should standardized testing be abolished

It also gives colleges data to compare applicants. Standardized testing should be abolished. If the test truly measured educational effectiveness and what the student has absorbed throughout learning, then training for these tests would be more direct. The SAT can be seen to have displayed evident bias towards minority groups from its very beginning. Why We Should Abolish Standardize Testing . I strongly believe that standardized testing is neither needed nor effective for the average student in the United States. There are many studies showing that there are many effects that are caused by these stress levels. US students slipped from being ranked 18th in the world in math in 2000 to 40th in 2015, and from 14th to 25th in science and from 15th to 24th in reading. This is at the center of the anti-testing argument, but the reasons and evidence used are varied. SHARE. testing is common in the United States education system. Standardized tests give teachers a structure of what needs to be taught. This helps keep classroom material consistent across the country. In recent years, colleges have been under fire for the many faults in their admissions process. The University of California Board has already unanimously voted to not require the SAT or ACT on student application as a lawsuit claims they are “deeply biased and provide no meaningful information about a student’s ability to succeed.”. Because of this anxiety, they may do so poorly on tests just out of fear. by Brett Henebery 28 Nov 2016. The lowest scores of standarized testing has been in Florida. Rather, the tutor is focussed more on teaching the student the ins and outs, the nooks and crannies, of the test. Ask any teacher and she can tell you which students can read and write. What if I told you the inventor of an idea or product said his invention or concept shouldn’t be used anymore? Thomas Connolly is a senior at Stamford High School and is proud to be the 2019- 2020 opinions editor. There are many students who face heightened stress when it comes to testing. Home — Essay Samples — Education — Standardized Testing — Standardized Testing Should Be Abolished in American Schools This essay has been submitted by a student. Standardized Tests Should Be Eliminated from School A standardized test can be described as one that is given in a similar manner to all individuals to which the test is administered to and is graded on a previously agreed upon basis. Maybe standardized testing shouldn’t be so standardized. A Proposal To End Standardized Testing. As the tests pile up, the answer to a seemingly simple question continues to evade parents and students alike: is standardized testing even effective and accurate? MCPS releases “Return to R.A.I.S.E.” in-person athletics plan. These factors matter way more than unfair tests. Standardized testing is just a way for the state to evaluate how schools are doing based on student scores. The pros and cons have been weighted heavily by parents and educators alike—with many left wondering whether or not implementing testing standards … Below well discuss some of the benefits of standardized assessments, as well as some of the ways standardised assessments can be negative for students. In theory, standardized testing is a pragmatic way to assess what one has learned; however, it does not take into consideration external factors and conditions that may affect the way a student tests. Kelly states, “T, hese tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.”. Therefore, standardized testing should be formally put to an end. Teachers may start teaching "for the test" and … Pros Cons Standardized tests do not accurately reflect the abilities of students. Whether it be because of legacy students or huge family donations to a school, wealth and power play a vital part in the game that is the college admissions system. According to Fair Test research, students of color performed significantly lower on college admissions tests, preventing them from getting the merit scholarships they needed to attend a good college, thereby contributing to the drastic racial gaps and inequities in college acceptances and enrollment. Well, it is my belief that we should do away with standardized tests because standardized testing has been proven to not improve student achievement, standardized tests are not reliable as a form of student measurement, and America is currently facing a creativity crisis while standardized testing and the common core curriculum “dumb down” the younger students of … The scandal is one of the most recent proofs of how college admissions is an unfair playing field. High stakes testing has become the norm in schools since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, mandating that students pass standardized exams to move up in grade or graduate from high school. One test should not be the determining factor of a student’s college preparedness or intellect, especially when the origins of college admissions testing are inherently discriminatory towards marginalized communities. Kelly states, “These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.”. The SAT/ACT should be abolished completely, and in the meantime, more colleges should join the growing test-optional submission process. Around the world, some countries, including Finland and Wales in the UK, have moved away from this kind of testing to accommodate a … Psychologist Carl Bringham, who claimed that African-Americans “were on the low end of the racial, ethnic, and/or cultural spectrum,” was one of the main developers of a test used to assess the aptitude of U.S army in World War I that segregated soldiers into units based on race and performance. Thomas is on the varsity lacrosse team, a member of the National Honor Society, a mentor in the Leadership Academy, a tutor, and an avid volunteer in Stamford. A new study from the National Association for College Admission Counseling provides evidence that test-optional policies ― a variety of policies that allow students not to submit scores on standardized tests like the SAT or GRE during the admissions process ― can help colleges improve their diversity without sacrificing academic quality. Standardised testing,like the infamous beep test should only be use as a rough gauge in school rather than a deciding factor of ability to excel in academia (aka should not be used to see if a student is fit for university) because it encourages a non-growth mindset and does not encourage people to improve. Standardized testing is one of the many ways systemic racism still exists in society. You can contact him at, Melina Perez on Because these exams are so imperative in the world of education, it actually hinders the learning experience as people start “teaching the test” instead of fostering a challenging and critical learning environment. Article by Kristal Maimo-Fokum of John F. Kennedy High School, Graphic by Khanh Nguyen of Richard Montgomery High School. That’s the big question, there are good arguments on both sides, however, many people lean toward it being abolished. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”, One Response to “Standardized Testing Should Be Abolished”. Failures in the … Standardized testing should be abolished because students are failing these standardized tests because of the teachers who are bad at test-based teachings. Taking the SAT/ACT does not give students much if a voice when it comes to applying for colleges. Regardless of the diversity of opinion, there are some common arguments for and against standardized testing in the … The Case for Abolishing Standardized Tests Jared Rodriguez / Truthout A lawsuit is taking on the University of California system’s use of the SAT and ACT standardized tests in admissions. Standardized testing should not have so much weight put on them because they have a negative impact on effective education, students’ self-concept, and learning styles. Standardized testing is the latest component of the college admissions process to be criticized as it has proven to be an outdated and inaccurate assessment of one’s level of college preparedness. Proponents of standardized tests argue that this is simply a method, and if used properly, it can Standardized testing makes each school and educator more accountable for the way they teach their students. standardized testing should be abolished! Tests lack diversity, and they do not take into consideration the different types of students that will be taking the test. read petition letter Standarized testing has been going on all around the world in many countries. Standardized testing has only created a bunch of anxious students and teachers scrambling to master a test that they most likely will not find use for in the “real world.”. Some may argue that these low scores for people of color are a result of lack of commitment, a racist viewpoint, or incompetence. As a result, the big, ugly and oppressive number they receive determines a student’s self-worth, intelligence and their being as a whole. While the majority of universities are only suspending test requirements for … January 11th, 2021 12:24 pm. The standardized tests are often criticized because of their subjectivity. To illustrate, “although testing may be stressful for some students, testing is a normal and expected way of assessing what students have learned,” the U.S. Department of Education said. Lastly, standardized tests should be kept in schools because students do not get too stressed out over standardized tests. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Looking at the larger picture, many high school students are not test-takers and the idea of determining a student’s academic capability through only one test is unethical and much too challenging a demand. However, a lot of other factors play a role in the different performances between races. With the cancellations of standardized tests and the closure of testing facilities, over 50% of universities in the United States have made the ACT and SAT optional for the 2020-21 admission cycle. One of the first things many tutors and teachers say to their students when preparing them for their upcoming test is that the SAT and the ACT are not measures of your intellectual abilities; they measure your ability to take a test. What do college admissions officers gain from knowing how well you can take a test? … Test scores can negatively impact students' confidence. Standardized tests have been a part of American education since the mid-1800s. If you want a picture to show with your comment, go get a gravatar. Standardized testing is an outdated, inaccurate and unrealistic test of aptitude that does more detriment to the high school learning experience than help. The SAT/ACT should be abolished completely, and in the meantime, more colleges should join the growing test-optional submission process. I strongly believe that standardized testing is neither needed nor effective for the average student in the United States. Learn how your comment data is processed. Good schools know how every student is doing in every subject every day. Moreover, former students should be on the panel that designs the tests. Many people say standardized testing provides an accurate measurement of student performance and teacher effectiveness. It prevents subjective grading. Brexit: Why did it happen and how will it impact the U.S. economy? To do this,  teachers and tutors simply teach the common traps and tricks of the standardized test, as this is the most efficient way to increase scores. Well, that is exactly the case with Frederick J. Kelly, the man who invented standardized tests (and no relation to the Fredrick Kelley who teaches English right here at SHS). 10 Reasons the Boy Scouts Should Not Admit Girls. Standardized tests can help identify problem areas in individual students, as well as schools and curriculums. English learning students, unconventional thinkers, students with anxiety and simply bad test takers all suffer because they assess students homogeneously. Opinion: Standardized Testing Should Be Abolished By The MoCo Student / October 10, 2020 In recent years, colleges have been under fire for the many faults in their admissions process. Should Standardized Tests be Abolished from the School Educational System in America? I strongly believe the standardized tests should be abolished because they do not truly measure a person’s ability to do well in college. … The SAT and the ACT play a huge role when it comes to determining college admissions and who will get into certain UC’s. When a student gets tutored for the SAT/ACT, they hope to increase their score. While these scores do act as a comparison for college applicants, there are many, more accurate categories to evaluate the applicants. Tel: +1-650-344-3898 | Fax: +1-888-256-8883 | Email: | | | LOG IN Should Standardized Testing be abolished? Some colleges are trying to become more flexible and more test-optional, despite that doesn’t equal to how these standardized achievement tests should not be used to judge the quality of individuals’ education levels. Years of research prove that even as the test evolved throughout the decades, the race and class barriers that the test inflicted withstood throughout the span of time. Ask any teacher and she can tell you which students can read and write. That telling usually comes in the form of letter grades or evaluation breakdowns.” Students should be judged on their quarter grades since freshman year, as well as their out of school achievements, and their extracurricular activities. Standardized testing acts as an extremely poor tool for measuring academic progress in the educational system on a state and national level. There are so many better ways to measure learning, and if there were no … Schools which are forced to give standardized tests are limited in how they can change from the standard curriculum and from standard school models. Well, that is exactly the case with Frederick J. Kelly, the man who invented standardized tests (and no relation to the Fredrick Kelley who teaches English right here at SHS). this was a great source it helped me with my essay. by: Suri M; recipient: U.S President; My goal is to get the united states president or anyone that has to do with the standardized testing to realize why we should lead an end to it. Taking the SAT/ACT does not give students much if a voice when it comes to applying for colleges. Do you feel safe attending SHS in person this year? Their use skyrocketed after 2002’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandated annual testing in all 50 states. While these scores do act as a comparison for college applicants, there are many, more accurate categories to evaluate the applicants. Opinion: Standardized Testing Should Be Abolished, Pro/Con: Harry Styles’ Dress Vogue Cover and Gender Norms, Opinion: The Mute Button is a Vital Tool for Online Learning, A Take on the Ivy League Admissions Process. It provides guidelines for curriculum. This testing causes severe stress among younger students. Students are forced to take long, high-stakes tests that claim to assess their knowledge of a specific topic. Students are forced to take long, high-stakes tests that claim to assess their knowledge of a specific topic. We should all learn from Finland where there are no mandated standardized tests, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. According to the National Education Association (NEA), many white Anglo-Saxon nationalists in the 19th Century were worried about the infiltration of minorities into the American school system as more immigrants came into the U.S. Furthermore, college admissions officers and administration at the high school level need to be more aware of the stress this puts on students. Although standardized testing has been a major part of schooling it has also had a negative impact on effective education. Those who oppose testing believe that neither the SAT nor the ACT fulfills this purpose. Please keep in mind as well that my opponent asked me to change my argument from the SAT exclusively, to standardized testing in general. One would think to increase a student’s writing section score, teachers would teach common writing errors, and to increase a student’s math score, a math teacher would teach the student math. Black and brown students often come from lower-income families compared to their white counterparts, preventing them from being able to afford private tutors and SAT and ACT classes. Abby Guttman and Thomas ConnollyMarch 6, 2020, What if I told you the inventor of an idea or product said his invention or concept shouldn’t be used anymore? Every year, juniors and seniors in high schools across the country take a test that will determine a path for the rest of their lives. The teachers are teaching them test when they don't want to they say they feel accused of teaching this. They don't feel this gives students what they need. The official twitter of the SHS Round Table. SHS to Host “Black is Beautiful” Virtual Panel Thursday, 10 Things You Must Know About Getting Into College Event, Student opportunity to discuss 21-22 SPS budget, © 2021 • Advertise • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in. In addition, the University of Arkansas, in a November … The average score nationwide on the reading section of the SAT was 429 for Black students last year–99 points behind the average for white students. These tests are products of a company named “College Board.” College Board has a monopoly in the standardized test market because in order to apply to decent colleges, … They even claim that it creates more problems than it solves. Others say such a one-size-fits-all approach to assessing academic achievement can be inflexible or even biased. Standardized testing is common in the United States education system. It creates a huge barrier preventing applicants of color from achieving the education they deserve and perpetuates the prejudiced conditions that they live under today. Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing. Mr. or Madam President, … The standardized test issues have always been one of the most important issues in the educational system of a country. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Once the test has been failed once, the person gives up. Ben Weckstein, an Admissions Counselor at Loyola Maryland, a test-optional college, states, “We believe in the importance of what you have accomplished over the last four years as opposed to the four hours on a random Saturday.” A student’s diligence throughout his/her years in high school both inside and outside of the classroom should be considered more than one test – especially a test that is a poor measure of educational quality. Standardized tests are unnecessary because they rarely show what we don’t already know. Standardized testing should be abolished. Today’s schooling depends heavily on the test scores from standardized test. I think … Where exactly did standardized testing originate from? However, since the SAT/ACT doesn’t actually measure educational effectiveness, this is not the tutor’s focus to increase students’ scores. To further these points, the character of a student is more important than if they get a perfect score in the math section. As the tests pile up, the answer to a seemingly simple question continues to evade parents and students alike: is standardized testing even effective and accurate? No one should focus on their results from such assessments. It also may be necessary to alter the SAT/ACT from state to state, or even from school to school. However, most teachers I know say that they are often merely teaching to the test, hoping their students will do well so it reflects back well on them as teachers. This point proven by tutors and teachers. Standardized tests are not an accurate representation of a student’s abilities and they lack reliability. In the words of Albert Einstein, “Everyone is a genius. It also may be necessary to alter the SAT/ACT from state to state, or even from school to school. The earliest form of American standardized testing came … Imagine the faces of kids when they do the STAAR test. The underlying factor is that students’ scores on these tests don’t provide an accurate example of educational effectiveness. Yes Standardized Test should be eliminated. That would involve a three-step process: 1. Report Post. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. To curtail or end standardized testing, states could verify that good systems have more than adequate student performance data. After all, all students learn different material and absorb it in different ways. … The 2019 college admissions scandal was a criminal conspiracy involving bribery, money laundering and application fabrication, with notable people such as Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin, that worked to sway admissions decisions at the top universities in America. “What’s in a Name?” Richard Montgomery High School has a Tough Time Answering this Question, Justice Ginsburg’s Passing Leaves A Nation With Both an Intense Political Battle and an Unparalleled Legacy, Pandemic-Era Chinese New Year Celebrations, MCPS Superintendent Announces His Retirement. They have been used to grade pupils in schools all over the country and have been responsible for the way that a society view an individual’s potential … This has inspired many other schools like George Washington University and Hampshire College to follow their lead. They are nervous that they are not going to pass and going to the next grade. Clearly, the SAT only measures how good you are at the SAT. There are times when a standardized test might be helpful, such as placing someone in a particular class or subject. Does Montgomery County Need to Do More to Prevent Coyote Attacks? Standardized tests are mostly worthless, they measure a student’s aptitude in a narrow range of content matter on one day of their lives; yet somehow it determines school districting, capital flow, and quality of a public school.

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