john leary refuges

When your lives are in danger, My angels will lead you to the safety of My refuges. La Semence est le Verbe de Dieu. Ces gens, qui entendent Ma Parole et dont les attraits de renomée et de richesse étouffent la foi, sont les gens qui sont comme la semence qui tombe parmi les épines. Ce traitement fut même retenu des patients car les les gens du monde uni veulent que les gens soient apeurés de prendre des vaccins qui pourraient les tuer. You need to have some alternative heating means if your natural gas burner does not work. Amen. –around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. satan is always the one trying to draw us into the past or the future, but never the present moment. The refuge angel will not allow any person without a cross to enter a refuge. Friday, January 22, 2021 7:00pm – 10:30pm (EST time-zone) Zoom Confe... rence 7:00 p.m. John and Carol Leary with Nilda Rodriguez translating Topic: John and Carol Leary talk (about refuges and latest heavenly messages) Time: January 22, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Note: Out of respect for others, please MUTE your device once you enter the meeting, so other … Vous devrez être prudents avec la neige tourbillonante qui pourrait recouvrir votre tuyau d’échappement de la chaleur. Soyez donc patients car J’enverrai Mes anges pour protéger votre pays et vos refuges. Concentrez-vous à Me plaire et à répandre la foi parmi les gens. John Leary who lives near Rochester, New York, has allegedly been receiving messages from a variety of spiritual sources since his trip to Medjugorje in 1993. La Chine réclame que la Sud de la Mer de la Chine leur appartient. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you as you leave your house, and you will not return. Trust in My words as you will soon be seeing My victory.”, Mercredi, le 27 janvier, 2021 I also told you that the Warning would come in a time of chaos when you will need to come to your refuge. My angels and I will provide for all of your needs at My refuges.”, Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how My people need to have faith in Me that I can perform miracles for your needs. Where are the Refuges / Safe Havens? Si nécessaire, vous viendrez éventuellement à Mes refuges de protection et de guérison de ces maladies créées dans les laboratoires. 1 Reply Good Afternoon Disciples of Jesus . Vous pouvez aussi aider à évangéliser les pécheurs afin qu’ils changent leurs mauvaises habitudes. What Is The Gospel? Après l’Avertissement et le temps de conversion, vous devrez venir à Mes refuges de protection où Mes anges vous protègeront pendant la tribulation. Leary has compiled these messages into public talks along with thirteen published volumes entitled, Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Coming Era of Peace. Jesus said: “My people, you are aware not to look at the black eyes of the Antichrist because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him instead of Me. Amen. First take a look at what sins you tell in Confession so you know some places to start improving. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Friday, February 12, 2021: They are also stealing your free speech and that is why this program was shut down. Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you water flowing in a river which is needed for your bodies to survive. Ceci démontre combien sont vilains les Démocrates qui tentent de mettre en accusation un Président hors de pouvoir ce qui va contre la Constitution. N.B. What's New; About. Have no fear because I will protect My faithful in My ark of refuges. They do not want you to worship Me, and they do not want you to have guns. Vous pouvez contribuer à votre Étagère de Nourriture (Food Shelf) ou autres organisations valables. You are also seeing the filth of your deep state people clogging up your sewer making it into the deep swamp that causes such a stink. Who Is Jesus Christ? New Prophetic Messages to John Leary for January 18th and 20th, 2021! I then came as a God-man to bring salvation to all sinners. », Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, ce Green New Deal de la part des Démocrates tente de retirer vos combustibles de fossile qui actionnent votre économie et pourvoient des millions d’emplois. (Présentation du Seigneur dans le Temple), Jésus a dit : « Mon peuple, la nouvelle vie en un bébé est quelque chose de magnifique, et la coutume de Ma circoncision est maintenant devenue Mon sacrement du Baptême pour ceux qui reçoivent Mon don de la foi. Does God Exist? Le deuxième virus réagira avec le vaccin et pourrait aussi tuer plusieurs personnes. Pray that your people will be safe from freezing.”, Jesus said: “My people, as Lent is coming, you could make donations of food or money to your local food shelf. Your money and possessions will be taken over by UN troops. Fr. There appears to be a lack of 17 Republican votes to pass this impeachment in the Senate. The roses that were fresh, are now faded and dead, and this represents the unborn babies who were killed by abortion. Priests / Christian Ministers – See “FOR CLERGY” links (gold stars) as a starting point below. Je leur ai donné le pouvoir de guérir les gens, et même le pouvoir de chasser les démons en Mon Nom. As you made a path through the snow, so I am showing you a path through life. When the people first come to your refuge, you will need to calm them down with your counselors. Your President Biden has the same plans for America’s takeover. I, “a soul”, know that many people are concerned about the Great Tribulation and where the closest Refuge / Safe Haven might be located to them. Comme ils occupent Ma place sur terre, les démons les tourmentent constamment pour qu’ils renoncent à leur vocation. Les virus des vaccins ont même actuellement causé de pires symptômes, et même la mort pour ceux qui en ont pris. Your country would have immediate problems and chaos without your electricity. You will need to be patient before I will bring My justice down on the filthy cheating in your 2020 election by the Democrats. In My first creation Adam and Eve sinned and I had to send them out of the Garden of Eden. Les gens mourraient parce que leurs systèmes immunitaires ont réagi au virus et ceci a tué certaines personnes. About John; FAQ's for John; FAQ's for Webmaster; FAQ's for Refuges; Messages. So, please, do not have any fears, anxieties, or worries, about the future and the time of traveling to the Refuges. My refuges will not only be a place of protection with My angels, but they will also be a place of healing. What Is The Gospel? –around our children, our relatives, our friends. So do not try to guess because you will be wrong. JOHN LEARY - LES REFUGES DE PROTECTION PENDANT LA TRIBULATION ! Soyez patients car J’apporterai Ma justice contre ces malins. Réjouissez-vous en partageant cette nouvelle vie lors de chaque naissance. Trust is a barometer of love in our hearts for God and His Divine Will. Je vais continuer de prier pour ma famille, et je remercie toute ma famille et amis qui êtes venus pour ma funéraille. JOHN LEARY - LES REFUGES ! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Richard C. is in the bottom of purgatory at the lowest level, and it was the grace of this Mass that kept him out of hell. Lors du rite du Baptême vous reniez aussi le diable et toutes ses tentations, et vous Me priez de vous protéger des démons. You need to pray for the unity of your country that the Democrats are denying by their own actions.”, Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a very cold forecast along with more snow. And of course, hell — although the suffering is eternal, the damned souls are locked still into time, being constantly restless, never achieving peace in the present moment because they chose against God who dwells in the present moment. Le fait que certains sont malades ou meurent après avoir reçu le vaccin, vous démontre la raison pour ne pas prendre ce vaccin du virus. Please understand that the Lord has indicated to Prophet John Leary and other chosen messengers, that He does NOT want His beloved children to know where the Refuges are located: (1) Because the Lord does not want His beloved children to go to them prematurely; and (2) Because the Lord may send you to a different Refuge than the nearest one to your home. –around all military, around jails, around places of torture or abuse. Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various groups as nurses and first responders who are being forced to take this experimental virus vaccine. Prophet John Leary – Messages On The Refuges Be Pro-Life – The Miracle Of Life Free eBooks – By A Soul How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On … The messages are detailed in thirteen volumes, published as Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Coming Era of Peace.. In life you need to plow through your distractions so you can keep your focus on the One who loves you and cares for you. You will be coming into Lent soon and My people need to cleanse their filthy sins from their souls in Confession. You will call on Me and your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. America is one of the last places of freedom under your Constitution. Je remercie le Seigneur qu’ils voient la Lumière de Dieu. Refusez donc de prendre ces vaccins à particules nanos car ils sont plus meurtriers que le virus. If John Leary did not believe these past messages about John Paul II going into exile and about an evil Antipope as his immediate successor, then he could easily have taken the messages off of his website, or at least have issued Many people like to “plan out their lives” and having knowledge is key to that. », (Messe de Funéraille pour Jeanette Dilorenzo) The monks are giving you an example of how to pray in a holy life.

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