why are my veins so visible all of a sudden

They seemed to come out of nowhere--especially under my right eye. Inflammation and swelling of a vein (thrombophlebitis) is a common cause of bulging veins. Why Are My Veins Bulging When I Work Out? All of this is normal and healthy. Smoking causes premature aging of all parts of the body, including the skin — once again thinning it and contributing to the appearance of visible veins. And then as of today I literally woke up with new, kind of purply ones. Exercise, particularly weight lifting, resistance training, cycling, and running causes a rise in blood pressure that pumps blood to muscles, enlarging veins to the point where they may pop out a bit. Certain individuals have a "thin" skin that allows to see the underline vein network more prominent that others. A month ago the veins on my left arm became very visible from the wrist to the elbow. Similar to varicose veins, spider veins (<1-3 mm) are so named because of their spider-like appearance. Sometimes prominent hand veins can indicate a … The condition has also been linked to genetics, so you may not be able to get any blue veins treatment. The effects of aging are more obvious in smokers, which is why they have prominent veins as compared to the rest. 2. Understanding these causes is the first step toward having these ugly veins treated so you can feel more confident about your appearance. These are not something to worry about, it’s just the normal veins that we all have to carry blood from our hands back to the heart. When you have healthy patients, those veins are popping out and very easy to see. I've recently been drinking a lot of water daily. Bulging veins or enlarged veins are a common condition. They were there in the evening and much less visible in the morning. It looks terrible. Obstructions to the flow of blood in the veins can also cause bulging. ... so if you are taking steroids this is definitely something you will want to talk to your doctor about. Normally, veins return blood from the rest of your body to your heart, so the blood can be recirculated. I am thin. "A common condition characterized by one or more tortuous, abnormally dilated or varicose veins, usually in the legs or the lower trunk, occurring between the ages of 30 - 60. Hi Shells, yes I have the same problem. Veins tend to become more prominent, especially in your arms and hands, as you get older. People keep telling me I look "tired" and "sick." Low body fat, genetics, and even hot weather can make hand veins more noticeable. I'm 28 years old, fair skin, and never had visible veins under my eyes until about 4 months ago. I'm 16-years-old and am kind of annoyed at my veins. The bulging veins close to the surface burst due to increased pressure of blood. Prognosis. I am 33 now but my Fibromyalgia and visible veins began around age 20. To return blood to your heart, the veins in your legs must work against gravity. They stick out from the skin and usually appear in dark blue. Learn more about the common causes of veins on the breast and the treatment options here. More serious medical problems. I've also been eating more blackberries, strawberries, nuts and dark chocolate. Some days the veins … He s not fair skinned, nor is he overweight or underweight . Blue veins. I am half black, half white, so shouldn't that rule that factor out? A typical cause is low body fat. I asked the doctor and he said its thin skin because of ageing. Varicose veins (3 mm+) are larger, bumpy and twisted, and they can cause problems such as sores, ulcers, and even blood clots. Visible veins on the breast are not typically a cause for concern. I was plucking my eyebrows and was shocked at how easily my purple veins showed. Sometimes, the veins suddenly swell. What Should I Do About Unhealthy Visible Veins? Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. But lots appeared on my breasts. It might represent a normal skin variation, unless the veins are enlarged and might represent some other problem with the vein circulation. My 10 year old son just got out of the shower.I could see all the veins in his shoulders, chest , down his arms, and in his upper leg and around his groin area. The blue colour of veins turns out to be caused by four separate factors. Varicose veins are larger vessels that are swollen and distorted. Causes of raised veins on hands In such a situation, patient must seek immediate medical care. They were bright blue. This is where it becomes very important to have those vein locations memorized. Tip #1: Use Palpation to Find Difficult Veins, not Sight. It results in sudden bulging veins in hand, wrist, legs or arms. But bulging veins in the hands are one of the harder-to-hide signs of aging. I am trying to eat healthier and working on exercising to lose weight because I'm overweight. Here is what my medical book says on varicose veins. 6.2 in and 164 lbs. Bulging hand veins are normal for many people. Also, your muscles become engorged during exercise, which causes them to push against the veins, making them more easily visible. Varicose veins : A common cause of bulging veins … I feel like my skin is translucent as you can see my veins mapped all over my body. Like they are a darker blue and have gotten bigger. In this article, learn more about these and other causes, as well as when to see a doctor. Another answer to “why are my veins so visible” may be that you have varicose veins. Because there are so many possible causes of bulging veins in the hands, the treatment will depend on the cause in the particular situation. If you have red veins in your eyes, you should try to figure out why before rushing to get rid of it. Varicose veins may be caused by weakened valves (incompetent valves) within the veins that allow blood to pool in your veins instead of traveling to your heart. Blue Breast Veins: Causes. No, I am not pale skinned. I'm a bit stumped. Why only on the left arm and chest area, and why all of a sudden. Blue, very visible veins. Pregnancy can lead to bulging veins in some women. Spider veins are not harmful to your overall health. Sometimes this is a symptom of a medical condition. These bulging veins on your hands and arms are also known as vascularity, spider or varicose veins. Here the veins showing through skin become more and more visible with age because of the thinning of fat layer. I am not sure what you mean by ‘all of a sudden’, but if you have just been in a hot yoga class, sauna, hot bath or did any physical activity in heat, that can make veins look more apparent. Suddenly 2 days ago lots of large blue veins appeared on my chest, one running across the left side more or less from my shoulder across my clavicle and down a bit. It's also possible that your more visible and dark veins are indeed the result of an underlying medical problem that may need treatment, however. If you have raised or painful veins in your hands, you may wonder if there's cause for a medical concern, and how to remove visible veins on hands for smoother, younger looking hands. The enlarged veins generally occur on the surface of the skin. The vein on the my left side, just below my shoulder, is also visible, it goes down to the heart area. It is due to the formation of blood clot. The fat layer is thickest in children and gets thin with aging. In all situations, eating healthy foods rich in minerals and vitamins can help as they will help your veins and skin maintain their elasticity. Bodybuilders strive for this effect. Both spider veins and varicose veins can rupture and bleed. While varicose veins in the legs and feet occur most often as a result of increased weight-bearing over time, blue breast veins have other causes. Warm weather also makes it harder for veins to function correctly, making them work harder and become visible. In fact, your veins can be more prominent if you do not have a lot of fat on your hands. I think that the veins on my arms are more visible all of the sudden. Back again at night tonight although not so many or as visible. Answered by Heart and Vein Center . Causes include congenitally defective valves, thrombophlebitis, (clots in the veins), pregnancy and obesity. In children there's usually a thick layer of tissue (fat) under the skin and it's often difficult to see any veins at all. They are flat, dark & are very noticeble on my chest, breasts, arms etc. However, red veins in your eyes can also be related to serious eye conditions or even disease. It was called "Why do veins appear blue: A new look at an old question" and was written by Alvin Kienle and colleagues. Other common causes include lack of movement and obesity. Bulging Veins in Hands. I think I have been losing weight too. I've had nothing but water all day for the past week or so and I also drink almond milk in the morning with my Kashi cereal. 5 Minute Medical Chat: Varicose Veins are Easier to Treat with Today's Options Quick Facts- 60% of all men and women suffer from some kind of disorder in the vein- about 25% of those are men- Duplex ultrasound allows you to get a better look at the circulatory system in the leg- … If you are self-conscious about your spider veins, or if they become painful or tender, see your doctor about the possibility of treatment. My veins are showing in my arms. Zocdoc › Answers › Why would my veins become more visible? In some cases, particular circumstances cause them to swell or bulge without any pain or discomfort. Another cause of bulging veins is due to aging. No, I am not underweight or skinny. Blood clotting. They are most common on the ankles and legs, but can develop anywhere. Sometimes veins can be more visible through the skin than at other times, especially in the breasts. Reports of blue veins on the breasts are common during a woman’s periods because of the hormonal imbalance during the time. Physical activity naturally increases blood flow throughout the body; visible, puffy veins following an intense workout should be anticipated. The veins in the hands can bulge for many reasons, including aging, exercise, and warm temperatures. However, when your patient isn’t so healthy, you’ll have to rely on palpation to find those difficult veins. Some people, despite lacking any of the above possible causes, may still experience blue veins on their breasts. They're visible in my palms, extremely visible on my chest (blue and green), and very visible on my eyelids. If you decide on cosmetic treatment for your spider veins… Question. Top bodybuilders have very low body fat, so their veins are apparent all …

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