top five worst deaths

The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quartered and disemboweled alive, his heart torn from his bosom and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be taken off. 3: Helios' sickening death in GoW 3, which made the god of the sun literally puddy in Kratos' merciless hands. No one knew this. Jiraiya 2. New York’s 5th Congressional District, represented by Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks (in office since 1998): 2.60 confirmed COVID deaths per 1,000 residents. What in the actual? Truls Hellevik foto: Jetset / wikcommons The Byford Dolphin is a semi-submersible drilling rig which is infamous for having many serious accidents. Slowly all his skin fell off. In the early days of the pandemic, most countries had begun their lockdown process – the UK Prime Minister, however, reportedly missed five Cobra meetings. David Allen Kirwan was driving through Yellowstone’s Fountain Paint Pot thermal area with a friend and his dog when the trio decided to have a closer look at the hotsprings. This is the case in the U.S. and worldwide. In reality, 1939 and 1941 were the worst years in history because they involved the deaths of millions of people killed from violence, wars, and camps. — Abby West 19 of 41 Copyright © 2020. the 16 year old who was tortured by a family of sadists(yes, there were minors like 11 years old) and their friends for a few months. In the lead was Dózsa’s younger brother, Gergely, who was cut in three before Dózsa despite Dózsa asking for Gergely to be spared. it really gave me a shock. In New York, the curve rose sharply before reaching over 170,000 total cases in April. This article was published way back in 2014. He died in hospital the next day. Most people went to the funeral. 500 rapes due to her captors’ Yakuza ties. However, a commonly cited figure of 10 million deaths was obtained by estimating a 50% decline in the total population during the Congo Free State and applying it to the total population of 10 million in 1924. She endured constant physical beatings included hits with golf clubs and bashing of face against cement floor. This is just gruesome. This is absolute sh*t. #2 makes me sad and I’m a guy. People like you need to get out of this world we don’t need any more sickos walking around. The assassin of the Dutch independence leader William I of Orange, Balthasar Gérard was captured after attempting to escape and sentenced to brutal torture. One of the audience members heard Deborah’s screams and notified park staff, although most people in the audience thought that Deborah’s death screams were all part of the show. As new cases and deaths slow, the curves level or bend down. Coroners say his blood pressure rose, causing him to have a heart attack. For some reason he stopped it for repairs. … 6. He was put in front of a fire, so the heat contracted the shoes and crushed his feet. I do not understand why people think 2013 and 2014 are the worst years in history because music, movies, and video games sucked when there were years with World Wars that killed millions of people. Having a ship mast rammed through its eye, ouch! Here are mine: 5: The Hydra's death in GoW 1. His skin and muscles slowly began to fall apart and his intestines began to melt. Stroke caused 128,978 deaths in the year 2013. One part was even found lying on the rig’s derrick, 10 metres (30 ft) directly above the chambers. Nails were inserted between his toes and fingers before he was finally executed days later. you should add the sylvia likens case. Junko Furuta. The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects which would eat and breed within his exposed flesh which, pursuant to interruption of the blood supply by burrowing insects became increasingly gangrenous. Kirwan swam out to the dog and attempted to take it to shore; he then disappeared underwater, let go of the dog, and tried to climb out of the pool. Much blood was involved. This gentleman was operating one of the machines that rolled the paper. Saturday, December 31, 2011 The Real Uchiha Well-Known Member. He was forced to sit on a smoldering iron throne, with a smoldering crown on his head whilst holding a heated sceptre in his hand – mocking his ambition to be king. His eyes opened and he lunged for one of the assassins to strangle him, so they shot him some more, this time he started to crawl away. He is an IT analyst, blogger, journalist, and a researcher for the truth behind strange stories. In New York, the curve rose sharply before reaching over 170,000 total cases in April. He sustained third-degree burns to 100% of his body, including his head, and died the following morning at a Salt Lake City hospital. Rescuers were unable to retrieve his body, which remains in the cave to this day. It was like magic to the guests who had no idea what was actually going on. KickassFacts - Fact Encyclopedia. Ratliff helped pull Kirwan out of the hot spring (resulting in second-degree burns to his own feet), and another visitor led Kirwan to the sidewalk as he reportedly muttered, “That was stupid. 10. 4: Theseus in GoW 2, which consisted of him being impaled by his staff, and then having his … 10 Worst Deaths in History 1. And the fifth-worst. All divers were exposed to the effects of explosive decompression. Once inside the only way to draw a breath was from a ‘trumpet-like’ tube that was attached to the bull’s mouth (on the inside). WIlliam Wallace was a leader during the Wars of Scottish Independence until he was captured and transported to London. Was this the time to shift the focus from cure to palliative care? So he went after the guys who poisoned him, and they stabbed him. If this was not enough, they placed nails between the flesh and nails of hands and feet. Breakdown: 1 million civilians on the wrong side of a blockade caused by a war of secession in Nigeria and 100,000 soldiers who died in that war.It starts as many sad stories do with precious beautiful oil. They fed her only cockroaches to eat, only her own urine to drink. I checked out the whole source for #2 … let me say this … i almost throw up and had some headaches after finishing reading the last words. The worst mass shooting in recent recorded history took place in Kenya on April 3, 2015. Japanese War Holocaust 1895-1945 We’re all real real impressed by your intimidating internet badassery. What two videogames would make a great game combined? The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing a severe bowel movement and diarrhea, and more honey would be poured on him to attract insects, with special attention devoted to the eyes, ears, mouth, genitals, and anus. Within 28 hours the rescuers tried to release him but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. All of his thoracic and abdominal organs, and even his thoracic spine, were ejected, as were all of his limbs. In some cases, the executioner would mix milk and honey and pour that mixture all over the victim. This list of United States disasters by death toll includes disasters that occurred either in the United States, at diplomatic missions of the United States, or incidents outside of the United States in which a number of U.S. citizens were killed.. Those who refused, about 3 or 4, were simply cut up which prompted the remaining rebels to do as commanded. The under-five mortality rate for the world is 39 deaths according to the World Bank and the World Health Organization. – Source, On July 8, 1974, nine days after the America Sings attraction opened in Disneyland, 18-year-old Disneyland cast member Deborah Gail Stone died when she was crushed between two walls of the building. What about the guy who worked at the tuna processing plant in CA and was fried to death? Found guilty of treason, Wallace was stripped naked and dragged through the streets of Westminster. In 1999, Japanese nuclear worker Hiroshi Ouchi got a deadly radiation dose when material he worked... 2. ‘Cause how you get there is the worthier part. The volunteers became increasingly angry at the noblemen and it soon became a rebellion of war and vengeance, spearheaded by Dózsa. Smoking—a modifiable risk factor—is far and away from the most common cause of lung cancer. And the fourth-worst. pretty similar to #2. You’ve been watching Rob Dyke’s Seriously Strange channel on YouTube, he covered every single on of these events. After his death, he was drawn and quartered. Junko Furuta was a 17-year-old Japanese teenager was kidnapped by a group of young men. That was a stupid thing I did.”, Kirwan was indeed in very bad shape. The United States remains the worst-hit country, with around a fifth of the two million global Covid-19 deaths, and Biden has made the fight against the pandemic his administration's top priority. Studying the cave in Utah, John was stuck in the hole facing upside down. If their deaths were instantaneous then how would they be one of the worst deaths ever? Really we are. In 1999, Japanese worker Hiroshi Ouchi received a deadly radiation dose when material he was working with became critical. Oct 2, 2016 219 Countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 111,430,830 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 that originated from Wuhan, China, and a death toll of 2,467,342 deaths.. For a more detailed list: New cases, critical condition, and recovered by Country Jones soon diverted from the route given and found himself crawling through a gap that was no bigger than 18 x 10 inches. A weight of 300 pounds was attached to his big toes for half an hour. Yessiree, you’re one baaaad man! This topic was sort of suggested by reader Chi, but this is specifically for saddest death that occurred in the pages of the main X-Men books (Uncanny, Adjectiveless, Morrison's New X-Men, X-Treme X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men, Amazing X-Men and Extraordinary x-Men). About 760,000 children die from diarrheal diseases each year. At least 2,328 new coronavirus deaths and 71,802 new cases were reported in the United States on Feb. 23. Kirwan and Ratliff rushed over to the pool to aid the terrified dog, and Kirwan’s attitude indicated he was about to go into the spring after it. Caesar would comment on his death by saying “Cato, I grudge you your death, as you would have grudged me the preservation of your life”. Deidara 4. While we are “very good at dealing with emergencies when they arise,” he says, “we are not so good at mitigating against disaster.” Jonathan says that though floods are damaging for our agriculture an… I think you should be checked out, ou sound deranged and dangerous! Here’s the list of top 5 countries with the most number of Covid-19 deaths: 1. Pol Pot was the leader of the communist movement in Cambodia. Deaths in 2017: 647,457 Percentage of total deaths: 23.5%; Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. A rescue effort was called and the emergency response worked for 28 hours in the hope of freeing him. That was the beginning of her 44 days of torture that led to her death. Alzheimer’s Disease. Jan 13, 2021. The victim’s breath’s soon turned to shrieks and screams but the clever design of the mouthpiece turned those shrieks into ‘bull-calls’. – Source, György Dózsa was a Hungarian rebel in the 1400s, who was eventually caught, tortured, and executed along with his followers. Fū and Torune. His words shocked the physicians and nurses in charge of his treatment. Top 5 Worst Disease Epidemics in History. 4: Theseus in GoW 2, which consisted of him being impaled by his staff, and then having his head continously smashed by a door. As a result, average life expectancy for African men is 58 years while for women is 61 years. They kept her... 3. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat are some of the states which are reporting the major chunk of the total tally. Kisame/ Hiruzen Worst Deaths: 1. Garissa University College Attack, Kenya, 2015. After this his wounds were smeared with honey, so a goat could lick it up (the goat didn’t cooperate though). SHARES. According to bystanders, several people tried to warn Kirwan off by yelling at him not to jump in, but he shouted “Like hell I won’t!” back at them, took two steps into the pool, and then dove head-first into the boiling spring. However, still intent on dying, Cato ripped apart his stitches and plucked out his bowels, dying shortly thereafter. Some of following unlucky folks were victims of torture and execution, while others died by their own hand. She did win but instead of releasing her they beat her with iron barbells and set her legs, arms, face and stomach alight after pouring lighter fluid on them. The number of lives claimed by illnesses over the last couple of years has been over a million deaths annually. Then entire town of 8000 was traumatized. – Source, The brazen bull was a hollow, life sized bronze bull that could fit a man inside of it. Horrifying deaths. John Jones has it worse then all of these people put together. – Source. Wallace’s head was dipped in tar and placed atop a pike on London Bridge. – Source, The intended victim was stripped naked and then firmly fastened within the interior space of two narrow rowing boats (or hollowed-out tree trunks) joined together one on top of the other with the head, hands and feet protruding. you disgust me. The individual would lie naked, covered from head to toe in milk, honey, and their own feces. That is terrible. Poor girl, rapists are absolutely sick bastards. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. He was emasculated and disemboweled – his dismembered organs burnt as he watched – before being beheaded and split into four parts. A narrow channel between a stationary wall and a rotating wall was open and Deborah was unfortunate enough to walk through this space as the rotating wall began to move. As his insides began to boil, a hot froth formed, burning his throat and slowly suffocating him. He would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. Grigori Rasputin. I wish I hadn’t come upon this site and list f**k you Google. (Moosie did not survive, either.) The inventor (Perillos) was roasted inside the bull by the guy he proposed the idea to (Phalaris), since he was so disgusted by Perillos’s idea to convert screams to bull-calls. How bad am I? I think the focus should’ve on accidental deaths because the other ones are just abusive and cruel. – Source, Junko Furuta was a 17-year-old Japanese teenager was kidnapped by a group of young men. I can’t recall this guys name but I remember the day it happened. He was forced to sleep with his hands and feet bound together. At the same time, his remains were thrust through the narrow gap in the chamber door, causing fragments of his body to be found all over the rig. The brazen bull was a popular attraction at parties. The top 5 worst deaths of the trilogy?! Why would you wish that on anyone? The 10 Worst Nazi Concentration Camps of WWII. Her corpse was found stuffed into a concrete filled barrel on a tract of reclaimed land in Kōtō, Tokyo. They challenged her to a game of Mahjong Solitaire and told her if she won they’d let her go. “And I’m a guy” as if normal guys wouldn’t feel bad for her? Some of following unlucky folks were victims of torture and execution, while others died by their own hand. Jan 16, 2021. He was blind, and when another park visitor tried to remove one of his shoes, his skin (which was already peeling everywhere) came off with it. “I can’t take it anymore. You sound like a sadistic monster yourself. The rescue workers were unable to remove his body due to the heat and had to listen to him scream as he slowly burnt to death. 5. There was rape and sodomy every day. 7. Even if a case could be made for persevering a bit longer, what purpose could possibly have been served by resuscitating him on the 59th day, after his heart stopped three times for a total of 49 minutes? Let them burn in hell. He was captured and condemned to sit on a heated smoldering iron throne with a heated iron crown on his head and a heated scepter in his hand (mocking at his ambition to be king). – Source. Delirium would typically set in after a few days. Death occurrence in the African continent is mainly due to diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and respiratory infections. He was then fitted with shoes far too small, only to be put in front of a fire. The annals of history have seen their fair share of horrendous deaths. The situation that happened with John Jones recalls that you should always be careful. His armpits were branded. Granted, they did worse to Kenny over the next five seasons, but that first death really made us all go, ''Oh my God, they killed Kenny!'' She’s estimated to have gone through approx. The remainder half burned skin was torn off. 25 Interesting Facts About English Language. you are sick! Top 10 Things About Adolf Hitler You Probably Didn’t Know. Here's the breakdown of the top five states where you're most likely to … He became wedged in, facing almost perfectly upside down. It was a slow, painful and presumably unpreventable death. They called for a physician who promptly sewed him back up. The under-five mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants and children under five years old per 1000 live births. His suffering continued for 3 months. Hiroshi Ouchi. He was fitted with well-oiled, too small shoes made of uncured dogskin. Here are the top five … It’s fun to read and all but what’s the piont, I was reading it because I was studying the “worst fate known to man”, yeah,that’s right i wish the same fate to my ex lesbian girlfriend. Aviation Top 5 Countries with the Most Fatal Plane Accidents. Fragments of his body were found scattered about the rig. Having a ship mast rammed through its eye, ouch! It had been found in the Niger delta where tensions were already high between the Eastern region (led by Ojukwu) and the rest of the country (governed by Yakubu). 5.3 million children under age five died in 2018, 14,722 every day.. Unfortunately for Cato, he was unsuccessful and stumbled out of bed, with his howls of pain alerting the servants. He was dressed in a shirt soaked in alcohol and they poured burning bacon fat over him. The US is known for being a hotbed for mass shootings, but some of the worst killings have actually taken place elsewhere in Africa, South Asia, and Europe. … I am not guinea pig”. Pol Pot (1.7 million deaths) Breakdown: Forced city folk to relocate to farms and forced them into hard labor. Projected deaths caused by lung and bronchus cancer in 2019: 142,670 Unfortunately, most people with lung cancer initially present with advanced disease and will eventually die of the disease. Unfortunately, he would see his death when climbing Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Here is an archive of all the past top five lists I've one over the years.. (3.85 million cases, 106,774 deaths) The UK’s high death toll is the result of a dangerously late lockdown, and an administration that was slow to grasp the seriousness of the pandemic. That’s nasty. 1. Wyoming was the worst, with 7.59 impaired driving deaths per 100,000 people, followed by South Carolina. Next, executioners removed hot pliers from fire and forced them into Dózsa’s skin. When he attempted to remove his shoe, his skin peeled off with it. Obito 2. A politician and statesman in the Roman Republic, Cato the Younger was a staunch opponent of Caesar. John Jones was a cave explorer who ventured into Nutty Putty Cave, Utah, along with eleven other people. György Dózsa was a soldier of fortune who was appointed to organise and lead a crusade against the Ottoman’s with an army made mostly of peasants. Subsequent investigation by forensic pathologists determined one of them was exposed to the highest pressure gradient, violently exploding due to the rapid and massive expansion of internal gases. User Info: the_superiorx2. They then thrashed him, tied him up, threw him in a sack, and threw the sack into the river. Minato and Kushina 5. A dummy agreement was signed between them called the “Aburi Accord”, but it meant nothing to either leader. London has been one of the worst affected regions. She was hung from the ceiling and used as boxing bag. To them it looked as if the bronze bull statue itself was making the noise in response to the fire beneath it. On her last day of custody, she begged for them to just kill her. Diarrheal disease is the second top cause of death in children younger than 5 years. A quick, albeit gruesome, death. He couldn’t even open his eyes because he had suffered 3rd degree burns to 100% of his body. He plunged into gallons of scalding hot water, reaching in excess of 148°C. At about 1:00 P.M. they parked their truck to get out and take a closer look at the hot springs; Moosie escaped from the truck, ran towards nearby Celestine Pool (a thermal spring whose water temperature has been measured at over 200°), jumped in, and began yelping. Surely the doctors should have been able to recognize very early that he could not be saved. This was a man whose chromosomes had been destroyed. Estimates of the death toll vary considerably because of the lack of a formal census before 1924. During the festive season of 2002, Sean Doyle fell down a manhole in New York City. He was exposed to so much radiation that even his chromosomes were destroyed. He attempted to “cleanse” the country and it resulted in the death of an estimated 1.7 to 2.5 million people. He was executed for the assassination of William I of Orange. … On 20 July 1981, 24-year-old David Allen Kirwan from La Canada, California, was driving through Yellowstone’s Fountain Paint Pot thermal area with his friend Ronald Ratliff and Ratliff’s dog Moosie. With pressure on his torso, Jones found it increasingly hard to breathe. – Source, He was poisoned, but he didn’t die. His armpits were branded, and boiling hot bacon fat was poured over his body. The that shocked me the most the one with Junko Frutuo. Zabuza and Haku 4. He was hung on a pole and lashed before a 150kg weight was attached to each of his toes for half an hour. According to the excerpt from the book; After suffering patiently for a week, Ouchi suddenly cracked. Here are mine: 5: The Hydra's death in GoW 1. After 10 days, he begged for death, shouting “I can’t take it anymore, I’m not a guinea pig”. I’m a guy, and your comment annoyed the heck out of me. Smoking—a modifiable risk factor—is far and away from the most common cause of lung cancer. Projected deaths caused by lung and bronchus cancer in 2019: 142,670 Unfortunately, most people with lung cancer initially present with advanced disease and will eventually die of the disease. Please don’t use Dean’s name while saying such repulsive things. – Source. In the end, Dózsa died on the throne of iron from the damage that was inflicted while the rebels who obeyed were let go without further harm. The US continues to the worst-affected country with the highest number of deaths so far, followed by Brazil and India.

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