is tortoise urine dangerous to humans

The same thing is also … BTW, tortoises frequently empty their auxilliary bladders when picked up. It can cause irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes of the upper airways and gastrointestinal tract. The infection is spread through contact with urine of animals carrying the bacterium. no..its my comments..u can ask it form ur doc.. What do you think of the answers? My tween found clutch of frog eggs in a soon to dry out puddle in the field next to our house. The most common type of E. coli infection that causes illness in people is called E. coli O157, which produces a toxin known as Shiga-toxin. Contact with the sap may cause burning, swelling and pain. When they feel stressed, they release a musky odor from behind their legs. In the 17th century, Francesco Redi performed an experiment that involved removing the brain of a land tortoise, which then proceeded to live six months. Rabbit urine can be harmful to humans as it can carry spores of a harmful microorganism known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi. When these bacteria affect the food or water supply of humans, it can infect the digestive systems of people. Some of them are categorized under endangered species. There are several ways to eliminate cat urine odor permanently, and it's up to you to choose the best method. Tortoise Table UK; Dangerous plants for animals Please note that many of the plants on 'dangerous plant lists' get listed because they are known to be dangerous to humans, cats, dogs, birds, horses, cattle, etc. Use your own best judgment in applying them to your pets. My tween found clutch of frog eggs in a soon to dry out puddle in the field next to our house. These plants contain irritating substances known as oxalate salts. It is not poisonous but I wouldn't drink it. Human being can be generally easy to be identified as a species that have fingerprints on each individual. None of those statements are completely accurate. BTW, tortoises frequently empty their auxilliary bladders when picked up. Tortoises often don’t appear to know which foods are good to eat and which are not, and there is some evidence of tortoises dying after eating plants such as Buttercups, Daffodils and Foxgloves, which are considered poisonous. Young children and developmentally disabled persons require supervision near tortoise enclosures since they maybe more likely to touch feces or urine-marked areas and later touch their eyes or mouth. To quote the Graduate, “I just want to say one word to you. no it is uric acid but it won't burn or poison you, it does smell abit as it is so concentrate but not harmful. They pee pretty often and its completely harmless although it does have a smell to it. no... neither it is poisonous... nor harmful to humans... not at all...whre u get these thought......have u had taste of it ...haa. Your cat can quite innocently cause some trouble during your pregnancy. At most, they may smell musty or just have an outdoorsy, musky smell. This protozoan can be passed to a human in … How long does it take a sulcata to get … Bacterial … Yes, tortoises are dangerous to human beings. Are you listening? Plastics.” [tweetthis]Is the #BPA found in #plastics dangerous to our #health? They are a danger to turtles and tortoises because they will chew on any part of the animal they can get to. He loves it - a fix or just toss.? is pippin a good name for a baby female python? Therefore, it is possible, with proper equipment and practices to handle and take in a wild mouse. Neither do they know whether we have used weed killers, fertilisers, or pesticides such as rat poison, in areas where they are allowed to roam and graze. Both species have the potential to be very dangerous animals. Transmission mostly occurs by coming into contact with feces, urine or the inhalation of dust. This contact can occur directly through cuts and scratches on your body or through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes. Even though not every tortoise … its not poisonous as such but tortoises and reptiles in general can carry the salmonella bacteria so that could make you quite ill. that said if you assume basic hygiene then you will be ok. iv dealt with reptiles for 28 years and have never contacted any illness from them. Redfoottortoise.Com; Russian Tortoise.Org But keep in mind that pets can bring more than fun into your home—they bring in diseases that can be dangerous to both you and the fetus. For health and safety, it is best to assume all reptiles and amphibians carry salmonella on their skin, scales, shells, or in their excrement. 1) My turtle / tortoise's droppings / urine is white!What does this mean and what should I do? One area of research focuses on how regular contact with plastic might harm the human body, especially because people unknowingly ingest plastic practically every day. It discourages some predators -- and people. Kidney problems can also occur in younger animals though if they are given a diet too high in protein, which puts a strain on the kidneys. As with all things, this is much … … However, there are some kinds of E. coli that are harmful and can cause disease. How worthwhile is heart treatment in India. Is the urine of tortoise poisonous and harmful to human beings? They will also lose their appetite and have sunken eyes, thickened urine, dry feces, and dry, flaking skin. Leptospirosis (Leptospira … The normal waste product for protein metabolism is ammonia. The smell of koala is described as similar with urine. Again, pet urine odor becomes potentially hazardous when you leave it untreated for long periods of time. Air Pollution. Tortoises are a desert species, so water conservation is a large part of their physiology as they have adpapted to their arid environment. Still have questions? Cat feces can contain a microscopic protozoan (a very tiny organism) called Toxoplasma gondii. My YBS turtle basking platform is peeling and turning the water green. The majority of people with Leptospirosis have a flu-like illness, with a … In the last decade or so, as the tortoise population begins to recover its numbers, individual tortoises are beginning to show up along the eastern edge of the highlands, entering … Tortoises are prone to intestinal parasites and if this has been a problem in the past it is a good plan to have your animal wormed twice a year, once before hibernation and again when it wakes up. 3) I live in an apartment and just saw / bought the cutest baby sulcata - what can I expect from him? When the manure is burned at poultry plants, the toxins that are present in the manure are released into the air in the form of … Observe for problems in swallowing and breathing, and increased drooling. The species is part of the illegal international trade in pets, and some Mexican beaded lizards are sold to pet distributors in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Tortoises and dogs do not mix. It has now been observed that these species of the reptiles’ family have been acquiring various bacterial infections. Shiga-toxin … It is not poisonous but I wouldn't drink it. They pee pretty often and its completely harmless although it does have a smell to it. she saved them, what to do next, advice? How worthwhile is heart treatment in India? A stinky tortoise could be a sign of infection or illness. If I need guns to shoot gators and Florida passes a law that bans guns, what do I do? The bacteria can also get into water or soil which and survive there for weeks to months. no it is uric acid but it won't burn or poison you, it does smell abit as it is so concentrate but not harmful. Tortoise poo is very toxic because tortoise's carry their urine for long epriods of time because the urine is actually a back plan in case theirs no water to be found. Precautions. They pee pretty often and its completely harmless although it does have a smell to it. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. 1. Taxoplasmosis in Cats. It discourages some predators -- and people. The following symptoms appeared in humans hours following ingestion: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, convulsions, coma, and persistent memory loss. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Though infections are rare in healthy humans, this disease is zoonotic and can be caught by … Were you planning to? But still, when handling tortoises feces and urine, or cleaning their enclosure, wear gloves and a face mask. Initially, be sure to remove any remaining parts of the plant from the mouth. koala facts – Human Fingerprint. 2) My turtle / tortoise hatched 3 days ago and still has not eaten - what should I do? It may be tempting to rescue a snapping turtle found on a road by getting it to bite a stick and then dragging it out of immediate danger. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacteria that normally is an important part of the healthy intestinal tracts of humans and animals. Just one word. However, their enclosures can sometimes become breeding grounds for bacteria and other odor-causing organisms if you don’t clean them well enough. They can recycle water from their bladder into their system when they do not have access to drinking water. I used to have a job at a local zoo feeding the tortoises. Get your answers by asking now. Not at all. This is not a procedure that is really possible for a layman to undertake so it will need a trip to the vet. I used to have a job at a local zoo feeding the tortoises. Were you planning to? Freshwater tortoises, when subjected to the same experiment, continued similarly, but did not live so long. no... neither it is poisonous... nor harmful to humans... not at all...whre u get these thought......have u had taste of it ...haa. | Despite one sketchy documented case, these rumors appear … its not poisonous as such but tortoises and reptiles in general can carry the salmonella bacteria so that could make you quite ill. that said if you assume basic hygiene then you will be ok. iv dealt with reptiles for 28 years and have never contacted any illness from them. Unlike human hookworms, dog hookworms don’t survive in an infected person, so symptoms typically resolve within 4-6 weeks without medical treatment. More Information. 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Tortoises kept in front and easily accessible side yards are enticing to unscrupulous members of a two legged species: many tortoises have been spirited out of their yards by humans. no..its my comments..u can ask it form ur doc.. How do you think about the answers? Endoparasites in tortoises. Tortoises live for a very long time and so their kidneys can degenerate through ages, just as can happen in humans. There have been quite a few cases where snapping turtles have attacked humans that have … Dangers in the Home and Garden. While all urine contains bacteria, the number and types of bacteria are different in a person with an infection. It is always unwise to leave tortoises … For many decades, the relatively small tortoise population lived only in the eastern, uninhabited portion of the island. Saying all tortoises have salmonella is like saying that all dogs have fleas or that all people have dandruff. Kobe logo? More importantly, understanding the dangers of cat urine can help you protect yourself and your family from possible health hazards. If I need guns to shoot gators and Florida passes a law that bans guns, what do I do? Still have questions? Turtles and tortoises are a species of reptiles characterized by cartilaginous or bony shells that also acts as their shield. Its bite is painful; however, no confirmed human fatalities associated with this species have been reported. Tortoise-human interactions and conflicts on San Cristóbal are relatively recent. Treatment:Rinse mouth, and if contact with skin, wash with soap and water. We all go to great lengths to ensure that our tortoises have a good diet, UVB light, and a good enclosure, but we also need to continually remind ourselves of potential risks in the home and in our gardens to the health and safety of our tortoises. Also check for irritation and swelling of mouth, lips, and tongue. Tortoises convert this ammonia to uric acid, which is less toxic to the bladder wall, and lets them hold water in their bladder for long periods of time. Snappers can stretch their necks back across their own carapace and to their hind feet on either side to bite. Some worming products are toxic to tortoises … Not all tortoises carry salmonella but they are all likely to carry it. I used to have a job at a local zoo feeding the tortoises. The uric acid which is a waste product of the protein metabolism can accumulate in the kidneys and joints, causing pain to the tortoise … 2. Is this a common problem? What should I do about my Bearded Dragon.n. Lifting the turtle with the hands is difficult and dangerous. If any symptoms of abnormal behavior or signs of irritation in the mouth occur, seek prompt medical attention. Parasites like worms that infect tortoises and other domesticated pets cannot harm humans because we have a different physiology from tortoises. Each year … These infections are treated with medication to kill the hookworm (anthelmintics). Precautions may take three forms, subsurface barriers, surface barriers and deterrents. Many of them are not actually proven to be dangerous to reptiles or tortoises specifically. What do normal droppings look like and how often is "normal"? If the uric acid builds … Not at all. Human Fingerprint. Make sure all fencing is secure, both to prevent the tortoise from barging through it or digging under it, and to prevent unwanted visitors from coming in or accidentally letting them out. A tortoise who is suffering from dehydration will be underweight, lethargic, and inactive. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Rarely, the hookworm can migrate to the intestines to cause inflammation in the intestines. Note that the treatments recommended are for humans. So, if you really want to hold them in your arms, you might need a face mask. These plants contain irritating … Tortoises do not smell bad and they don’t have much of a natural odour. Tortoises (/ ˈ t ɔːr. As you can see, a lot of the diseases range in order of their danger to humans. It can easily do the same to a human’s body parts. The Energy Justice Network states that another concern involving chicken manure is the air pollution the manure can cause. A few of the most important are: 1. The best that can be hoped for is to protect against the opportunistic ones. Oxalates. … The test involves capturing midstream urine, or urine collected after a small amount of urination has flushed the urethra. You can sign in to vote the answer. Tortoises need regular access to a dish of fresh water, in addition to forced soaks, or baths, to maintain proper hydration. A friend recently asked me if rabbit urine was dangerous to humans, I didn’t know the answer so I decided to do a little research, here’s what I found out. Metaldehyde is also moderately toxic by inhalation. A negative bacteria test for urine is any number less than 100,000 colony-forming bacteria per milliliter of urine, which is far from sterile. The science doesn’t look … Especially, for the children they will cause harm and diseases as from their body a solution named to be as Salmonella has been secreted which will be much harmful for the children. The waste from tortoises should be considered dangerous to humans and pets because tortoises (as with turtles in general) carry Salmonella bacteria. Get answers by asking now. The mature koala will use this foul odor to marking their territory. One NBA star wants it to happen. The Alligator snapping turtle can weight anywhere up to 300 pounds and some have even been documented to bite right through objects such as brooms and hockey sticks. The candiru is a tiny fish that induces fear in many people because it’s been rumored about that it’s attracted to human urine and can swim up someone's stream of urine into their urethra and cause severe pain and infection. is pippin a good name for a baby female python?

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