’s, his skin was as wrinkled as crumpled butcher paper, his skin was pale and tender, like the new skin under a scab, his skin was pimpled like a brand-new basketball, red veins spread like Rorschach patterns across his cheeks, ruddiness spread across her cheeks like a stain, skin so burned it looked like it was cooked on a rotisserie, skin so luminous it appeared as if it was dipped in milk, skin so smooth it appeared to be fitted and stretched on his skull, skin so white, she was almost transparent, skin supple like fine leather that had been expertly conditioned, skin that draped like upholstery fabric over her angled bones, skin that hangs like the droopy folds of a circus elephant, skin that was shriveled up like an overbaked potato, skin with the rough texture of a peach pit, the skin hung from her bones like a sheet on the line, the wrinkles in her skin stood out like the outline of a butterfly net, the wrinkles on her forehead were straight. *swooshing onto the flooded fields. 101 Funny Ways To Say Hello To People; 10 Tips To Find Yourself When You Are Feeling Lost A pasty skin is synonymous with an unhealthy and very pale skin complexion. What Is Colour? According to, “swarthy” means “dark-skinned.” However, you can’t just use this term to describe anyone with a light or dark skin color. Finally, be sure to wash the affected skin with pH-balanced cleansers and avoid harsh scrubbing. As long as you remain respectful, you’ll be fine. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Dusky brown skin is an example of how you can use it to describe skin color. The change in your blood’s color causes your skin to appear grayish, bluish, or pale. In some cases, it could be a reaction to a particular drug, such as the antibiotic minocycline. Silky. However, it usually refers to a pristine type of white. 11 Easy Steps. i love to base my makeup on my mood. Skin Tone Chart - Find Your Color and Foundation, Indian Skin Tone Defined (Pictures and Color Chart), Peach Skin Tone and Color Defined (Plus Care Tips). Words for. Use this list of words to help you describe touch when you write. When teaching creative writing I like to take my students outside so that they can notice in minute detail what is going on around them. Your skin becomes pale or blanched (relative to the surrounding skin) when you apply pressure on a dark, pinkish, or reddish area of your skin using your finger. One paints the beginning of a certain end.” Musk is a reddish-brown substance that’s produced by a musk deer. adjective. Other possible causes of yellow skin include alcoholism, liver problems (cancer and cirrhosis), cholesterol stones, and hepatitis A, B, and C. Vitiligo is the result of the destruction of cells that produce melanin (skin pigment). © 2021-2022 Copyright - We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Important: Be careful when using this word because it’s also a term used when referring to a racist white person. A … How Long Does It Take for Skin to Grow Back After a Cut? For instance, skin redness indicates increased blood flow that could be due to injury, infection, or inflammation. If you’re feeling creative, use a word or a string of words to create a vivid picture of the skin color that you want to describe. Google brings up the following recommendations: swishing off my skin. Irritating your skin … Often I meet writers who think that simply not describing their characters' skin will allow readers to imagine whatever they like, but I've found that many people "default" to white when a character's skin tone or ethnicity isn't described. This condition is due to a defect in one of the many genes responsible for producing or distributing melanin. Solid, raised bumps. Any foreign language twists or quirks that you want to incorporate – e.g. A nodule is greater than 1 cm and a papule is less than or equal to 1 cm. Knowing how to describe the color of your skin isn’t just about finding the best foundation or concealer. Use these banging and exceptional beauty synonyms and words to fight off any impurities and dirt! Yellow skin is also called jaundice in medical terminology. Perhaps the most common way of describing skin color is by using metaphors or similes. A cinnamon-colored skin features a medium shade of brown. Frame your character’s face with a hairstyle that reflects their story. But more challenging to the creative impulse would … List of adjectives, synonyms, and related terms to describe the color brown. This pigment gives fruits and vegetables their yellow or orange color. The list contains adjectives, synonyms, terminology, and other descriptive words related to the color white. If you need help on how to describe skin color, then you’ve come to the right place! a high colour phrase. one of the biggest reasons i adore makeup, is because it's a wonderful, non-permanent way to express yourself. We’re people, people! It is an almost black brown color. Secondly, there are plenty of ways to describe POC with words like brown, dark brown, light brown, sandy brown, so many words that can be used to describe us that don’t need to be related to food, again it’s delicious but we’re not edible. Describing hair in words is not easy for a reader without a picture. In Old English, the chestnut color is also called badious. alabaster. That would like some depth in our descriptions. waxen. Grayish skin, also called pallor, is caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood or lack of blood supply to the different parts of the body. It also describes the way something looks or feels because of the way in which it is made. 1. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to the color white. It also gives you important clues about your health. Neutrogena vs Olay: Hydro Boost vs Age Defying Gel, The Best Mario Badescu Moisturizer for All Skin Types, How to Remove Dirt From Skin? But I also just felt like sharing. Skin Adore could become J’adore, or Natural could become Naturelle (note how French really lends itself to this exercise! Words used to describe skin colour - thesaurus. There are many possible reasons for this. The Fitzpatrick scale is just one way medical professionals describe skin color. Let’s take a look at one of the more underutilised senses: touch. For example: “She had a high color on her cheeks because of embarrassment.“. Soft. like, tattoos and piercings are fun, but i seriously change what i like every single day. The term honey skin has been used to describe a supple, well-hydrated complexion, and not oily skin. Velvet. You’ve probably encountered them a couple of times before. Flat, discolored spot. JK Rowling conveys extreme pain well in her description of the Cruciatus Curse, from Harry Potter: “Voldemort raised his wand, and before Harry could do anything to defend himself, before he could even move, he had been hit again by the Cruciatus curse.The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that he no longer knew where he was… white-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin…

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